US Currency and False Flag Events Confirmed (Video)
“This is for the skeptics & the genuinely curious; the doubters & the scoffers: An in-depth analysis of all the U.S. Currency that contain hidden images of past false-flag terror events, and future ones as well…
FEATURED VIDEO: For The $keptics: US Currency & False Flag Events Confirmed
The new $100 bill+ $10 bill = NYC Nuke. The New $100 Bill has finally been released to the public. This new bill finishes the story that the $10 Bill started with the missile launch and tidal wave. The two bills together tell the story of a nuclear event taking place on the East Coast promulgated by the US Government– which is spiritually inspired by Satan and his fallen angels.” – (Description of For The $keptics: US Currency & False Flag Events Confirmed)
The money shows us how they plan to initialize the New World Order!
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” EPHESIANS 6:12
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US Currency & False Flag Events Confirmed (Video)
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