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By Light In The Dark Place
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Who Is Lucifer? The Absolutely Horrifying Truth (Video)

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You are not going to believe us when we tell you just where this enormously grotesque creature was identified!


Located inside the walls of Vatican City, headquarters of the largest denomination of alleged ‘Christianity’ with over 1.2 billion members, the Roman Catholic Church is home to the world’s most grotesque creature: Lucifer!


Detailed below is the in-depth, expanded view of the monster itself:

The creature itself is comprised of the face of the devil, the Bohemian Grove ‘Moloch’ horned owl, a heart and mind comprised of an ‘all consuming fire-breathing dragon,’ and giant bat-like wings!


Lucifer is perched directly on top of the doorway entrance as millions of visitors per year walk in-between its legs into the gates of hell.

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. (Isaiah 14: 12-15)

This leaves us with one obvious question: Why is Lucifer inside the home of the largest sect of Christianity?!

Vatican City and the darkest secrets that no one wants you to know about – have now been brought to light exposing Lucifer’s fallen kingdom once and for all!

In the most profound spiritual revelation of our time, witness the jaw-dropping evidence and paranormal insight that solves the mystery of all mysteries – answering the questions most people have had since our very existence!

Introducing the full length DVD special, The FINAL Case Against Lucifer:

FEATURED DVD: The FINAL Case Against Lucifer



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  Who Is Lucifer? The Absolutely Horrifying Truth (Video)



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    Total 209 comments
    • Light In The Dark Place

      Lucifer’s Hidden Church Is No Longer Hidden! – Wow You Need to See This! (Video)

      A ‘Twin System’ Runs the Entire Human Race – Bombshell Presentation!

      • King of Shambhala

        Lucifer is Obama.
        He’s Satan-in-Person, Beelzebub.
        Obama’s the one sent to battle the Messiah and Jesus’ Second Coming: me.

        • King of Shambhala

          Obama’s real name uis Barry Parks.
          Why will no one speak to the truth?

          The Revelation is that you should all contact Obama’s third cousin Linda Joy Adams in Kansas ( see her posts covering Obama’s birth and real identity in the posts called “Daily Recap”). She says her cousin Obama’s real name is Barry Parks,, son of Jim T. Parks. Barry was born in Topeka Kansas at the Forbes Air Force Base – now renamed the Topeka Regional Airport.

        • 2QIK4U

          YOU ARE LUCIFER. YOUR ALL BACKWARDS INSIDE OUT UPSIDE DOWN. If I was religious I’d believe you need to be Exorcised.

          • King of Shambhala

            Beware of possesed freaks like garbage 2QIK4U.
            Jesus warned: don’t follow them.
            They serve the Devil Obama.

            • 2QIK4U

              You really are a space cadet aren’t you. You definitely aren’t grounded.

            • 2QIK4U

              You constantly claim your the mesiah and Qoute Christian speak then claim you are Buddhist. .. You can’t be both. A clear sign your bi polar with split personality. only feel normal when you smoke weed. I don’t think you smoke. You constantly grapple within yourself in who you really are. Admitting this to yourself is the first step in getting better.

            • King of Shambhala

              Don’t listen to satanical demonics like 2QIK4U.
              Follow me and not them.
              I’m the only one giving the proof of what I say that 666 cursed Obama at the time of his victory-celebration and thus making him the Antichrist.

              Only the one who reveals that can be Jesus and the Messiah which is what I do here now so I’m Jesus nd the Messiah and being Buddhist is a plus. Jesus said indeed that no Christians would be saved in the end times and he’d not return as a Christian.
              So he’s returned as me: and I’m a Buddhist.

              Jesus said to not follow those who are Christains in the end times.

      • Wity

        Yup! Weve know about this for quite some time ~ decades….

        Waiting and watching history unfold and its sic…..

        • Wity

          Ah! Lucifer left me a minus here…It really doesn’t like people in the know….

          Lucifer youve been beaten at your own game from the beginning…


        • 2QIK4U

          And it’s all man made. Nothing prophetic hAs ever happened without man’s involvement.

      • Raleigh

        /alternative/2017/08/the-most-sophisticated-technology-on-earth-today-has-its-origin-in-ancient-egypt-3539793.html – lucifer normally associate with illuminati and here is the truth for Illuminati.

        • King of Shambhala

          Obama’s the Antichrist.
          Ignore anyone saying otherwise.
          The truth is just that and that’s the news you must spread to be saved in the end times.

      • marquise

        Lucifer does exist twat boy, or he would’nt be worshipped by the totality of your satanic government

        • King of Shambhala

          Obama’s Lucifer.
          He’s sent to destroy everything like blacks go on rampage and devastate stores, homes, streets etc….
          Obama’s the worst.

          • Geeper

            Uh, KOS, the writer of this article is black. Show some respect.

            • King of Shambhala

              I’ll not show respect for Obama just because he’s black.
              I know you have respect for Obama because he’s a homo like you and you respect Obama for spreading the Abomination of HIV.
              I thought you’re like the Gestapo or STASI who worked for the Demonic Socialist Communists in East Germany.

              Have you gone for medical treatment yet or have you given up on getting well again?
              Redemption out of your grasp? Have you resolved to endure hellfire no matter what, come hell and doom?

        • Andy


          jesus doesn’t exist, yet over a billion idiots “believe”
          god doesn’t exist, yet over 3 billion ignorant idiot “believe”
          some humans believe fairies are real, but “belief” doesn’t make realityl
          satan, lucifer, beelzebub also do not exist, regardless of whether some ignorant twits “believe”

          • King of Shambhala

            Don’t listen to Andy, he’s a false christ.

            jesus exists.
            gods of all sorts exist.
            some humans believe fairies are real, and THEY ARE.
            satan, lucifer, beelzebub also exist, regardless of what some ignorant twits “believe”

            THEY ALL EXIST.

            Don’t follow Andy yoi’ll go to hell eternally and burn there.

          • Boo

            Andy, There are some of us who don’t believe God exists…We “know” he exist’s. We believe “in” him.
            …Try not to conflate the two, giving others free reign to accuse you of, and I quote, “being an ignorant idiot”.

            • King of Shambhala

              Just for info: I’m Buddhist and we don’t believe in a creator God.
              We acknowledge the existence of all kinds of gods.
              But that doesn’t mean we accept what those gods stand for in terms of their powers, prerogatives and attributes.

        • 2QIK4U

          Your government emulate ancient history of another race. That’s why it doesn’t work. Instead they get the cannibal disease. Open your eyes.

    • Pink Slime

      I understand you see faces in clouds and stuff, monsters, etc., but what I don’t understand is the NEGRO avatar. Did this god you talk to tell you to put the negro in?

      Did you ask him why? :roll:



        Do you even know who the negro in the avatar is?

        That might help you settle things somewhat in that active mind of yours.

        • King of Shambhala

          BEEF SUPREME is a shill paid by Obama.
          Obama’s Lucifer.
          Don’t follow BEEF SUPREME, who’s only mission is to distract from seeing Obama’s the demonic Beelzebub of the Bible.

          • BEEF SUPREME

            It is true. My mission is to distract everyone from seeing Obama’s the demonic Beelzebub of the Bible.

            I would have succeeded too, is not for the MEDDLING FRENCHMAN!!!!

            You win, Frenchie.

            You can shut up and go away now.

            [And once you have defeated Obama, Macron will rise in his place!!! But you have to go to another website to announce the OTHER Antichrist. This website is all booked full for the next 20 years.]

            • King of Shambhala

              No I’ll speak out and not shut up.

              But I agree to shut up, FOR YOU. I’m speaking the truth and you’re speaking crap 24 7 since YEARS NOW.

              Why don’t you shut your forking mouth?

              “Prison Time is Coming Soon, Be Ready” Man Confronts Nancy Pelosi With Ominous Warning. Cockroaches Running! (Video) /alternative/2017/08/prison-time-is-coming-soon-be-ready-man-confronts-nancy-pelosi-with-ominous-warning-cockroaches-video-3538927.html

              Once I’ve defeated Obama the Antichrist and Lucifer by shutting up ugly stupid shills and paid operatives like you then I’ll not worry about anyobdy else. I’ll take a vacation. I’ll head to Tibet. I never wanted to take on this burden of going after Obama. I had to do it because you Obama shills put such a god-dam* fight.

              Why did you do it?

              Was it worth to dam yourselves for a piece of crap like Obama?

              One example; you say “Obama”.

              Do you know his name? Is that his name? Obama?

              I mean you’re not Einstein.

              This isn’t rocket science but I hope at least you don’t consider his name to be Obama. His birth certificate is a forgery and proven to be so – so how the hell could the name on his birth certificate be his real name?

              I mean, do you even live in reality AT ALL?

              Got dropped on your head when you were young?

            • RAINCAT

              Once I’ve defeated Obama the Antichrist..

              Do you know his name? Is that his name? Obama?

              I mean you’re not Einstein.

              I mean, do you even live in reality AT ALL?

              How’s that for a mirror, Sham?

            • BEEF SUPREME

              No, Geir…

              I… AM YOUR FATHER.

            • King of Shambhala

              Ignore the ugly imbeciles trolling these comments.
              They’re trained by disinformation operatives to distract from the topics.
              Obama’s the Antichrist and that’s what we must reveal so we get saved in the end times which are now.

      • DK

        A persons skin colour never mattered until the Dutch East India company needed slaves.

    • allendaves

      2Thess 2:10..because they received not THE LOVE of the truth, that they might be saved. 11. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

      123’s of true Christianity v popular & damnable heresies

      #1 “ONE” not triune: ……PART 4 & 5 HOW MANY GODS ARE THERE FOR THE ONE GOD TO TALK TO?? Who was Jesus praying to??!?…. The real question should be … How does having multiple different persons keep this one God/being/entity from praying to himself?! (The trinitarian “schizophrenic” “god-head”) The Trinitarians want to have their cake and eat it too as the saying goes. On the one hand they need to say they only worship one indivisible God being/ entity but on the other hand they feel the need for some reason to keep Jesus or God from praying and talking to himself by dividing him up into different persons!?! It never occurs to them that that since there is only one indivisible God to pray too and Jesus is that indivisible God come in the flesh that he would need to talk to himself as to show us how to live, suffer, pray and die for our/ flesh) benefit not his!?!….. So while Trinitarians are quick to complain that God was not talking to himself at Christ baptism or in Gen “let us” they ignore the logical demands of their own theology! If Jesus is the ONE GOD in flesh and the Father is the SAME ONE GOD in heaven then Trinitarianism demands THE ONE GOD is talking to HIMSELF the same “being”! Claiming that God is multiple different persons as the reason for why God is not talking to himself (because God is three different “selfs”) only demonstrates that what they really worship is in fact not a ONE GOD who talks to himself but three different god “selfs”/ and they all talk to each other! When they speak about who God was talking and praying to, they are quick to say “the other person, NOT HIMSELF!” But if you ask them how many gods do they pray to then they will say “ONLY ONE”!?! They expect you to believe that those three different persons are THE ONE GOD-BEING” which is like calling three different cars “THE ONE VEHICLE” (they are text book examples of prov 26:12)
      Mark 12:28…Which is the first commandment of all? 29. …Hear, O Israel; THE LORD OUR GOD IS ONE LORD: 30. And ………..this is the first commandment….. 31. And the second is….. IF YOU CAN’T GET THIS “FIRST OF ALL COMMANDMENTS” RIGHT, ALL THE REST OF YOUR “FAITH” AND PREACHING ON LOVE & SIN IS MOOT

      “WHO” it was (what person) that came “IN THE FLESH”, IS THE DETERMINING FACTOR IN WHAT IT MEANS TO BE “ANT-CHRIST”! Even Islam claims Jesus was the Jewish messiah/Christ who was to come in the flesh) they all deny “WHO” it was (what person) that came (to be the Christ) in the flesh!?!…….To deny the father is to deny the son because they are one and the same person that came in the flesh!
      JOHN 14: 8-20 ….Note Isaiah 9:6. For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: …: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, … the everlasting Father ….The son, father/Holy Spirit are all the same person, NOT like two different persons working together even as “one flesh” ….The “oneness” between Christ and the father is not comparable to a man & his wife, for only a fool would say “When you have seen me you have seen my wife, how sayest thou then, Shew us your wife?” Notice they asked to see THE FATHER and the response was Jn 14:9 ..“HAVE I BEEN SO LONG time with you, and yet hast THOU NOT KNOW ME, Philip…..Now image some fool trying to claim that statement if you asked to see his wife!?!!? You want to see the FATHER but have I been with you but you don’t know me!?!?!
      Jn 14 continued….…………..17. Even THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH; (Jn 14:6 I AM the way, THE TRUTH,) whom the world cannot receive, .. for HE DEWLLETH WITH YOU, (present tense/standing next to them in the flesh) and SHALL BE IN YOU… (future tense “In them”) 18. I will not leave you comfortless: I WILL COME TO YOU (future tense “In them”) Note: The spirit of Christ is the sprit of God and the holy spirit that is why Christ said “I will come to you” (to comfort them, because Christ is the comforter). The spirit was standing next to them in flesh… ….latter it would come to them to be inside of them (inside of their flesh as the spirit we are given)…..that is why. he would send the spirit…… However, Jesus himself here makes the point that the same person who was the HOLY SPIRIT that would come was standing next to them but lets them know “I will come to you again to be Inside of you”
      The whole point to Gal 3:20.a mediator is NOT A MEDIATOR OF ONE, (HEIS) but GOD IS ONE. (HEIS) again, point blank, identifies the number of persons of God! The “but” points out the contrast between multiple persons in a mediation party v the “one” of God. God is not like a mediation party with multiple different persons. …..”the express image of his person” ( the person of God; singular not plural).Any attempt to lay claim otherwise is willful ignorance and delusional nonsense
      TRINITARIANS CONFESS JESUS /THEY ARE NOT POLYTHEIST BUT ARE MONOTHEIST LIKE A LIAR & THIEF WHO “CONFESS” THEY DO NOT LIE OR STEAL The simple fact is that just because you confess or deny that you are in an adulterous relationship and denounce all forms of adultery has nothing to do with whether or not it is in fact adulterous! .. …A rose by any other name is still just a rose AND calling it a water lily does not change the definition of what a water Lilly or a rose is either!…No, Trinitarians confess & preach literally …”ANOTHER JESUS” 2 Cor 11:4
      - Like a thief in your house caught stealing your things insisting he was not there stealing “I CONFESS I am NOT stealing”. You just do not “properly understand” what he is doing/saying. Further, since you never had a “proper understanding” of what he is doing/saying you have no business accusing him since you do not even know what you are talking about in the first place. It is with and in your own ignorance that you base your “false accusations” & “ad homonym attacks” against him…… Ridiculous of course it is ……2Thess 2:11; Titus 1:16; 2Tim 3:5;
      …… should have given you a hint, harking back to Satan in The garden…God said you will die…Satan comes along and states no you will be more WISE……today .God said He is one; but Satan’s children come along and say no three is more WISE and humble in the face of God’s grandeur only “a mystery” that can be understood “in faith”. God uses head and right arm to explain the distinctions between father and son.. However, the Trinitarian heretics say to the effect: “NO, that is just a figure of speech, or that is not what God really means. What God is really saying is that God is three different persons”. Fools, hypocrites and blind guides, God said he was One and by your traditions and vain imaginations have taken the words of God and made them of no effect, refashioning God into your image!
      You can download the complete FREE book from

      #2 SECOND COMING Thou Fool! “I come quickly” so “Hold fast
      till i come”… NOT …“in another 2000 yrs I might be coming soon any time now, so hold fast”!?! …those that deny the second coming of Christ in the war of AD70 are practicing a damnable heresy in denying the lord that bought them ( 2Peter 2:1-2 ;2Tim 4:8/ you cant love an appearing you deny& the context is the 2nd coming not the first)… Mat 7:23..”I NEVER KNEW YOU” …..Mat 10:33. But whosoever shall deny me before men……..sound familiar?…. If I said I am coming to your house in this generation when these things happen but no one knows the day or hour what fool would think I might be coming in 2000 years latter!?!? ..2 Tim 4: 4. And
      they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be TURNED UNTO FABLES.
      2Thess 2: 11. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12. That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
      or Revelation The First Gospel of The Kingdom
      #3 There is a sharp contrast between THREE groups :
      (1) “PREDESTINED DAMNED” who were NEVER written in the book of life ………..Rev 17: 8 WHOSE NAMES WERE NOT WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD, …as contrasted …EPH 1: 4. According as he hath CHOSEN US in him BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD
      (2) “MANY CALLED”= ONLY and ALL SAINTS (those who come to Christ) are written in the book of life … Philippians 4:3… ……Rev 21:27; (Only saints are Called and elect; Rom 1:6-7 et al) This is THE CHRUCH and ONLY these can have their names blotted out of the book of life ….….Heb 12:23 to the general assembly and CHURCH of the firstborn … WHICH ………are WRITTEN in heaven,
      (3) THE FEW CHOSEN: Those saints who were alive in group #2 who are now physically dead. They died “faithful” these are the FEW that were chosen faithful…….Rev 3:5. ……; and I
      will not BLOT OUT HIS NAME OUT OF THE BOOK OF LIFE, (Ps 69:28) …. These are the FEW that are CHOSEN and now that they have died and are saved then “once saved THEY CAN NEVER BE LOST”
      Predestination….its true..its all true…download here Most true Christians go to hell

      • Boo

        Allendavies…I just joined an online private and select study group of backseat theologians. They actually covered some of these questions you just posted and had some similar and some slightly different responses to them. I hope they seek you out and extend an invitation to you. Very little preaching but a lot of stimulating, insightfully philosophical dialogue and exegesis going on there. Hope to see you there some day.

        By the way … do you study the word in the original Hebrew and or Greek translations?

      • LindaJoyAdams

        Many of real faith may end up in heaven in spite of the church they belong to… Constantine split Christianity in two for political power and a state church which incorporated the goddess religion which is the one some say is the trend to make it the one world wide one now… and thought zombies and no freedom of thought or choice and no creative thinking at all of us to believe the same which human are created to not be alike. what Christ hated… and early Christianity was much like it is today with a variety of ways to worship but the core beliefs in tact.. which some have lost today .. but it was not perfection then either.. A BEAST SYSTEM HAS BEEN PUT IN POWER BY OUR OWN CONGRSS IN 2002 AND FEW EVEN KNOW THEY VOTED FOR IT.. A FEW IN CONGRESS GOT A GAG ORDER RULE PASSSED SO THAT THERE IS NO MENTION, CONTACT OR ALLOWED TO HAVE A CONTRACTOR TESTIFY TO FIND OUT THE WHOLE TRUGH OF ANYTHING A SUBLTLE , HIDDEN CONTROL AS THE WHILE NATION CAME UNDER IT AND NO OE COUL Since 2002, govt contractors are not audited nor can existing budget be used for criminal investigations or prosecutions and the named head all obey as laws get rewritten and defied along with judges and rules f the international cabal that is not just the ones of old who ruled based on gold and banking but the new world order of cyber control as most of our money is cyber air now and only exist in air as credits since sungaard was created that owns most of the digitized money since 1984that has taken one nation after anther has the named head of the USA as Lynn Blodgett and still only a few in the Deep State of the real govt nor in congress even know who he is an that they are not in charge as laws get passed based on unverifiable data as only his and his know the truth as he has virtual control of the enations data and records fro, local to federal . WHO HE WORKS FOR IS STILL NOT KNOW, BUT TRILLLIONS HAV BEEN STOLEN AND MILLLIONS DEAD DUE TO THE ILLEGAL ACTS OF thIS CABAL per congresses own studies but nt naming the cause that is pointed to THERE IS NO GOVT RUN HEALTH CARE IN THE USA SINCE 2002 AND FEW KNOW THS AS THEY HAVE BEEN PERMITTED TO ILLEGALLY IMPERSONATE THEY ARE GOVT OFFICIALS AND GOVT OFFICES AND ARE NOT.. Ties o the Clinton Foundation are linked but its going to need the SEC to unravel and they are not allowed by actof congress to help either , BLOOD CURES ON THE WORLD FROM THREE DEAD IN 3/61 IN TOPEKA THAT ALREADY HAS CAUSED GREAT HARML JIM T PARKS LYNCHED INT THE ATTACK THAT WAS TO HAVE LYNDHIED OBA,A UNBORN AND HIS MOTHER.. JIM FOUGHT BACK SO SHE COULD RUN AND SHE RAN FOR HELP AND THREE DIED THAT DAY AND ALL COVERED UP TO THIS DAY… JUSTICE DENIED ONE DOES DENY IT TO ALL OF US AN DHE WAS NOT TO KNOW THE TRUTH.. .. King of Shambhala and other believe that Obama is the anti Christ, but free will to be saved is open to all until the final choice is my faith.. but those in control in this world seemed to have decided then who they wanted to be sec gen of us as its to
        be passed around areas of the world and its past time from North Americia… and this is an election and the fake bio of muslim adopted fathers , Kenya etc is perfect to get the votes of the muslim and African nations whom Obama might be able to get votes for another from our area.. AS THAT IS HOW MY EXTENDED FAMilLY OPERATES DECADES AHEAD OF TIME TO RETIAN POWER.. I KNKEW IN 1953 THAT IT HAD BEEN DECIDED IN 1948 THAT POPE JOHN PAUL II WAS GONG TO BE MEDE POPE AS THIS IS A POWER HOUSE OF THE WORLD AND WARS HAVE BEEN SRTED TO KEEP IT THE POWER EVN IN MODERN TIMES , RELIGIOUS WARS BEGUN the czars gotten rid of or S E Asian with china would have been orthodox Christian and thn BOSNIA WAS AN OPENING WHEN TITO DIED THE EASTRN ORTHODOX FAITH IS NOT the goddess religion AND ONE DOES NOT HAV TO BE IN THE STATE CHRUCH TO BE A CITIZEN OF THE NATION. A BASIC TNENT OF ROME SINCE AUGUSTINE WHO CAME SOON AFTER CONSTANTINE AND RULED UNITL HENRY THE VIII decided Rome should mot be telling him who he could e married to .. not a good man but … but more main line beliefs and practices and even media had the truth of his gather in TOPEKA KS and went along t
        iw the fake bio in 2008 allowing Hillary from the deep state into running foreign affairs and we are on the verge of WW III OVER IT and some hold ovr him my opinion WATCH THE ANCESTRY OF THE WOMEN TOO OFTEN FORGOTTEN AND MORE HIDDEN THAN MOST Linda Joy for more details of the circumstances of Obama’s birth in Topeka Ks began last 1/2 of 2012.. and all over since I finally went public and have been dissed by all sides for sharing the truth which neither side seems to want to know and that is how the nation and world got and is getting overthrown NO ONE WANT TO KNOW AND THEN ITS HAPPENED TO US I do not get into conspiracy theories but share facts and eyewitness testimony and if it is connecting dots or links I share that as such and not as verified data ready for court.. I grew up in the CHRUCH OF THE BRETHREN AND GRADUATED FROM EASTERN BAPTIT THEIOOOGIVAL SEMINARY NOW PALMER.. BUT I CAN WORHIP WITH THOSE WHO PROFESS THE RISEN CHRIST EVN IF THEY DO NOT DO THINGS LIK I AM USD T O.. I HAD ANOTHER BAPTISM SOON AFTER BIRTH INTO THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND N THE USA THEN DEDICATED INTO TH CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN SOON AFTRWRDS BUT THAT IS MY OWN PERSONAL JOURNEY FOR TRUTH AND JUSTICE. Linda Joy Adams

        • King of Shambhala

          Linda Joy Adams is in the house people!
          Thanks for coming Linda.

          I wnated to act a s guide to who Linda is – so as to present her to the people here just a little bit.

          As Linda explains she thinks the Antichrist is rather the corrupt goverment than Obama.
          She thinks there are very corrupt people in government and particularly one of them whom she thinks is the Antichrist.

          I don’t know that person and can’t say if that is true or not.

          But Linda and I know about Obama’s real birth in Topeka Kansas that she’s explained to me many times and Obama’s real name being Barry Parks, the son of Jim T. Parks.

          Linda is a Christian but she explains that she acknowledges that there are many paths leading to heaven and being intolerant and locked into one single faith isn’t the right way.

          Linda’s a very brave and fearless person who’s stood up with an incredible courage over the years. People should contact her and listen carefully to the very many things she explains in her many, many posts. She’s revealing the Apocalypse which is Obama’s real name and place of birth.

          She’s breaking the end of times and Apocalypse! Hurry to look at what she says and investigate it.

    • DennisB

      This go’s back a long way…Back to when the first Humans servents (homo sapiens) were used in the food gardens for the gods (the Annunaki). Enki thought it would be good to pass along serpent knowledge (about DNA, the entwined serpents) to the humans. Enlil got mad at his half brother and sent the humans to work in the gold mines in Africa (the Abzu or underworld).

      From that day on, Enki was know as the serpent (satan).

      • King of Shambhala

        Obama’s the Antichrist that’s all there needs to be known.
        I’m the Messiah.
        Accept it.

    • Jeffery Pritchett

      Lucifer is a fictional character in an ancient fantasy novel that for some reason adults pretend is real.

      Kinda like Santa Clause.

      I, for one, believe in the great book of Middle Earth, known as The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy, along with the Old Testament, referred to commonly as, The Hobbit.

      Make sure Trump keeps America great, otherwise the dark armies of Sauron might one day rise up again.

      If that happens, we can only pray that the second coming of Frodo is close at hand!


      • King of Shambhala

        Debunked You, Trump’s Obama enemy since day one.
        Trump says he’s the Messenger.
        The Messenger of what? seeing he’s been elected because he trashed Obama over and over with the birth issue.

        Obama’s the Antichrist and Trump is the Messenger of revealing Obama.

      • Andy

        you better watch out
        you better not cry
        better not pout i’m telling you why
        Sauron is coming to town!

        can you imagine all the Sauronic possessions happening around the world today? PRAY Frodo returns soon,,, or Aragorn,,, or Gandalf,,,,

        • King of Shambhala

          you better watch out
          you better not cry
          better not pout i’m telling you why
          Sauron is coming to town!

          can you imagine all the Sauronic possessions happening around the world today? PRAY Frodo returns soon,,, or Aragorn,,, or Gandalf,,,,”

          If you make threats you’ll be in trouble. TOS at BIN forbid threats. Worst of all are death threats you’ll ge t banned for life for making death threats.

          In normal life you’ll get ten years and $50000 for death threats.

          Don’t threaten. Never threaten.

          You’ll burn eternally in hell’s lake of fire and brimstone if you don’t instantly reveal the Antichrist Obama says the Bible. Hurry up if you don’t want to burn as the Bible says. Don’t make death threats. Quote the Bible if you’re making threats.

          • Jeffery Pritchett

            No one threatened anyone king you fucking mouth breather moron.

            • King of Shambhala

              You’ll burn in hell eternally says the Bible.
              You’re covering up for the Antichrist Obama.
              He’s the Devil aka Satan-in-Person and the Holy Ghost Writer says so just like I do.

    • Everette

      The question was who is lucifer ? Isaiah 14 tells us that he is the one that fell from Heaven . The one that exalted himself above GOD in his mind or being . Other parts of the Bible tells us that he drew a 1/3 of the angels with in in rebelian against GOD . But the person everyone is looking for that has not or can not show himself yet is the son of perdition , the being brought forth by lucifer whom he will use to show himself . Just as GOD became flesh in the being Jesus as John chapter 1 states , lucifer has a fleshly being that he shall use to revel himself . This being may be a odd looking creature or even a handsome man . It is said the Vatican has a beast creature living or contained within its walls . I don’t know ! But in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 we are told that the son of perdition can not show himself until the person that restrains is taken out of the way . many say that person is Jesus , but He has been removed . Some say that person is the Holy Spirit , but in the Hebrew writings that being is referred to as Feminium . So that being can not be called He . So who is this He being or person on earth that GOD is using to restrain lucifer’s son of perdition from showing himself ? Now according to what I have read this person is not restraining lucifer , but GOD is restraining lucifer because of this person . This person is the seed or sperm of King David that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24 saying and He shall send His angels to gather His elect , not I shall send My angels to gather My elect (Matthew 24:30-31 ) . All other verses Jesus calls Himself I or Me . This person is also the cause of the vatican trying to kill out the seed of King David linage through out history . This is why millions of Jews or tribe of Judea was murdered , none of the other tribes of Jacob , but the tribe of Judea . Jesus was not a Jew of the Tribe of Judea . He had no earthly father . He was born of the virgin Mary . She was a Levite as was Elisabeth her cousin married to the Levite High Presit . Jesus brothers and sisters were of the linage of King David because of Joseph had married Mary . They are called the Dispenia . History backs up the fact that the Vatican has sought to kill out this linage of Joseph and Mary’s children . But the Bible states that GOD has kept this seed safe and planted it in a sure place and watered it . This same plant will be the one mentioned in Ezekiel chapters 44 and 46 , called the Prince who brings back the Sabbath and also has sons and daughters . Did Jesus have sins and daughters ? Some say He did others say no ! But even then if He did Jesus linage is still of the Levite tribe through Mary His mother in the flesh . This person must be from the tribe of Judea and Ephraim according to what I have read . That means He will be both of Judea and Israel ( name given to Ephraim and Manasseh by Jacob in Genesis 48 ) . According to History King Author’s child fulfilled this action . Either his wife or he was of Judea and the other of Ephraim Israel . In Genesis 49:10 we are told that Judea shall reign until Shiloh Comes . Now Shiloh was a town in Ephrims land plot given to him by Moses before dying then Joshua fulfilled it . Shiloh was were the Ark of the Covenant set until King David moved it to Jerusalem . The ark set in Ephraim Israel’s land until moved to Judea land . But the scriptures tell us that this Prince of David will be of His seed . But Genesis 49:10 says it will be given to Shiloh . Many will say this is Jesus . But Jesus is our High Presit of the tribe of Levite through Mary His mother . He can not fulfill the seed or sperm of King David’s linage . Why ? Because He had no earthly father . Jesus is the KING not the Prince . This Prince will fulfill GOD’s desire to rule all nations with a rod of iron for 1000 years and will have sons and daughters . This Prince that will be earths king until GOD Brings Heaven to earth ( Revekation 21 and 22 ) and HE GOD ( Jesus ) becomes The KING over all . Daniel tells us that this son of man like GOD called Ezekiel in many chapters will be called up and crowned and given Power , Glory and a Kingdom . Revelation 12 tells that this Prince was born unto the nation Israel , the woman ( America , Europe , Australia and Canada ) , but is both Jew ( Judea living in the land Israel now ) and Israel ( lost 10 tribes ) . The linage of King Author fulfills this heritage and maybe other Kings and their wives were of Israel and Judea . This person is soon to be called up to be given Power , Glory and a Kingdom . This person will come back and gather the church of Philadelphia ( Revelation 3:7-10 ) and keep them in the wilderness of Zion . There they will be protected , feed and taught . The other churches will have to prove their love for GOD During the tribulation period of 3 1/2 years . When this person is called up then as 2 Thessalonians chapter 2:7-8 states the evil one of lucifer shall be reveled . As Revelation 12 brings out lucifer is cast down to be restrained on planet earth where he will fulfill his final judgement . The scriptures say Wow to the inhabitants of earth for he has come down and has great wrath because he knows his time is short . The sign of Revelation 12 is about to happen September 23 . So look for things to start happening to fulfill that chapter soon after . Like stars falling from Heaven ( or could it be lucifer and his angels being cast down to earth ) . When this happens the tribulation period will soon start . That means all hell will break out ! Hope you are living a life keeping GODs words as the church of Philadelphia did . GOD said they will be kept from the tribulation that shall try all men on the earth . Oh and for those that say the church will be ruptured before the tribulation happens . Paul stated that at the last trumpet the resurrection would happen . That means after the seals , the wows and six of the trumpets have sounded then the dead in Christ shall rise and then we which are alive and remain . Now let me show you in the scriptures where that takes place . Open your Bibles to Revelation 20:5-6 and read exactually when the resurrection takes place . It is just before the 1000 year reign of peace forced by the Princes rod of iron rule . The righteous will not need the rod of iron . But the wicked that are alive will need it to make them live a righteous life . Then after 1000 years the devil which was bound for the 1000 years in the pit will be loosed . He will go forth to deceive the wicked ones again . And he will gather them to make war on the righteous once more . This time GOD will rain fire from Heaven upon them and call for the final judgement . After that GOD will come down to earth to dwell with the righteous forever . The good news of the Kingdom is GOD is bringing Heaven to planet earth ( the Kingdom is at hand ) after it is cleaned up ( Revelation 21and 22 ) .

    • Man

      so why doesn’t God remove lucifer? HE is more powerful , right?

      • Boo

        Man…do yourself a favor, join a bible study group for a few months. Ask your questions and let them help you understand some of the basic’s in the context of the bible and not a Hollywood atheist script writers take on it if you really care to know. You might be surprised at how very little of what you will learn resembles what you thought the bible teaches.

        • King of Shambhala

          Obama’s the Antichrist.
          I’m the one who’s revealing the following:
          I reveal Obama’s been cursed by 666 being crawn in the lottery of his homestate the day of his election victory celebration.

          • King of Shambhala

            I reveal Obama’s been cursed by 666 being Drawn in the lottery of his homestate the day of his election victory celebration.

        • Man

          No, it makes no sense.

          Who is more powerful, God or Lucifer?
          God knew all of this would happen when he created everything. So he knew of Lucifer before he existed. He made the rules for everything.

          So he can change the rules and even remove Lucifer. Even change the game that sin no longer exists.

          But apparently he can’t do that because he is a limp dick.

          And it isn’t a free will thing because he is all knowing. So yeah he knows what you do before you do it.

          • King of Shambhala

            Only in the Apocalypse will Lucifer Obama be defeated.
            It’s karma that Lucifer rules and dominates goodness in the world during some period of time.

            There is no God, just karma.

            The Revelation is that you should all contact Obama’s third cousin Linda Joy Adams in Kansas ( see her posts covering Obama’s birth and real identity in the posts called “Daily Recap”). She says her cousin Obama’s real name is Barry Parks,, son of Jim T. Parks. Barry was born in Topeka Kansas at the Forbes Air Force Base – now renamed the Topeka Regional Airport.

          • Boo

            It was never about power for God. It was about free will and developing your own nature away from a Lucifer nature, to one more like God’s. The one word that describes this is love.

            When it comes to God, it’s about your relationship with God.
            He works with you, and through you, but it is your will that free’s up on the handle bars of this bicycle ride through life and allow’s his hand to guide you through it.

            Man…bible study group can give you the depth of meaning of what a free will encompasses. Your ready…

            • King of Shambhala

              Karma rules the world.
              Tibetan Tantric Buddhism is the highest form of cutlure in the world.
              Boo, you don’t know even as much as shoite.

            • Man

              there is no free will.

              Is god all knowing? If yes, then you have no free will. He will know what you will be doing before you have done it,

              So he already knows what I think of him and he already knows how He should be able to convince me to have a relationship with him.

              It is God’s ineptitude to not provide evidence of him that convinces me of his existence

              It is a gimped god.

            • King of Shambhala

              It’s karma that the Antichrist Obama managed to trick people during so long. But becaue of the suffering he’s put people through and the utter destruction of them that he achieved, the payback had to come and come hard it will, because the Apocalypse will now reveal itself fast.
              That’s all scientific and it’s the logical outcome of the natural karma that’s been created by people and by nature.

          • Anonymous

            That is so disgustingly sickeneing and vile. What – if I may ask because I cannot get to watch the video now, what particular church, is it a church doorway, and what church, what’s the name of the Catholic Church this horrible thing is depicted over?

            Thank you – this is horrifying. How anyone can (even before learning of this) be A PART of the church (Catholic) is beyond my comprehension. It is completely, totally, over-the-top perverseness and anyone who has a brain can see that, feel that, and know it in their core and in their every impulse, that any church who has done the things they have done, and preach the doctrines they do, and do the thing that they do to young children and young boys (young men), (child rape, murder and sodomising the vulnerable)
            and keeping the truth hidden from all, is a Church of Satan.

            Lucifer is Satan in a ‘Good-looking guise’ or ‘Loving’ manifestation of ‘Light’. The false saviour does not appear to be a devil. He will come as an angel of light, like all very savvy deceivers do, who can.

            But this is him in his ugly realness, and still people do not get it, or care? This is OVERT evilness. Vileness, blatantly. IN-YOUR-FACE iniquity; yet, do people stop and refuse to support it?

            Child sexual and mental and emotional abuse: Rape is horrible, to a child, it results a lot in possession and multiple personality disorder; this is the reality of HELL ON EARTH for children at these people’s hands, sodomisers of the innocent, ruiners of the pure and the good. I’m not talking about Muslims now, this is from the good old Western World, the Christian Church, the Catholic (Universal) Church. Do you hear the millions, no billions of folks saying, Hell no, we will not only come out of this, no more attentandce, no more MONEY from us to these people-ruiners, but we will not tolerate this horrific cruelty and trampling on the children’s rights to life and happiness and health and safety from rape and sodomy and lies from priests and nuns and murderers: and say, No more will we tolerate this evil – ? Do you hear the people? I don’t. There are none. Besides you, a few here and there. Most the newscasters fawned all over the Pope and the Church father members the last time I listened to TV news. It WAS DISGUSTING to hear from the news anchors. So unprofessional to say the least. And so biased and sycophantic with this obvious egregiously criminal cabal of religious power is evil to the core.
            That is our news for you.

            And that is who and what runs the world.

            So – if people know the Church rapes children, (they do, or they are completely out of it) if they read they will know that the high priesthood rapes children of members and orphans – violating the sacred trust of the vulnerable – this is a crime that is so horrific that they often feel no real joy ever again – this crime is so vile and vicious and evil and it is PROTECTED, is not challenged in any real REAL way, only superficially for appearances is anything said or done to really punish the people who have done this – no real investigations, no prison sentenses, just shit the sodomite rapers of children to the other jurisdictions and that is the beginning of the end for more poor new boys in that town, and so it goes -

            if people read about this, instead of ignoring the plight of children who depend on us to protect them from this, to know this is being committed on an ongoing continual basis and it is accepted as de rigeur,= as it is a Satanic rite that the Church leaders sodomize boys, then if they are good they will at least not support it and if they can, they will be more active in their defense of the children and use our humanity to change this horrid state of affairs.

            If they are good. At least they will not keep supporting the church, whether in membership, silence, or lauding of the Pope, Archbishops, Cardinals, Fathers, nuns, etc. Do NOT LAUD THIS.

            Remember how if you were a child, (these are helpless people who are too little to battle these professional mind and spirit and body-exploiters, merchandising in human souls of innocents – who are told what to do, they ‘must go to be good boys and girls and go to Church!’, be polite to Father So and So, and do what he tells you,…’ children are brought to and in other words, FORCED TO PARTICIPATE in this SICK, PERVERTED evil by their parents, other elders or their other authorities, taught to revere these horrible adults, to OBEY these ‘Godly’ men & women….it is a hell beyond description and it doesn’t end when the rape ends. it was done, and it just keeps on f*cking with the child til the end of their lives, in various degrees and horrible ways, all thruout their lives, well, if anyone keeps on going to Catholic Church, then, there is no place in hell hot enough or dark enough or painful enough for that person or those kinds of people. The ones that refuse to stop going are supporting this crime, those are the ones that are just as guilty, because if we all stopped going, and not tolerating this crime to our young ones, it wouldn’t exist any more. Then no Church Father would ever rape a child again or ruin a young man’s life and head by intimidation and societal tacit approval and lack of support for the victims of the Catholic Church.

      • Andy

        why doesn’t god remove lucifer? what a silly question

        both of them are fairy-tale characters, and just as fairy-tale characters cannot write their own fairy-tale, neither can they remove each other from said fairy-tale

        • King of Shambhala

          Ignorance produces the Devil.
          As long as ignorance exists he’ll exist.
          If you want to remove the Devil remove the ignorance that’s obscurating your eyes.

      • Firmament Does Exist

        In good time…meanwhile you get to choose who you serve

        • King of Shambhala

          Serve heavenly goodness and turn away from evil and the Antichrist i.e. Satan.
          Turn from the trolls infesting these comments.
          Spread the news Obama’s the Antichrist.

    • King of Shambhala

      The Revelation is that you should contact Obama’s third cousin Linda Joy Adams in Kansas. She says her cousin Obama’s real name is Barry Parks,, son of Jim T. Parks. Barry was born in Topeka Kansas at the Forbes Air Force Base – now renamed the Topeka Regional Airport.

    • 2QIK4U

      This is what you all blindly worship. There’s more than one face there

      • King of Shambhala

        2QIK4U is a Minion of Satan.
        The Revelation is that you should contact Obama’s third cousin Linda Joy Adams in Kansas. She says her cousin Obama’s real name is Barry Parks,, son of Jim T. Parks. Barry was born in Topeka Kansas at the Forbes Air Force Base – now renamed the Topeka Regional Airport.

        • King of Shambhala

          Contact Linda Joy Adams at her posts about Obama’s birth in Kansas and being called Barry Parks, the son of Jim T. Parks, are all called “Daily Recap”.

        • King of Shambhala

          Those who are real truth-seekers must drop whatever they’re doing and as the bible says run out to spread the news that Obamas the Antichrist.
          That’ll start by investigating the lead that his real name is Barry Parks and he’s born in Kansas.
          Why aren’t reporters whose duty is to report the news investigating this?
          Why is no one covering it?
          Why the coverup?

          Those who turn a blind eye and don’t investigate this will burn eternally in the lake of fire and brimstone in hell says the Bible. None will survive. Only the chosen and anointed ones will be saved in the end.

          The Revelation is that you should contact Obama’s third cousin Linda Joy Adams in Kansas ( see her posts covering Obama’s birth and real identity in the posts called “Daily Recap”). She says her cousin Obama’s real name is Barry Parks,, son of Jim T. Parks. Barry was born in Topeka Kansas at the Forbes Air Force Base – now renamed the Topeka Regional Airport.

        • 2QIK4U

          Everything up is down. Everything is backwards all in plain sight that none of you can admit even with all the evidence that it’s every single Bible Basher that truly worships evil. You can’t deny it. Tool

          • King of Shambhala

            2QIK4U ha been trolling for years to cover up his god and saviour the Antichrist aka Satan-in-Person Obama.
            He’s a Minion of Satan’s Army, so don’t follow him.

            Reveal Obama’s the Antichrist or burn eternally in hell says the Bible.

          • King of Shambhala

            The real truth is not what the shills like 2QIK4U spew but that the Revelation is that you should all contact Obama’s third cousin Linda Joy Adams in Kansas ( see her posts covering Obama’s birth and real identity in the posts called “Daily Recap”). She says her cousin Obama’s real name is Barry Parks,, son of Jim T. Parks. Barry was born in Topeka Kansas at the Forbes Air Force Base – now renamed the Topeka Regional Airport.

    • Geeper

      If the devil is a little face stuck on a wall that you can only see if you really squint, I think we’ll be fine.

      • King of Shambhala

        Obama’s real name is Barry Parks.
        Why will no one speak to the truth?

        The Revelation is that you should all contact Obama’s third cousin Linda Joy Adams in Kansas ( see her posts covering Obama’s birth and real identity in the posts called “Daily Recap”). She says her cousin Obama’s real name is Barry Parks,, son of Jim T. Parks. Barry was born in Topeka Kansas at the Forbes Air Force Base – now renamed the Topeka Regional Airport.

        Turn from the false christs in the comments.

        • Geeper

          The Revelation was given to John of Patmos two thousand years ago, it was not a message to call some lady in Kansas.

          This article is about a face on the wall in Vatican City. Please stay on topic.

          • King of Shambhala

            Ignore Geeper he’s a HIV-infested homo.
            Homos are responsible for 95% of HIV. They’re killing millions with the homo agenda.
            I don’t say it: it’s the US gov disease-control website “CDC” that says that.

            Old HIV-infested homos like Geeper and his god and saviour the Abominable (that word’s in the Bible for the Antichrist and means homo) Antichrist Obama won’t get to heaven.

            Jesus said so: “Turn away from Sodom.” (Bible)

            No homos go to heaven says the Bible. The Bible says so not me. Don’t listen to homos quoting the Bible like Geeper, they’re false christs.

            • King of Shambhala

              The Revelation is that you should all contact Obama’s third cousin Linda Joy Adams in Kansas ( see her posts covering Obama’s birth and real identity in the posts called “Daily Recap”). She says her cousin Obama’s real name is Barry Parks,, son of Jim T. Parks. Barry was born in Topeka Kansas at the Forbes Air Force Base – now renamed the Topeka Regional Airport.

              Turn from the false christs in the comments.

            • Anonymous

              “A Buddhist telling Christians that they’re going to hell (because he’s Jesus?) sounds kinda trollish from here, y’know.”

              And the fake Christ, testifying about himself, which is exactly what the antichrist of scripture does, telling anybody else they’re going to hell? Talk about projecting!

              Hey! Maybe we do have a new revelation of sorts here, as, at the rate Shambo is going, we can now know there will be French fries in hell.

            • King of Shambhala

              The trolls are protecting too much. Suspicious.

              Total Meltdown of All MSM At CNN Jim Acosta’s Total Takedown By New White House Spokesman Stephen Miller!!! (Video)  /obama/2017/08/total-meltdown-of-all-msm-at-cnn-jim-acostas-total-takedown-by-new-white-house-spokesman-steve-miller-video-2483175.html 

          • Anonymous

            “The Revelation was given to John of Patmos two thousand years ago, it was not a message to call some lady in Kansas.”

            This is very true, but facts are lost on the sham one. The dude has already earned the plagues:

            Revelation 21

            18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
            19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

            Quite the price for trolling fake and, himself, lying, antichrist foolishness, don’t you think?

            A revelation is also that the King of Shamblablabla is a hopeless, deranged moron. For years now, he has shown a textbook, homo erotic fixation for Obama, and, now that Obama’s no longer President (praise God for tender mercies…), Little Black Shambo’s homo eroticism is lashing out at everybody. His unrequited love for Obama has gone even more pathological.

            • King of Shambhala

              The paid Obama shills like Paralambano are so desperate to close down discussion and revealing being done here that Obama’s the Antichrist.
              Leave them behind said Jesus because they’re all the false christs of the Bible.
              Why would they be following me around from one article to another to tread the same line each time which is to defend a piece of garbage like Obama?
              What do they fear?

              They fear Obama’ll be jailed for his birth fraud and be revealed as the Antichrist by people like this article’s author and people like me.

            • King of Shambhala

              There’s nothing they can do now because the article is burning holes in Obama the demonic devil.
              The Apocalypse is looming large.
              We just have to reveal this truth now and the Apocalypse will be done.

            • King of Shambhala

              Chopped Off Heads! Trump Kills Obama’s “Pet Project” After Hidden Video Exposes Nasty Crimes. Obama’s Bad (Video) /alternative/2017/08/chopped-off-heads-trump-kills-obamas-pet-project-after-hidden-video-exposes-nasty-crimes-obamas-bad-video-3538979.html

            • Anonymous

              “The paid Obama shills like Paralambano are so desperate to close down discussion”

              Really. I haven’t been this desperate since the heat of the battle, working to retire Ronald McDonald from TV commercials. Though, and I can only be honest, I do find you much less compelling than Ronald, Shamblablabla, and this is BIN, after all. You more evoke a pity for France.

            • Geeper

              I like how the guy who’s barging into every comment on someone else’s article to spread his false-christ-I’m-Jesus horseapples is complaining about shills being “desperate to close down discussion”.

            • Anonymous

              “I like how the guy who’s barging into every comment on someone else’s article to spread his false-christ-I’m-Jesus horseapples is complaining about shills being “desperate to close down discussion”.”

              He’s just the weirdest bird, some sort of homo erotic, male Chatty Cathy doll from hell, and on LSD, at that. It’s like somebody pulls his string and out comes the same, worn and delusional diatribe, over and over, and he’s been doing this for years.

              Of all the web trolls I’ve seen, Shamblabla is the most insanely idiotic, just by virtue of the repetition of such real nonsense. It’s hard to fathom how he’s functional, outside the walls of an asylum.

              In any event, no matter how you slice it, he’s an idiot. He’s either a total, trolling sham, just looking for attention, therefore, again, by the repetition, somebody more bereft of any intellect that trolls already lack. Or, he really believes his crap, in which case he’s an insane idiot. His whole diatribe is a freaking contradiction that doesn’t even rise to common sense, like the antichrist thing, when Shamblabla is way more antichrist in his claims than Obama ever exhibited, as evil a man as Obama is. It’s idiotic, defies even common sense, his whole spiel. Or take the Buddhist, invoking Christian prophecy, which he exhibits zero real knowledge of and also contradicts?

              What’s striking, to me, is how stupid and nuts the man is, to the point of thinking he must be possessed by a demon, with a 60 IQ. He’s so idiotic and whacked it’s phenomenal. But what’s absolutely certain is that he’s desperate for attention, any kind of attention, so much so he makes an absolute fool of himself. You’ll notice he very often baits for somebody to contradict him by stating the same crap, over and over, as if he can’t get enough of the same old responses. Is that pathological, or what?

            • Geeper

              Not my place to guess, but I’d put some chips on delusions of grandeur with a huge side-order of psychological projection. It’s bizarre how much he gives away about himself in the baseless insults that he chooses to throw out.

            • Anonymous

              Geeper, I had a hard time believing him anything but a dumb, trolling fraud, but this can’t be totally the case, for the repetition mentioned. I suppose somebody could be that stupid, to, as if, find amusement in telling the same joke, for years, but I’ve not run into anybody like this. But, yes, he does project a lot that’s revealing, regardless motives. He’s a very sick, deceptive and degenerate man, creepily so, no matter the etiology of it, the sort that people need to be very wary of, as it’s psycho level stuff.

            • Geeper

              I assume when he copypastes the same text again and again across a page, he genuinely believes that he’s posting devastating revelations and putdowns and the other BIN users are but tiny ants not worth the effort of a crafted response (or even reading what they’re writing).

              Delusions of grandeur + laziness = exactly this kind of baloney.

              All we can do is avoid commenting on his articles directly, to avoid giving him any further publicity. (No qualms about outing him for what he is in other people’s comments.)

            • King of Shambhala

              Ignore the ugly stupid below average mental intelligences trolling here.

              We’re getting to the end of times.
              The Obama paid shills are going bezerk at The Holy Ghost Writer’s article here.
              They’ve totally lost it, seeing they are no longer content to troll my articles but now they need to come and troll me on others’ articles because they’re losing it and we’re gathering steam to reveal and get Obama jailed.

              We’re looking at dragging Obama to court and getting him jailed for hudnreds of thousands of years for High Treason and the greatest crimes in the history of Humanity far far worse than Hitler and Stalin COMBINED.

              Don’t look at the homos trolling here like Geeper and Paralambano they’re just old HIV-infested homos fuurthering the horrendous MURDEROUS (the us gov website CDC says homos are responsible for 95% of HIV) homo agenda of old black HIV-infested homo Obama the Antichrist.

              Ignore them.
              Jesus said “Turn away from homos (Sodom) and don’t turn back or you’ll turn into a pillar of salt.”

              The Aopcalypse is now and we must spread the news of revealing the Antichrist Obama or burn eternally says the Bible.

              Choose to burn or live eternally. Don’t follow the demonics trolling these comments like Geeper and Paralambano who only serve Satan their master aka the Antichrist Obama, aka Beelzebub/Lucifer i.e. his real name is really Barry Parks born in Topeka, Kansas.

              Hurry or you’ll burn eternally says the Bible.

            • King of Shambhala

              The Obama paid shills trolling these comments are sub-level intelligences who don’t even understand they’re working for the Devil and Satan.
              They think they’re in the right path.
              But their veneer of composure is cracking and the pathetic psycopaths which they are underneath are showing. And it’s easy to see through their lies: tell me if they ever address the topics of this article?

              These are mentally ill people. Wikipedia says trolls are mentally ill people. They’re demented crazies. Crazies think it’s others who are crazy. If you tell these kooks they’re mentals they go bezerk and accuse others of being crazy. Typical mental illness. But the crux of the sickness of these mad people is to check out if confronted with reality how they react.

              Are they able to handle reality?

              The trolls here are in total denial of REALITY. These are shills who are not able to handle reality.

              Like vampires, they fear the light of day and trolls fear being unmacked.

              I repeat the question which they fear most of all in the world: “Do they ever address the topics of this article?”

            • King of Shambhala

              Typo; unmasked.

            • Geeper

              See what I mean? He’s screaming about “below average mental intelligences” while making typos, getting the Bible wrong and hilariously saying “They’re demented crazies. Crazies think it’s others who are crazy.” without a shred of self-awareness.

              If you can lie to yourself that everyone else is dumb, it’s easy to tell yourself that you’re the King who’s right about everything.

            • King of Shambhala

              Oh my God! Here’s HIV Geeper again. Back to his vomit like a dog going back to eat his vomit again and again.
              Don’t pay attention to old fart-master there.

            • King of Shambhala

              Old HIV-infested homos like Geeper, Paralambano and their god and saviour the Abominable (that word’s in the Bible for the Antichrist and means homo) Antichrist Obama won’t get to heaven.

              Jesus said so: “Turn away from Sodom.” (Bible)

              No homos go to heaven says the Bible. The Bible says so not me. Don’t listen to homos quoting the Bible like Geeper, they’re false christs.

              Jesus said no Christians will be saved in the end times.

              Turn from those homos and spread the news of the Apocalypse and Revelation. If you follow homos like Geeper, you’ll burn eternally said Jesus in the Bible. (“Turn from Sodom or be turned into a pillar of salt”. Geeper’s a freak and won’t get to heaven – says the Bible.)

            • Anonymous

              “They’re demented crazies. Crazies think it’s others who are crazy.”

              Isn’t it just like some schizo, “You don’t understand! The voices are following me around!”? It’s really hard to get the delusional past the notion they’re seeing or hearing things that aren’t real, rather they believe you’re conspiring with the voices, to deny them. Was just thinking, isn’t that the ideal mentality for the BIN click whores? They should call this place BTGS, BeforeTheyGotSane.

              As to his copying and pasting the same delusional drivel, for years, I don’t know how he has survived not boring himself to death. He’s just a very weird troll case, but one that does add up to insanity, no matter how you assemble the facts we do know. It is a hoot he would impugn anybody else’s intelligence, when he has no idea what he’s even talking about, in terms of Christian theology, the antichrist: he’s a complete dolt in this regard, just making stuff up, hilarious how he appropriates so many basic judeo-Christian concepts he doesn’t even understand, making a fool of himself as a theologian.

            • King of Shambhala

              Obviously the trolls are out of control now that it’s high season for hunting the Antichrist Obama.
              They’re looking as us handing down hundreds of thousands of years of jail to Obama.
              Obama’s Trial is going to be the biggest trial in the history of Humanity and will last for decades: it’ll the Day of Last Judgement.

            • King of Shambhala

              Old black HIV-infested homos like Obama won’t get to heaven.
              The Bible says so. Not me.

            • King of Shambhala

              The Obama shills have gone batshoite crazy: they’re protesting far too much.
              They’re not trolling me on my own articles but instead on my…. comments to another person’s article! What weirdoes!
              That illuistrates starkly how desperate they’ve become because they feel we’re getting so hot on Obama’s trail now that he’s not got much longer to go before he’s called to stand traial before a court of law.

            • Geeper

              “They’re not trolling me on my own articles but instead on my…. comments to another person’s article! What weirdoes!”

              You started nearly all of these conversations here.


            • King of Shambhala

              Wikipedia says to deny recognition to trolls because those mentally ill people feed off recognition.
              To the author of the article: “The Holy Ghost Writer, the trolls in your comments heckling us here, are the false christs of the Bible who are part of the Luciferian cult of Obama the Antichrist, who is Satan-in-Person aka Lucifer and Beelzebub. These are the false christs of the Bible, the Minions of Satan’s Army!”

            • Geeper

              So when you respond to every single comment and declare random strangers to be Warriors of Satan, that’s “denying recognition”?

            • King of Shambhala

              Wikipedia says to deny recognition to trolls because those mentally ill people feed off recognition.
              To the author of the article: “The Holy Ghost Writer, these shills in the comments are part of the Cult of Satan. The trolls in your comments heckling us here, are the false christs of the Bible who are part of the Luciferian cult of Obama the Antichrist, who is Satan-in-Person aka Lucifer and Beelzebub. These are the false christs of the Bible, the Minions of Satan’s Army!”

            • King of Shambhala

              Wikipedia says to deny recognition to trolls because those mentally ill people feed off recognition.
              To the author of the article: “The Holy Ghost Writer, these shills in the comments are part of the Cult of Satan. They’re a Death Cult with a homo agenda that’s killing millions. (Homos are responsible for 95% of HIV says the CDC.) The trolls in your comments heckling us here, are the false christs of the Bible who are part of the Luciferian cult of Obama the Antichrist, who is Satan-in-Person aka Lucifer and Beelzebub. These are the false christs of the Bible, the Minions of Satan’s Army!”

            • Geeper

              Once more please, I didn’t quite catch that.

            • King of Shambhala

              The shills in the comments are part of the Cult of Satan. They’re a Death Cult with a homo agenda that’s killing millions. (Homos are responsible for 95% of HIV says the CDC.) The trolls in your comments heckling us here, are the false christs of the Bible who are part of the Luciferian cult of Obama the Antichrist, who is Satan-in-Person aka Lucifer and Beelzebub. These are the false christs of the Bible, the Minions of Satan’s Army!

              Homos like Obama won’t get to heaven. Jesus said so not me. Jesus said homos will turn into pillars of salt. “Turn away from Sodom.”

            • Geeper

              The bit where Jesus tells Noah to turn away from Sodom is 100% my favorite part of the Bible.

            • King of Shambhala

              Turn from the homos heckling here.
              They’re mentally ill.
              Jesus said to turn away from homos

              The homos are protesting far too much.
              What do they want to hide?

              I’m the Messiah.

            • Geeper

              What’s your favorite part of the Bible, Jesus?

            • King of Shambhala

              I’m the Messiah.
              I alone in the world reveal Obama’s the Antichrist because the lottery in his homestate drew the number of the Antichrist 666 on the day of his victory-celebration.
              Turn away from the homos trolling my comments (and articles) they’re not real Christians and Jesus said not one single Christian would be saved in the end days and homos would turn into pillars of salt.

              I alone am spreading the message that Obama’s real name is Barry Parks (why is no one here investigating and doing their duty of researching the facts?). Obama’s really born in Topeka, Kansas at the Forbes Air Force Base,now renamed Topeka Regional Airport.

              All these things make me the Messiah. Period.

            • Geeper

              A Buddhist telling Christians that they’re going to hell (because he’s Jesus?) sounds kinda trollish from here, y’know.

            • Anonymous

              “What’s your favorite part of the Bible, Jesus?”

              Geepers! Need you ask Shamblabla’s favorite part of the Bible? Pretty clear it would be the episode where Ham saw the nakedness of his father, Noah. In his mind, Little Black Shambo probably just substitutes Obama for Noah. He also probably strongly relates to the episode where the Sodomites wanted to diddle the angels at Lot’s house.

              See what I mean about shamelessly idiotic, though, no even common sense? Simply phenomenal! The dude makes false Messiah claims about himself, which is textbook antichrist, then calls Obama the antichrist? Shambo does show a definitive pattern of revealing, projecting about himself, in what he accuses others of. One can only hope he’s never left alone around little boys!

            • King of Shambhala

              I wonder what the trolls want to hide.
              They protest too much.

              Obama’s the Antichrist.

            • Geeper

              Only person trying to hide anything here is the one who keeps changing the subject to “Obama’s the antichrist” or “poo poo you smell of farts”.

              Could it be you’re trying to hide your ignorance of scripture?

            • King of Shambhala

              Be still and know that I am God.
              I’m the Messiah.
              I alone in the world reveal Obama’s the Antichrist because the lottery in his homestate drew the number of the Antichrist 666 on the day of his victory-celebration.
              Turn away from the homos trolling my comments (and articles) they’re not real Christians and Jesus said not one single Christian would be saved in the end days and homos would turn into pillars of salt.

              I alone am spreading the message that Obama’s real name is Barry Parks (why is no one here investigating and doing their duty of researching the facts?). Obama’s really born in Topeka, Kansas at the Forbes Air Force Base,now renamed Topeka Regional Airport.

              All these things make me the Messiah. Period.

            • Geeper

              You think that you’re God now?

            • Anonymous

              What I’d really like to know is who pulls the plastic ring that makes Chatty Shambo post the same things, over and over. For years, now. Isn’t he just like some bizarre Chatty Cathy doll? What was that movie, Rain Man was it? Obama’s the antichrist… Obama’s the antichrist… People’s Court… People’s Court… People’s Court…

            • Anonymous

              Shamblablabla is an object lesson of what can happen, if you give somebody their meds and fail to check under their tongue.

            • King of Shambhala

              What makes trolls go crazy?
              They’re WAY OUT OF THEIR COMFORT ZONE.

              Obama’s the Antichrist and I’m the Messiah.

              What part of that makes them go crazy?

              They can’t protect Obama from us. We’re going to drag him to court for his crimes no matter what. He’s got to answer to the law.

            • King of Shambhala

              Trolls Geeper and Paralambano are HIV-infested homos spreading their murderous fart-HIV to others.
              Homos Geeper and his god and saviour Obama won’t go to heaven says the Bible.
              Obama’s chances are zero of getting heaven because the CDC states that old black homos like Obama are most at risk of passing on HIV.
              So Obama’ll certainly turn into a pillar of salt of HIV as the Bible says but he’ll also have passed it on to everybody else he knows.

              I don’t get what the trolls are on about Obama.

              Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s “Awangate” is going to get Obama’s jailed fast now for hundreds of thousands of years.

            • Geeper

              “murderous fart-HIV”

              Man, what goes on in that head of yours.

            • King of Shambhala

              Homos won’t go to heaven said Jesus.
              Little farting homos like Obama and Geeper won’t go to heaven.
              Jesus said so.

              Sodomy’s a shame to Humanity.

            • Geeper

              Jesus did not talk about farting, KOS.

            • King of Shambhala

              Jesus said sodomy was evil.
              Why do homos refuse to talk about the issues?
              What’s with them that they turn around to flee like trolls all the time?

            • Geeper

              Why do you think so many people are homos? Is it wishful thinking?

            • King of Shambhala

              I don’t think sodomy’s a big topic.
              But some people think it’s a BIG TOPIC.
              You think it’s important that Obama be a homo?
              The Bible seemed to think it was important.
              The Bible calls the Antichrist Obama “the Abomination”.
              Do you think Obama’s the Antichrist?
              Why are you fleeing the issues and ducking so much?

              Don’t bother answering. Obama’ll be in jail soon now.
              Spare your efforts. It’ll all be the same once he’s jailed for hundreds of thousands of years’ sentences.

    • Andy

      um, hate to break it to you dude, but that’s a STATUE

      stick with them fairy-tales huh? reality is beyond your capacity

      • King of Shambhala

        Andy, the Holy Ghost Writer is one of the few on Internet who’s furthering the truth that Obama’s the Antichrist.
        Join in spreading that message or burn eternally.
        This is the moment to choose your side… with or against the Devil – Satan, aka Obama the Antichrist i.e. Beeezebub/Lucifer, the Worst of the World because depending on which side you choose it’lll be heaven or hell.

        The shills trolling here won’t get to heaven, they’ll burn eternally in hell says the Bible.

        If you choose their side you’ll burn eternally in hell’s lake of fire and brimstone, says the Bible.

        The shills and false chrits can’t do anything now. This article’s careening out of control presently: the Apocalypse is launched and can’t be put back in the bottle anymore.

        • Truthseeker

          LOL so he is as nuts as you??

          • King of Shambhala

            The false christs are easy to spot because they’re never talking about the topics.
            Truthseeker is one of them.
            Watch out and avoid them.

            • The Clucker

              It’s weird that you’re so obsessed with guys having anal sex. By your comments I’d say it’s at least half of what you think about throughout the day. Just sayin’ man… it’s kinda goofy. I pray that you are not allowed around unsupervised children.

            • King of Shambhala

              Watch out for The Clucker.
              He made death threats to me.
              He’s an HIV-infested old homo so watch out for the psycopaths that are infesting these comments.

    • King of Shambhala

      It’s our duty to reveal the Antichrist Obama or else we’ll not be saved and we’ll burn eternally in hell’s lake of fire and brimstone says the Bible.
      We realize the prophecy of the Apocalypse by doing just that revelation and spreading of that message.
      Our duty is to fend off the false christs that Jesus warned us about saying “Many false christs will come claiming to be me but don’t follow them because they’ll not be me” (Bible) so hurry and carry out that mission right here and now!

      • King of Shambhala

        The shills can no longer hold us off.
        Obama’s clearly revealed as the Antichrist.
        The truth is flooding Internet right as we speak, because we’ve succeeded in our spreading of the truth and we’ve won over Satan Obama and his Minions who keep on pollluting these comments to try to distract people from the truth.

        • Mayhem

          The shills don’t have to hold you off given your ineffectual track record.

          • King of Shambhala

            Wikipedia says to deny recognition to trolls because those mentally ill people feed off recognition.
            To the author of the article: “The Holy Ghost Writer, the trolls in your comments heckling us here, are the false christs of the Bible who are part of the Luciferian cult of Obama the Antichrist, who is Satan-in-Person aka Lucifer and Beelzebub. These are the false christs of the Bible, the Minions of Satan’s Army!”

            There are many false christs heckling these comments. They know they’re evil. They’re dedicated to evil and to spreading the evil they practise. They’re sinners and they know it and want to harm as many people as they can before they go down. They’re like Hitler; hell-bent. Goodness is an evil wqword for them. They see the sun but the sun’s light has no effect on bringing them truth and mindfulness. They remain in darkness at all times like vampires hiding out in dark recesses.

      • Firmament Does Exist

        I thought you here “the Messiah”?

        • King of Shambhala

          “Firmament Does Exist
          I thought you here “the Messiah”?”

          Yes, I’m saying I’m the Messiah. Not the Christian Messiah because I’m Buddhist. But Christians say there’s no way that I can reveal the Antichrist Obama by the lottery draw of 666 that’s in the Bible and that makes me the Christan Messiah.

          I disagree with them but they insist there’s no other way.

          I’m the “Reluctant Messenger” because Chrisainity is not part of my world and I dislike Christianity because it’s an evil faith.

          I don’t feel good about being forced into this role of Christian Messiah.

          I’ve known I’m the world Messiah for many years but I thought the ways of heaven would steer me clear of Christianity.

          I had no idea I’d get drawn into the Christian Apocalypse.

          It came as a total surprise and as a shock to me.

          I’ve had to reevvaluate my whole spiritual path because of that and discover what 666 is, what the Antichrist is, and what the Christian Messiah is.

          I’ve had to study Wikipedia 24 7 during the last tne years to get up to speed with Christianity’s stupid and ugly faith.

          My role is not be nice to you ugly stupid Christains but to judge you for your sins. I’m a warthful judge (says the Bible about the Messiah. Google it yourselves. “The Messiah is a wrathful judge who throws everybody into the lake of fire and brimstone of hell” says the Bible. I don’t say it. The Bible says it.)

        • King of Shambhala

          I got tricked into being he Christian Messiah when first I discovered that the lotteyr in Obama’s homstate drew 666. Then I started spreading the message of that thinking it was a shoo-in and people would just wake up in a clod sweat saying with loud screams that “Obama’s the Antichrist.”

          But it didn’t go like that.
          I noticed over the last nine-ten years that people didn’t want to listen and had their ears, eyes and mouths covered. People have a deep layer of ignorance/fear/mind-washing process going on on their minds.

          I tried various threats of hell-fire on people unless they woke up and srpead the message but they couldn’t give a dam*.

          I had worked out a really ‘smart strategy’ wherein I just sauntered into a room full of Christians and said “Hey folks! It’s the Apocalypse! I’ve got the proof!” That was in fact a dumb strategy because I hadn’t reckoned what the depth of human evil could be.

          What I hadn’t thought was that the Christians will set the dogs on anyone saying something like that.

          I dioscovered how corrupted and evil the Christians were.

          • King of Shambhala

            Typos: …people would just wake up in a cold sweat and with loud screams they’d yell that “Obama’s the Antichrist.”
            I had worked out a really ‘smart strategy’ wherein I imagined that I COULD just saunter into any room full of Christians and say “Hey folks! It’s the Apocalypse! I’ve got the proof!” That was in fact a dumb strategy…. because I hadn’t reckoned what the depth of human evil could be.

          • Geeper

            It’s funny to think of you rereading your comments and carefully fixing a single typo, as if the rest of it was flawless.

            (You also spelled “lotteyr”, “homstate” and “dioscovered” wrong.)

            God help whichever troll decided to trick you into thinking you were Jesus all those years ago. Was it one of the 15/18 kids?

            • King of Shambhala

              This doesn’t seem to sink in.
              Wikipedia says to deny recognition to trolls because those mentally ill people feed off recognition.
              To the author of the article: “The Holy Ghost Writer, these shills in the comments are part of the Cult of Satan. They’re a Death Cult with a homo agenda that’s killing millions. (Homos are responsible for 95% of HIV says the CDC.) The trolls in your comments heckling us here, are the false christs of the Bible who are part of the Luciferian cult of Obama the Antichrist, who is Satan-in-Person aka Lucifer and Beelzebub. These are the false christs of the Bible, the Minions of Satan’s Army!”

            • Geeper

              It really doesn’t, does it?

            • King of Shambhala

              Turn from the homos heckling here.
              They’re mentally ill.
              Jesus said to turn away from homos.

            • Geeper

              Wait, am I trolling you or are you trolling me?

            • King of Shambhala

              The trolls want to hide something.


              The Holy Ghost Writer, these shills in the comments are part of the Cult of Satan. They’re a Death Cult with a homo agenda that’s killing millions. (Homos are responsible for 95% of HIV says the CDC.) The trolls in your comments heckling us here, are the false christs of the Bible who are part of the Luciferian cult of Obama the Antichrist, who is Satan-in-Person aka Lucifer and Beelzebub. These are the false christs of the Bible, the Minions of Satan’s Army!

            • Geeper

              Can we please get back to the subject of the spooky Vatican statue. Why are you so keen to change the subject? Are you a spooky statue?

            • King of Shambhala

              The trolls are protesting too much.

              They’re Luciferians working for the Satan-in-Chief Obama, the Devil.

              Tjhey’re the Homo Death Cult.

            • Geeper

              It’s great that you learned the phrase “protesting too much” from somebody and can repeat it, well done, man, but nobody is actually protesting here. (Nobody’s even taking your creepy “homo death cult” bait.)

            • King of Shambhala

              The trolls for the Homo Death Cult led by Obama the Antichrist should give it up now.
              We all know Obama’s the Antichrist so they should just admit it.
              The only way we’ll be saved in heaven …and not thrown into hell like the trolls here,…. will be to reveal now as fast as we can – the message that Obama’s the Antichrist!

            • Geeper


            • Anonymous


              Really. The story of his life is been there, done that. He sure can make me sleepy, too! I wonder if he’s for hire to take on a speaking tour, topic: The Prognosis for Pathological Arrested Development? You could probably pay him in Photoshopped nudes of Obama.

            • King of Shambhala

              What makes trolls go crazy?
              They’re WAY OUT OF THEIR COMFORT ZONE.

              Obama’s the Antichrist and I’m the Messiah.

              What part of that makes them go crazy?

              They can’t protect Obama from us. We’re going to drag him to court for his crimes no matter what. He’s got to answer to the law.

            • Geeper

              Uh-oh. He’s switched to capslock.

            • Anonymous

              “Uh-oh. He’s switched to capslock.”

              It starts with foamy, rivulets of drool in the corners of his mouth, then he gets more and more excited. The caps lock always happens when he tries to type with one hand, while playing with himself. I shouldn’t have mentioned the Obama nudes. Sorry.

            • Geeper

              I guess someone’s WAY OUT OF HIS COMFORT ZONE and MAKING A CLOWN OUT OF HIMSELF.


            • Anonymous

              “I guess someone’s WAY OUT OF HIS COMFORT ZONE and MAKING A CLOWN OUT OF HIMSELF.”

              There you go, Geeper! You can say that again… but it would still fail to register with him. As to making a clown of himself, it’s either that, or he was born that way. Nobody is sure. I’ve long suspected he’s the result of some genetic lab experiment, gone terribly awry, which we know of Dave Hodges, that he’s a human crossed with a potato. If BIN just had a bearded lady, it would be complete. Then again, there is Lisa Haven.

            • King of Shambhala

              The clowns trolling in the comments here are paid operatives.
              Why have they crawled out from the woodwork?
              Because Debbie Wassserman Schultz is being investigated by Congress and she’s dragging down both Hillary and Obama and the GOP that sided with the demonic Obama during his Rule.
              That’s why they’re agitated and are showing up out of the blue on this article.

              It’s all good as long as we see through their ploys to distract us.

              They’re looking at hundreds of thousands of years in jail for Obama and they’re scared because their paychecks will stop.
              We’ll also reveal Obama to be the Antichrist so the shills here will go to hell to burn eternally.

              The homos trolling here don’t go to heaven in any case. Jesus said so. Homos ar emurderrs because the homo agenda is killing millions, the CDC says so. (“95% of HIV is due to the homos”. says the CDC, the US gov website.)

            • King of Shambhala

              The false christs trolling these comments have been unmasked: their only reason for going abnoxious is because they’re in danger.
              Debbie Wasserman Schutlz is under investigation by Congress.
              This is bigger than Watergate and Monicagate COMBINED so Obama’s headed for jail with no doubt possible about that for all the garbage he’s been dishing out to the world.

            • King of Shambhala

              The Obots trolling here says they’re happy and relaxed but nothing is further from the truth…they’re panicked and desperate.
              Debbie Wasserman Schultz is spelling the death knell for all liberal socialist freaks and Obama’s headed straight for jail now.
              Spread this news or you’ll burn eternally in hell says the Bible.

            • King of Shambhala

              The trolls paid by Obama have gone completely beezerk because the ones who have thrown Obama wide open are a black here, the author The Holy Ghost Writer and a Jew, Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

              The Dems thought they had Jews and blacks down pat and could use them as their personal slaves.

              Well it’s your private slaves who blow up in your faces people: look at Brutus who turned on his master Caesar.

            • Gus Fung

              Geir is in love with Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

              They did “the tantra” together in talmud class

            • King of Shambhala

              The trolls are so desperate that Debbie Wasserman Schultz is being investigated by Congress.
              They know Obama’s headed for hundreds of thousands of years of jail.
              They fear me so much because of calling out Obama as the Antichrist.

    • unidentified

      are you still channelling your preferred prophet named mr buddha?

      • King of Shambhala

        are you still channelling your preferred prophet named mr buddha?”

        Yes,I’m Buddhist. I “channel” the Buddha and the Apocalypse-predicting deity called Kalachakra.

      • King of Shambhala

        My preferred prophet is Lord Buddha not “Mr” Buddha.
        Buddhism is the most educated and beautiful faith in the world and not a hideous faith like Christianity that preaches war.
        I’m the foremsost world scholar on Kalachakra and I translate and speak the Tibetan language.

        Buddhism is the highest form of culture in the world far superior to Chrsitianity and Islam which is the worst thing existing in the world.

        • King of Shambhala

          The homos trolling these comments are shills.
          They’re looking at hundreds of thousands of years of jail for Obama now.
          Obama’s heading to a trial in a court of law very, very soon for all of his horrendous, countless crimes.

    • Eaglefeather

      Well, we all gotta LUV these brainwashed, skull plugged religious zealots. Man you people wouldn’t know Satan from Lucifer to Diablo. First of all “Lucifer” comes from the Latin word Lucius meaning “Light’. Lucifer means “Light Bearer” which in ancient times referred to “Venus” which was also known as the “Morning star”. Venus is always seen just prior to sunrise & why it was known to “Bring in the Sun”. If you people actually took as much time researching the “Bible” or the ancient texts it is based on as you do spewing your Santa Claus fiction, you would know that the majority of the Bible is merely an allegory of Astronomy & Astrology combined with ancient Sumerian & Egyptian history.

    • Raleigh

      /alternative/2017/08/the-most-sophisticated-technology-on-earth-today-has-its-origin-in-ancient-egypt-3539793.html – lucifer normally associate with illuminati and here is the truth for Illuminati.

      • King of Shambhala

        Obama’s the Antichrist.
        The Obama shills are going crazy in the comments now because they know jail-time’s now certain for Obama.
        He’s toast.

    • King of Shambhala

      Debbie Wasserman Schultz Goes Public On Her Scandal And the Interview Is A Doosie

    • Anonymous

      you do not understand anyway. So why tell you guys? (I say Lucifer at the highest level, I think that is true, it comes out of Sofia and Adam Kadmon.) The thing is you must not be corrupted never ever.

    • King of Shambhala

      Obama’s the Antichrist.
      He’s Lucifer and his house of cards is falling down with Wasserman Schultz and Loretta Lynch’s scandals.
      Trump’s SUNK HIS TEETH IN.

    • King of Shambhala

      Lucifer is Obama the Antichrist and the Antichrist Obama is Lucifer too.

      Trump Sank His Teeth In. Obama’s the Antichrist. He’s Lucifer. His House Of Cards Is Falling Down With DNC (Video) /opinion-conservative/2017/08/trump-sank-his-teeth-in-obamas-the-antichrist-hes-lucifer-his-house-of-cards-is-falling-down-with-dnc-video-3309845.html

    • King of Shambhala

      Obama Lord Of Beasts
      7 Months In White House Trump Battles With Swarms Of Cockroaches Left Over After By Obamas Stinky POTUS-Rule (Video) /alternative/2017/08/7-months-in-white-house-trump-battles-with-swarms-of-roaches-left-over-after-by-obamas-presidency-video-3540747.html

    • Stefan

      I think its Enkii :cry:

    • King of Shambhala

      The Apocalypse;
      North Korea And US On Brink Of War. Day One Of Apocalypse! Armageddon: Nuclear Hellfire Face Off Now (Video) /alternative/2017/08/north-korea-and-us-on-brink-of-war-day-one-of-apocalypse-armageddon-nuclear-hellfire-face-off-now-video-3541594.html

      • Geeper

        I know you want Holy Ghost Writer to be your new best buddy, KOS, but if he’s ignoring comments he’s ignoring comments.

        • King of Shambhala

          The big difference with Holy Ghost writer is he says Obama’s the Antichrist.
          I’d worry more about sodomy if I were you Geeper.
          Watch your back.

          • Geeper

            Um, are you … are you threatening to sodomize me?

            • King of Shambhala

              I said the Holy Ghost Writer says Obama’s the Antichrist and that makes a sea of difference with you. I meant you should be more worried about your rear end yourself. Holy Ghost is a Chosen one.
              I meant you should watch your back for the HIV you’ve contracted already doing sodomy.
              What treatment are you taking for your HIV?
              Jesus said homosexuality was evil you know, so I guess you regret it now that you’ve gotten HIV, don’t you?

              Obama and you won’t get to heaven because you’re homos, you know – Jesus said so.
              Jesus said so in the Bible.
              Read the Bible.
              Homos can’t get to heaven.
              They turn into pillars of salt says the Bible.

            • King of Shambhala

              You love talking about sodomy, don’t you?
              I’ve noticed you’re always running away when I broach the topics of Obama’s being the Antichrist /of his being called Barry Parks /and being born in Topeka, Kansas.
              You’re always running like a coward and perverted homo.
              One question. Why do you do sodomy?

              Jesus not to do it. Obama’s a homo like you. Old black homos are most at risk of passing on HIV sayus the CDC, the us gov website for disease prevention.

              Obama’s the shame of Humanity. Homosexuality is an Abomination says the Bible and Obama the Antichrist is called “The Abomination” in the Bible.

            • Geeper

              Um, no, I don’t love talking about sodomy, I never talk about it.

              That would be you who loves talking about sodomy.

              Like you are doing now.

            • King of Shambhala

              You think it’s important that Obama be a homo?
              The Bible seemed to think it was important.
              The Bible calls the Antichrist Obama “the Abomination”.
              Do you think Obama’s the Antichrist?
              Why are you fleeing the issues and ducking so much?

              Don’t bother answering. Obama’ll be in jail soon now.
              Spare your efforts. It’ll all be the same once he’s jailed for hundreds of thousands of years’ sentences.

            • Geeper

              If you stop and take a deep breath and think really hard you might be able to decide for yourself whether I think that ex-president Obama is the Antichrist. You can do it KOS.

            • King of Shambhala

              Geeper’s a sub-level intelligence and ugly.
              He thinks Obama’s a good person ROFLMAO!
              He’s always running away when I broach the topics of Obama’s being the Antichrist /of his being called Barry Parks /and being born in Topeka, Kansas.
              He won’t answer the questions because he’s paid and trained to distract from the topics by disinformation orgs like
              We’re closing down the shills like Geeper on Internet.
              We’re closing down the “god and saviour” aka Satan-in-Person the Demon – the Antichrist Obama.
              We’ll send him to trial and jail for hundreds of thousands of years and he’ll be dragged away yelling and kicking to resist.
              The Holy Ghost Writer (now claled “The Light”), me, David Montaigne, Mark Brander, JayWill, Freewilloffering and Pink Slime all says Obama’s the Antichrist: he’s toast to a crisp now.

            • Geeper

              How are you “closing me down” exactly? By asking questions too stupid to answer?

            • King of Shambhala

              The Holy Ghost Writer (now changed name to “The Light”), me, David Montaigne, Mark Brander, JayWill, Freewilloffering and Pink Slime all says Obama’s the Antichrist: he’s toast to a crisp now.

              Nothing can stop us now.

            • King of Shambhala

              Ignore Geeper because his goal is to distract and catch peoples’ attention.
              Trolls are mentally ill and Wikipedia says to deny recognition to such psycopaths.
              I’m the Messiah and Obama’s the Antichrist, I’ve proven that.
              And because Geeper won’t broach those topics doesn’t make the proof any less true.
              I broach the topics of Obama’s being the Antichrist /of his being called Barry Parks /and being born in Topeka, Kansas.
              Geeper won’t answer the questions because he’s paid and trained to distract from the topics by disinformation orgs like

    • jadegown

      Modeling wedding dresses is a unique endeavor.anidresses :smile:

      • King of Shambhala

        jadegown false christ sent by the Antichrist Obama aka Satan-in-Person.
        Why did you work for the Devil?
        Why dam* your soul for all ETERNITY by serving the Devil Obama?

    • The Real Deal

      Nobody os talking about the 4 angels cast below the river Euphrates, awaiting their time to kill 1/3rd of all man. The River Euphrates has been dried up, just as the bible prophesied. The 6th Angel has blown his trumpet. We are in the last days. If I didn’t see all this bible prophecy being played out before my very eyes, I would not be a believer. They dried up the great river Euphrates. We’re in trouble.

      • King of Shambhala

        Spread the news that the end times are here.
        We’re the Messengers of the Apocalypse and end times.
        We’ll only be saved by spreading this message 24 7 or else we’ll burn eternally for our sins says the Bible.

    • Firmament Does Exist

      ChazuwYAHUW (Revelation through YAHUW) 13:18
      Herein is wisdom. He who understanding, let him calculate the multitudes of the Elohim of The Beast, for it is the multitudes following the man-made Elohim (pagan gods). These are numbered as sixty six evils.
      “66 pecels” or “contaminated idols”..the 66 abomination ‘Babylonian books’ of the Catholic and Church translations which blaspheme The Saving Name of YAHUWAH 32,000 times proclaiming a false savoirs name and a “magic way” of salvation devoid of YAHs law.

      • King of Shambhala

        Firmament Does Exist is a false christ. Ignore him.
        They don’t want to reveal Obama as the Antichrist beause they work to defend him.

        • Firmament Does Exist

          You sure talk a lot of bs, Barry is a homosexual islamist that had a transvestite wife and borrowed children…..that would probably qualify as an antimessiah.

          • King of Shambhala

            Firmament Does Exist is a demonic working for Satan aka Obama.
            It’d kill him to say “Obama’s the Antichrist.”
            Turn away from him, he’ll burn eternally says the Bible.

    • Anonymous

      I know One Evil Org listed the Black Pope (the third Black Pope) Francis Borgia as the one and only Lucifer.
      The Templars before them made Adam Kadmon and Sophia, the mind and wisdom of male and female into one deity Baphomet.
      Baphomet deconstructed is Adam Kadmon and Sophia not that horrible at all.

      • King of Shambhala

        Canderson is a demonic working for Satan aka Obama.
        It’d kill him to say “Obama’s the Antichrist.”
        Turn away from him, he’ll burn eternally says the Bible.

        • Anonymous

          I seek no followers. I only present the truth as I see it.

          • Anonymous

            And I am certainly not very font of Obama either.

            • Anonymous


    • Anonymous

      You really want to know?
      It is Francis Borgia, the third Black Pope.

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