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By Tom Fairbanks (ISA)
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Cache Collision Part 9: Ambushed!

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Kali had received a special assignment to retrieve some artifacts and was given specific instructions and directions on how and where to retrieve them. Kali asked me to arrange the necessary permissions and I received acknowledgement that the assignment was a go. Shortly afterward and unbeknownst to me, Kali had received different instructions from another party suggesting the new directions would make the assignment easier. When I confirmed the change in plans, I contacted Kali telling him that the permissions for the assignment had been withdrawn.

Kali chose to proceed with the assignment, choosing to follow the new instructions rather than the original. Kali departed for the wilderness and arrived at the destination in the middle of the night. He texted me at 2:18 am telling me that he had arrived, but said something was off. Around 3:45 am Kali texted me again informing me that he had been ambushed and would share the details when he arrived back in Logan, Utah. Kali arrived at my office just before noon and told me that just after he had arrived at the location, he was fired upon by a sniper, who missed his 34-yard kill shot. Kali instinctively dove into a snow bank and assessed his situation as the sniper continued to fire in Kali’s direction. Kali realized he was surrounded by seven para-military combatants. Carefully Kali maneuvered himself through the snow placing himself between one of the other combatants and the sniper. Kali then exposed himself in a manner that when the sniper took his shot, it took out the combatant. In the chaos, Kali maneuvered himself between the sniper and another combatant, once again, the sniper’s shot took out another combatant. This time Kali had managed to get behind the sniper where Kali was able to eliminate the sniper.

The four other combatants scattered in different directions and Kali skillfully tracked down three of the combatants and eliminated them one by one. However, Kali had lost sight of the last combatant. As Kali was trying to locate the last combatant, Kali was struck on his arm by the blade of a hunting knife, which cut through his weatherproof jacket and all of the layers of clothing underneath. Fortunately, Kali was not injured by the blow of the knife but as Kali swung around, the combatant lunged at his face with the knife just as Kali turned his face away from the blow as the blade brushed his cheek leaving a scratch on Kali’s face. In their struggle, Kali managed to draw the combatant’s 10-millimeter pistol from the combatant’s holster. Kali fired one shot to the face of the combatant, blowing his head completely off of his body.

Kali told me he had called “the General” informing him of the ambush and that “the General” had ordered one of his Majors to dispatch helicopters to the scene of the ambush and clean up the mess. Shortly afterward, “the General” informed Kali that DNA evidence showed that the para-military team was from Blackwater, a paid mercenary army.  This was a surprising and troubling revelation because someone went to a great amount of effort and considerable expense to eliminate Kali. But what was most troubling was the fact that very few knew of this assignment and the ambush appeared to have come from an inside source. 

A few days later, Kali told me that he was going back up to finish the assignment but this time he was not going to tell anyone else that he was going. When Kali informed “the General” of his plan, “the General” told Kali that he wanted Kali to tell some specific individuals of his plan to complete the assignment. Kali did as “the General” requested and “the General’s” teams were monitoring those specific individuals to see who they were communicating with. Just as was suspected, a telephone call was made from one of those sources, who communicated with the other source, who immediately informed those who had paid for the ambush on Kali.

About two hours before Kali arrived at the ambush site, Kali received word from “the General” that the Major reported that there were fifty-two para-military combatants lying in wait for Kali’s return. “The General” ordered the Major to take out all of the enemy combatants. Four military helicopters flew in and eliminated all fifty-two of the combatants. However, the Major was highly agitated that one of the helicopters was damaged in the firefight. When Kali arrived at the site in the early hours of the morning with his dog, two low-level flunkies interrupted Kali asking why he was there. Kali explained that he had come as part of the dog’s winter training. Kali was told he could not be in the area because there was a military operation taking place. Kali thanked them and left the area driving away amused that the flunkies had just turned away the very individual they were looking for.

Kali called “the General,” who called his superiors and was instructed to “remove the enemy because we are at war!” “The General” called the Major instructing him to send in Two A-10 Warthogs and put an end to these enemy combatants. In a matter of minutes, two hundred more para-military combatants had been eliminated. The body count now stands at 259 with an estimated $30 Million price tag for the failed operation. Clearly, someone must feel threatened by Kali’s presence to pay such an enormous price to eliminate Kali. – Where there is smoke, there is fire!

Next Part 10: /crime-all-stars/2023/12/cache-collision-part-10-judicial-crimes-a-need-for-military-protection-2495326.html

See Part 1: /crime-all-stars/2023/12/cache-collision-part-1-awkward-connections-and-my-military-involvement-2495312.html

See Part 2: /crime-all-stars/2023/12/cache-collision-part-2-childrens-satanic-ritual-abuses-in-utah-finally-reach-washington-dc-2495315.html

See Part 3: /crime-all-stars/2023/12/cache-collision-part-3-poison-other-nefarious-attempts-to-eliminate-2495317.html

See Part 4: /crime-all-stars/2023/12/cache-collision-part-4-the-passing-of-military-intel-leads-to-my-hospitalization-2495318.html

See Part 5: /crime-all-stars/2023/12/cache-collision-part-5-a-matter-of-national-security-2495319.html

See Part 6: /crime-all-stars/2023/12/cache-collision-part-6-a-mole-is-detected-irs-criminals-caught-2495320.html

See Part 7: /crime-all-stars/2023/12/cache-collision-part-7-ray-epps-scotus-2495321.html

See Part 8: /crime-all-stars/2023/12/cache-collision-part-8-corruption-in-the-court-2495322.html

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