VERY URGENT WARNING ALL HEBREW ISRAELITES: Alphabet Government Sponsored Illuminati Controlled Organizations Are Being Used As A Cunning Deceptive Lure To Get You All Corraled Together As A Major Domestic Terrorist Group, Which Is The Lure In-Set Up-Secure-Trap Phase, Then They Will Quickly Make The Drop On You All Via Martial Law & Military Roundups Into FEMA Mental Reconditioning/DNA Manipulation Camps & Into FEMA Extermination Camps For Those Of You Who Don't Comply With The Mark Of The Beast-Chimera 666 Total DNA Corruption Protocol. This Will Happen To You If You Support Their Wicked Core Beliefs, Since Their Unrighteous Deceptive Man-Made Satanic-Fallen Angel-Demon Inspired Core Beliefs Are In Rebellion Against The MOST HIGH, Especially Concerning Your Blatant Denial Of ISHI's HOLY SPIRIT Empowered PURE Conception And Subsequent PURE Birth, Spiritually Formed From The Flesh/Earth Matter Of A Righteous Chosen Seed WORD Bearing Hebrew Virgin Woman/MARY, ISHI Being Formed/Shaped/Molded As The Second ADAM, Created To Give Us SPIRITUAL ETERNAL LIFE, Through Direct Interaction Of The HOLY SPIRIT Without The Sinful Thorn DNA Virus Of Satanic Rebellion From Adam/Corrupt Man Being Passed Down Through The Fatherly Generations To Him Through Joseph Who Also Bore The Satanic Thorn DNA Virus Curse Of Rebellion Within His Flesh Genes/DNA. ISHI Was/Is A PURE LAMB Without Spot-Sin-Rebellion And Without Blemish-Satanic Thorn DNA-Genetic Curses Within His Flesh DNA/Genes, Thus Making Him A PURE Sacrficial Lamb That Could Bear All Of Our Sins, THUS All Of Our Sins Died In The Flesh When His Flesh Became Full Of All Our Sins And When HisTemple-Body Was Destroyed, Sin Was Also Destroyed. But HIS Righteous Blood Filled With LIVING WATER-SPIRITUAL WORD Bearing DNA, Baptized-Covered Us With The SPIRIT Of The MOST HIGH And HOLY SPIRIT Under True Repentance. Thus Under GRACE/ISHI/LOVE Our Sins Were Forgiven, Eternal Mercy Given Unto Us Through The Withholding Of The Curse Of Sin/Death, We Were Made At One With The MOST HIGH And Time Given Unto Us In Order To REPENT Of Our Sins So We Could Live A Faithful/Righteous Purposeful Life Unto The MOST HIGH POWER Of Hebrew-Negro Israel. Remember, ISHI' s Temple-Flesh Body Was Destroyed And Beforehand All Of Our Sins Were Taken Into His Flesh On The Tree On The Cross, So When His Flesh Temple/Body Died, All Of Our Sins That It Had Taken On Died Also In The Flesh. However, His Temple/Body Was Rebuilt/Resurrected/Purified In 3 Days By The SPIRIT Of The MOST HIGH Unto Eternal Life/Glorification/Ascension. The HOLY SPIRIT Was Then Sent Unto Us Who Are Righteous/Faithful Servants Of The MOST HIGH To Enable Us To Endure This Difficult Race Of Life. Please Don't Live Like The Unrepentant Heathens Of This Fallen Satanic World. Get Your Hearts/Souls Out Of Babylon-USA's Sinful Ways & Extreme Idol Worship. Please, Prepare For Catastrophic Fiery Total Economic Collapse In The Fall (November) Of 2018 And The Possible Start Of The Great Tribulation In Early FEBRUARY Of 2019. We Are The Chosen ONES, So Let's All Strive To Live Like ISHI/The Messiah/Savior Sent To Us By The MOST HIGH POWER Of Melanated Hebrew-Negro Israel. Time Is Very Short Indeed! SELAH
Hosea 2:16, ISHI Is Our Only Hope Of Eternal Life. REPENT
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The Alphabet Boys (Hebrew Israelite Camps—(GMS, IUIC, GOCC, ISUPK)) Exposed – YouTube
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Posted: Jul 4, 2016
The UFO’s And E.B.E.s Extraterrestrial Biological Entities Are Coming, Foretold In Zechariah 5th Ch., With Systematic Widespread Power Outages, Communications Failures, Vehicle Failures, Internet Failures, TV & Radio Transmission Failures, And Widespread Bedlam Under Extreme Duress, With Military Roundups Amid These Major False Flag Distractions, Including Unnatural Fallen Angel Inspired Advanced Technology Driven Disasters, Coupled With Natural Disasters Which They Will Use As An Opportunity To Gather Their Economic Slaves/Sheeple Into FEMA CAMP Holding Pins Away From The Hands Of Foreigners They Owe Under Eminent Domain Because They Didn’t Plan On Fully Paying Back The Foreign Creditors That They Owe Leading To WW3! PLEASE, EVERYONE PREPARE NOW BEFORE ITS TOO LATE, REPENT ALL!
Smokey And The Bandit: Fire And Terrorists (ISIS). The Fast Car (Pontiac Fire Bird) With The Phoenix On The Hood, The True Righteous Melanated Hebrews-Negroes Rise From The Ashes As Well As A Temporary Rise Of The More Sinister NWO, After The Supernatural Pure Fire & Brimstone Event With Subsequent 3 Days Of Celestial Darkness & DNA Activating Heavenly Cosmic Rain-Spiritual Energy Via The Sun And Day Star-Sirius-A SERIOUS EARTH & LIFE CHANGING EVENT. The Fast Car (Pontiac Fire Bird) Trying To Out Run The Fire-Flee The Fire. Revelation 17 (Obama, ISIS, And 10 Prime UN Kings, Will Burn The USA-Babylon With Fire And Release Biological/Biochemicals To Eat Away At The Flesh, ie. The Zombie Apocalypse Virus. People Get Trapped Inside The NY City Due To A Neutron Bomb And Biochemical/Biological Weapons With Subsequent Massive Quarantines, Martial Law, And Bridges Being Blown Out-Pathways Blocked In And Out Of The Doomed Sodom & Gomorrah Styled City Known As The Whore Of Babylon. The Burt Reynolds Coming False Flag Suicide Death Is An Illuminati Secret Society Coded Event Denoting The Bandit/Terrorists/ISIS Attacks/Fire & Smokey-Smoke Scheduled To Strike NY City And Many Other Cities Across The USA Around The Winter Solstice 12-21-17 And Debt/Credit Limit Deadline 12-22-17, Utilizing These False Flag Terrorist Events As A Smokescreen Cover/Major Distraction For The Real Reason Behind The Coming Economic Decline (EMINENT DOMAIN-Paying Foreign Debt With Property & People/Economic Slaves/Stock BONDS) Leading Down To Total Unrecoverable Economic Collapse Upon A Supernatural Catastrophic Utter Burning Of NY City.
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Dec 13, 2015 · By 1972 he gained more credibility with the movie Deliverance, which many thought should have got him an Oscar nomination. But, just before it came out, Burt believes he blew his …
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News of actor Burt Reynolds’s death spread quickly earlier this week causing concern among fans across the world. However the December 2017 report has now been confirmed as a complete hoax and just the …
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May 10, 2016 · Burt’s show but Dom steals it. “The End” is a black comedy that should have been even darker. Had it been I think it would have been regarded as a classic. Burt Reynolds stars as a man who finds …
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May 27, 1977 · Smokey and the Bandit Subtitle. Action, Comedy. 1977 Year 96 Mins 6.9 Imdb. Burt Reynolds, Sally Field, Jerry Reed. The Bandit is hired on to run a tractor trailer full of beer over county lines in hot …
Hillary cashed in on Eddie Murphy film | Belleville News-Democrat
Feb 29, 2016 · … Clinton may be hoping moviegoers forget that Murphy, as Pluto Nash, ever said, “Why don’t you take these Hillarys? We appreciate your helping us out.” Sure, her face is on the money, …
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“The Adventures of Pluto Nash” predicts Hillary Clinton will be president.
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Hillary & Trump in the movie Pluto Nash made in 2002 ????????????
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Jimmy’s Perspective Sept 13 2016 (Zika-Hillary Clinton OVERHEATED) code word NLP
All Roads Point To A NWO Under Obama The Antichrist Clone/IMAGE Of The Beast Driven Directly By The Spirit Of Satan After He Is Cast Down To The Surface Of The Earth Supported By His Partner In Crime Hillary Isis-Ishtar-Lilith Clinton As The False Prophet That Will Behead Millions Who Don’t Accept The Mark Of The Beast/Chimera 666, A Cursed Death Sentence For All Who Accept It Through Will Power Under Extreme Duress Just To Try To Hold On To This Fallen Life In Corrupt Flesh And To Gain The Riches Of This Fallen Satanic World, But Losing Their Own Souls In The Process. Is It Really Worth It!? NO, NO, NO!
They Already Know That Hillary Isis-Ishtar-Lilith Clinton And Cloned Antichrist Obama Are Going To Take Control Over The Small Remnants Of What’s Left Of The USA-Babylon After Its Fiery Catastrophic Total Economic Collapse And Fiery Wrath Destruction, Foretold In Jeremiah 50th & 51st Chs. And Isaiah 13th Chs., Including 2nd Esdras 11:1 to 12:38 In Direct Connection With 2nd Esdras 15th & 16th Chs., Leaving A Small Number Of Very Desperate Unwise Survivors Willing To Accept The Mark Of The Beast/Chimera 666 To Try To Survive During The Horrific Great Tribulation But Cursing Themselves Unto Eternal Punishment In Hell.
The Simpsons: Future President Lisa Simpson
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
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Watch The Debt Counter At The First Part Of The Intro To This Predictive Programming Movie Which Gives A Glimpse Of What’s Going Down In The USA-Babylon Very Soon.
The Debt Clock Is Shown To Reach 21 Trillion Plus And Then The Major Troubles Begin.
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Noel Marcos
Aug 6, 2015
US debt ceiling threat could ‘snuff out’ economic recovery, S&P warns
S&P fears that the focus on Donald Trump’s tax plans combined with a potential row over immigration could leave the public finances in a precarious position
- Tim Wallace
7 DECEMBER 2017 • 1:10 PM
A US government shutdown will blow a hole in the strong economic growth of recent months if politicians do not focus their attentions on the impending debt ceiling crunch, analysts have warned.
Defaulting on the debt could even plunge the economy into recession, Standard and Poor’s warned.
Efforts have been focused on the new tax bill rather than extending funding to government agencies, S&P said, which has to be done before Friday, and the debt ceiling deadline of Dec 15. If no resolution is reached then the government will run out of money in the spring.
The economists say the chance is “slim”, but that there are still substantial uncertainties which mean a shutdown could happen, with painful economic consequences.
“Betting the holiday budget on a rational US government may be a risky proposition that leaves the cupboards bare to start 2018,” said the report from S&P’s US chief economist, Beth Ann Bovino, noting that there may be an argument between President Trump and the Democrats if immigration reforms are linked to budget negotiations.
“As the US economy begins to show signs of life and shake off the doldrums of a slow recovery, and Americans hit the mall to get their holiday spirit on as they await the much anticipated tax reform (or cut), the timing could not be worse,” she said.
“In particular, if a shutdown were to take place so far into the quarter, fourth-quarter GDP would not have time to bounce back, which could shake investors and consumers and, as a result, possibly snuff out any economic momentum.”
Her analysis is based on previous shutdowns in 1995-96 and in 2013, studying the impact on the government sector and also on the private sector.
Firms with government contracts lost out directly during those periods, with knock on effects including state employees spending less money, companies hiring fewer workers and investment levels plummeting.
“We saw huge effects during the US debt ceiling crisis in the summer of 2011, with consumer confidence hitting a 31-year low in August, and third-quarter annualized real GDP growing just 0.8pc,” said Ms Bovino.
“Given that this round of debt-ceiling negotiations will happen amid government shutdown threats, the hit to the economy could be even more severe.”
A default caused by a debt ceiling crunch would be even worse.
“Should a default occur, the resulting sudden, unplanned contraction of current spending could see government spending cut by about 4pc of annualized GDP. The economy would fall back into a recession, wiping out much of the progress made by the recovery,” Ms Bovino said.
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DoD plans for government shutdown, says little it can do to mitigate damage
December 7, 2017 4:15 pm
6 min read
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Congress temporarily staved off a government shutdown on Thursday evening with its passage of a short-term government funding bill, but that’s cold comfort for top brass and managers at the Defense Department. It leaves another shutdown threat looming just two weeks from now, and in the meantime, keeps the government afloat via yet another continuing resolution, the haphazard funding mechanism the Pentagon says has been the chief contributor to an erosion of military readiness over the past decade.
The underlying matters that prevented Congress from passing a full-year 2018 appropriations bill three months ago were no closer to a resolution on Thursday. The looming issue is the multi-year budget caps the executive and legislative branches agreed to in 2011. In the case of Defense, they limit spending to $54 billion less than the administration requested for fiscal 2018.
In light of that uncertainty, Pentagon leaders have spent the last several weeks dusting off their contingency plans for a government shutdown. Those plans have been updated since the last shutdown in 2013, but officials say there’s very little they can do to make a shutdown run smoothly. If a shutdown happens, it would look a lot like the one that happened a little over four years ago.
In the absence of appropriations, uniformed military personnel would be expected to carry out their missions, but many civilians and contractors would be ordered to stop all work except for what’s needed to execute an orderly shutdown.
In any case, “No one gets paid,” David Norquist, DoD’s comptroller and chief financial officer told reporters Thursday afternoon. “The civilians who report to duty do not get paid. The military who are in theater do not get paid. They earn the rights to the payment, but the payment cannot be made until the shutdown is over. That is not a way for us to be treating the members and women of the armed forces.”
The Pentagon did not provide an updated estimate for how many civilians would be furloughed in the event of a shutdown, saying only that they would be sent home unless their jobs involved an “excepted activity” — those needed to ensure safety of property or life.
During the 16-day 2013 shutdown, the Pentagon initially exempted about half its civilians from furlough, but roughly 400,000 were required to stay home without pay. DoD eventually brought most of those employees back to work, but with few exceptions — such as employees paid from nonappropriated funds — the workers went unpaid until Congress passed a measure to make both furloughed and non-furloughed workers whole.
Norquist said the number of civilians furloughed in this potential shutdown would be highly dependent on how long it lasted.
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“If they worked on excepted activities then they would be brought back in,” he said. “There are probably some things where one doesn’t need them for a few days, but if the shutdown goes on longer, they would be considered necessary to be excepted, so, we’ll just have to see how that goes.”
The situation is similar for DoD contractors: even if they are working on contracts that have already been fully-funded with past appropriations, they may be required to stop work if it’s not for an excepted activity, or if the government personnel required to supervise their work are furloughed.
“I cannot emphasize too much how destructive a shutdown is,” Norquist said. “We’ve talked a lot the importance of maintenance on weapons systems, but if it’s not an excepted activity, there will be a work stoppage on many of those maintenance functions. And that’s not recoverable time, right? If you’re supposed to do a certain amount of helicopter maintenance, you lose a day, a week, you’re just behind schedule, which then disrupts everything else.”
Other routine payments would be disrupted, including death benefits to families of military members killed in the line of duty, officials said. In general, the department would not be allowed to incur any new obligations, but there are some exceptions.
For example, a rarely-invoked mid-19th century law, the Feed and Forage Act, gives the military explicit permission to contract for essential supplies, even in the absence of congressional appropriations. But the department’s most current guidance tells officials that they should only enter into new contracts if delaying them would create an imminent risk to human life, property or national security.
Norquist said a shutdown would also almost certainly force the department to waste an untold amount of money simply by virtue of the actions it must take to cease and restart all of its non-excepted activities.
“I’ll give you what sounds almost like a trivial example: you take somebody and you send them off to training, then the government shuts down, and the instructions are that they need to come home,” he said. “So we buy them an airplane ticket to come home, they then miss the week of whatever the school of training was supposed to do, and when the shutdown ends, we pay to send them back. Now they join their activity midcycle. So those types of things cascade throughout the organization in ways that are just wasteful of taxpayer’s money.”
The two-week funding bill to sustain government operations through Dec. 22 avoids all of those eventualities for now, but officials emphasized that any period during which the department operates under a continuing resolution represents a setback.
“Nothing’s had a greater impact on combat readiness than CRs,” said Dana White, the Pentagon’s chief spokeswoman, adding that DoD has been funded by continuing resolutions instead of full appropriations bills for a collective 1,081 days over the last nine years. “At a time where security threats are high, we really do need the predictability in the budget that we certainly don’t have with CRs.”
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Although less disruptive than government shutdowns, CRs are, by their nature, disruptive nonetheless, Norquist said. As an example, he pointed to the Trump administration’s 2018 budget request to buy additional munitions to replace those that were depleted in the fight against the Islamic State over the past year, a request that Congressional appropriators and authorizers have already endorsed.
“What the CR says is, ‘Stop, wait, don’t award that contract yet,’ which delays when you begin to increase the quantity and the production,” he said. “There are two very destructive effects of that. One is we’re delayed in meeting the requirements of the combatant commanders. The other one is there are companies out there willing to hire people to begin to meet our requirements, and you’re not getting the benefit on the economic side of that employment. So two weeks does that for two weeks, a month does that for a month. The answer is really, none of this is fixed until you get a proper appropriation bill.”
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, was one of only a handful of Republicans to vote against the continuing resolution Thursday, saying Congress’ reliance on yet another short-term spending bill was “both disappointing and unacceptable.”
“Every day we spend on a continuing resolution is a day that our military must try to do more with less, modernization is delayed, and readiness is degraded,” McCain said. “For that reason, I cannot support this continuing resolution. The president and an overwhelming majority of Congress agree we need to increase investment in the military to rebuild our forces. This will only be possible with a bipartisan budget agreement. I hope that following today’s meeting between congressional leaders and the White House, that budget agreement will provide for substantial, sustained growth to defense spending for this year and next.”
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