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By Tom Fairbanks (ISA)
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Cache Collision Part 3: Poison & Other Nefarious Attempts to Eliminate

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Ricin is a highly toxic substance when inhaled, ingested, or injected and there is no known antidote, although it does have a short half-life. The Military’s confirmation that Ricin was the source of poison in Kali and Michael’s hospitalization in Ogden, Utah appeared to be strong evidence that someone was more than concerned about Kali’s presence in Logan, Utah.

Kali is my military liaison, who mysteriously showed up at the Baugh Motel, after coming to Logan, Utah to assist his friend Michael in his recovery from hospitalization. Clyde Baugh is one of the owners of the Baugh Motel and was instrumental in introducing me to Ken Cromar and Abner, who helped keep Barbara and Ken out of jail in their ongoing court battle with the corrupt courts and the IRS.

The military’s investigation had revealed Fort Detrick, Maryland was the point of origin for the Ricin used, but their investigation also found that a sample had been sent to Utah State University (USU) in Logan, Utah. Surprisingly Kali and Michael were not fatally ill and both of them were treated and released, but it took weeks for them to return to full health.

Kali, still recovering from his poisoning, went for a drive on Sunday Morning June 6, 2021. As he reached the northern boundary of Smithfield, Utah, Kali pulled his car off to the side of the road to take a nap. When he woke about twenty minutes later, Kali turned his car around and headed back toward the Baugh Home in Logan, Utah. In less than a mile, Kali was pulled over by a Cache County Sheriff and arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence (DUI). He was taken to the Cache County Jail and booked. In the evening a group of MS-13 detainees attacked the jail guards, but when they attempted to confront the jailer who was guarding Kali, Kali intervened and took them all down. Shortly afterward, Kali was quietly released and set free. While all of us had spent the day trying to figure out where Kali was and what had happened to him, Kali walked in the front door having walked all the way from the Cache County Jail.

I referred Kali to my civil attorney and we began the process of getting Kali’s car out of impound and disproving the alleged claim that Kali had been driving under the influence. The arresting officer claimed that the Utah Highway Patrol had received a call from a concerned citizen about someone who was driving erratically and cutting off traffic up in Richmond Utah. “The caller” said that the driver was driving the same kind and color of car that Kali was driving and had pulled off of the side of the road north of Richmond and after sitting on the side of the road for some time he headed back toward Smithfield, which is when the Cache County Sheriff pulled Kali over charging him with a DUI. Kali explained that he was on a prescription medication and that he had pulled over just outside the city limits of Smithfield because he was sleepy, and after taking a nap, he headed back toward Logan when the sheriff pulled him over. 

The sheriff said “the caller” claimed Kali had cut off a driver at 200 West south of the stoplight in Richmond. Our investigation revealed Highway 91 in Richmond is 200 West and looking at every intersection south of Center Street did not seem to match up with any of the alleged claims of “the caller.” We also conducted a time study which also showed that there was about a half hour discrepancy between the time “the caller” made their alleged call to UHP and the time the Sheriff pulled Kali over.

At the preliminary hearing with the Driver’s License Division the matter was dropped and settled once they discovered that there was a GPS unit on Kali’s car that showed the movements and locations of Kali’s car, including the fact that Kali’s car never drove further north than Smithfield, Utah. However, even though the matter was dismissed, we learned later that Kali had an Erroneous CBI Felony Driving Record, which showed that Kali had been falsely convicted two hours before his hearing with the Driver’s License Division. This matter was eventually resolved, but the combined incidents showed that someone knows who Kali is and they have gone to a great amount of effort to neutralize Kali. – Where there is smoke, there is fire!

On August 13, 2021, Kali informed me that the military’s investigation into the Ricin poisonings revealed that the Ricin was connected to a former employee of USU and the husband, who, along with his wife, “Miss Trial,” are the ones making the Security Fraud Claims against me in my indictment. I was startled, however, when Kali told me that the Ricin was also connected to my poisoning back in November 2015, just before I filed the Friend of the Court Briefs in December 2015.

The next day August 14, 2021, my wife and I drove to Ririe, Idaho to attend the funeral of my wife’s aunt. I had purposely left my cell phone off and at home because I did not want to be tracked and traced during our travels. The four-hour one-way trip gave me an opportunity to explain to my wife some of the things that had been taking place, especially about the poisonings and the military’s involvement, because I had intentionally kept her out of the loop as a means to keep her safe.

However, when we returned home that evening and turned on my phone, my phone exploded with multiple text messages, all throughout the day, telling me that there were military helicopters flying all over the City of Logan about fifty feet above the ground. I called Kali to tell him I had obtained employee records from USU on the former employee of USU and needed to talk to him. We met at the Baugh home and after handing him the employment records, I told him about my multiple text messages and asked him what the military helicopters were all about. I was surprised at his response.

Kali told me that about 9:00 am both he and Clyde’s wife, Gail, were going up to the corner to change the irrigation water. As they were walking past the school, next door to the Baugh home, they noticed a man who appeared to be working on the sprinkler system. They both waved at each other as they walked by, but when Kali and Gail were out of sight, the man ran toward the kitchen door of the Baugh home. When he entered the kitchen, Michael was coming down the stairs and their eyes met, startling them both. Michael’s shouts frightened the man, who fled out the kitchen door and he managed to escape.

About two hours later, the military helicopters appeared in the skies over the City of Logan and they were actually flying in a grid pattern that centered over the Baugh home. When I asked who the helicopters were looking for, Kali responded that they were not the good guys, but rather bad guys looking for “the General” and his teams. “The General” is Kali’s and my immediate commanding officer, who has always remained in the shadows.

Kali said that “the General’s” team had later captured the former employee of USU and interrogated him. He confessed, in full detail, his knowledge of and involvement in the Ricin poisonings. Then Kali told me the former employee of USU had been appropriately dealt with.

I never knew what I had been poisoned with back in 2015, but this information suddenly began to make sense to me. While working on the Friend of the Court Briefs, we received an impression/prompting that we needed to leave the office for three weeks. Heeding the impression, we left town not telling anyone where we were going. In fact, I had deliberately told people I was going to Montana, when we actually went to southern Utah. When we returned to the office, it was in disarray showing signs that someone had been in the office looking for what I presumed to be my information for the Friend of the Court Briefs, which I was never allowed to keep in the office.

I spent the full day working at my desk catching up on things over the last three weeks. The next day, Saturday November 14, 2015, was my youngest son’s wedding in the Brigham City Temple. As my wife and I were climbing the stairs up to the sealing room, my wife berated me for being so out of shape as she could hear me gasping for air as we climbed the stairs. Unfortunately, I just dismissed her comment as just a nagging complaint. We went through the wedding and reception without any incident, but the next day, Sunday November 15, 2015, was my father-in-law’s 92nd birthday. He lived with us and everyone had gathered at our house to celebrate his birthday. As we gathered around the dining room table to sing Happy Birthday to him, I pushed myself away from the table and family because I could feel and hear myself wheezing. I was shocked because there should have been no reason for me to be wheezing!

The next morning, I drove over to my friend’s home, an iridologist and herbalists. Coincidentally, this friend is the other alleged victim in my indictment, even though she has adamantly denied this allegation. I explained what I had experienced over the weekend and she had me sit in front of her camera while she looked into my eyes. She gasped, “you have been poisoned,” she said and then immediately began procedures to detoxify my body of the poison. It was a long and painful process and, at one point, I even had to use a cane because my ability to walk had been affected. However, we kept quiet and never told anyone that I had been poisoned, passing my use of the cane off as the result of some sort of injury.

When I returned to the office, the sunlight was streaming in through the windows on the northside of the room and reflecting off of the desk. As I approached the desk that I used, I noticed that the desk looked dusty. Wiping my hand across the top of my desk left a white powdery substance on my hand. Inquisitively, I walked over to the desk by the window and swiped my other hand across the top of the desk. My hand had no residue on it, so I walked over to the other desk across from the one I used and swiped my hand across the top of that desk too. Again, there was no residue on my other hand and then I knew that the placing of poison on my desk was intentional, deliberate, and knowingly done to target me personally. 

For almost five years, no one knew what I had been poisoned with and now Kali was revealing that I was not only poisoned with Ricin, but he was confirming what I had felt all along, that my supposed friend and husband of an SRA victim, “Miss Trial,” was also a perpetrator and that they were also the ones who had been involved in my poisoning, and they even had an accomplice! Kali then revealed that the Ricin used in my 2015 poisoning was from the same batch sent to USU and that the very same Ricin used to poison Kali and Michael came from the same source. No wonder Kali and Michael only got sick. If a three-week half-life was enough only to make me sick, what would the potency be in a five-year old source? 

On August 18, 2021, someone sent me a Facebook posting, from “Miss Trial,” announcing the death of her husband, who are both behind my indictment. I contacted Kali and asked him if the husband’s death had anything to do with the recent helicopter event in Logan. Kali told me that the military had nothing to do with this man’s passing or his immediate cremation. The so-called obituary and funeral notice posted on August 21, 2021 only added to the questionable timing of this man’s death. However, it might be noteworthy, to some, that shortly after this man’s passing and cremation, I started getting emails and phone calls from the same crematorium stating they were following up on my request for end-of-life services! – Where there is smoke, there is fire!

Next Part 4:

See Part 1: /crime-all-stars/2023/12/cache-collision-part-1-awkward-connections-and-my-military-involvement-2495312.html

See Part 2: /crime-all-stars/2023/12/cache-collision-part-2-childrens-satanic-ritual-abuses-in-utah-finally-reach-washington-dc-2495315.html

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