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By Tom Fairbanks (ISA)
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Cache Collision Part 4: The Passing of Military Intel Leads to My Hospitalization

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Less than 30-days following my introduction, at the Baugh Motel on September 26, 2021, to Ken Cromar and Abner, who had been instrumental in keeping the Cromars out of jail, I was admitted to the hospital fighting for my life. Surely, this was far more than a coincidence!

Prior to my hospitalization, I sent the following intel up to the military on October 5, 2021 stating:

My intel contact (whom I’ll call Jacob) said that he has interacted with David and Deborah Huber over the years who own houses in Maryland, McCall Idaho, Florida, an island on Nassau Island, Seattle, and other undisclosed locations.  They are billionaires whose son met my contact years ago and they became good friends.  He later found out from associating with the Hubers at some of their homes and properties that they are heavy into adrenochrome facilitation.  By commission or omission, he and his wife Deborah are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people.

My contact says he pleaded with them to deal correctly with what he and his wife were allowing to happen. 

Tell “the General” these two people are ripe and hot, ready to be send to GITMO or a similar place for crimes against humanity, child abuse and torture and ritual abuse. (I also provided a weblink to him and his business.)

There is one more to mention, one of the absolute worst.  There is a fairly new general authority with red hair from Argentina who is involved in big banks and human trafficking involving young boys. 

He is a vile man of the worst caliber.  He was put in as a General Authority Seventy in the LDS Church in April 2019 by another or group of vile people.  My contact claims the military approached him in March of 2020 and asked him what they should do.  He said there was overwhelming evidence presented against him.  He told them to wait until it was the right time. (Although he doesn’t pretend to know the best time for these creeps to be dealt with. Adding, God, I hope it is soon.)

You will be able to see the evil in this man’s picture. He didn’t remember his name and does not desire to.  My contact said he knows three people in Military who are waiting to take him out directly, so harsh are his offenses against God and his fellow men. 

I have researched and confirmed the man’s identity. His name is Alan R. Walker. (I provided a weblink on him as well.)

I believe this info should connect to the SRA – Satanic Ritual Abuse Documents previously submitted.

Thanks for passing this along.


On October 14, 2021, I was informed that “the General” and his teams rescued about 400+ children who had been trafficked to New Orleans, Louisiana from Brazil. After delivering the children back to Brazil “the General” and his teams then went into Argentina and took out several organ harvesting labs. The “Redheaded GA’s” nephew was the alleged contact heading the organ harvesting facilities. They found and began taking out 18 organ harvesting facilities with 1,000 life support beds and children in them with missing organs. None of the children could be saved. The military teams were set up in an ambush where 80% of (about 81 team members) “the General’s” teams were killed. The remaining team members managed to escape by hiking 100 miles through the forests into Uruguay. It was a difficult recovery for everyone involved, especially with what they saw. – Fortunately, Russia took care of the remaining organ harvesting facilities. Payback is definitely a B*@$#!

I became violently ill on October 18th and on October 23, 2021 I was hospitalized, intubated, and given remdesivir, then life-flighted to IMC in Murray Utah with a diagnosis of COVID. I remained in the hospital for 31 days and one hour before I was discharged, a respiratory therapist gave me a complete examination and then stepped behind my bed, called someone, and said, “I don’t know how to fill out the COVID Report because he doesn’t match! – The military has since confirmed that I had been poisoned. (Suspiciously connected to John Huber)

After getting out of the hospital and my recovery, I discovered that my informant (Jacob) had contacted the Huber Couple, who is believed to be the brother of John Huber the former US Attorney for the District of Utah, offering them a chance to repent, which blew our covert operation and probably explains my hospitalization.

Author’s Note:

Recently I came to the realization that the comment about my name being all over Washington was an acknowledgement that the documents may have revealed Huber’s intentional disgrace and violation of his Oath of Office.  I had a recent conversation with an individual associated with the John Huber investigation, which was then taken over by John Durham and then moved to another state, who acknowledged (confirmed) that the time frame of Huber’s betrayal and the transfer over to John Durham occurred in the same approximate time period. This seems to suggest that my intel may have actually provided a revelation of Huber’s betrayal of his unsuspecting superiors, which would explain why my name was all over Washington. – Where there is smoke, there is fire!

In December of 2021, following my release from Home Care, I returned to work at the Baugh Motel. One of the Clyde’s sisters had passed away just before I was hospitalized and another sister had sought to be bought out, which event occurred just before my return. I was elevated to the position of Assistant Manager and had supervision over housekeeping, maintenance and daily operations as a full-time employee. Many of the motel staff and owners were grateful, as was I, that I had managed to recover from what appeared to be my demise. Even my personal physician acknowledged that I was a walking miracle, after all, not many successfully recovered from being intubated and given remdesivir. However, it wasn’t long before I was actively back into the communication stream, with my finger on the pulse of the motel and the community.

Next Part 5: /crime-all-stars/2023/12/cache-collision-part-5-a-matter-of-national-security-2495319.html

See Part 1: /crime-all-stars/2023/12/cache-collision-part-1-awkward-connections-and-my-military-involvement-2495312.html

See Part 2: /crime-all-stars/2023/12/cache-collision-part-2-childrens-satanic-ritual-abuses-in-utah-finally-reach-washington-dc-2495315.html

See Part 3: /crime-all-stars/2023/12/cache-collision-part-3-poison-other-nefarious-attempts-to-eliminate-2495317.html

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