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By Jeffery Pritchett
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Q Anon Proof Positive! Trump Points at Q Anon Guy Then Gives Him VIP Access (Video)

Sunday, June 24, 2018 6:07
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When President Trump approached the podium at his rally last night in Duluth, Minnesota, he paused for a split-second to gesture to a man wearing a shirt emblazoned with the letter “Q.”

With rhetorical questions, suggestions and clues Q (Qanon), POTUS made sure to stand next to the Q t-shirt guy while waving goodbye, I still love how Trump can FILL entire arenas, even when not on the campaign trail.

If Q Anon is fake why is Trump pointing it out for everyone to see in his support? Lots of questions answered in this one. It has been acknowledged more than one by Trump. But this is blatantly obvious on so many levels!

#QAnon: narrative change (border), IDENtity talking points, were critical to distract against the IG report, but false flag’s prevented.

Followers of the conspiracy theory claimed that Trump gesturing to the cheering man wearing the QAnon shirt was irrefutable proof that the theory is real. Even the anonymous author of the Q posts noticed the man, posting “Now that’s what I call a VIP!” The man later posted on Twitter a pic of him with VIP Access!

Q also shared a Facebook post claiming that a man got on a table at the Trump rally and started to expound on the QAnon theory and says that he started a call-and-response chant of the QAnon catchphrase, “Where we go one, we go all.” Q wrote back, “We hear you, Patriots!”

I host the Church of Mabus radio show and it is going on 8 years. I’ve been in the paranormal community for 20 years. I provide content from a network of sources and guests and allies. Ranging from Politics to the Paranormal and the Spiritual. You can check out my other articles here at my BIOGRAPHY at BIN and you can check out my free radio show at this link HERE. Thanks for showing your support and stopping by.



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Total 2 comments
  • CUB4DK

    Looks like something is trying to work its way out of the System….Thanks to Mr. Trump…I’m starting to like him :lol:

  • Anonymous

    Who cares if they’re making a few bucks? But the swindle is the part that is completely wrong and unethical.
    I dont believe this Drumpf exchange is real. But lets say for argument that it is- SO WHAT? QIAduh’s purpose is to cover up for Drumpf’s sell out of his base.
    If Drumpf himself is Q? SO WHAT?
    Endless phrases are NOT data or ‘leaks’. “Trust the Plan” is not Q Qlearance-level whistleblowing. Platitudes are not exposing 911, Goldman Sachs, Federal Reserve etc.
    Q Sqrew is designed to divert from TRUMP’s betrayal of his base and his ongoing support for ISIS- QAEDA- Nusra. Thank you Isaac Greene.

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