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Bird Flu Propaganda: Terror Rising Pt. III

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Originally published via Armageddon Prose Substack:

(continued from Pt. I, Pt. II)

“’Publicly subsidized! Privately profitable!’
The anthem of the upper-tier, puppeteer untouchable.
Focus a moment, nod in approval,
Bury our heads in the bar-codes of these neo-colonials.
Our former nemesis, the romance of the nation state,
Now plays fundraiser for a new brand power-concentrate.
Try again, but now we’re confused; what is ‘class war’?
Is this class war? Yes, this is class war.”

As its reward for killing and maiming untold millions of Americans and people the world over — guaranteeing a whole new batch of lifelong customers for the medical industry to feed on until their last gasping breath in the process — the U.S. government has seen fit to lavish nearly $200 million more to Moderna to develop a new round of the exact same type of ineffective and dangerous mRNA shots that provably failed to do anything to stop the last alleged pandemic.

          Related: Pfizer, Fauci, Biden Lied About Vaxx Transmission Data (Nuremberg II Now)

Via Associated Press (emphasis added):

The U.S. government will pay the vaccine maker Moderna $176 million to accelerate development of a pandemic influenza vaccine that could be used to treat bird flu in people, as concern grows about cases in dairy cows across the country, federal officials announced Tuesday.

Moderna already has a bird flu vaccine in very early-stage testing that uses the same mRNA technology that allowed rapid development and rollout of vaccines to protect against COVID-19. The new funds from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services include continued development of the vaccine, including a late-stage trial next year if those early study results are positive.

But the project can be quicky redirected to target another form of influenza if a different threat than the H5N1 form of bird flu emerges, HHS officials stressed.”

The last go-around on the Public Health™ injection carousel to nowhere, one might recall NIH employees bathing in hundreds of millions of dollars of kickback cash for their service to Moderna.

Via The Epoch Times (emphasis added):

The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) is refusing to release additional information about an agreement it reached over a COVID-19 vaccine that has earned it at least $400 million.

The NIH declined to provide any materials in response to a Freedom of Information Act request from The Epoch Times.

‘The NIH withholds the entirety of the records as they are protected from release,’ Gorka Garcia-Malene, an NIH officer, told The Epoch Times in a letter.

She cited an exemption outlined in the act that allows government agencies to partially or fully withhold information.

‘In this case, exemption 3 incorporates 35 U.S.C. 209 (f), which reads in relevant part, ‘No Federal agency shall grant any license under a patent or patent application on a federally owned invention unless the person requesting the license has supplied the agency with a plan for development or marketing of the invention, except that any such plan shall be treated by the Federal agency as commercial and financial information obtained from a person and privileged and confidential and not subject to disclosure under section 552 of title 5,’’ Ms. Garcia-Malene wrote.*

Exemption 4 protects from disclosure trade secrets and commercial or financial information that is privileged and confidential,’ she added.”

*Look at this legalese gobbleygook and try to make heads or tails out of it. What does this nonsense actually mean, why can’t it be expressed in plain English, and how does this grant license to NIH goblins to take cash slipped to them under the table by the same industry they are supposed to be regulating and overseeing?

“’In this case, exemption 3 incorporates 35 U.S.C. 209 (f), which reads in relevant part, ‘No Federal agency shall grant any license under a patent or patent application on a federally owned invention unless the person requesting the license has supplied the agency with a plan for development or marketing of the invention, except that any such plan shall be treated by the Federal agency as commercial and financial information obtained from a person and privileged and confidential and not subject to disclosure under section 552 of title 5,’’ Ms. Garcia-Malene wrote.”

This is why anyone with a sense of honor and integrity has a palpable distaste for lawyers — an involuntary gag reflex — but most especially government lawyers.

Is the law profession — even though it produces nothing of value itself — a necessary evil in a civilized society/economy that runs (theoretically) on the rule of law? Probably. Can an individual lawyer be a well-intentioned person who is otherwise honorable in their day-to-day life when he/she’s not on the clock? Sure — I know lawyers to whom that applies.

But none of that means the profession should be respected.  

Stripped of all their self-important pomp and circumstance and the letter soup title that goes behind their names, this is what lawyers do: play word games for money to further their clients’ interests.

That’s what the job boils down to, which is unworthy enough of any undue admiration even when the client has a righteous cause, but becomes contemptible when their client is an engine of mass murder, as the U.S. government is, and job #1 is obfuscating inquiry into an institutional corruption scheme to profit off of death and fear.

Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.

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