California Becoming a Safe Haven for the World's Most Dangerous Cartels With Alex Newman - Video
Published on Jun 7, 2019
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Pinned by grindall61
Someday this youtube channel will no longer exist. This week videos were removed from my channel for violating people who hold “membership in a protected group.” Yes, they actually said those words to me in an email. The result of this was my youtube channel was demonetized fully for a 3rd time. I have no intention at this point in even bothering trying to get remonetized as I don’t want to know how it feels to get those emails for a 4th time. If you ever want to see this channel again, subscribe to my bitchute channel. I know most of you won’t do it as you view this channel as nothing more than a freak show that serves you entertainment a couple times a week.
these latino politicians and latino law enforcement are actually brown supremacists that take care of their own,whites would be arrested.
It should be obvious by now that there is no political Solution.. Be prepared.. stay vigilant
California is the spearhead for a state by state domino effect to turn America into another 3rd world state.
Newsome and Becerra are criminals, They belong in Federal Prison!
And if you notice they are taking over all 8 states! Where’s our Military this is a take over from within! Taking both of our ports on both coasts!
Very scary stuff. I’m worried about my kids and grandkids futures …
Love you Gary. Keep up the fight
So tired of people saying we stole land from Mexico. I laugh umm a LOT of Hispanic people are actually decedents of people from SPAIN, hence why they speak Spanish. People from farther south such as Honduras, Guatemala etc they are the descendants of the Aztecs to ”true” Mexicans lol. I am part Native Americans and we where NOT the first people in America. LOL they want more land since they are managing the massive amount of land they already have so well. LMAO
The host talked way too much and Gary barely spoke
Many cities in Southern California are majority Latinos (95-97 %) now and they are very nasty to others and refusing rent and jobs to Blacks. Pushing out Blacks from their own neighborhoods, it is the case of Downtown Los Angeles is only 6% now. The president of Mexico has clearly stated that their goal is to have as many Mexicans in the US to leach off the US, and they have been invading the US for 30 years now. Also Mexico premier minister helped with the writing of the UN pact on migration. And they signed, joined the UN pact. Which means that Mexico is working with the UN to flood the US with illegals, migrants and actually helping them with buses from their southern border to our American border… while at the same time pretending to slow them down. Having open borders benefits Mexico, and therefore Mexico, and our corrupted politicians who are getting paid under the table from the money being made from the border want open border, the take down of the US.
Secure the blessings of liberty. Protect, defend and preserve the 2nd Amendment. “JURY NULLIFICATION “
The sheriff Villanueva wants his own market share in criminal enterprise? Something’s seriously wrong !
You showed videos of them saying they are taking over our country from within!
I just subscribed to Gary’s Bitchute channel. We need to support Gary’s work. ^5
IMAGINE MY FREEDOMS third templers
These.treasonous politicians and law officials each should be hazed to death under their own laws.
Demondrats need to work with your President and close the boarder!
Praise the heros who try to make a difference instead of being stuck in their lives like everyone else.
Thanks Villanueva for turning California into a gang infestation
I do believe that is reason to place martial law.
How can that be with 42 different layers of law enforcement? Cops are failing. Fire the cops
The schools are doing a great job! My kids n son in law who are 31 are convinced there’s global warming n population is out of control!! Just drive thru indiana Iowa etc u will see how over populated we are🙄
I f*(king knew this!!! That is strange how CA psychocrats act strange, they are all on the take from the CARTEL!!!
The “elections” in California are rigged. God help us!
Go to your City Council? I don’t think so. Civil Rights is where I go.
Really like this guy Alex! Thanks for interview. Thanks for all the hard work Gary.
We all know they did nothing but cheat to get in office!
After President Trump leaves office the sickos in this country will finally get the King Saul they’ve been asking for and the U.S. will be done! Get used to wearing burkas ladies! You think I can get mine in pink?🤔😑
Why so much hate for a man who has worked so hard to restore our great Country. I haven’t seen grindle61 on YT for awhile. I use to be subscribed to his channel.
grindal61 keeps me informed of what is going on in Ca. Lived here all my life, it is hard to believe what is going on. I love President Trump, do not believe in this climate BS, I am also first generation from Mexico. The school system is so wrong, but my grownup kids dont see anything wrong, yet. Please keep spreading the truth, hopefully more people will see what is going on.
Healthy Living and Other Things
Gary, all these laws, in our state, are put into place to KILL OFF , us, the NATIVES of California…
Its easy to give away your future, a lot more effort to reclaim one worth respect.
the jones bs is a scam. He always has, is and will be controlled opposition. An actWHORE for your globalist freaks.
Those of us not in the drump cult agree with you and youtube blows, I will be deleting my account soon
“Pinball Wizard” (From ‘Tommy’) by The Who!!
China & Russia are now not trading in the petro dollar. Thank you, this was very good. Much appreciated.
Great show! Gary you said it perfectly!
thank you for sharing this…you rock!
Excellent once again Alex!
“Connection I have that’s very close with the Mossad in Israel I was being told not speak against China. America is done with. America has served the purpose, she is done, and that ISrael is now aligning itself with China.”^ — Steven Ben-Nun (Israeli News Live) – “Ted Pike Reveals What’s Hidden in the Equality Act S788″ –
Heck Kevin De Leon say a few years ago on a talk show that it’s okay to steal Social Security numbers
Pelosi…waters…schiff… brown…get them out and hang them…Traitors
Yeah, geez, can Christians be added to the “protected status” groups?!
Third world go to Alabama where sewer water flows in the streets.
david walsh the chicago Whitehawk
As long as their is a safe space in isreal the mob cant be touched
YT, staffed by digital brownshirts.
This is all kind of futile. The US is finished. The micro wars will be fought on the streets and the high density housing projects.
NWO plan and trump is in on it.
Healthy Living and Other Things
Awe, I used to listen to The Power Hour with Joyce Riley, RIP and Dave Von Klost…I watched his video 9/11: In Plane Site and THAT is what took me down the Rabbit Hole…SMH…I miss Joyce so much….
There”s something seriously wrong about this!!
Remember the Alamo
A government employee that works in one of the enforcement departments said to me the other day “I know what’s coming for you (civilians) and im warning you get prepared. Take classes on tactics and learn first aid. Learn how to survive in both urban and forested areas because you’ll need to know how.” I take him very seriously and have no reason to discount or downplay his warnings. I genuinely fear for this country. Our rights are being systemically stripped from us strategically taking our freedom of speech and also slowly eroding our 2nd amendment that was designed to protect us against a tyrannical government. Make no mistake we are approaching tyranny not only from the government but also the corporations that co own this country.
Post a link to this shows website channel and podcast. The one we are listening to now.
The Cristero War or the Cristero Rebellion (1926–29), also known as La Cristiada [la kɾisˈtjaða], was a widespread struggle in central-western Mexico in response to the imposition of secularist, state atheism, anti-Catholic and anti-clerical articles of the 1917 Constitution of Mexico. Push to Communism came to the easier targets first. The freemasons “own” Mexico and the gangs are used for revenue, money laundering and weapons running. Human trafficking and drug running have their entry points in San Diego [small vessels enter in harbors of Del Mar, Orange County coast, and old ratline line in Los Angeles Counties up into San Francisco since the 1960s] and from Asia at the Port of Long Beach. Those ratlines are the most lucrative in the world. PTB want to destroy the middle class [Protocols of Elders of Sion/Marx Manifesto] and destroy the God given inalienable Rights granted by the Bill of Rights. First they drugged California, introduced porn and satanic “music” and established no thinking “education” into the schools. Then they “elected” Special Interests [easily tampered with digital voting machines], Super delegates flush with cash from the “foundations” and the Fed counterfeit machine, destroyed the courts with RICO corruption, and taxed the middle class into insolvency. This has been a 60 year take down > take over. In 2012, a Washington DC politician [lawyer] at request of president [who accelerated National Debt into the stratosphere] acting as his representative [another lawyer] took a letter to Agricultural Bank of China [nation’s third largest lender by assets]. “She carried a letter signed by the President that promised the People’s Republic of China the power of eminent domain over certain properties in America as collateral for China’s continued purchase of US Treasury Notes and existing US Currency reserves”. Eminent Domain > “…in event US government defaults on financial obligations to China, the Communist Government of China would be permitted to physically take ownership of land, buildings, factories [if any left], national parks, mines, perhaps even entire cities…” and to clinch the deal there was transfer to UN. “In other words, these politicians [lawyers] mortgaged the physical land, property of all citizens, businesses in the US. They have given a foreign power, their Constitutional power, to “take” all of our property, as actual collateral for continued China funding of our national debt”. And where are the prime natural resources/highly productive farmland and high tech hub located in America?
Im a Cali resident and yup keeps getting worse. Its harder for me a single father with a great full time job to rent a place but its so easy for non working welfare recipients to live in a nice place and not work at all. Like WTF is happening here.
Donald Judas Trump is a Rothschild bailed out builder from the capital of Zionist Globalism, Zoo York City.
California is a weiner. 🙄
I am calling it now civil war will spark in Texas or California.
The United states supplies the cartels with their guns bullets and all weapons… we support cartels. Address the cause then talk about the effect.
I’m sure Trump already knew about the USMCA and is fully aware of what it will do. Anybody who still supports Trump and thinks that the Admin was some how talked into this, needs to rethink their support. Like Alex.
LACO Sheriff is responsible for the murder of a woman in San Jose. He released a violent conviction ,out if LACO jail.
Their is a violent revolution in Mexico crime is at it highest levels So Mexico is very corrupt. There are many reasons why Mexico is the way it is. So once they anchor here they repeat the process.
Gary, you should run for Gov.
Gee Wally! I feel so much better that Mexico Tariffs were suspended, because Mexico said they were going to stop the mass illegal migration. This is just more window glitter and WWF show for the dumb down maga sheeples
Thanks Gary for working so hard to get this information out. I just subscribed to you on Bitchute. Next? I grew up in West Covina and my own family had a business there from 1955 until 1976. God bless you kind sir. Stay safe now!
But-killing-them-is-fun! Fun-for-any-one! They look like that so you know who to cap and killing them is fun! (To men anyway) So load them up, you california kakocrats and lets see them kill each other awhile before we get them all for fun!
becoming? it is!
Too much unnecessary talk. Get to the point so it’s shareable. No one who supports illegal immigration and/or open borders is going to listen to so much unnecessary talk. Preaching to the choir won’t help change minds on the Left. #BuildTheWall
Just a matter of time before something happens they are allowing these people to travel with no when something happens blame Gavin and Garcetti blood is in their hands.
The cartels own America. They have repeatedly told about how much money they pay the police and politicians and they say they own Canada, the U.S. and Mexico. I believe them. The one interview they talked about how they identify the Border patrol agents, break into their homes, take their children at gun point, wake them up with guns to their heads, and tell them when and where the drugs are going to come through, on schedule, each night, and that they will look the other way Then they throw a stack of money on the bed. They tell them not to tell anyone, and if they do, their co-worker and supervisors are already bought and paid for, so they will be killed and replaced. If they don’t play ball, they kill them. 4 trillion a year in drug sales, Would you try to be a hero, or would you take the money ? I would take the money. You can’t win. Remember Oliver North, and Barry Seal ? MENA ? The CIA runs the dug trade with the Cartels. You can’t win, the game is fixed. The final score is decided before the first pitch is thrown, before the grass is mowed, before the stadium is even built The best you can do is stay out of their way
Read more3 days ago15
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Sustainable development. Road design trapped Paridise RESIDENTS during 🔥.
this is their way of reperations for what they believe is wrong doings going on in the justic system…
You haven’t seen nothing yet, wait until all the free migrant secondary education comes to fruit, they will be California’s doctors, lawyers and secondary educators.
I can attest to the statement about downtown Los Angeles being like a big giant homeless tent city. My husband is on the road all day & drives through there very frequently. It is filthy, unsafe, disease and rat infested with tons of homeless cities. Be warned, this is coming to your State if you don’t turn it around. We are making our exit plans out of my native born State. It is so sad for me, but we have lost California. We are ground zero, & I believe the Elites test ground, and they are very far along to return to a 2 class system. With zero proper political leadership that either wants or states they intend to turn it around, it is lost. Highest taxes of any State and we pay for the free stuff.
Read more3 days ago (edited)7
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If the Dem party can bring in enough immigrants/ Dem voters they will control .
It’s true California is turning into a third world country minute by minute it really is in the next 10 years it’ll be full-blown
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Gen Patearus vent to one in Europe, questionable to say the least.👎🏽
10:00. Gary gets on the line
The cartels must be laughing all the way to the bank.
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I dont care whose president, this country is only going downward. The culture is destroying us. So dont look to Trump or any man to save you.
Agenda 21
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Gary, please start including your Bitchute and PayPal donation information under all of your videos.
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Interview starts 10 minutes in.
Time to implement the Insurrection Act and bring Mexi/Cali under heal from the top-down !
It appears that according to the latest polls in Texas the great migration that begun in the 60’s has finally bore fruit. Trump loses by double digits to Biden and Bernie. This is exclusively due to mass Latino votes. The democrats plan to gain permanent control of the government has worked. Once Texas goes blue it will never go back. Latinos depend heavily on entitlements and democrats are the party of entitlements. The next phase is to collapse the economy so a socialist agenda can replace the free market. This will require a few million more 3rd world migrants to break the bank. America is no more. It’s unbelievably sad and depressing. May God punish those facilitators (Democrats) with a fury!
Read more3 days ago12
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People, please, please…it’s GRIND ALL 61, not Grindall, he’s just too respectful to correct you.
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They always want to claim something after whitey made something worth having out of it.
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And they don’t pay state Income Taxes.
Last Saturday my husband was getting ready to go to work about 6 in the morning around 6:30 he heard noises coming from his parents backyard where in California he went outside to see what was going on he found a Hispanic man coming on the fence trting to run. He pull him down told him never to come back around here and if he does he going beat his you know what.he told my husband ” for every one you niggars there’s 30 of us” he went back into the yard welcome to find out he busted the van windows and stole items.
Read more2 days ago2
Lbgt is a bunch of mental cases no pride n being gay 😇🇺🇸
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Great show. How true. CA is nothing but a new Mexico. Chinese is a big part of the take over. They are Spanish.
Julpepsi fortold of in the Bible Repent
There is nothing great about this people are gonna die from a civil war
Great info.
Any alt news that doesn’t mention the Jews but talks all about the bilderbergs or the illuminati or the trilateral commission is misdirection. Stop focusing on the dog and talk about its owner.
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Run by Daemoncraps. They turn (like communist) everything to a dead state. (No pun intended).