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By Tom Fairbanks (ISA)
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Cache Collision Part 10: Judicial Crimes – A Need for Military Protection

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I received word from someone in the community that former Cache County Prosecutors Tony Baird and James Swink were under criminal investigation. Little could be found about their investigations, but we learned that the US Attorney General’s Office had come to the Cache County Prosecutor’s Office and had even visited the Smithfield home of Tony Baird and another property belonging to Tony Baird’s deceased father in Richmond, Utah. Newspaper reports later claimed that both Baird and Swink were under investigation for financial discrepancies, but typical financial matters would not be of such great interest to require the visit from the US Attorney General’s Office.

We also learned that Tony Baird’s father had a prize horse that died and was buried on his Richmond property along with a large box/crate, which may have contained an “insurance policy” for their protection from investigations of Public Corruption, Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), and Crimes Against Humanity. Both Baird and Swink’s names are closely associated with the Friend of the Court Briefs filed in December of 2015. With the assistance of Abner, photos, plat maps, and arial images, were provided to Kali and “the General’s” teams for further investigation. – Where there is smoke, there is fire!

After months of waiting for a ruling from Judge Parrish on the Motion for Acquittal, Judge Parrish finally DENIED the Motion for Acquittal because my Public Defenders DID NOT Argue or Contest the Facts. Judge Parrish also stated that the EVIDENCE PRESENTED AT MY TRIAL (NO Witnesses or Defense other than the testimony of my Public Defenders, which the Judge instructed the jury to disregard) WAS SUFFICIENT for a conviction.

A sentencing hearing was scheduled for May 24, 2023. On May 19, 2023, five days prior to the sentencing hearing, I filed a Motion for Application of Pretrial Habeas Corpus and Mistrial, which Judge Parrish ignored and which filing appears to be absent from my court case files. The filing points out that Judge Parrish errantly Denied the Motion for Acquittal claiming that the evidence (or lack thereof) was sufficient to convict and then addresses the Conflict of Interest with my Attorneys Acting as Witnesses, Ineffective Counsel, Suppressed Evidence, Brady Violations, Witness Tampering, Interference and Intimidation, Perjury, Manufacturing of a Crime, Fraud, Double Jeopardy, Abuse of Process, Prosecutorial Misconduct, Judicial Misconduct, Deprivation of Rights, Mistrial, Oath of Office Violations, Misprision of Felony, Misprision of Treason, along with my Petition of Redress of Grievances. The filing concluded with my First Judicial Notice to the Court.

The Judicial Notice Informed the Court that this case against me was a Matter of National Security and stated that my Public Defender Spencer Rice had been informed and failed to give Proper Notice to the Court or Prosecution. I then revealed, with the permission of “the General” that I am actively involved with the Intelligence Support Activity (ISA) and that I have been operating undercover exposing the ugly and sordid details of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), Human and Sex Trafficking, and Crimes Against Humanity, and the Criminals involved. Including the documented details of the Criminal Case brought against me.

The Filing was an appeal, which should have immediately suspended the sentencing hearing until the filing could be properly addressed. But Judge Parrish completely ignored my filing, held the sentencing hearing anyway on May 24, 2023 and then she issued a warrant for my arrest when I did not attend.

On the same day, Kali also notified me of intel that had been received of a Planned Satanic Ritual Sacrifice on Memorial Day Night that “the General’s” teams would be stopping. Knowing law enforcement would be looking for me, I asked Kali if I needed to leave town until the takedown had been completed. When Kali told me, “Yes,” I told him I would take my wife out of town for the holiday weekend and then I would connect back with him. My wife and I immediately left town and no one knew where we were going.

My wife and I left home driving to South Central Utah. I had quickly planned to stay off of the grid for the next few days, while taking the opportunity to inform my wife of what was taking place. I explained that the military was going to prevent a child sacrifice and that steps were being taken to place me into military protective custody. On Saturday morning I received a text message informing me that Deputy Sheriffs had been to the motel looking for me and asking about my whereabouts. All anyone at the motel knew was that I had gone away for the holiday weekend. Kali was notified that I was actively being pursued.

We returned back home on the evening of May 29, 2023, which was well before the scheduled child sacrifice on the night of May 30th. We arrived home at dusk and settled down for the night. My wife had told me that she did not want to go with me into military protection because of her work obligations. I woke about 4:00 in the morning and packed my bag. Before leaving, under the cover of darkness, I told my wife I did not know how things would playout over the next few days, but I would make sure she would know what was going to happen after I had been briefed by the military. I sequestered myself privately while waiting for word about the planned takedown. I was told it would be safe for me to return home that evening, so I did, again, under the cover of darkness.

The next morning May 31st, I got up about 4:00 am and kissed my wife goodbye. I sequestered myself, again, but this time in a different location waiting for word from Kali about the takedown. I spent the day preparing paperwork for the Criminal Referral to JAG, since Judge Parrish had ignored my appeal and had issued a warrant for my arrest. That evening, I was again told that it would be safe for me to return back home for the evening, which I did under the cover of darkness. I awoke again about 4:00 am and said goodbye to my wife, who was beginning to think my behavior had become a bit extreme. Her last words to me, as she said goodbye, made reference to me as her “little spy man.”

After leaving home, I again sequestered myself while waiting to meet with Kali. Within two hours of my departure, my wife frantically called me asking me where I was and she told me that Federal Marshalls were at our home and that they were threatening to arrest her for harboring a fugitive. I told her I was in military protection and our call ended. The Federal Marshalls finally left when they realized that my wife did not know anything. (I had intentionally not shared anything of my activities with my wife for her protection, and now after all of this time I finally had evidence that my choice to keep her in the dark was the right thing to do because it kept her safe.)

When Kali arrived, I told him of my wife’s phone call and then he told me that the night before, Memorial Day May 30, 2023, (A Satanic Holiday) 22 Delta Force Operatives interrupted the attempted Child Sacrifice in a Cache Valley Utah canyon. The baby was saved and 48 perpetrators were detained, among them was a local District Court Judge, named in the Friend of the Court Briefs, and the Cache County Sheriff. The County Sheriff was released without explanation. However, a few days later we received word that the takedown operation had been compromised.

Abner, Kali, and I, then drove down to Hill Field Air Force Base. Kali left us across the street at a local Burger King as Kali went on to the base to meet with JAG. Kali arrived on base and met with JAG, showing his credentials and the paperwork/Criminal Referral I had prepared asking them for military protection. As the JAG officer read through my documents, he paused when he saw the Intelligence Support Activity (ISA) image. The JAG officer asked Kali to show him his credentials again, which Kali did, and then he began reading the documents again, only slower this time. When the JAG officer was finished reading the documents, he told Kali that they would be in touch with us shortly. Kali left the JAG office and returned to pick us up.

As Kali was retelling his experience with the JAG officer, I asked Kali to show me his credentials. He handed them to me and as I read it, I was stunned to see the initials (ISA) on them. I asked Kali, “was (ISA) on my credentials too?” Kali acknowledged, “The (ISA) designation was on your credentials that were put into safekeeping when ‘the General’ went undercover.” I said to Kali, “I didn’t know that.” “That’s why ‘the General’ gave you permission to disclose your involvement with the Intelligence Support Activity (ISA) in your court filing and told you that you could use the (ISA) image,” Kali replied. “You have always been part of the Intelligence Support Activity (ISA) and it is far more important than the Special Activities Division, and of course, that is what got JAG’s attention,” Kali said.  

We drove Kali back to Logan, Utah and after some brief instructions from Kali, Abner was sworn in as my military escort and protector. Abner and I then left Cache Valley and my comforts of home for what would be an indeterminant amount of time for what would become far more disclosures of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), Human and Sex Trafficking, and Crimes Against Humanity.

Kali was recovering from shoulder surgery he received through the Salt Lake City VA Hospital and he was continually having all kinds of problems receiving his disability income. Then he started receiving phone calls telling him that if he would turn Tom Fairbanks over to the authorities that they would stop interfering and he would immediately receive his disability income. Kali’s response to the calls was always the same, as he gave the caller directions on where they could go.

We had arranged to rendezvous with Kali about a week after our departure, but we received a text communication about an hour before our meetup informing us that Kali was being tailed by an unknown source. We were also told that Kali was being surveilled at his home as well. Our arranged meetup was canceled and we were told to cut off all normal communications and given an alternative means to communicate until the military could figure out who was doing the surveillance. – Where there is smoke, there is fire!

Next Part 11: /crime-all-stars/2023/12/cache-collision-part-11-nurse-rachael-the-nsa-2495327.html

See Part 1: /crime-all-stars/2023/12/cache-collision-part-1-awkward-connections-and-my-military-involvement-2495312.html

See Part 2: /crime-all-stars/2023/12/cache-collision-part-2-childrens-satanic-ritual-abuses-in-utah-finally-reach-washington-dc-2495315.html

See Part 3: /crime-all-stars/2023/12/cache-collision-part-3-poison-other-nefarious-attempts-to-eliminate-2495317.html

See Part 4: /crime-all-stars/2023/12/cache-collision-part-4-the-passing-of-military-intel-leads-to-my-hospitalization-2495318.html

See Part 5: /crime-all-stars/2023/12/cache-collision-part-5-a-matter-of-national-security-2495319.html

See Part 6: /crime-all-stars/2023/12/cache-collision-part-6-a-mole-is-detected-irs-criminals-caught-2495320.html

See Part 7: /crime-all-stars/2023/12/cache-collision-part-7-ray-epps-scotus-2495321.html

See Part 8: /crime-all-stars/2023/12/cache-collision-part-8-corruption-in-the-court-2495322.html

See Part 9: /crime-all-stars/2023/12/cache-collision-part-9-ambushed-2495324.html

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