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By Jeffery Pritchett
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China’s Communism Infiltrates the United States Whilst Taking Advantage of Us Financially (Video)

Thursday, June 21, 2018 7:45
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China has taken advantage of the United States for so many years. Especially since China doesn’t pay tax (because they are state-corporation) and ran by companies with big boss family members. With the recent trade war situations with Trump and China things have heated up on many fronts. Trump is trying to protect America from communism many believe.

China and Korean war loom over Trump and Kim Jong-un when it comes to relations. The Korean War has been dubbed “the forgotten war” in the United States, sandwiched between World War II and the Vietnam War. But with President Trump the first U.S. president to meet a North Korean leader with an eye on a peace treaty formally ending the conflict, it’s important to keep in mind how important the war was and remains in the People’s Republic of China. All of this plays an important part on the world stage right now. China is a Dragon that must be watched. Things are heating up and it is important to see the many layers of history that add to the story.

In this 1st video, Foreign Correspondent Alex Newman of The New American explains how the mass-murdering Communist Chinese dictatorship is infiltrating U.S. universities and schools. Among other tactics, the regime’s front group, the China-U.S. Exchange Foundation, has been showering “grants” on American institutions of higher learning that are then used to promote Communist Chinese propaganda. Another scheme involves so-called “Confucius Institutes.”

These centers, funded by the murderous regime, purport to teach the Chinese language and culture. But they also promote the regime’s lies and deception on Tibet, Taiwan, communism, international affairs and much more. This is a threat to education and national security that must be resisted.

Next Video Chinese Communism Here To Stay

NEW YORK, April 12, 2018 — Mareike Ohlberg, a research associate at Berlin-based think tank Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS), explains why China’s Communist Party believes an active foreign policy helps it maintain control within its borders. ( 2 min., 31 sec.)

Next Video: Steven Mosher joins Alex Jones live via Skype to lay out how communist China plans to be the epicenter of a new world government / economy by enslaving their own people.

I host the Church of Mabus radio show and it is going on 8 years. I’ve been in the paranormal community for 20 years. I provide content from a network of sources and guests and allies. Ranging from Politics to the Paranormal and the Spiritual. You can check out my other articles here at my BIOGRAPHY at BIN and you can check out my free radio show at this link HERE. Thanks for showing your support and stopping by.



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Total 7 comments
  • Equalizer

    Russian? “Clinton collusion”. China is the true concern.

  • Slimey

    The Chinese have a system of NO HONOR. They have NO HONOR in their society. It’s about Emperor rule. These people are like ants looking for a Queen to breed and live off of.

    Read what Einstein observed about the Chinese. The sick man of Asia. Strange breed of people. Would sell their mother’s blood if they could make money off of it.

    They are kopykats and the only thing going through their mind is $$$. They have a rigid ideology because their people NEED one or they would cannibalize each other like clockwork. :cool:

  • Man

    Wait Wait wait… Are you saying that China is worse than North Korea now?

    Sure … Thank god that russian communism is ok

  • DK

    Blame Tricky Dicky, this time it would be right. Preferred trading partner, technology transfer, open markets and no reciprocity just to drive a wedge in the communist block.

  • holeshot

    WRONG !! It’s not the Chinese who have invaded but the Entire Communist Party and they have ONLY invaded our universities, the Democrat Party and the Congressional Black and Hispanic Caucuses. Nobody remembers what Kruschev said about “Feeding us Communism little bits at a time “. Guess what ? THEY DID IT !!

  • DangerWillRoberson

    where is any material evidence to support this claim? i need to study thee evidence and reject the fiction? :!:

  • Anna Lyse

    If the Chinese did plan to build a one world order it is only the result of the fact that the west started with their evil plans decades ago. The Chinese who have faced various problems with the west managed to build their country despite the large profits of the business with the west disappeared in the pockets of corrupt western businessmen. These business men bought dirt cheap for pennies and sold dirt expensive for dollars … Ever seen a decent and honest business man? I did not. Not convinced? Look at the huge income of the few hundred scum bags, who strange enough in the USA are regarded as heroes.

    It is only through the unbelievable hard slave work that the Chinese built their country in record time. And then the USA blame the Chinese? How blind can the USA people be? I have been various times in China and have worked with Chinese engineering people and these people deserve all the compliments. Despite the very low margins they managed to develop their business to an extent that the USA can not compete against … But do not blame the USA worker but the companies who were given all the freedom to go abroad and a government that was corrupt to the bone. Do not blame the thousands of highly skilled engineers who warned that it would be more than stupid to stop production in your own country as it will never return as you rapidly loose know how …. They were not listened at as the stupid money people always acted what suited them best to fill their pockets …

    The real problem is not the people at the work floor but the fact that people at the top are bribable. But not only that: there are secret organisations who work underground. These organisations are more dangerous than armies … They are the real threat to any nation. Together with banks they can completely ruin the world. And that is what happened in WWI, WWII en now in WWIII. Yes, WWIII is going on !!!

    The USA banks and multinationals have behaved as parasites with the petrodollar … They spent money like water, were lazy and became stupid and fatter by the day sitting behind there TV and shopping and eating in de shppping mall … Sorry folks, you really have my sympathy but that is what it is. If you have to blame somebody you do not have to go far: it is your own goverment and your own companies who just went for the short term money. And secret organisations were behind that. They betrayed you !!! Not the Chinese !!

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