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Các bài báo BS Hoàng Xuân Ba đã được đăng trên các tạp chí Y khoa quốc tế
Monday, March 28, 2016 2:11
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Nghiên cứu về khoa học huyền bí, tâm linh, ufo, chính trị, tôn giáo

1. Hoang, B. X., Shaw, D. G., Levine, S. A., Hoang, C., and Pham, P. New approach in asthma treatment using excitatory modulator (2007) Phytother. Res. 21, 554-557 (2007)
2. Hoang, B. X., Shaw, D. G., Pham, P., and Levine, S. A. Restoration of cellular energetic balance with L-Carnitine in neuro-bioenergetic approach for cancer prevention and treatment (2007) Med Hypotheses (in press)
3. Hoang, B. X., Shaw, D. G., Pham, P., and Levine, S. A. Neurobiological effects of melatonin as related to cancer (2007) European Journal of Cancer Prevention (in press)
4. Hoang, B. X., Graeme Shaw, D., Pham, P., and Levine, S. A. Neuro-bioenergetic concepts in cancer prevention and treatment (2007) Med Hypotheses. 68, 832-843
5. Hoang, B. X., Levin, S. A., Pham, P., and Shaw, D. G. Hypothesis of the cause and development of neoplasms (2007) European Journal of Cancer Prevention, 16,5-61 (2007)
6. Hoang, B. X., Levine, S. A., Graeme Shaw, D., Pham, P., and Hoang, C. Bronchial epilepsy or broncho-pulmonary hyper-excitability as a model of asthma pathogenesis (2006) Med Hypotheses 67, 1042-1051.
7. Hoang, B., Shaw, D. G. Refractory idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura: An integrated approach to treatment (2003) J. Orthomol. Med. 18, 77-82
8. Treating Asthma as a Neuroelectrical Disorder
Ba X. Hoang, D. Graeme Shaw, Phuong Pham, and Stephen A. Levine 
Inflammation & Allergy – Drug Targets Volume 9, Number 1, March 2010
9. Lactobacillus Rhamnosus lysate in Management of Resistant Childhood Atopic Eczema
Ba X Hoang, D Graeme Shaw, Phuong Pham and Stephen A. Levine
Inflammation & Allergy – Drug Targets, 2010 in Press
Hoang BX, Tran DM, Tran HQ, Nguyen PT, Pham TD, Dang HV, Ha TV, Tran HD, Hoang C, Luong KN, Shaw DG.
J Pain Palliat Care Pharmacother. 2011;25(1):19-24.
Hoang BX, Levine SA, Shaw DG, Tran DM, Tran HQ, Nguyen PM, Tran HD, Hoang C, Pham PT.
Inflamm Allergy Drug Targets. 2010 Sep;9(4):306-12.
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