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Unsealing the Seven Seals of the Revelation of John

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The Unsealing of the First Seal:

The opening of the First Seal of the Revelation of John symbolizes the Revelation of Knowledge (by means of the non-dualistic, 2-dimensional ‘flat’ space “observing consciousness” Created ‘by and in the image of God’—Genesis 1:27) through both the Vision of the “Son of man” (the Third Phase of the War of the Sons of Light) and the Revelation of “the resurrection” (the Second Phase of the War of the Sons of Light).

The Vision of the “Son of man” ‘awakens’ and is experienced by all Seven Churches—which loosely correspond to the seven principal ganglia of the sympathetic nervous system; each of which has an associated emotion; most (?) of which have corresponding endocrine glands; as signified by time segment 3:58-4:51 of:
(the movements of the dancers at 4:46-4:49, 5:08-5:10, and 5:24-5:28 representing the Vision of the “Son of man” itself)—and terminates at the Seventh Church (the phonetic tone of which is Long I) or the ‘forehead chakra’ (symbolized by Jesus being crucified ‘between two thieves’ ‘at the Place of the Skull’; which is also echoed by the symbol of the two serpents winding around the central staff of the caduceus; which corresponds, also but loosely, to the sushumna, flanked by the ida and pingala of kundalini); while the Revelation of “the resurrection” is experienced by the Fourth Church or the ‘heart chakra’; the phonetic tone of which is Long A.
The Revelation of “the resurrection” includes the Revelation of the Memory of being Created with a non-dualistic (explained by Jesus in Saying #11 of the Gospel of [Israel]–>Thomas–>[Linda] with the words: “On the day when you were one, you became two” ) consciousness (cryptically referred to in the Thanksgiving Hymns of the Dead Sea Scrolls by the term “angels of the Face”, and echoed in the Gospel of Truth (from the Nag Hammadi Codices) by the phrase “…as though to say that they have participated in [H]is [F]ace by means of kisses”), the Revelation of the Memory of ‘the Fall’ into the self-created, dualistic consciousness of the “self” and the ‘thinker’; and the revelation of the memories of previous lives, represented musically in this video with the repetition of the Long A phonetic tone:
(the opening 1 minute and 9 seconds of which convey the emotions associated with the Second, Fifth and Sixth Churches, which provide the emotional context for the Revelation of “the resurrection”; followed by the emergence of phonetic tones, followed by a “death rattle”, which leads to the Long A phonetic tone of the actual memories of previous lives, represented by the different dancers, etc.); whereas the Long A phonetic tone repeated throughout this video:
focuses more on the love which is experienced and expressed by and through the Fourth Church/‘heart chakra’.
The white horse of the First Seal represents Isaac [-->the apostle John-->Robin] and the Revelation of Truth (the downward pointing triangle of the Star of David); while the rider on the white horse is Ishmael (Genesis 21:20) [-->the apostle Peter-->Cindy]:

representing scientific truth and the search for Truth (the upward pointing triangle of the Star of David); while the music (properly explained in an oral Teaching) and English lyrics of the following song (preceded and accompanied by the woman singing phonetic tones, from time segment 4:22-6:05) echo and expand upon the Revelations (properly explained in an oral Teaching) and the Revelational history recorded in Genesis:

The Knowledge Revealed through the Vision of the “Son of man” is also represented in the choreography of:

(the crown worn by the woman in the white dress signifying the “queen of the South”—Chapter 11, verse 31 of the Gospel of Luke—as a Feminine characterization of the Vision of the “Son of man”); with time segment 0:57-0:59 representing the Vision of the “Son of man” itself; time segment 1:07-1:09 signifying the writing of the Revelations; time segment 1:47-1:48 signifying the reading of the Revelations; and time segments 2:22-2:23 and 2:26-2:27 representing both the ‘two thieves’ (or “ida” and “pingala”) ‘at the “Place of the Skull” and the “two witnesses” of Chapter 11, verses 11-12 of the Revelation of John.
The ‘Messages to the Seven Churches’, then, consist of cryptic fragments of an oral Teaching which address both the emotions experienced at each of the ‘chakras’, as well as the characteristics of the progressive deterioration from the consciousness Created by God to the self-created consciousness of the “self” and the ‘thinker’, explained in some detail by [Hagar-->] the apostle Mary [-->Danielle] in the Gospel of Mary:


The Unsealing of the Second Seal:

The opening of the Second Seal of the Revelation of John symbolizes, in a negative sense, ‘the Fall’ into the self-created (by the ‘movement’ of self-reflection; which is the origin of all dependent dualities)—i.e., the “first born”—dualistic, 3-dimensional ‘curved’ space, “beast of the sea” consciousness of the “self”; the swordsman on the red (Chapter 25, verse 30 of Genesis) horse being Esau [-->the apostle Judas-->Susan] (Chapter 27, verse 39 of Genesis).

In addition, the origin of the ‘spatiality’ of the “self” is graphically demonstrated in the final conflict between Agent Smith and Neo in Matrix Revolutions; Agent Smith representing the origin of the duality (the “dragon”), and Neo representing non-duality (Mi cha el) at time segment 2:13-2:18, followed by ‘the Fall’ from time segment 2:30-2:46 of: ;

whereas the following video:

graphically demonstrates Agent Smith (the “dragon”) as having ‘morphed’ into, first, the “beast of the sea” (at time segment 0:10-0:14—see Chapter 13, verse 1 of the Revelation of John); and, then, the “beast of the earth” (at time segment 0:55—see Chapter 13, verse 11 of the Revelation of John).
Nor is it a mere coincidence that, through a time-reversal (time segment 1:25-1:28 of: ),

the ‘two-horned’ Maleficent (representing the consciousness of the ‘thinker’) morphs into the “dragon” (representing the origin of the duality, which is the foundation of the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil” consciousness of the “self”)…

But only after the rider on the white horse has cut through the thorns around the castle; which represent the metaphysical nonsense concocted by the dog-in-a-manger Jewish, Christian and Muslim religious ‘authorities’ for the purpose of preventing people from understanding the Truth of the Revelations.

In a positive sense, however, the woman in the red dress in the following dance represents not merely the ‘fallen’ consciousness of the “self”: ;

but, also, the 3-dimensional ‘curved’ space reality within which we all must live—the five ‘swimming’ movements of her left (the Feminine Phonetic Tones) and right arm (the Masculine Phonetic Tones) at time segment 0:20-0:25, for example, representing the Ten Principal Phonetic Tones of Creation.

And because these Phonetic Tones pertain to the Creation of the space-time reality, the woman in the red dress also represents the observations (and experiments) of the scientific method (which constitute a ‘special case’ of the “observing consciousness” directed toward the space-time reality) which establish the foundations of scientific truth.

Many of her other movements, however, signify characteristics of the consciousness of the “self” which can be accurately explained in detail only in an oral Teaching.

And, to the extent that there are emotions associated with both ‘the Fall’ into the dualistic consciousness and the (violent and bloody) consequences of that ‘Fall’, there is a significant correspondence between the emotions associated with the Second Seal, the Fifth Seal, and the Sixth Seal; the Fifth Seal signifying sorrow, but the Second and the Sixth Seals signifying not merely sorrow, but an infinite abyss of unresolved anguish, hopelessness, desolation, despair, and the unrelenting stoppage of time itself: emotions experienced by those who have suffered extremes of violence, torture, mass-murder or warfare, as conveyed by: and

And, with regards to the Teaching of Jesus, it can be said that Paul was the ‘rider on a red horse’; the ultimate consequences of his perversion of that Teaching—through, in particular, the doctrine of ‘vicarious atonement’ and its ‘dependent idolatry’: the deification of Jesus as ‘God’—being expressed in these two songs.

The opening of the Third Seal of the Revelation of John, the rider on the black horse, symbolizes the emergence of the dualistic, self-created, ‘fallen’ consciousness of the ‘thinker’; which ‘thinks’ itself into existence by means of the thought of the ‘thinker’ (See Meditations On First Philosophy, by Descartes) for the purpose of preserving the ‘spatiality’ (i.e., maintaining the sanity; see the opening passages of the Second Meditation) of the consciousness of the “self” over time.

And, while the male perversion of Masculine Truth is violence and warfare, as represented in the following dance:

the position of the main dancer’s arms at time segment 0:43-0:47—and of the group of dancers at precisely 1:22—represents hard-hearted arrogance (while other of his movements represent both the suppression of sorrow and a steely indifference to the sufferings of others.) That positioning is precisely the opposite of the woman in the white dress in Stolen Kiss, who crosses her arms across her chest in a demonstration of humility; the female perversion of Feminine Truth is the whorishness of the monotheistic theologies, as represented in the following dance:

At time segment 1:49-1:51, the woman in the red dress twice projects the duality of the ‘fallen’ consciousness upon the woman in the white dress, representing the non-duality of the Revelations; after which, reminiscent of ‘the Fall’, the woman in the white dress descends into the whorishness of metaphysical philosophy/theology.

And, with regards to the Teaching of Jesus, if Paul is considered to be the ‘rider on the red horse’, Constantine is to be considered the ‘rider on the black horse’ by his ‘elevation’ and ‘weaponization’ of the idolatry of Paul into the state religion.

The Unsealing of the Fourth Seal:

Whereas the Second and the Third Seals of the Revelation of John symbolize the emergence and characteristics of the dualistic, ‘fallen’ consciousness of the “self” and the ‘thinker’ in their unrelenting and vicious opposition to both the non-dualistic consciousness Created by God and the Knowledge Revealed through that consciousness (as represented by the opening of the First Seal); the opening of the Fourth Seal symbolizes the manifestation of the characteristics of that ‘fallen’, dualistic consciousness in the space-time reality; that is, the effects of duality, conflict, violence and warfare (originating in the images of the ‘fallen’ consciousness of the “self”, and the thoughts of the ‘fallen’ consciousness of the ‘thinker’) upon human civilization; for example, the effects of ambition, sexual lust, the lust for power, greed, cynicism, paranoia, and self-righteousness vindictiveness.

The Unsealing of the Fifth Seal:

The opening of the 5th Seal of the Revelation of John symbolizes the sufferings experienced in relation to people, and to events in the space-time reality; chiefly as a consequence of the conflict and violence that is unleashed upon the world with the opening of the Fourth Seal; in particular, the sorrow and suffering experienced by the Sons of Light as a result of the First Phase retaliation of the Sons of Darkness against the Moral Law; the sorrow and suffering experienced by the Sons of Light as a result of the Second Phase retaliation of the Sons of Darkness against the Revelation of “the resurrection” as a Doctrine of ‘Rebirth’; and the sorrow and suffering experienced by the Sons of Light as a result of the Third Phase retaliation of the Sons of Darkness against the Knowledge Revealed through the Vision of the “Son of man”; a sorrow and a suffering which, however, is merely a precursor to the experience of the utter annihilation of the ‘fallen’ consciousness itself, as is symbolized by the opening of the Sixth Seal.

The Unsealing of the Sixth Seal:

The opening of the 6th Seal of the Revelation of John symbolizes what the Jewish mystics refer to as the “shattering of the vessels”; that is, the instantaneous and traumatic annihilation of its extension in time (of the consciousness of the ‘thinker’) and the very ‘spatiality’ of the consciousness of the “self”; which is a necessary precursor to the receiving of both the Vision of the “Son of man” and the Revelation of “the resurrection”.

The Unsealing of the Seventh Seal:

The opening of the 7th Seal in the Revelation of John symbolizes the receiving of the Vision of the “Son of man” over “the space of half an hour” (which is the same as the “Night Journey” of [Sarah-->] [Elijah-->] [Daniel-->][John the Baptist-->] Mohammed [-->Elizabeth]); a Vision which is cryptically described in the Thanksgiving Hymns of the Dead Sea Scrolls with the words: “the fortress shall open on to Endless Space”; and, in the Gospel of Mary, with the words: “…where are you going,conqueror of space?” [Note the Long A phonetic tone of “the resurrection” (the word “space”), signifying that the Knowledge Revealed through the Vision of the “Son of man” is subsequently Revealed through the Revelation of “the resurrection”].Thus, there is a direct connection between the opening of the Seventh Seal and the opening of the First Seal, like two adjacent points on a circle.

In addition, this Vision is also represented both visually and acoustically in:

(“2001-A Space Odyssey Star Gate” sequence has been removed from the Internet);

with the lights emerging out of a 2-dimensional  ‘flat’ space for the first 2 minutes and 40 second; accompanied by many of the Ten Phonetic Tones of Creation for the first minute and 27 seconds; a Vision which is also cryptically described in:

In terms of emotions, there is a very sharp transition between the suffering and sorrow experienced with the opening of the Sixth Seal, as expressed in the first version of Cantara (above), and the resolution of that suffering and sorrow, as expressed in: and


the tempo of the song (1, 2, 3; 1, 2, 3; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) signifying the Three Phases of the War of the Sons of Light; the three retaliations of the Sons of Darkness; and the Victory of the Sons of Light ‘with the Seventh Lot’.

And, while the psychological condition of the person who receives the Vision is graphically represented by a trembling David Bowman (a “synchronicity” with Genesis 21:20) at: ;

the last image on the screen, the baby in the amniotic sac, is symbolic of the Revelation of “the resurrection”; the specific Revelation through which the “observing consciousness” becomes more firmly grounded in the space-time reality (see Chapter 12, verse 16 of the Revelation of John).In other words, the sequence of the “Stargate sequence” and the last image on the screen in 2001—A Space Odyssey is also the sequence in which the Vision of the “Son of man” and the Revelation of “the resurrection” are received.

Michael (Chapter 12, verse 1 of the Book of Daniel, Sura 2, verse 98 of the Quran, Column XVII of the Scroll of the War of the Sons of Light & Chapter 3, verse 12 of the Revelation of John) and

Elizabeth (Chapter 12, verse 13 of the Book of Daniel and Chapter 11, verse 14 & Chapter17, verses 10-13 of the Gospel of Matthew) for

(Seven Women, Seven Churches and Seven Sisters )

Hagar–>the apostle Mary–>Danielle (1982-1987)

(March, 1987—the

Isaac–>the apostle John–>Robin (1986)

Ishmael–>the apostle Peter–>Cindy (1992)

Jacob–>the apostle Thomas–>Linda (1987-

Esau–>the apostle, Judas–>Susan (1970)

Isaiah’s wife–>the apostle James–>Kimberly (2000-



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Skype ID: deadseascrolls12

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    Total 9 comments
    • MikeSavage

      This article reminds me of someone playing darts in the dark. Throw a dart and whatever it hits, must be the bullseye.

    • elijah

      Savage…as opposed to your “scatter gun” method. yeah. Pull the trigger… whatever is left standing…shoot it again.

      • MikeSavage

        Explain your mystifying comment.

    • am123

      “while the rider on the white horse is Ishmael”

      The rider on the white horse is the last who shall be first:

      2 Who raised up the righteous man from the east, called him to his foot, gave the nations before him, and made him rule over kings? he gave them as the dust to his sword, and as driven stubble to his bow.
      3 He pursued them, and passed safely; even by the way that he had not gone with his feet.
      4 Who hath wrought and done it, calling the generations from the beginning? I the Lord, the first, and with the last; I am he.

      —Isaiah 41:2-4

      Cyrus (see chapter 45 of Isaiah) was a forerunner and foreshadowing of the rider on the white horse. He will rebuild the temple. He is represented by Zerubbabel in the Scriptures, who is one of the two olive trees who stand before the Lord of the earth. He is also one and the same as the lion of Jeremiah 4:7, the Destroyer of nations (REV 9:11), who ends up standing before the Lord. He is in fact one and the same as the manchild of chapter 12 of Revelation.

      For more on the rider on the white horse, see:

      “The MYSTERY OF GOD in the BOOK OF REVELATION: The Two Witnesses, the Manchild, and the Destroyer as you have never heard them spoken of before.”


      • MikeSavage

        there are no mysteries in the scriptures. It does not say anywhere in the scriptures that a rider is Ishmael either.

        • iamamerican

          Excuse me MikeSavage, but there are mysteries in the scriptures and throughout the whole bible you just aren’t comprehending what you’re reading, or maybe I should say inconsistencies, for instance, why if we have ONE god does the Bible say “we must make man in our image” who the hell is US?

        • Damien

          The white horse is the envelope / seal of the prophets.

        • MikeSavage

          Nope. Not one. Even the unfilfilled, as of yet, prophecies in Revelation are not mysteries.

    • Pix

      “2-dimensional ‘flat’ space”

      Is an oxymoron, a contradiction of terms. There are no 1d and 2d realities, 1d = one direction eg a flat line, 2d = 2 directions, a flat sheet of paper, and 3d describes space.


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