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By JLenardDetroit
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VP Debate follow-up [updated]

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Hey gang I was not planning to do a ‘VP Debate follow-up” and follow-up to /republican/2024/09/the-vp-debate-should-have-a-very-simple-strategy-from-jdvance-2445263.html that I wrote as/for lead-in to the VP Debate and the The KAMALunits vs Trump Debate (/media/2024/09/update-on-the-media-lies-about-the-harris-v-trump-debate-2516215.html)…. But I just got off RESTREAM Recording with Mike (aka: SAVAGED) for upcoming Savaged Unfiltered show so I decided to put that BehindTheScenes Video here that was LIVEstreamed to my @JLenardDetroit LIVE tab on my YouTube channel (it starts with a NATIONAL WALK/BIKE TO SCHOOL discussion (which that Savaged Unfiltered episode/cut will appear later today everywhere podcasts are heard) and while I didn’t say during show but should have overweight is one thing but this now glorifying and trying normalize OBESITY (BAD HEALTH) is NOT ACCEPTABLE like the whole Lizzo worship idiocy AND then 2nd part is what will be cut out for a SU show on the VP Debate) so please tune-in via Video for that (the SU official version will drop Sat. Oct. 5th same day as my CTP School Shootings episode I mention here-in the SU discussion) to see/hear 90% of the real responses I had (beyond the few social-media posts I made online)… as well as I will cut/paste some social-media posts I made during and after the VP Debate….


My social-media posts, in reverse order (last/latest to first/oldest)…. My HONEST THOUGHTS not just Rah Rah Rah my guy…. Some missed opportunities for Vance just as was with Trump but Moderators purposefully, willfully, malice aforethought, trying to keep them on DEFENSIVE and you are bound to forget some points you would otherwise make in a time-pressure situation like that (yes, I’ve Run for Office did Debates and Interview, I KNOW, can’t get in every point you want; so I will get in some here FOR HIM/THEM)…..I am on 12+ platforms like GAB, GETTR, Truth, MeWe, TLBTalk, and more — see:  but mainly here are cut/paste from GAB….



Correction to my prior post Tim “eager” he said “passionate”

yes, “passionate” about Indoctrinating Kids about #Chinese #MAO-ism, never showing them the HATE and DEATH/POVERTY caused by #COMMUNISM.


#TimWalz (#TamptonTim, #AWALZ, #TiananmenTim, #TiimidTim, #WeakTim, #SoyBoyTim, #UnTrustworthyTim) ADMITS during #Debate that HE IS FRIEND TO SCHOOL SHOOTERS. He had a chance to CLARIFY if what he said was not what he meant to say when Reporters confronted him and HE REFUSED TO ADDRESS his comments!!! And, yes, we’ve said all along LEFT is Friend to SCHOOL SHOOTERS as they REFUSE TO PROTECT OUR CHILDREN keeping #GunFreeSlaughterZones that #Shooters know they will be unopposed for some time to MASS-#MURDER until #Police show up with #Guns TO STOP THEM!!!

I did not do a write-up follow-up to the #VPDebate, but it is still important to #SHARE all the #LIES from the The #KAMALunist vs #TRUMP #Debate…


Also, Sat. Oct. 5th will be my FULL CTP SHOW discussing SCHOOL SHOOTINGS and more… Tune-in Sat afternoon for that at:
OR you can see the Show episode #SneakPeek #Video version at:



#TimWalz (#TamptonTim, #AWALZ, #TiananmenTim, #TiimidTim, #WeakTim, #SoyBoyTim, #UnTrustworthyTim) ADMITS during #Debate that HE IS FRIEND TO SCHOOL SHOOTERS. He had a chance to CLARIFY if what he said was not what he meant to say when Reporters confronted him and HE REFUSED TO ADDRESS his comments!!! And, yes, we’ve said all along LEFT is Friend to SCHOOL SHOOTERS as they REFUSE TO PROTECT OUR CHILDREN keeping #GunFreeSlaughterZones that #Shooters know they will be unopposed for some time to MASS-#MURDER until #Police show up with #Guns TO STOP THEM!!!

I did not do a write-up follow-up to the #VPDebate, but it is still important to #SHARE all the #LIES from the The #KAMALunist vs #TRUMP #Debate…



Also, Sat. Oct. 5th will be my FULL CTP SHOW discussing such…

Tune-in Sat afternoon for that at:

OR you can see the Show episode #SneakPeek #Video version at:


and correction to my prior post Tim “eager” he said “passionate”

yes, “passionate” about Indoctrinating Kids about #Chinese #MAO-ism, never showing them the HATE and DEATH/POVERTY caused by #COMMUNISM.

[more on Communism, Fascism, Socialism, down-thread --- really ZERO DIFFERENCE in them these days, just slight variations on EXACT SAME THEME and Total Control over you Goals]


SOMEONE (elsewhere) quoted 2Chronicles7:14 
If my people.. PRAY.. TURN FROM WICKED WAYS.. hear.. heal land..

that means AN ACTION, WE at least try TURN OUR LAND FROM WICKED WAYS by OUR ACTIONS/DEEDS not just whining/words, then #GOD WILL HELP!!! NOT, wave magic wand, HELP US — IF we Act!!

COMMUNITY (Voluntary (Free Will, Freedom), Charitable (from/with own Blood and Treasure), lift UP, etc.) Biblical 
COMMUNISM/SOCIALISM (Forced, theft redistribution, tear down, etc.) IS NOT

more in my 2 CTP #books  (CTP2 just dropped on June 1st 2024)…   
… and as referenced many times in my #CTP #podcast ( ) #Show episodes.
(just discussed with Christopher Armstrong Stevenson, episode (Special) will drop likely some time in Oct (did just drop TODAY Wed. Oct. 2nd 2024 – see:; as well as Book of Revelation discussion, if we HASTEN it (and inaction, is still an action, as songs says: Choose not to Decide, Still have made Choice) we are complicit in the #EVIL there-of/there-in) 
BTS Video of/with Chris:




#TimWalz (#TamptonTim, #AWALZ, #TiananmenTim, #TiimidTim, #WeakTim, #SoyBoyTim, #UnTrustworthyTim) was NOT an “eager” #Teacher he was an eager Leftist Activist to #Indoctrinate #Children w/ #Leftist #Marxist #MAO-ist manure and quickly started his trips to #China to showcase their Pom and Circumstance while AVOIDING showing them any/all of the DOWNSIDES of #COMMUNISM!


I did not do a write-up follow-up to the #VPDebate, but it is still important to #SHARE all the #LIES from the The #KAMALunist vs #TRUMP #Debate…



really? How many STABBED TO DEATH by Knives each year?
How many beaten to death by baseball bats?

More in:

more in:


YES you can YELL FIRE in a Crowded Theater 
HOWEVER, if there is NO FIRE then you are GUILTY of several Local, State, and Federal, Law Violations – cuz the idiot Justice that said that and that entire Ruling has been disgraced and lambasted. THAT IS NOT A MATTER OF FREE SPEECH (opinion) AND ZERO to do with many 1A Rulings about COMPELLED SPEECH (Cake sayings, etc.) and CENSORSHIP of Speech LEFT fully engages in hourly of every day. IF you YELL FIRE where is none – Charges to follow should be: 
Did a whole piece on that, that moron Tim HAS NO CLUE (like The #KAMALunist) WHAT THE FUCK HE IS TALKING ABOUT 99.99999% of the time!!!


just dropped….


CTP S2EOctSpecial1 NOTES ( listen (Wed Oct 2 2024 and thereafter) at: )… 

ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2EOctSpecial1) Sow to Reap, Known by Fruits, Failure to Act is complicit in the Evil befalls w/ Christopher Armstrong Stevenson

See buzzsprout Transcript for full Show Notes and Transcript Bonus

Christopher Armstrong Stevenson joins the Show to talk Youth moving Rightward/Faithful, about Christian duties, Community vs Communism, as well as Book of Revelation discussion and if we HASTEN it (and inaction, is still an action, as songs says: Choose not to Decide, Still have made Choice (Only thing required Evil Prevail, Good Peoples Do Nothing)) we are complicit in the EVIL there-of.

See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript for full Show Notes (including related links)

Transcript Bonus: “Is Prayer Alone Enough?” TheLibertyBeacon piece



Here we go with the WIDESPREAD FRAUD and NO CREDIBLE EVIDENCE dodges (Language matters, and LEFT twists it (like depends on definition of what ‘is’ is again bullshit)) by The Left as the Moderators SPEW AGAIN in there biased question…

and I address that AT LENGTH in…



see the original post on GAB for all the attached IMAGES for following post:

Killing, is NOT “Care” – Doctors USED TO Pledge to DO NO HARM! and that means to/for ALL HUMAN LIFE!

The Child is IN her Womb, NOT her Body Part!

That Woman could have and should have had a C-Section cuz with modern Tech BOTH LIVES could have been Saved.


FINALLY JD is pushing back a bit, cuz he has been UNDERWHELMING so far IMO.

more in…. I direct you to EVERY BLACK LIFE MATTERS discussions I had with Keven and Neil… While the Left wants to continue to SLAUGHTER CHILDREN with the LIFE (dodge, I already addressed) and RAPE/INCEST dodges – which combined ALL LESS THAN 1% OF ALL BABY MURDERS that happen via Abortion! #FACTSmatter



NO #TamponTim PROJECT 2025 is NOT the Trump Vance Platform – it is on the Trump website —- you are NOT running against Heritage Foundation which the Project 2025 thing is on their website and again IS NOT OUR PLATFORM.



I thought #JDVance was supposed to be SUCH A GREAT #DEBATE guy!




more in….




Hey gang CTP #podcast is now on its 21st #platform,

#DeepCast #FM provides users a unique #AI generated #episodes #digest (breakdown of new episodes when they drop from #podcasts you select to receive from) and can/will deliver them direct to your inbox!

(#SignUp for #DEEPCAST #digest, for new #episodes breakdowns and more)



It’s almost here! What? The #VPDebate of course….

Get peek at what #JDVance can, could, probably should, be prepared for tonight and his potential retorts (as we know the #Moderators will aid/abet #AWALZ as they did The #KAMALunist in #Debate with #Trump)….


The #VP #Debate should have a very simple #strategy from #Vance… [updated]




Looking to prepare for tonight’s #VPDebate?

Well… got ya covered, check this out…

The #VP #Debate should have a very simple #strategy from #JDVance… [updated]

Republican | Sep 30 2024





The VP Debate should have a very simple strategy from JDVance…

Monday, September 30, 2024



#AWALZ, not exactly AWOL, but how is what he did ANY BETTER?!?!? Cutting and Running from his Unit he would let go into Combat so he can Run back to States after spending his whole “Military” career assuring he would always be SAFE well behind any Combat Zones —- probably drinking Wine with Italians (any bets that info exists somewhere, China probably has it, as if they’d need extortion materials on ProChina Tim, could be used to Blackmail him of him with Italian Hookers?!?!? And maybe not all of the Female, nor all of the OF AGE as The Left continues to protect PEDOPHILES) back in Italy while others REALLY SERVE TO PROTECT AMERICANS AND FIGHT FOR FREEDOMS OF/FOR OURSELVES AND OTHERS!!!!!

#TimWalz #Military Record A JOKE (willing to put on Uniform as long as he was FAR AWAY from Combat, and went #AWALZ (term I started, glad to see even used on FOXNEWS now, the day he was officially announced VP nominee, more below) when clear he’d actually have to go into WarZone, not be HIDING/SAFE in Allied Nation deployment).
We need REAL MEN/WOMEN that Served as PATRIOTS,
basically call him #AWALZ (as he skipped out, before he would actually have to bother to see COMBAT, he was STRIPPED of the Rank he claimed while Running for Congress (aka: STOLEN VALOR, for the most part, went #AWALZ (new form of #AWOL, no different abandoned his outfit) before entering BattleZone yet claimed to be in Combat), etc…).

Our Military, our Republic, Military men/women running for Office…
Military | Jun 17 2024

see also: 
Harris and Walz – Two ultra-leftists #CommieFasciSocies blend folks on same Ticket…
Politics | Aug 06 2024 16:12



#Harris / #Walz DOUBLE DOWN on his #StolenValor selling #HarrisWalz2024 CamoHat?!?!? ROTFLMFAO
But, to be fair, this is more #Hunting #Camo than #Military #Camo, but as IF #TimWalz is a big #Hunter and is not another #FASCICRATS #GunGrabber (2A has ZERO to do with Hunting).

#TimWalz #Military Record A JOKE (willing to put on Uniform as long as he was FAR AWAY from Combat, and went #AWALZ (more below) when clear he’d actually have to go into WarZone).
We need REAL MEN/WOMEN that Served as PATRIOTS,
basically call him #AWALZ (as he skipped out, before he would actually have to bother to see COMBAT, he was STRIPPED of the Rank he claimed while Running for Congress (aka: STOLEN VALOR, for the most part, went #AWALZ (new form of #AWOL, no different abandoned his outfit) before entering BattleZone yet claimed to be in Combat), etc…).

Our Military, our Republic, Military men/women running for Office…
Military | Jun 17 2024 12:12

see also:
Harris and Walz – Two ultra-leftists #CommieFasciSocies blend folks on same Ticket…
Politics | Aug 06 2024 16:12


An aside on the Dock/Port-Strike…. I do not care WHO you are and WHERE you are working – asking for 77% increase over even TEN YEARS (others argue, that Union Boss spoke out-of-turn they really looking for 50% (some Outlets Reporting the Companies have already offered 50% but was rejected, so again tell me who is supposedly NOT GREEDY and that only Corporations are Greedy?!?!?) – but I ask HOW MANY OF YOU ALL GOT 50% increase over last 2, 3, 5, 7 or even 10, years time?!??! as if that is not as pathetic as a demand/expectation) would be much and they are asking for that over about half the course of next Contract. Even WITH #BiDUMBflation caused by BiDUMB/Harass #COMMUnomics (majority of these Strikers likely Vote in BiDUMB/Harass that brought all this) that is OUTRAGEOUS ASK and go complain to BIDUNG and The #KAMALunist NOT your Employer about the Inflation. So, yes, I ABSOLUTELY SUPPORT replacing some with ROBOTS if they are going to put THEIR GREED (while trying to whine others are Greedy) over the whole issues OF THE ENTIRE NATION!!!! You chance for SYMPAHTY went out the door with that 77% DEMAND (not request, not  honest Contractual Negotiations, DEMAND VIA STRIKE)! And, Yes, I have been in Contract negotiations FROM BOTH SIDES as I was in a Union and in them from that perspective and as part of Management on the other side of the Table. It is like MORONS that Voted for Biden also likely Voted for Clinton and the NAFTA farce that they Voted to ELIMINATE THEIR OWN JOBS going over Seas, now these morons STRIKING to eliminate many of their Jobs — as with UAW and TEAMSTERS now many Voting TRUMP cuz their Commie Union Bosses SELL OUT THE RANK AND FILE! related: /economics-and-politics/2024/09/interesting-no-endorsement-by-teamsters-quick-examination-2532563.html



This isn’t the 1930′s where Nazi-Socies in Germany (later known as Fascists, as was El Duce’s and Franco’s Parties in Italy and Spain) fought for control of those respective Nations against Moscow backed Communists. TODAY, they are all ONE IN SAME (next to no real difference but a different color Flag) and a #CommieFasciSocies BLEND all about eliminating FREEDOMS people now have never before seen in EARTH HISTORY (Western Culture, mainly due to #USA)… 


trying take us back to time of all Governments run by RULING ELITES CLASS lording over all else.

Their #FASCICRATS BrownShirts (or, if you prefer El Duce and Franco Fascist BlackShirts) under false names out Burning, Looting, Murdering – and anyone with BRAIN can understand it.

irrefutable #FACTS in: 


Their #FASCICRATS BrownShirts (or, if you prefer El Duce and Franco Fascist BlackShirts) under false names out Burning, Looting, Murdering – and anyone with BRAIN can understand it.

irrefutable #FACTS in: 


RELATED/RECENT (Sept. 2024, other from me) B4IN PIECES

HILARIOUS, if not so serious, LIES, DEFLECTION, PROJECTION, from The Leftists…. | Opinion – Conservative | Sep 29 

Random thoughts… Highlights from this weekend’s (so far) social-media posts… | Opinion – Conservative | Sep 28

No you CAN NOT REST…. | Opinion – Conservative | Sep 27


World War III inevitable?!?!? | War and Conflict | Sep 27 

International Taxation issues (finding that Sweet-Spot, too low ineffective, too high backfire) | International | Sep 25

Bill Clinton (then) vs Mark Robinson (now) – thought Adult Sex matters didn’t matter (lets do necessary comparison)… | Media | Sep 25 

How is it that Criminals are like the new CELEBRITY CLASS and feel ENTITLED to getting CRAZY REQUESTS fulfilled… | Crime All-Stars | Sep 25 

So sad gotta say it: IT’S THE ECONOMY STUPID! No, really, if talking anything else (‘cept maybe 20M Illegals flood) is #StrategicallySTUPID… | Economy | Sep 24

Brett Favre testifying about FRAUD before Congress? Let’s discuss (that and more)… | The Law | Sep 24 

EXCLUSIVE share to and with my fellow Christians here on BeforeItsNews… | Christian News | Sep 23 

Every Black Life Matters (All Lives Matter – All Lives have Value/Meaning) | African American News | Sep 21 

Micro vs Macro | Green Living | Sep 21 

Iran allied with Russia, yet some want to try the Russian Collusion idiocy card against Trump again?!?!? | Iran | Sep 19 

Interesting… NO ENDORSEMENT by Teamsters… Quick examination…. | Economics and Politics | Sep 18 

Too Late? As Reagan warned: Now NATION GONE UNDER? Last chance #RestoreOurAmericanRepublic | U. S. Politics | Sep 17 

Everything Left/Democrats does is predicated on DOUBLE-STANDARDS…. This applies to former POTUS’ Protections too… | U. S. Politics | Sep 16 

SCOTUS must step in and STOP this BS of Activist Courts RULINGS in clear violations of own State Laws and Constitution…. | The Law | Sep 16 

Gods Not Dead: In God We Trust, Reagan, Forge, Am I Racist, more, films out now… | Movies | Sep 14 

Stand Against Tyranny (everywhere)… Highlighting Derek Reimer Canadian DeepState Political Prisoner… | Canada | Sep 14 

Do you REALLY want the DMV controlling your Health-Care?? That is what MediCAIDforall would be.. | Healthcare | Sep 13 

Do NOT be like Leftist Snowflakes… | Republican | Sep 13 

Are Voo-Doo Cult Haitians really eating Pets in Ohio City?!?!? | Conspiracy Theories | Sep 13 

OK, seriously, let’s examine the Cat, Dogs, Ducks, Geese, Eating in the Room…. NO, seriously look at…. | Immigration | Sep 13 

Suddenly many NOT CONCERNED about others’ Health – pure Politics…. | Health | Sep 12 

UPDATE on the media LIES about the Harris v Trump Debate…. | Media | Sep 12 

Last Night’s Debate…. (and Somber Remembrance of 9/11)… | Opinion – Conservative | Sep 11

Are you going to let them play FUN WITH NUMBERS spin/games? Or you really checking the Math??? | Personal Finance | Sep 10 

Is the number SIX always better than number THREE – just cuz 6 is bigger than 3?!?! | Economics and Politics | Sep 10 

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH – time to Harden (Security in) Schools NOT confiscate Law Abiding peoples Guns | U. S. Politics | Sep 10 

Debate Tonight Will Be REAL PREDICTABLE… SneakPeek, know before you tune-in at 21:00ET…. | U. S. Politics | Sep 10 

9/11 Somber Remembrance Time Again – 2024 | 9/11 and Ground Zero | Sep 08 

Charity (Community (Biblical) vs Communism) – Neighborliness (Free Will) part 2…. | Politics | Sep 07

School Shootings… TIME TO ACT and assure Children never again easy targets for mass murderers… | The Law | Sep 05 

Books: Fantasy Fare | Books | Sep 03 

The rest of my BeforeItsNews pieces:


Here is the last pieces from me over on TheLibertyBeacon for Aug/Sep 

Some additional random TLB IMAGES (and these are FAR from all items I’ve dropped at TLB) from pieces over on TLB (reminder, after 1 yr B4IN moves pieces to Archives and images get stripped, so after 1 year they will no longer be visible here) most of which correspond/conjunction with a CTP episode (care to bet CLUELESS err… I mean… ANONYMOUS knows what NORTON V SHELBY is let-alone a damn thing about that or any number of the other things I’ve delved into over last few years on/with/via B4IN and TLB):

TLB images section end

ALL of my TheLibertyBeacon pieces:


“ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP) and more…
- CTP:  
- CTP long-form description: 
- episodes digests direct:  
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter:  
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest):  
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout: 
- CTP Coffee affiliate 1: (promocode: JOSEL20) 
- CTP Coffee affiliate 2: (promocode: CTP10)   
- CTP Official playlist:  
- Transcription Services by: Converter.App  
- Joseph M Lenard –  ( /  


Here is a recent piece ABOUT ME rather than FROM ME:



Sept. 2024 CTP Video (Bitchute, Brighteon, Rumble, and YouTube, @JLenardDetroit channels, exclusive): CTP (S2ESepVideoExclusive2, 20240926) Kamala Goebbels Harris BTS Video (

Sept. 2024 CTP Video (Bitchute, Brighteon, Rumble, and YouTube, @JLenardDetroit channels, exclusive): CTP (S2ESepVideoExclusive) Do You Love & Appreciate God In Good Times Too Or Just In Times Of Need (

There are STILL B4IN Video embed issues, can only have one per article or it can cause issues!


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