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I am neither a Blind #TrumpCult member (waffling all their positions to match their Idols) NOR one on the other extremists and/that suffering #TrumpDerrangementSyndrome (who can never admit Trump is right on anything, ever)….
As for me, it’s ALWAYS: #PrinciplesNotPersonalities…. And, NO, I am NOT fond of #Trump’s personal Life and piss-poor character and DO NOT DEFEND IT – this is about #POLICY!
If you have to get all defensive and have to posture that anyone that opposes Trump on any one (or a few) issue(s) what-so-ever is automatically and by default a “HATER,” it is likely because you clearly cannot put together coherent thoughts/points to attempt to counter mine and defend your position on the merits and Reasoned Thought of the topic at hand and have to retreat to DEFLECTION (and not worth any of our time)!!! (but, again, I do acknowledge their is also the other extreme and clearly some folks with #TDS that automatically feel the need to oppose just to be contrarian)
Again: #PrinciplesNotPersonalities…. Just as I have done with EVERY POTUS in my Lifetime… Supported and criticized at various time Reagan, HWBush, GWBush, and now Trump. Ccertainly far less Support (very little actually, virtually zero with Oblunder) and more Criticism for Carter, Clinton, Obama….
If you posture that anyone that opposes Trump on any one (or a few) issue(s) what-so-ever is automatically and by default a HATER, NO DON’T AGREE (You’re likely a CULTIST)!!! But, yes, again, I already acknowledged there are indeed just some #TDS / #TrumpHater folks too! If you can get passed your RAGE to read what I’m saying rather than what you only want to see!
Things I SUPPORT Trump on: *
Things I OPPOSE Trump on: *
* these are older posts, so by no means completely comprehensive as new issues arise. And, if you look, you will clearly see there are far more things that I agree with Trump on and will/have give him praise for, but any one time you disagree they can’t hold their position, as I previously said, with reasoned-thought, but have to deflect/distract with the HATER label.
If you base your stances on solid principles, and don’t waffle back and forth just cuz it’s Trump peddling any particular policy/position, we’ll get along just fine!!!
The following lists are FAR FROM COMPREHENSIVE and just meant to give a taste. You can see many of my Articles (sorry, several are more critical than supportive, I tend to vocalize my support via Facebook and Twitter posts rather than Articles as I think criticism often requires more of a need of fuller explinations than fit via FB/Twitter): . I am also Chair of the Writing-Committee for #RattleWithUs #TEAParty and therefore author of many of the items at our #B4IN #RWU feed at: (which tend to be more items that relate to #Michigan).
AGAIN, YES, THERE ARE SEVERAL THINGS I OPPOSE TRUMP ON (again, #PRINCIPLED OBJECTIONS, not out of #TDS, which I cover in other Posts), but anyone that is going to claim like some morons he’s “no different” then Clinton (like I see all over FB) you are clearly a COMPLETE MORON…
What is he doing differently than Clinton?
* Gorsuch, not Garland.
* DeRegulation (though nowhere near enough yet) versus Clinton who would be piling on endless more Regulation.
* Partial Repeal of Dodd/Frank (not far enough), Clinton would have Vetoed any such Legislation.
* We would have had Repeal of ObamaCare (that was McLame’s failing, not Trump’s)
* Tax Cuts that Clinton never would have signed into Law
* Millions more in the US Economy (due to Tax Cuts) versus having Govt tie up that Money resulting in a greatly increased Growth per GDP
* Opened ANWAR (as part of TaxCutsAndJobsAct)(Energy Independence)
* PRO COAL, unlike Clinton that promised to KILL THE COAL INDUSTRY
* Pulled US out of Paris Climate Accords
* KeystoneXL and Dakota Access pipelines approved (Clinton would have continued to Block those
* Nullified Obama’s horrible Iran Deal
* Nullified Obama’s horrible Cuba Deal
* Additional Enforcement at the Border (though I oppose his willingness to sell-out on Amnesty) versus Clinton that would have clearly tied the Hands of Border-Patrol and continued Obama CatchAndRelease!
* Taking the Fight to ISIS, as opposed to Clinton continuing Oblunder’s “strategic patience” allowing them to take more and more Territory
… far from perfect, but far from a Clinton Presidency!!!
Exactly what in that list do you have an Issue with?!?!
In another Post, I cover some of the things I OPPOSE Trump on – see:
In another Post I listed much of what Trump deserves (at least some) Credit for (see: Here, let me spell out what I OPPOSE Trump on:
* FIRE SESSIONS. At the time I thought Sessions was a good pick – I (and Trump) was WRONG. What happened to #DrainTheSwamp? Sessions has turned out to be yet another Swamp creature and is protecting the Swamp not draining it.
* Tariffs (failing to learn from History, forget #SmootHwley, buteven as recently as GWBushs FAILED Steel Tariffs. more, see:
* Gas Tax increase (He has recently said he would support)
* Expansion of Clinton’s UnConstitutional (Fed Govt has no Business meddling in Business Pay/Benefits systems) #FamilyLeaveAct that he called for in the #SOTU cuz it’s one of his Daughters Pet causes)
* AMNESTY (#DACA or otherwise)…. #NoAmnesty, PERIOD!!! If you give Amnesty, more and more will continue to flood the US knowing full well you’re likely to do it again in the future for them too.
* He hasn’t done enough to attempt to defund Planned Parenthood
* He signed, rather than Vetoed, that last $1T Deficit OmniBus Bill he had previously promised to Veto
* His support for the recent #SCOTUS Ruling mandating Internet Sellers to collect Sales Taxes (out of spite for Bezos)
…. I’m sure there may be some more items that I’m just not able to think of right at this moment. But, to be FAIR (and honest) this list is far shorter than my list of things I think he deserves credit for!
Lastly, and a March 2019 update: You’ll get a HOOT out of this…. #POLITICO labels me as one of the #RussianOperatives working for Trump —>
Politico doesn’t care about any of the tweets where I have been critical (though, not very often) of President Trump (and other Republicans when I think they deserve to be called out), that doesn’t fit their agenda, but they know regardless I am an enemy and will ALWAYS oppose #Liberalism / #Socialism regardless of who peddles it – therefore they must (Alinsky) target me (and, not just me, you too).