Too Late? As Reagan warned: Now NATION GONE UNDER? Last chance #RestoreOurAmericanRepublic
If you catch/watch me here on BeforeItsNews (more than once or twice, then likely) you’ve seen I’ve found a few ways to occasionally CHEAT a bit rather than create a whole new B4IN piece out of whole-cloth… Well… Yes… Doing it again…. Cutting/Pasting from #TruthSocial conversations [with some added expounding where needed for added context]…
[Reagan: "Nation gone under" speech]
Texas has designated the Venezuelan Tren de Aragua gang as a foreign terrorist organization.
The Lone Star State continues to do the job that Border Czar Kamala Harris refuses to do.
[HARSH???? Please keep reading...]
B Caldwell @thorns_N_thistles
Replying to @lancegooden
The Democrat Party should be designated a terrorist organization.
There needs to be CONSEQUENCES for destructive lawlessness and its slanderous propagandist media warriors.
[EVEN HARSHER???? Please keep reading, I try to DIAL IT BACK some...
IS THAT GOING TOO FAR, well I sure TRIED to be a bit more "GENTLE" (too much CHILLI POWDER in the Chilli, can make it unpalatable to digest) but yet "STURN" at same time in my replies...]
JLenardDetroit @JLenardDetroit
Replying to @lancegooden and @thorns_N_thistles
Like it or NOT, the reality is THE LEFT [not all, like Dennis Prager says, and I quote in my CTP book, there is a difference between a full-own ideological never rational cannot be reasoned with LEFTIS and a Classical Liberal (like Candace Owen, Brandon Straka, Tammy Bruce, even Alan Dershowitz who said he voted for #Hitlery in 2016 (refusing to had admitted before how much further into #CommieFasciSocies blend she is from when her husband was POTUS) saying there is no way he can any longer be a Democrat as indeed he now must finally admit how far afoul from JFK days it has drifted, Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard, Jeff Van Drew, several elected Democrats (Mayors, State Legislators, etc.) in CA, FL, NY, TX and other States (far more switching from D to R than CINOs/RINOs Cheney and fake cryer Kitzinger), Leo Terrell, and so many others that RED-PILLED)], the demoKKKrats [those that had not let go of that they wanted to KEEP SLAVERY (and as Candace Owen's says, they just created a new/different ECONOMIC PLANTATION) and wanted to enact something other than (as Frederick Douglass in his later years, after learning, after stopping listening to those wanted keeping him DOWN/UNDER-CONTROL) the 3/5's Clause was an assurance SLAVERY would end and we SUPPOSED TO (but demoKKKrats blocked every step of way) to MOVE ON and ALL REALLY BEING FREE HERE IN USA (Leftists, then, now, always about POWER/CONTROL over others for their Elitist benefit, them always to try be RULING ELITES)], had started this SECOND CIVIL WAR a long time ago and tried doing it as undercover SILENT COUP FROM WITHIN, while so many complacent lazy do-nothings Neville Chamberlains ALLOWED IT!
Whole lotta BRAIN DEAD idiots that refuse to see what has been happening since the Assassination of JFK the absolute LAST of any good still well intending but DUMBocrats (the remaining goods ones, long USEFUL IDIOTS while they were undermined (as they refused, thought they could SETTLE, they could stop the SLIPPERY SLOPE (THEY REFUSED TO DEAL IN REALITY OF) to disaster they put us on)). If more of them (as a Candace Owen (BLEXIT), Brandon Straka ( ), and others) DO NOT AWAKEN FROM THEIR LEFT, CULTURAL MARXIST intent to destroy FROM WOKE STUPOR then we are indeed as Reagan warned A NATION GONE UNDER and this COLD CIVIL WAR of last 50 or so years WILL GO HOT as I discuss on CTP w/ William R Douglas airing next mo.
CONTINUED RESPONSE, via additional reply (TS has Character limitations in any one post):
(CONT) I just have SO DAMN MANY IMPORTANT SHOWS that have to air, and a few PROMISES MADE I MUST KEEP, to get them all on FAST ENOUGH before November 5th #Election2024.
PLEASE HELP SHARE THEM! This is NOT about money for me, but PATRIOTISM to #ROAR (#RestoreOurAmericanRepublic) as I am on Disability and costing me money I CANNOT AFFORD (but if Nov goes bad, WE ARE ALL FULLY DOOMED, all will suffer the coming devastation). THERE IS NO TIME LEFT Reagan warned all those years Prior yet we stayed on HIGHWAY TO HELL at 250mph refusing to TURN AROUND!
FAR TOO MANY MORONS ASLEEP, consumed by Left (learned from ROME) with/by BREAD AND CIRCUS (as well as CHAMBERLAINism of CINOs and RINOs willing to SELL OUT for their own temporary gains, condemning their own Children’s future) and falling for Left #LIES every damn Election cycle.
ChristiTutionalist Politics “Bread and Circus (redux, and yes part 2 additions)”
[attachments (note, B4IN strips images after 1 year time, if you do not see them that likely why, when items moved to Archive Servers)]
There are LITERALLY 28 Planks in the DNC Platform of the NSDAP Platform – the obvious two GUN-CONTROL and SOCIALIZED-MEDICINE (about Power, centralizing that Control, not about Health-Care (as Care goes down, Rationing starts, everywhere Socialized-Medicine implemented)) but yes there are 26 other items (Sanger Eugenics, Woodrow Wilson and Albert Spear as well as Goebbels style Speech controls/censorship (call it HATE Speech or DISINFO *) while getting our your lying propaganda techniques, etc.) in there too. NOT HYPERBOLE, not exaggeration, oh sure their Language is more flowery to avoid the absolute direct give-away (not like they took the NSDAP German and ran it through Google-Translate and cut/pasted direct English translation in). And exactly why, Psychological Projection, they try call everyone else HITLER or NAZI (the Leadership knows, but the DUMBocrat useful-idiot Base does not, so call everyone else NAZI is a DEFLECTION TECHNIQUE (Alinsky tactics).
* /education/2024/07/language-use-and-abuse-2464215.html
I sure do NOT disagree with B Caldwell @thorns_N_thistles
“The Democrat Party should be designated a terrorist organization.”
for more than 200 years demoKKKrats have been the root of 99% of all Violence movements in our Nation.
THU. SEP. 26th 2024 UPDATE…. You think somebody as STUPID (dumber then a Pet Rock, should not be in charge of a Lemon-Aid Stand, nor Dog-Catcher, let-alone POTUS, that spews SHIT like the following (just one example, of the MILLIONS we could share) is qualified to even be the EMPTY SUIT FIGURE-HEAD?!?!? She cannot express anything, even after people tell her what they want her to articulate. SHE CANNOT, SHE IS NOT CAPABLE….
#OMG: You see/hear The #Klueless #KAMALunist latest #WordSalad?
#HOLISTIC?!?!?? She completely #DODGED the question and she clearly thought the word was about WHOLE as in BROAD APPROACH zero clue what #HOLISTIC means.
I just dropped a piece on TLB this morning titled: “The #KAMALunist Speaking On More She Knows Nothing About…” about her incoherent ramblings about #Tariffs and then today THIS #DISASTER. Seriously, one has to be dumber than a #PetRock to remotely consider #Voting for this DUMBER THAN A ROCK moron – there has never, ever, been anyone as Dumb and Clueless as #VPQuotaDEIHire (and got even anywhere close to on Radar for that by #KneePads) run for #DogCatcher let-alone She is running for #POTUS?!?!?
more in…
and related (one seriously clearly WANTS TO DESTROY THE #USA if considering #kamELE (Extinction Level Event if elected) #Kackles)…
The #KAMALunist is getting SOFTBALLS (but as GUTFELD! said) she needs T-Ball (and I add, even when/where on a T she still MISSES BY A MILE, She needs a Wiffle-Ball but the size of a Goodyear Blimp if any chance to Hit it).
Seriously, if it were MY JOB to do the #WordSalad clean-up, the only reasonable SPIN that you could put out to #ENEMEdia (cuz you know they, like with her, will not ask you follow-up) is IT WAS AN ANALOGY (which makes as much SENSE, ZERO, as the original #WordSalad, but #MORONocrats lap up the next SPIN/STUPID to then Parrot dutifully with zero understanding or how to explain it cuz there is NO WAY EXPLAIN the original idiocy from #KAMALunist, nor the/my “creative” NEXT NEWS-CYCLE BULL DEFLECTION hoping something happens that can mercifully take THAT ALL OFF THE NEWS-CYCLE!
KACKLES is clearly from the IF YOU CAN’T DAZZLE THEM WITH BRILLIANCE BAFFLE THEM WITH BULLSHIT School of thought – and always in the latter mode!
CONTINUED RESPONSE, via additional reply (TS has Character limitations in any one post):
William R Douglas will be on CTP next month to discuss his book…
[B4IN blocked image, claims TOO BIG for their TOS for image insertions, so please see Douglas' book cover at:]
OK, Leftists CALL ME RACIST, as that is your only DODGE argument and sure in your idiot minds can try to link this to RACISM somehow?!?!? see related: CTP (S2EtbdSpecial, 2024tbd) Kevin McGary of EveryBlackLifeMatters BTS/SP Video and CTP (S2EtbdSpecial, 2024tbd) Neil Mammen of EveryBlackLifeMatters BTS/SP Video Liars, morons, cuz you GOT NOTHING! Your idiot Make America Great Again cries is RACIST manure, even though Clinton/Gore used the slogan on buttons along with CONFEDERATE FLAG (but no cries of Racism then, despite the demoKKKrats Racist Confederate South past).
Didn’t have room for my #ROAR joke, NO not talking Katy Perry FanBoy (#ROAR tune and video, homage to Hellen Reddy I AM WOMAN song) but #RestoreOurAmericanRepublic….
From other #SocialMedia posts I’ve repeated, several times, over the last few months (I am on 12+ platforms):
SOMEONE (elsewhere) quoted 2Chronicles7:14
If my people…. PRAY…. TURN FROM WICKED WAYS… heal land….
that means AN ACTION, WE at least try TURN OUR LAND FROM WICKED WAYS by OUR ACTIONS/DEEDS not just whining/words, then #GOD WILL HELP!!! NOT, wave magic wand, HELP US — IF we Act!!
COMMUNITY (Voluntary (Free Will), Charitable, lift UP, etc.) Biblical
COMMUNISM/SOCIALISM (Forced, theft redistribution, tear down, etc.) IS NOT
more in my 2 CTP #books (CTP2 just dropped on June 1st 2024)…
… and as referenced many times in my #CTP #podcast ( ) #Show episodes.
(just discussed with Christopher Armstrong Stevenson, episode (Special) will drop likely some time in September; as well as Book of Revelation discussion, if we HASTEN it (and inaction, is still an action, as songs says: Choose not to Decide, Still have made Choice) we are complicit in the #EVIL there-of/there-in)
Jon Kahn – Fighter (Official Music Video) #TrumpVance2024
Too many LAZY and COMPLACENT people REFUSE to take their WE THE PEOPLE duties seriously and do NOT pay any attention until 3 months before an Election every other year — AND THEN JUST buy-in to LIES of/from Left of their Print/Radio/TV Ads because again they are TOO DAMN LAZY to do any Research themself.
The #KAMALunist on just her 2nd (fake, w/ friendly Reporters) #interview (before Natl. Assoc. of Black Journalists giving softball questions she still didn’t answer and they had no follow-up questions; meanwhile remember back when Trump was there was not an opening question but an opening VERBAL COMMENTARY false-narratives ATTACK on him)…. Told most of the SAME #LIES she told knowing she would not be challenged by friendly Left #ENEMEdia during the #Debate, plus tossed in for good measure the #FL “Don’t Say #GAY” legislation #LIES!!!
more on the #KAMALunist #LIES:
FOR GOD’S SAKE even Bernie Sanders said on CNN, KAMALA IS LYING ABOUT HER POSITIONS as “pragmatic” to be able to Win and Election (cuz if HONEST, ZERO CHANCE of Winning)!!!
BUT AGAIN LAZY POS PEOPLE that will Vote BASED ON #LIES cuz they are TOO LAZY BOTHER take their VOTE seriously – will just happily allow selves to be USEFUL-IDIOTS to their own demise!!!
Everything Left/Democrats does is predicated on DOUBLE-STANDARDS…. This applies to former POTUS’ Protections too…
Never ending Race-baiting and #IdentityPolitics (deflect, divide, conquer) manure!
Still peddling the CHARLOTTESVILLE (“Fine People” context distortions) LIES (Very Fine People on BOTH SIDES of the STATUE DEBATE, NOT White and distortions, people can STILL find the comments where DJT made the comments (saying 3 times, NOT talking about White-Nationalists, Neo-Nazi’s, or etc… in the full/longer Press Conference time-period) over ON YOUTUBE it has NOT been pulled (which is the Video that was sent to Brandon Straka (Gay White Liberal Democrat, who laughed but watched, and finally awoke TO THE LIES THE LEFT MEDIA WAS PEDDLING and went down rabbit-holes to find how indeed most else he bought into WERE LIES, and created WALK AWAY FROM DEMOCRATS movement because of such) and even SNOPES (usually Leftist propaganda SPIN operation) actually/really fact-checked this time the Left LIES on that.
The usual LeftyLoon #ENEMEdia #RACEBAITING!!!! As Lib #BIAS talking heads cry: “IMAGINE IF THEY WERE ‘BLACK’” in response to DC Capitol “MOB”….
we don’t have to imagine… we know from #BlackLyingMarxist ROVING TERRORISTS HELL BENT ON DESTROYING THINGS #RIOTS that the Democrats ordered the Police to STAND DOWN and BACK OFF – as evidenced by many RIOTING, LOOTING, and ARSON, events of 2020!!!
And, just like they refuse to ever air FULL CHARLOTTESVILLE VIDEO, they now censor his CALL FOR CALM AND CONDEMNATION OF VIOLENCE – so they can continue their FALSE NARRATIVES!
Funny, I remember the days not long ago #ENEMEDIA LOVED the LeftyLoons OCCUPYING the #WI Capitol FOR DAYS and destroying things to block Walker and GOP from legislating AND what about the FASCICRATS that stormed the US Capitol and assaulted GOP Senators during the Kavanaugh hearings (it’s not that they forgot, it’s that they are #ENEMEdia LeftyLoon #BIAS #SPIN #HYPOCRITES)!
For any ONE OVER ZEALOUS PATRIOT event on the Right, we can provide ONE THOUSAND WORSE EXAMPLES OF THE LEFT – but, of course, the Left will NOT acknowledge any of that — just continued #DoubleStandards #HYPOCRISY!
Many of the initial INSTIGATORS exposed as LEFT WING PLANTS, but (of course) that “#NEWS” conveniently buried!!
These are more MOSTLY PEACEFUL PROTESTS than all the RIOTING, LOOTING, BURNING of #AntiFa / #BlackLyingMarxists Klans. The #JOKE that is #CNN, #MSNGC-iles, et al, on full display again.
And where are the LEFTY LOONS and their #JUSTPROPERTY hashtags (which, of course, with #Antifa and #BlackLyingMarxist TERRORISTS it’s not, burning down Businesses cost people their Jobs and now unable to put Food on their Family tables)??? Where is the #HANDSUPDONTSHOOT #FalseNarratives peddlers about Police having shot people (it’s OK though, they are White)?!?!
THE COUNTLESS BLACK COMMUNITIES THE LEFT #BLM (Black and White Leftist Mobs) BURNED DOWN and BLM Leaders bought Mansions with monies raised NOT ONE PENNY went to rebuild the countless BLACK OWNED BUSINESSES THEY BURNED.
And we still await CHAZ and other RIOTS/LOOTING/ARSON arrests?!?!? But immediate arrests/crackdown on this!
Coming soon from Joseph M Lenard to TLB and CTP podcast…
- God’s Not Dead – WOKEists Warping Words/Scriptures – Sep. 21st
- School Shootings – Oct. 5th
- How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 1) – Oct. 12th
- Micro vs Macro – Oct. 19th
- RFK Jr. as Health Secretary? – Oct. 26th
- How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 2) – Nov. 2nd
2024 ChristiTutionalist TM Politics Show Special Guest Appearances (Wed drops) Aug-Dec preview
Media | Aug 17 2024
See most recent JLD B4IN pieces at:
JLD TLB pieces:
Joseph M Lenard books:
How am I bringing back the LITTLE WILLIE JOHN “FEVER” Song?
see: /sports/2024/06/will-wnba-actually-put-female-pro-sports-really-on-the-map-or-die-to-dei-correctness-hate-2785791.html
Going further back….
A response I made to someone (SMS Texts, back and forth) in regard to their saying a recent CTP Show “BrainDead (well that’s a harsh title LOL) part 1″ ( was/is “thoughtful”…
Thx for the feedback on BrainDead1 episode (he will be on my Show soon for an already “Listener Feedback” mini-episode in next several weeks (end of February or early March 2024) when he wanted to react and talk about S1E13 “Censorship” Show) I indeed go for “thoughtful” (always, logic and reason and facts) though I have addressed that sometimes I may indeed get HOT/ANIMATED and sound more like raving lunatic (Leftist) at times (while “spirited” in “tone” and action – still using logic/reason/strategy but just a bit more “passionately” delivered (see related 1m YouTube Short on that))! LOL Thankfully those number of Shows are the exceptions and not the Rule. I am always going for “not the same ole talking-point takes of the usual suspect talking-head parrots” (there is Hannity and a million others for the same-ole bs parrot responses (though, not to say, sometimes a particular talking-point oft heard is not worth repeating too, but parroting cannot be one’s ONE TRICK (and sadly too many are just parrots (or One-Trick-Pony, if you prefer) with never any originality — AT ALL, EVER (at least if delivering the same basic “topics” have some reasonable different approach or other “angle” of delivery than same mono-tone talking-head resting face and voice))).
Rick Walker joined me on my Show awhile back – see:
2023 in review…
[BRIEF NOTE: There has been, continues to be AN ISSUE with BeforeItsNews of late (in certain B4IN category sections, not all) in embedding Videos that I have filed a Support ticket regarding and still awaiting resolve. Normally, I am able to add several embedded Videos within every piece. For some reason I am limited to only including one as attempting more causes entire HTML code and parts of Articles TO VANISH. So, there will be additional links to Videos. Related Videos that I had hoped to embed throughout are...
"(CTP S1E28) SneakPeek/BTS "Can One 'Generalize' About Women Voters?" (Audio Show drops 20231230)"
or Rumble:
"CTP BTS/SP (S1EDecSpecial (MidWeek 12/6/23 drop)) "Dating in these WOKE times" Politics dividing."
"CTP S1ENov2023Special BTS/SP "Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas""
"CTP S1E25 BTS/SP Video "Year in Review (part 1)" 20231209 Audio podcast drop"
"CTP BTS/SP Video (S1E26) Year in Review (part 2)"
These Videos are also available via Bitchute and Brighteon @JLenardDetroit channels.
To see my CTP Show "Soundbites" samples - see:
Take these, and of course ANY of the ChristiTutionalist TM Politics episodes on the Road (or whatever/where-ever) with you via Buzzsprout or any of the 14 other podcast platforms it is available. ]
WHO IS BABY-SITTING WHOM? Wards of State, Slaves to State…
CTP S2E59 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Aug 3 2024 and thereafter) at: )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E59) “Who is Baby-Sitting Whom?”
“Who is Baby-Sitting Whom?” Are YOU the Parent, or just the Night-Sitter for WARDS OF STATE Children?!?!?
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript for full Show Notes (including related links) and Transcript Bonus
A myriad of Rabbit-holes (including how a recent #Joestradamus prophecy came true (#Kamalot Spin; Style over Substance, Personalities over Principles, #IdentityPolitics deflection from Policy (especially Biden/Harris admin #EpicFail policy disasters) that I (#Joestradamus) predicted (they would take my JOKE and try and make serious) almost a full week before NYMag decided to put the farce as A SERIOUS COVER? even though there is a REAL KENNEDY (descendant of #Camelot) in the Presidential Race), and another #kamELE prediction (ELE, Extinction Level Event)) ultimately culminating in how they all relate to how The Left wants your Children (the one’s that PlannedSlaughterhood doesn’t Murder) as Wards of Fascist State! How does Tyrus of GUTFELD! Show factor in this?
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: TLB “Slaves To State” piece
Episode related pieces…
SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces (planned going forward from August 31st) and correlating/corresponding CTP Shows already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes…
August 31 – S2E63: Neighborliness
September 7 – S2E64: Charity (Neighborliness, part 2)
September 14 – S2E65: Stand Against Tyranny
September 21 – S2E66: WOKEists Warping Words (Twisting Language part 3)
September 28 – S2E67: Strategically Stupid
October 5 – S2E68: School Shootings
October 12 – S2E69: How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 1)
October 19 – S2E70: Micro vs Macro
October 26 – S2E71: RFK Jr. as Health Secretary
November 2 – S2E72: How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 2)
Public Law 97-280 enacted October 4, 1982 makes 1983 the first ever Congressionally Declared “Year of The Holy Bible” as the Word of God for everyone.
Thank you for sharing,
but ever since then LEFT BEEN TEARING DONE our Judeo/Christian Nation ethos
more on my podcast (Wed/Sat, drops)
Every Congressional Session opens with Prayer
REALLY JUST A JOKE, a “tradition” most (esp. on Left there-in) allow continue as PART OF CHARADE
while they DESTROY all ties of our Nation to our Judeo/Christian Foundations
more in my 2 CTP books
Said (SMS Texting back/forth) to SAVAGED of SAVAGED UNFILTERED (I sometimes co-host, not sure I will any more) after he said wants PIVOT and stop all Politics stuff on the Show
Makes sense, let’s just do jokes, to hell with the Nation, let’s FIDDLE while Rome burns and just hope and pray OUR HOUSE is just the last to burn down. AT LEAST wait until after election to pivot – or you just conceding to the #KAMALunist?
Go let him know displeasure. Need ALL VOICES to KEEP AT counter Left #ENEMEdia #LIES
#Happy, Happy, #Joy, Joy
#KAMALunist leading her #BrainDead morons at one of her Rallies (devoid of all #Substance)….
Did you see the FARCE at #Black #Journalists (more correctly, #propagandists) #Association the other day and the MORONIC “What does #JOY mean to you” #Softball (as all were) #Questions of #kamELE?!?!? While, of course, while #Trump was there no #Questions just ASSAULT COMMENTS expecting him to respond to (actually, they did not care IF or WHAT he would respond, they just got the next #ATTACK ready)…
#obaMAO / #BiDUMB years: #HOPE AND #CHANGE (lies)
#Harris / #Walz: #Dope and #Deranged (delusion)
more in…
#Harris and #Walz – Two ultra-leftists #CommieFasciSocies blend folks on same Ticket…
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 16:12
Jon Kahn – Fighter (Official Music Video)
Had you heard the #President of #Mexico blamed #BiDUMB for increased KILLING of/by #Cartels in Northern Mexico —- guess what, he is IN MANY WAYS 100% CORRECT! #BiDUMB has clearly been the #Cartel MAN OF THE MONTH for every Month the last Three Years!!!! BiDUMB has enriched and empowered them with the #OpenBorder more than they ever had Power and MONIES flowing to them in History!!! #BiDUMB, and if The #KAMALunist gets elected will continue, the MOST DESTRUCTIVE USA PRESIDENT to/for ALL NATIONS ON THE PLANET (except our Enemies like #China, #Iran, #NoKo, #Russia, etc.m they have ALL been enriched, emboldened, empowered, etc.).
Other recent items here on B4IN by ME (author of this piece)
Every Black Life Matters
African American News | Sep 21 2024 19:24
Micro vs Macro
Green Living | Sep 21 2024 10:46
Iran allied with Russia, yet some want to try the Russian Collusion idiocy card against Trump again?!?!?
Iran | Sep 19 2024 12:51
Interesting… NO ENDORSEMENT by Teamsters… Quick examination….
Economics and Politics | Sep 18 2024 16:46
Too Late? As Reagan warned: Now NATION GONE UNDER? Last chance #RestoreOurAmericanRepublic
U. S. Politics | Sep 17 2024 22:41
Everything Left/Democrats does is predicated on DOUBLE-STANDARDS…. This applies to former POTUS’ Protections too…
U. S. Politics | Sep 16 2024 16:18
SCOTUS must step in and STOP this BS of Activist Courts RULINGS in clear violations of own State Laws and Constitution….
The Law | Sep 16 2024 01:14
Gods Not Dead: In God We Trust, Reagan, Forge, Am I Racist, more, films out now…
Movies | Sep 14 2024 21:50
Stand Against Tyranny (everywhere)… Highlighting Derek Reimer Canadian DeepState Political Prisoner…
Canada | Sep 14 2024 11:53
Do you REALLY want the DMV controlling your Health-Care?? That is what MediCAIDforall would be..
Healthcare | Sep 13 2024 23:43