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By Lisa Haven
“Christian Persecution – A religious persecution that Christians sometimes undergo as a consequence of professing their faith, both historically and in the current era. In the two thousand years of the Christian faith, about 70 million believers have been killed for their faith, of whom 45.5 million or 65% were in the twentieth century according to “The New Persecuted.”
Not only Christians but now, more specifically, Conservatives are the target here in America.
I highly encourage you to watch the video below in its entirety. In it I delve through how departments within the United States government and social media are cracking down on conservative more than any other group. All that and more below…
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Just round up some REAL criminals, and then we all will be Happy…Lock em up…Lock em up!
Cheers, Uncle Hexy
Don’t you ever get frustrated typing out these long articles that nobody ever reads?
Seriously, I see you Tagline, and head straight for the Comments. Experience shows that those are the only good parts of your typical dreck!!!
I know a secret. Wanna play a little game?
What do you mean by dreck?…alles ist ya dreckish
She never stops. It’s always doom and gloom. I bet a very heavy ugly black cloud must hang over her home with all of that negative energy. She loves to pimp fear, and it’s usually for idiots and prepper’s, but I bet in her home, there is no hint of any long term survival rations. She just puts out these headlines and videos for money, she doesn’t actually believe them.
There is no money in the simple Truth;
I.D.’s Illegal.
It’s illegal to use a legal name.
Inc.I.D. job WTC towers of concrete and steel was to distract from THE Twins of Revelation; “I.D.s I77EGAL.”
Flight 77, 911, the legal religions paedophilia; ‘the riddle of the sphinx’, encoded in Haward Christy Chandlers 1940 painting; ‘Scene at the Signing of the Constitution of the United States Sept. 17 1787′, UNSC chamber New York main mural painting 1950, Mona Lisa, Edward Munch’s Scream 1893+ many more….interactive drawing files on link;
simple de-fund the irs, do a flat tax,some use taxes,reduce gov employees. swat team round up all the private families that own the irs – us tax payers we own nothing! , put them all in jail as domestic terrorist military tribunals consorting with the enemy/economic enemy collusion with the eu and various globalist , and multitudes of separate rico act also, take all their money property -holdings around the world including bunkers, space assets,airports and para military- sell it all off and give them public scum bag court attorneys -like they do to us, give them a fair trial and hang entire family publicly we might get 100 years of peace.