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This Lunatic Karen Goes Nuts on Gas Prices $98 to Fill Up Her Tank - $5.50 a Gallon - Blames it on Religious Right Listens to Robert Reich a Short...

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First take a look at one of the most shocking videos in the world! This video actually shows us what the secret of the Trump family is related to their expressive health!!! -FULL VIDEO HERE

This lunatic KAREN goes nuts on gas prices 98 to fill up her tank. 5.50 a gallon – blames it on religious right listens to Robert Reich a short radical left wing. ARGH

98 = 17 = Q – 55 = JFK Jr

Q post 55 = My Fellow Americans…

5.5 = Loud and clear

Robert Reich = RR?

White House Is Compromised By a Foreign Power by CancelCloco – dude with solid digs recommended by VK


Basel 3: The End Game – 20 Things Banks Will No Longer Get Away With by @Prolotario1

1. Insider Trading

2. Shadow Banking

3. Ponzi Schemes

4. Money Laundering

5. Regulatory Arbitrage

6. Ghost Assets

7. Off-Balance Sheet Transactions

8. Front Running

9. Window Dressing

10. Round-Tripping

11. Phantom Employees

12. Kickbacks

13. Loan Churning

14. Bucketing

15. Rogue Trading

16. Ghost Accounts

17. Market Manipulation

18. Double-Dealing

19. Bribery

20. Shell Companies

Right Wing Populism is rising around the world. Maxime Bernier


Here we go again – Mystery pneumonia tears through schools in China

OK back to the Jew World Order stuff. Is everything a psyop? Sigh.


Ok now this one is going bananas too I see a lot of you guys throwing up the excuse that it’s not the “good Jews” it’s the Khazarian mafia. This is one of the main differences between my analysis and those of guys like @Prolotario1 who I respect immensely.

It’s also the foundation of the Secret Cabal narrative. I disagree with this. Its just the Jews. The problem is not cultural, ethnic or racial with them. The basis of their Satanic world supremacy and domination is the Torah and Talmud.

This is where it is written that Jesus boils in shit and semen in hell.

This is where it is written that all non Jews are less than animals and were made by God to serve the Jews.

This is where it is written that there are 8 genders not 2 which is the basis of the current Trans Agenda.

This is where it is written that a great world war, currently being started, will usher in the Jewish Messiah, our Anti Christ, who will enslave all of humanity and crown Judaism as the only religion and Jews as the rulers of the world.

This is where it is written that each Jew will get 2800 goyim slaves to do with as he pleases like livestock.

Sex with children is discussed openly in these books. All Jews believe this is the word of THEIR God. ALL JEWS. Do you understand? It’s not about Zionism. This is why you see Jews demonstrating about Zionism as a way to run controlled opposition.

Ask them to rebuke the Torah or the Talmud and you will get crickets…. Jews were kicked out of over 100 countries throughout history because of repugnant Satanic behavior. This is why Jesus went against the Pharisees of his time with their Babylonian teachings. He called them the Synago**** of S**an. Their Father the “Father of lies”

This was hundreds of years before Khazaria even existed. It was the Jewish captivity in Babylon that infected their religion with Satanism hundreds of years before Jesus even arrived. To this day it’s still called the Babylonian Talmud. The Babylonians sacrificed children. The Jews established Abortion worldwide and still maintain it as a religious right that they consider antisemitic to criticize. Full Term Abortion comes from them. Child sacrifice. Babylonian child sacrifice.

You want more sauce? Historical evidence assembled by @utism_ a legit sauce master? Go through his feed or just ask him for the links.

It’s just the Jews folks. Their religion, the teaching of Moses, was corrupted. Christianity is now closer to the teaching of Moses than Judaism. We are the True Nation of Israel. That’s why Jews despise us and seek to enslave us. It’s not ethnic. The problem is Judaism itself. -GK



The ‘muhhh fake Jews muhh Khazarian Mafia is horse shit debunked by logic, genetics and geography – @Utism

Video summary from a geneticist using modern genetic science: “I believe that eventually genetics will validate the possibility that some few lineages of the ashkenazi go back toward indigenous… who probably decend from khazar jews.. It’s a very small number, but it’s not nobody. ” So basically, some, but very little mixture from the Khazars in todays Jewish bloodlines.

But here’s the trick: together they


Kenneth Prager – Every Single Time






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