Pope Francis: The Devil Is Real & More Intelligent Than Us & Don’t Argue With Him (Video)
Pope Francis regularly mentions the devil in public speeches and on Twitter, with regular references to; the devil, Satan, the Accuser, the Evil One, the Father of Lies, the Ancient Serpent, the Tempter, the Seducer, the Great Dragon, the Enemy, demon, and legion.
Note the terminology “serpent” and “dragon” – names some believe allude to reptilians (or “anunnaki”) who are often associated with the underworld.
In an interview with a Catholic media outlet, Pope Francis provided some unnerving insight into the nature of Satan.
Perhaps the most chilling among his musings were that the devil is not simply some kind of boogeyman invented to frighten people, but is actually a genuine incarnation of evil.
“He’s not like mist. He’s not a diffuse thing, he is a person,” Pope Francis told the Italy-based broadcast network TV2000.
Although he did not speak to the possible identity of the devil, His Holiness did express concern about anyone who may encounter the wicked individual and foolishly engage him.
“I’m convinced that one must never converse with Satan,” Pope Francis said, “he’s more intelligent than us, and he’ll turn you upside down.”
The Pope went on lament that the devil “always pretends to be polite – he does it with priests, with bishops. That’s how he enters your mind. But it ends badly if you don’t realize what is happening in time.”
Some theologians attribute Pope Francis’ words as well as his previous statements regarding Satan to his Jesuit background, but stress that the Pontiff speaks quite seriously when he talks of the devil and his nefarious ways.
While that may be the case, one also can’t help but wonder if perhaps the Pope’s knowledge of Satan is also informed by his role as the head of the Catholic Church and whatever secrets he may have been told upon assuming the position.
To that end, it’s far more troubling to hear that Satan is a living being that can outsmart humans when it is said by the Pope rather than the guy on the corner handing out Chick Tracts.
Source: The Telegraph via CoasttoCoastam
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“don’t argue with the devil” huh francis…..sure looks like your predecessors gave the devil no argument when they tore the guts out of people in public if caught owning a bible…..gave the devil no argument when you built the pope’s audience hall shaped like a snake’s head with reptilian eyes for windows, and fangs right on the stage which the pope sits between….gave the devil no argument with one disgusting pedophile story after another for decades emanating from the catholic church.
Losing a LOT of arguments with your BOSS for centuries it seems…
Good Journeys
It is blatantly obvious that he does not worship Yahweh but I bet he fears Us more! http://www.wheretofromhere.org
yup–the devil has zero power..none.. uses the hate,anger,hostility,JUDGEMENT of humans to get the job done…very effective–bible thumpers,christians are some of the devils best agents of satan–they are very effective at using wrath,judgement –the guidebook,the bible, that satan gave to the dudes in the cave who wrote it,the word of men,not god–brings a sheet load of chaos,mayhem to this planet for thousands of year,just like the devil intended…nice….
So, the Pope is telling you not to argue with him? He is far more brighter than you. Except him for what he is – the Devil’s advocate.
Argue with him all you want, intelligent people can be as crooked as a dogs hind leg.
According to the Bible we are to resist the devil and he will flee from us ! That means put up a fight . But you better be a child of GOD before you try it ! Jesus addressed the Roman Priest that had taken over the Levitical Priesthood in Jerusalem as vipers , snakes and children of the devil . Today that same Priesthood sets on the vatican seats . They are the negative blood reptilians . On YouTube you can see the pope teaching his followers that Jesus was lucifer’s ( devil’s ) son . In isaiah we are told lucifer was cast out of Heaven for trying to over throw GOD and Michael the Arch Angel cast him out . In Revelation 12 we are told again that Lucifer the dragon , the devil the serpent will be cast to earth to make ready for his judgement . Knowing his time is short he goes forth with rage . The pope has made a statement according to information that he is going to step down in spring and let the one he calls worthy lead the nations of earth and take his seat . The vatican has built a telescope watching for their daddy , they even named it lucifer after daddy . They also are planning to build him a temple in Jerusalem for daddy lucifer to set in . On YouTube you can search and see the pope teaching his people that lucifer is Jesus father , sorry this is blasphmy , because we are told that GOD’s HOLY SPIRIT was Jesus Father . Then they sing praises to lucifer . The vatican is the natzi NWO zionist Esau Edomite dukes that GOD tells us in Malachi 1:1-4 that HE hates . In other books we are told they will come to complete destruction and no longer exist at the time of the end . In Revelation we are told they are the ones that have lead Kings and Kingdoms away from the truth . When lucifer is cast down will he be a reptilian looking creature that the Bible calls the beast or will he shape shift like his children and pose as a man ? You can look up shape shifting and see some of lucifer’s children swapping in and out from man to lizard and back to man or woman . By Eveything taking place and as prophecies that are coming to life before our eyes , the time of lucifers arrival to planet earth seems to be close at hand . I know the vatican is excited .