Ancient Knowledge: Hillary Clinton And Her Wicked Crew Under Obama Are Trying To Break The Glass Ceiling Literally!
Hillary Clinton And Her Wicked Crew Under Obama Are Trying To Break The Glass Ceiling!
Quote by Hillary Rodham Clinton: “Although we were not able to …
Hillary Rodham Clinton — ‘Although we were not able to shatter that highest and hardest glass ceiling this time, thanks to you it has 18 million cracks i…
There is glass in the sky – The Wild Heretic
Jun 27, 2013 - I first stumbled across this theory from someone who calls himself “Lord Steven Christ”(just an illuminati puppet). Despite having a gigantic ego to call himself Lord Christ …
Homer Hits the GLass SKy! HAHAHA – YouTube
Dec 4, 2012 - Simpsons Episode Reveals the Glass Sky… It’s true! See the facts here… See …
Homer shatters The Glass Sky – YouTube
Jul 26, 2015 - … broke this dreams reality wide open… From Season 24, Ep.06. “A Tree Grows In Springfield” This is cartoons, but the glass sky is real. … The Simpsons : Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire. Show more. Show less. Loading.
Homer breaking the firmament. – YouTube
Sep 14, 2015 - The simpsons clip of homer hitting a home runbreaking the glass firmament above. … Rockets Near God’s SkyDome. – Duration: 15:28. … Balls Out Physics Episode 1.0: Planes Flying on a Spinning Ball – Duration: 28:19.
Under The Simpsons Dome – YouTube
Jul 18, 2013 - If you enjoyed this, please click LIKE! Stephen King’s Under The Dome has a few similarities to The Simpsons Movie (2007). Music “Glorious” …
They are literally trying to bring in their own Golden Age by taking the earth back to the atmospheric conditions and levels of DNA corruption that existed before the Flood Of Noah changed the known Earth. They plan on doing this atmospheric/aether level conversion by putting a massive gaping hole in the literal crystalline based glass sky barrier which is known as the karman line that they say is located about 62 miles high above our heads that most people are totally oblivious of. This barrier is see through like a looking glass but has a sort of cosmic energy activated auto tinting capability and can also bend/refract light.
Genesis 9:13 KJV – I do set my bow in the cloud, and it – Bible Gateway
I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.
This special crystalline sky barrier was placed their after Noah’s Flood by the Most High which acts a serparation barrier in between the high frequency waters/aethers above and the lower frequency waters/aethers below. This high frequency water/ather above was poured from above into the lower earth realm through the windows of heaven/the controlled firmament openings above which contributed to the flood waters below that spewed up from the earth with tremendous force through the fountains of the great deep. This special crystalline sky barrier is also the reason we see rainbows because it acts as a prism that refracts the sun’s light rays into rainbow colors which are then projected at just the right angle onto moisture in the air or onto clouds which act like a projector screen for the refracted light. Everytime you see a rainbow in the sky it lets us know that this special crystalline sky barrier is still in place as a covenant against another flood of high frequency waters/athers from above, an everlasting covenant/promise between the Most High and His Natural Seed/DNA/Spirit Creations.
Their wicked plan is to put a gaping hole in the cyrstalline sky barrier via a special comet known as P67, but just call it WORMWOOD, foretold in the book of revelation the 3rd trumpet that will poison 1/3rd of fresh ground water by striking the Great Lakes Region in the near future. They are trying to stop this stinky poisonous/highly toxic hydrogen cyanide filled comet from reaching its known destination by deflecting its coarse through a nuclear detonation via the probes/devices (Rosetta & Philae) they sent to it which now rest at the weakened neck of the odd peanut shaped comet awaiting detonation around the Fall Of Babylon NY City Via Pure Fire & Brimstone From The Heavens Sent By The Most High, Which Will Be Supernatural Fire Controlled By The Angels Of The Most High.
When the planned seperation of the Comet P67 WORMWOOD occurs through this nuclear detonation the weaker neck of the comet will be destroyed and the smaller lobe of the comet will come crashing down through the special crystalline sky barrier thus hitting an area of the Atlantic Ocean around the Bermuda Triangle, which is an intended target because located within the Bermuda Triangle are 3 perpetual mountains/special crystalline indestructible pyramids/harmonic resonators stacked one upon another but are separated by the foundations of the earth, which send Cosmic/Electro-Magnetic Energy/DNA-Spirit Signals through a vast network of Ley Lines which act as a Gigantic Nervous System that flows throughout the earth to help regulate is electrical function.
There is another set of 3 of these special perpetual-everlasting mountains/indestructible crystalline pyramids located in the Dragon’s Triangle which function like GIANT ELECTRO-MAGNETIC TUNING FORKS, In The Form Of An Earth Based Menorah With Mount Meru/Antarctica/A Giant Mountain Of Spiritual Fire In The Center Of The Earth, Which Help Keep The Earth In Proper Electo-Magnetic Harmonic Resonance And Playing To The RIGHT Tunes/DNA SIGNALS Sent From Heaven By The Most High Power. They are positioned in sets of 3 crystalline indestructible pyramids stacked on top of each other buried thousands of years ago down through the foundational layers of the earth by the Holy Angels Of The Most High Who Helped To Construct This Earth Biosphere Cell System That We All Live Within. When These Harmonic Frequency Resonators Get Hit By A Controlled Asteroid Strike In The Pacific Ocean/Dragon’s Triangle And A Comet Fragment Strike From P67 Wormwood In The Atlantic Ocean/Bermuda Triangle It Will Temporarily Affect The Electro-Magnetic Harmonic Resonant Frequency Of The Entire Earth And Cause A Massive Instability Within All Matter.
The holes in the glass ceiling will allow the atmopheric pressure of the earth to be temporarily affected but will be equalized as the Angels Of The Most High repair the damage to this special crystalline sky barrier which also seperates the heavenly bodies in the innerspace realm above from the earth dwellers below. Mass bearing objects and people will become temporarily semi-weightless for a short period of time until the holes are repaired by the Angels, Raphael The Healer is the leader of this group of angels that watch over and repair any damages to the earth or the 12 Tribes Of Israel, through the SPIRIT OF THE MOST HIGH. When the Massive Gaping Hole is made by comet P67 in the glass ceiling/sky barrier it will temporarily get harder to breath due to sudden atmospheric pressure changes that are going to take place, but we will adapt to the aether/pressure/gravity level changes, though it will be a bit uncomfortable at first.
All this sounds like science fiction but its not and this plan to break the sky barrier will soon be in full effect. We must understand that they also have very strong tractor beam technology that can pull slow moving asteroids down to the earth like a game of pool and this particular strike will happen in the Pacific Ocean as stated above. The strike in the Pacific Ocean will occur first, thus spawning a massive tsunami that will help to wipe out Seattle Washington and many areas along the West Coast. This asteroid strike in the Pacific Ocean will also start a massive earthquake around the Cascadia fault line, you know what that means, Massive Earthquakes in the area along the West Coast Including California And Martial Law/FEMA Camp Roundups/Evacs Will Commence.
The Powers That Be constantly speak this ancient knowledge right in our faces and we as whole don’t know what they are really talking about or referring to unless you are a part of their wicked secret societies or Spiritually Awake/Aware of the wicked devices of Satan & The Fallen Angels using their witty inventions/technologies against us to do harm. THIS IS AN EXTREME WARNING TO ALL TO GET READY BECAUSE ULTIMATE DESTRUCTION IS COMING. Get Into The Ark Of Salvation Through The Spirit Of ISHI-The Messiah/Savior Sent To The Earth By The Most High Power To Dwell Among Us In Flesh Form, Who Also Died For Our Sins And Resurrected On The 3rd Day So That We Could Have Eternal Life And Exist In The Presence Of The Most High Father Which Is In Heaven Forever And Ever. Also There Will Be Heaven/Paradise On Earth So Don’t Miss Out On This Awsome Gift From The Most High Power. Please Don’t Hesitate Too Long…Get Ready Today…Hosea 2:16, John 3:16, Saint Luke 17th Ch. SELAH
Quote by Hillary Rodham Clinton: “Although we were not able to …
Hillary Rodham Clinton — ‘Although we were not able to shatter that highest and hardest glass ceiling this time, thanks to you it has 18 million cracks i…(These many cracks come from them mounting/stationing/positioning so called geostationary (ie. google earth/spy) satellites to the underside of of the glass ceiling which has a hard as steel massive ice sheet layer and by burning small holes through it when going into the innerspace realm above where smaller than taught crystalline sphere planets/heavenly bodies where other beings dwell in higher dimensions, with their moons, the sun, the moon, and the stars of the firmament are all located…Remember All Heavenly Bodies And Everything Is Located Within The Cell Earth/Biosphere System which is enclosed by an Indestructible Crystalline Metallic Firmament/Dome Structure.)
The Wicked Have Cunningly/Craftily Devised A Plan To Try To Escape The Earth Biosphere Cell Containment System And Then Gain Control Over The Earth Gates Of Heaven & Hell By Using Fallen Angel Nimrod Style Tower Of Babel Stargate Technology, As Foretold In The Book Of AMOS, But They Will All Fail Horribly And Cause Much Fire To Come Down From The Heavens Upon Cities That Have This Wicked Tower Of Babel Technology Located Within Them In The Form Of Skyscrapper Tesla Antenna Arrays And Electro-Magnetic DONUT RING Particle Collider/Generators, Cheifly NY CITY-The Whore Of Babylon That Will Be Utterly Burned To The Ground Via Pure Fire & Brimstone Sent Through The Heavens/Portals Down To The Earth/Cities By The Most High POWER. SELAH
This Special Glass Ceiling/Barrier Located High Above Our Heads Was Foretold In The Book Of Job And The Massive Hardened Ice Sheet HOAR FROST Layer That Is Connected To The Underside Of This Crystalline Sky Barrier Was Also Foretold In The Book Of Job. When These Things Begin To Happen/Manifest Then They Will Make More Sense To You As To What Is Actually Causing The Catrastrophic Events On Earth. Check Out These Ancient Scriptures From The Informative Book Of Job Which Even Lets You Know That Dinosaurs Once Roamed The Earth With Man Before Noah’s Flood. SELAH
JOB 37:18 KJV “Hast thou with him spread out the sky, [which is …
Job. King James Version (KJV). King James Bible KJV. SEARCH THE BIBLE (Advanced). SELECT A BOOK (Index). Genesis, Exodus … “Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a molten looking glass?” King James Version (KJV) … “Can you, with Him, spread out the skies, Strong as amolten mirror?
Job 38:29-30 KJV – Out of whose womb came the ice? and the – Bible …
Job 38:29-30King James Version (KJV). 29 Out of whose womb came the ice? and the hoary frost of heaven, who hath gendered it? 30 The waters are hid as …
Her loss may be as good a sign as any that we’re not ready for glass-breaking yet.
Watch Hillary Clinton Break The Glass Ceiling | Huffington Post
Jul 26, 2016 - “I can’t believe we just put the biggest crack in thatglass ceiling yet.”
The glass ceiling awaits Hillary Clinton on election day – LA Times
1 day ago - The location is freighted with symbolism — after spending the campaign talking about trying to break the “glass ceiling” by becoming the first …
Hillary Clinton ‘Breaks the Glass Ceiling’ in Her Introduction Video to …
The first woman nominated by a major party for president made as surprise satellite appearance at the DNC.
Hillary Clinton breaks the glass ceiling – POLITICO
Jul 26, 2016 - Hillary Clinton breaks the glass ceiling. The former secretary of state becomes the first female presidential nominee of a major U.S. party.
Hillary Clinton ‘breaks through glass ceiling’ on stage at DNC – video …
Hillary Clinton appears on stage at the Democratic national convention by live satellite link from New York to …
Hillary Clinton Breaks Glass Ceiling, Literally, at DNC! (Video) | 2016 …
Jul 26, 2016 - Hillary Clinton is all smiles while the glass ceilingliterally shatters in front of her during an historic moment at the 2016 Democratic National …
Hillary Clinton: Breaking the ultimate glass ceiling –
Jul 26, 2016 - 13 illustrious women weigh in on Hillary Clinton’shistoric nomination as the Democratic Party’s candidate for president of the United States.
Hillary Clinton: Hoping to Crack the Ultimate ‘Glass Ceiling’ of Female …
4 days ago - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clintontakes the stage during the final day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, …
Hillary Clinton Didn’t Break the Glass Ceiling, but These Female …
1 day ago - The 115th United States Congress will have the highest percentage of women legislators in its history.
There is glass in the sky – The Wild Heretic
Jun 27, 2013 - I first stumbled across this theory from someone who calls himself “Lord Steven Christ”. Despite having a gigantic ego to call himself Lord Christ …
Glass sky. Earth does not rotate. Fake moon. I’ve seen videos where …
Comment on There is glass in the sky by Cail. Glass sky. Earth does not rotate. … I’ve seen videos where the sky has been determined to be an LCD screen and …
OUR Concave Earth – There is a glass Firmament in the sky – YouTube Experiments on Lake Michigan Showing Earth’s …
The glass sky | Our world
Apr 12, 2015 - Formation of the Glass Sky at 100km (Concave Earth) …. Elihu, from the book of Job, believed there was glass in the sky. “Hast thou with him …
Stunning Evidence the Sky has a Glass and Ice Ceiling – Concave …
Dec 8, 2015 - See me shatter the matrix by confronting George Noory that the earth is concave and there is glass in the sky.
Did you know there is Glass in the Sky in the Inve – David Icke’s …
Jul 30, 2012 - Did you know there is Glass in the Sky in the Inve Earth Changes / Global Warming / Chemtrails / Weather Warfare.
There is glass in the sky : conspiratard – Reddit
Aug 5, 2014 - News about all things conspiracy from an honest perspective! 9/11, Ron Paul, Zionism, secret societies, globalist agendas! Discuss it here!
GLASS in the sky? – The Flat Earth Society
May 24, 2013 - He says NASA might be able to penetrate theglass. If this is true, … First, you need to prove that there is indeedglass up there…………….. And …
Al Gore and the Glass in the Sky
Jun 2, 2006 - Ok, but he’d have a hard time explaining ham radio waves if there were glass in the sky. I mean how are the short waves going to bounce off …
Aug 3, 2012 - There exists a layer of glass within the concave earth, about 62 miles high……This …. Glass Sky Causes Atmospheric Refraction (Cell Earth).
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