
City Farmer News
About City Farmer Shoemakers, fashion models, computer geeks, politicians, lawyers, teachers, chefs … all city dwellers … all can grow food at home after work in back yards, community gardens or on flat roofs. For the past 33 years, City Farmer has encouraged urban dwellers to pull up a patch of lawn and plant some vegetables, kitchen herbs and fruit. Our message is the same today as it was in 1978 and will be relevant far into the future. This website is a collection of stories about our work at City Farmer here in Vancouver, Canada, and about urban farmers from around the world. The site is maintained by City Farmer executive director, Michael Levenston. Email: Phone: 604.685.5832 City Farmer’s first web site Urban Agriculture Notes ( has hundreds of pages of information about city farming. Begun in 1994, it was the first web site on the Internet to publish information about urban farming. City Farmer teaches people how to grow food in the city, compost their waste and take care of their home landscape in an environmentally responsible way. When visiting Vancouver, British Columbia, visit our staff at the Vancouver Compost Demonstration Garden, 2150 Maple Street, and see how we take care of our urban landscape. See a compost toilet, green roof, cob shed, organic food garden, permeable lane, natural lawn, waterwise garden, worm and backyard composter and more. 604.736.2250
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