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What Are the Top Causes of Death in Path of Exile?
Tuesday, February 27, 2018 19:22
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To prep you for all the possible scenarios where your character can meet an untimely end, here’s a look at the main causes of death in the wonderfully savage world of PoE. I’ve even thrown in a few tips and tricks to help you to avoid, overcome, and ultimately survive the threat of ill-fated endings—temporary as they may be. At same time, you can also choose www.u4gm.com where you can buy poe orbs cheap.

1. The Dreaded Desync
There are times when the game client on your computer goes out of sync with the game server.  When this happens, you have desynced and are disconnected from the game.  There may be times when desync while your hero is in a battle or some other treacherous situation, and when you log back into the game you find that your character has been defeated.  The dreaded desync has struck again!

2. Going AFK
There comes a time in every adventurer’s journey where the player must leave a character in-world and AFK (away from keyboard).  Unfortunately, fate often intervenes, and a random mob comes strolling by your unaware character.  You, the player, will then return to find that your hero has been swarmed by a group of hulking titans. Dying while AFK is frustrating, so when you have to do it, find somewhere safe.

3. PvP
PvP (player-versus-player) matches can be set up by players and are an exciting aspect of the game that can lead to death.  PvP players can duel, which immediately teleports them to an arena where they can duke it out, mano-a-mano.  Capture the flag matches pit teams against one another in a battle to capture your opponents’ flag.  Many battlers fall in these mammoth matches.
4. Bosses
Whether you’re battling Doedre the Vile in the Toxic Conduits or chasing the Blessing of Xoph that Xoph drops when defeated, bosses are a leading cause of death among ill-prepared players.  Most bosses are not to be taken lightly and require planning and cooperation.  Many scrolls are filled with tales of epic boss battles and the legends of death-defying heroes.

5. Monsters
All PoE adventurers encounter monsters from time to time.  Luckily for the weary player, monsters do not have mana, but they will use special abilities and a specific set of monster skills when they attack.  Most monsters are normal, but some are magic, with increased stats and one monster affix. Other monsters are rare or unique.  Rare monsters have highly increased stats and three monster affixes.  Unique monsters are custom NPCs that spawn in certain areas, and they’re often bosses.

In Wraeclast, death isn’t so final after all. Just the same, dying repeatedly is a rather nasty experience that saps the fun out of gaming. You’d do well to avoid it.Keep these things in mind and you’re sure to have a better all-around experience traversing Wraeclast’s landscapes. More Path of Exile news please keep eyes on U4gm.com which would devote to offer amounts of cheap poe orbs online.

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