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To understand the absolute magnitude of this prophecy fulfillment, one must simply examine the extensive evidence collected below.
The Biblical ‘son of perdition’ has been identified!
2 Thessalonians 2:3 “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;”
FEATURED DVD: The Son of Perdition: Barack Hussein Obama (Part 1 of 2)
Here is the latest DVD exposing President Barack Obama as the Biblical Son of Perdition.
FEATURED VIDEO: Anti-Christ UNVEILED: The Sun Rising in the West
Description: Our bodies are referred to as the Temple of the Holy Spirit, we are once again (through Christ’s sacrifice) a habitable dwelling place for the Spirit of the Living God, a divine connection that had been cut-off since Adam & Eve in the Garden. Well, we all know Satan mimics the nature and character of God, thus, the passage from Daniel 9:27 says “and there shall be in the temple the abomination of desolation”. We would argue that this verse is talking about the Temple body becoming desolate, hacked into by Satan and his demons. Wherein the Mark of the Beast would ultimately unleash this dark potential within the human genome, with the spirit of fallen angels descending onto Earth, and Lucifer himself ultimately setting up residence in the flesh of the willing Antichrist: “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” REVELATION 12:9
FEATURED VIDEO: The Phantom Tyrant: Barack Obama Commentary
The NWO crescendo is building, but Truth always comes out in the end, therefore massive chaos must be unleashed in order to cover up PURE EVIL of this magnitude.
FEATURED VIDEO: The Antichrist is Exposed
Barack Obama’s lawless reign continues behind the scenes, with his holdovers still in the Dept. of Justice (and with Deep State/CIA/MSM help) he has been able to direct public attention toward the false “Russian Collusion” story. All the while, ACTUAL evidence is surfacing regarding his disregard for American law and national safety. Monday we could have a key witness testify against Clinton & Obama, pray for his safety.
FEATURED VIDEO: The Antichrist Will Return Amidst Engineered Anarchy
The stage has been set. All that is left is for chaos to engulf the United States. You-know-who is coming back, in fact he never left. Lucifer controls the world stage from behind the curtain, and his plans are purely sinister and evil beyond human comprehension. You have to have a relationship with Jesus Christ, Yeshua the Savior of the world in order to make it through what is coming upon this Earth.
We welcome you to visit: THIS IS IT Be4theFire
Source Link:
Anti-Christ Unveiled: The Sun Rising in the West – Prophecy Fulfilled (Video)
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the antichrist will be worshiped as god, no one loves Obama he is shunned, no so smart reads scripts teleprompters!
no obama aka berry soros is not the antichrist i bet but there is one ready to stand in a rebuilt third temple.
today there is no temple yet 2018? there is no great deception alien jesus UFO jesus 666DNA upgrade?
anti= in place of , great signs and wonders! obama is some kind of butthole licker has the spirit of antichrist but i think a Nephilim or fallen angel will come as a muslum from a well who will have powers be 9 or 12 foot tall will transmit sounds light and some kind of energy to memorize its listeners!
I don’t understand why false christs like DangerWillRoberson won’t accept that Obama’s the Antichrist.
At BeforeItsNews, we’re many who accept that Obama’s the Antichrist so watch out for the false christs that refuse to accept that Obama’s the demonic Antichrist in the end of times because they’ll lead you to hell.
Accept that Obama’s the Antichrist and Satan.
I support THE LIGHT: yes, Obama’s truly the Antichrist and therefore Satan-in-Person.
Obama’s 3d cousin says Obama’s real name is Barry Parks, born in Topeka, Kansas.
Why is no one investigating the Kansas lead? (Obama’s mother was born in Kansas. So why the cover up? Why are the birthers not even investigating that trail? Are the birthers really covering up for Obama and the CIA? That’s what Obama’s 3d cousin Linda Joy Adams – see her blog – says. Check out her “Daily Recap” posts on her blog.
The exact opposite is usually closer to the truth than anything the “king” has to say. Just look at his track record of continuous idiocy – especially his demonic driven obsession with Obama being the AC – speaks for itself . .
The Ferrett works for Obama the Antichrist.
Don’t listen to a thing he says.
THE LIGHT and I agree that Obama’s the Antichrist and so do David Montaigne, Mark Brander and Jaywill here at BeforeItsNews so they’re certainly the prophesied Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
I only watch part of the video (too long repeat stuff).
Barry is just a Negro into sodomy because it is the sex of the devil. The boy makes a fool of himself and delights doing that in front of people. And the people mock him in return by calling the Negro “President”.
All-in-all America falls over the Negro worship and nonsense not taking herself seriously at the coming calamity about to befall her.
Yahuah send you women and children (Negroes) when you sin. White people are aghast when Negroes rage into the planet of the apes. Calling their leader “Presdident” isn’t going to appease the Negroes.
Obama Statue To Go Up In His Birth State. Image Of The Beast! Following Obama’s Fake Birth Narrative (Video) Apocalypse
Christ is spiritual, I do not want Eden upon the Earth again. It is not what you think it is.
The useful idiot: (red “libertarian” leftist, humanist, environmentalist)
The useful idiot is a stage only? (used by the gardener/caretaker of Hell?) Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. Eden was Eden just because they didn’t know any-better, they could not judge, they lived their moment in time just like a white dove would have. (innocent)
The Knowledge of Good and Evil. Albert Pike said it, NASA in their depopulation plan says it.
“Those who will not use their own brain,. they are nothing more than meat on the table. and beasts of burden by choice and consent.” – Albert Pike
The omnibus spending bill. The Communist Agenda funding bill.
TEXE MARRS – Illuminati Vision 2025—The Elite’s Ten Point Plan
Observations of Putin – Ray Novosel notes:
In July 2016, Russian president Vladimir Putin approved a package of laws that ushered in tighter restrictions on largely Christian missionary activity and evangelism despite prayers and protests from religious leaders and human rights advocates,. The amendments, included laws against sharing faith in homes, online, or anywhere but recognized church buildings.
Putin has compared Lenin to that of a saint and declared that Soviet communist ideas “came from the Bible” clearly proving that Putin’s thinking is and remains a product of Jewish Bolshevism. This would also strongly suggest that his avowed Christian faith is fake – just like the Spanish Marranos; Jews who pretended conversion to Christianity for convenience, but who continued to practice Rabbinical Judaism in secret.
Because he openly pretends to be a Christian, he is thus seen by the Russian Orthodox Church as almost messianic, not because of his merits for Christ, but for making Russia a great power again – clearly his doing. And Putin sees himself the same way. As a Royal Arch Freemason, he will consider himself to be a God and honour the Masonic God, Lucifer.
Recently an anonymous former MI6 pupil writes: “I was recruited into British Intelligence in 1979. I was then used and abused as ‘zygote’ from that point on. I was also programmed by a Masonic cult (Royal Arch Freemasonry) to anoint the anti-Christ and then Messiah. They chose their ‘anti-Christ’ in 1979. A young Russian officer from the KGB called Mr Vladimir Putin.
The Washington Post 20 Jan. 2016 reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed to members of the European Jewish Congress, that Jews facing a rising tide of anti-Semitism and bigotry farther west should move to Russia, where he said they would be better accepted. Readers of the Jerusalem Post have chosen Putin as their person of the year.
In July 2014, Vladimir Putin met with a delegation of rabbis, led by Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, former Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar (Chabad Lubawitsh, and rabbis of the Rabbinical Center of Europe (RCE). Rabbi Yosef began by saying “according to the Jewish tradition, your leadership is decided by the kingdom of G-d, King (God) of the world, and therefore we bless you: Blessed is the One who gave of His glory to flesh and blood.”
So what does this term “Blessed is the One who gave of His glory to flesh and blood” actually mean?
The Australian Journal of Jewish Studies. Jewish Prayers for the Government: The Talmud (TB Berakhot 58a) reported that in ancient times the people were agog to see the king, Jew or gentile. A benediction was required by halakhah (Jewish law): On seeing a Jewish king and his court, it was Barukh.shenathan mik’vodo levasar vedam, “Blessed be He … who gave some of His glory to flesh and blood”
Putin was ‘anointed’ in 1993 and rapidly rose up the ranks of the KGB to become spy chief. Later on to become acting Prime Minister of Russia and finally the President. This would NEVER have happened in a totally Jewish controlled Russia if he were truly Christian
In Nov. 2013: An historic agreement was signed by European and American rabbinical councils, in which world rabbinic leaders declared that the Chief Rabbinate of Israel leads the Jewish world. Deputy Minister of Religious Services Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan (Jewish Home/Bayit Yehudi) also signed the treaty. These rabbis who met Putin in 2014 represent the very top of the Pharisaic NWO pyramid Jewry: Rabbis Yosef and Lau represent the Rabbinate of Israel.
Therefore the High Priests of Judaism have anointed Vladimir Putin to be King of the Jews, thereby declaring 1) Putin is Jewish – not just by heart, as he has always shown, but also genetically 2) he is either to rule the “pious Talmudic” Rothschilds, the Jewish Supreme Court of whom in Jerusalem is the supreme Temple of Masonry – or rather take his orders from them. Putin today lives like a king in every way.
The clear fact is that the God of Judaism is Lucifer, including Freemasonry in general – please make no mistake about this. It clearly appears that Putin has been appointed King of the Jewish NWO world on behalf of the governing world Pharisee rabbis – the Kehillah.
So, this current Putin bashing or “east vs west” dialectic is phony, just like the so-called opposition of the Jewish owned MSM and the Jewish owned Trump. Think about it! Trump would NEVER have made his millions in historically jewish owned Manhattan property without their help. It’s all theater to deceive the goyim and its classic Mossad . . .
Fascinating comment The Ferret.
I am aware of this view point that Putin is part of The NWO agenda…..a significant part.
Is that view point true ?
I haven’t got a clue but keep my eyes and ears open for CLUES.
I am going to remain NEUTRAL on this topic at the moment but, NOTHING would surprise me.
I have just read the article reference….Putin BANNING RAT$child & FamiLIE from Russia…
Putin Declares “Total Independence” From Rothschild NWO Banking Cabal Which Began In 2006
In June last year President Putin BANNED JACOB ROTHSCHILD AND his New World Order banking cartel FAMILY FROM ENTERING RUSSIAN TERRITORY “under any circumstances,” and now, just over one year later, PUTIN has DECLARED “TOTAL INDEPENDENCE” FROM the global banking cartel and ROTHSCHILD international MONEY LENDING organizations.
Declaring the achievement the “greatest gift” that can be given to future generations, Putin hosted a party in the Kremlin to celebrate the achievement.
“They said we couldn’t do it, they said we would be destroyed,” PUTIN told staff and senior associates. “Our FUTURE GENERATIONS WILL BE BORN WITHOUT ROTHSCHILD CHAINS AROUND THEIR WRISTS and ANKLES.”
* *
We have BEEN DECEIVED to such a COLLOSAL EXTENT……why would the TRE$PA$$ING $CUM stop now
I would like to have your view point proved wrong BUT, I am well aware what you have written may well be the
China is of interest to me as Chinese business is KAIFENG “joo” DOMINATED, just like the West.
So, IF China is FAKE-”joo” CONTROLLED……why……is Putin “consorting” with Chinese “joo$”
whilst APPEARING to REJECT “Western”…….FAKE-”joo$”.
As we are all aware…..the “joo$” are…..ONE BIG impermeable……Ko$her No$tra.
* *
China and the Khazar Zionists
It is a sad and sobering fact that the JEWS ARE ALREADY DEEPLY ENTRENCHED in CHINA and have been been so for centuries. As an erudite China watcher on my site was quick to point out recently, the sinofication of Jewish names was already underway during the time of the Ming Emperors several centuries ago:
“During the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644), a Ming emperor conferred seven surnames upon the Jews, by which they are identifiable today: Ai (艾), Shi (石), Gao (高), Jin (金), Li (李), Zhang (張), and Zhao (趙); sinofications of the original seven Jewish clans’ family names: Ezra, Shimon, Cohen, Gilbert, Levy, Joshua, and Jonathan, respectively. (VN: I highlighted the “Li” name since that is one of the 13 bloodline names we profiled on Vatic Project, a while back.)
Interestingly, two of these, Jin and Shi, are the equivalent of common Jewish names in the west: Gold and Stone.” (See here)
The ORIGIN of the CONFLICT BETWEEN CHINA and the ROTHSCHILD-Backed —EAST INDIA COMPANY i.e., The JEW-RIDDEN NUCLEUS of the BRITISH EMPIRE—can be found in this bland statement about
“In the 17th and 18th centuries, the demand for Chinese goods (particularly silk, porcelain, and tea) in the European market created a trade imbalance because the market for Western goods in China was virtually non-existent; China was largely self-sufficient and Europeans were not allowed access to China’s interior….
The British East India Company had a matching monopoly of British trade. [It] began to auction opium grown on its plantations in India to independent foreign traders in exchange for silver.
The opium was then transported to the China coast and sold to Chinese middlemen who retailed the drug inside China. This reverse flow of silver and the increasing numbers of opium addicts alarmed Chinese officials.”
To deconstruct and simplify:
Europe wanted tea, silk and porcelain from China, but China was self-sufficient and needed nothing in exchange from Europe. The result was a trade deficit in which Britain (via its East India Company) owed China an enormous and increasing amount of silver.
How did Britain try to solve this tricky problem? It left it to the Jews who formed the nucleus of the East India Company to come up with a neat solution.
The East India Company began to grow opium on its Indian plantations. It then transported the processed opium to Bombay and Calcutta where the crop was sold by auction to “independent foreign traders.” This innocuous phrase—“INDEPENDENT FOREIGN TRADERS” —needs translation. It is of course a euphemism for JEWISH (VN: khazar……) MERCHANTS.
There were not only swarms of British and European Jews in India at this time, concentrated mostly in the port cities of Bombay and Calcutta, but an entire community of Indian Jews: namely, the Cochin or Malabar Jews (see this picture) who had made their home at the southernmost tip of India from earliest antiquity.
The Jewish merchants who had bought the opium in India then shipped it to China on their opium clippers where it was exchanged for silver from “Chinese middlemen”—most of whom were Kaifeng (Chinese) Jews—another fact that has been carefully concealed by our politically correct court historians. These Chinese Jews thereupon proceeded to distribute the opium all over China, causing an epidemic of opium addiction among Chinese of all classes, ranging from the elite landowners and mandarins to the lowest coolies and rickshaw pullers.
Curiously enough, OPIUM DEN$ OFTEN DOUBLED AS BROTHEL$. (VN: that is how you can tell these were KHAZAR$ and not the Biblical Jews. PORNOGRAPHY IS PART OF THEIR PAGAN SATANIC RELIGION, in worshipping the phallic symbol).
When we look back at the BRITISH EMPIRE, and the part played by JEW$ in bringing it to the pinnacles of wealth and power, we cannot but help reflecting on Balzac’s famous epigram:
“Every key position in the process of the BOL$HEVIK DESTRUCTION of CHINA has been JEWISH.”
(VN: and SCHIFF is the one that GAVE $20 MILLION to TROTSKY (aka Bronstein) TO OVERTHROW RUSSIA.
* * *
ALL the SIGNS exist that “joo$”…..”took down” BOTH Russia and China IN THE PAST.
The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.
The Opium War and related occupation/asset stripping of China 1600s…1700s….1800s….1900s……
With Hong kong handed back in 1997.
So IF, what is going on currently; on the WORLD $TAGE i$ ALL THEATRE, I can only imagine that AT IT’$ BASE is some sort of …….a$hkeNAZI khazar “TURF-WAR”…….in which….GENOCIDING ManKIND is the UNLAWFUL but DE$IRED AIM …….
with the “joo$” ARGUING over the….$POIL$ that REMAIN ?
I have not read the article posted as, I AM NOT A FAN of this poster……The Light….neither do I beLIEve
in the Antichri$t “story”…..It is simply $atanic/DARKfAR$E$ Agenda Imho.
* *
My comment is simply my thoughts on the possibility that Putin is an ACTOR in The NWO…UNLAWFUL…Theatre.
UNLAWFUL……Imho, ManKIND holds Prime Creator GIFTED Dominion over the entirety of Earth.
The…..BLOW-IN$/”joo$”….are…..TRE$PA$$ING CRIMINAL$ ….from elsewhere…Imho……
therefore holding ….NO LAWFUL TITLES….and …..NO LAWFUL POWER.
Rabbi Laitman – “We (jews) Are Aliens From Another Galaxy”
Listen to heaven’s signs and miracles.
Obama’s got the curse of 666 upon him.
The day after his election the Mark of the Beast 666 was drawn in the lottery in his home state: that’s proof that heaven sent a message to curse Obama by means of that 666 miracle.
Don’t listen to those who say Putin’s the Antichrist, they’re lying.
Obama’s got the curse of 666 upon him.
The day after his election the Mark of the Beast 666 was drawn in the lottery in his home state: that’s proof that heaven sent a message to curse Obama by means of that 666 miracle.
46 days till Trump moves the US embassy to Jerusalem and kicks off the Apocalypse by doing that.
We must bring the message of the Apocalypse to the whole wide world.
Hurry, because this is the end of times now going on before our eyes.
Unlike you, with endless failed apocalypse prophecies, KOS, I am a true prophet. Here is what I prophesy, and test me whether this comes to pass. In 46 days, you will either be dead or still be a batshit crazy, idiot troll. Thus saith the prophet.
Watch out for criminals like Anonymous, he’s a criminal working for Obama’s thug orgs like and Organizing for Action (OFA).
He’s made many death threats against me.
I’ve gotten several trolls making death threats like him banned from BeforeItsNews – because death threats are wrong TOS : they’re are forbidden and get ten years in jail by law and $50000 in fine.
Obots Are Making Death Threats To Me, Panicking With 45 Days Left Till Apocalypse/Armageddon And Last Judgement For Them (Video)
you kids and your fantasy fairy-tales
- there is no god
- the bible is a fiction
- jesus never lived
Still posting shite KOS
And under a new name I see, THE LIGHT! Talking to yourself on BIN’s now, I told you that you were off your fukn head mate
THE LIGHT, David Montaigne, Mark Brander and Jaywill at BeforeItsNews are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because they all say repeatedly that Obama’s the Antichrist.
Now the time has come when Trump moves the US embassy to Jerusalem so the time to spread the good news has come that the Antichrist is revealed and so is also the Messiah.
Spread the news unless you don’t want to be saved in heaven.
King…stop posting as “the light”
45 days till the Day of Last Judgment.
All the Obama paid shills in the comments here will pay for their support of the Devil Obama.
It’s toast.
Here we go again. Another week, another game of Pin the Tail on the Antichrist.
cece, Smile – Be Happy!
45 days till the Day of Last Judgment.
All the Obama paid shills in the comments here will pay for their support of the Devil Obama.
It’s toast.
Democrats must be serial killers then. Using that nice and friendly show biz acting skills to hide behind while they kill everyone through healthcare murder system