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Just Days After Congressman Thomas Massie Exposes That Every Republican Congressman Has An "AIPAC Babysitter", His Wife Dies Suddenly

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That’s right, in the middle of June, Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie exposed the Republican Party as the party of Zionists, saying that every GOP congressman has an “AIPAC babysitter.”  Then, on Friday, he announced that he lost his “high school sweetheart, the love of my life for over 35 years, the loving mother of our 4 children, the smartest kindest woman I ever knew, my beautiful and wise queen forever.”

Am I saying she was targeted?  No, but I’m not naive enough to think these things don’t happen like this so close together.  As of yet, I have not heard the cause of death for Massie’s wife, Rhonda.

Here’s his post.


He also shared some fond memories of his beloved wife.




Yet, keep in mind that in his interview with Tucker Carlson, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) told Carlson the painful truth of this act of treason on Capitol Hill.

“Everybody but me has an AIPAC person — like your AIPAC babysitter, who is always talking to you for AIPAC,” Massie said. “They’re probably a constituent from your district but they’re firmly embedded in AIPAC.”

“Every member has something like this?” Tucker Carlson asked.

“Every Repub–, I don’t know how it works on the Democrat side, but that’s how it works on the Republican side, and when you come to DC you go have lunch with them and they’ve got your cell number and you have conversations with them.”

“That’s crazy,” Carlson responded.

“So, I’ve had four members of Congress say, ‘I’ll talk to my AIPAC person’ — that’s literally what we call them, ‘my AIPAC guy,’” Massie said, laughing. “‘I’ll talk to my AIPAC guy and see if I can get them to, you know, dial those ads back.’”

“Why have I never heard this before?” Carlson said.

“It doesn’t benefit anybody,” Massie said, “why would they want to tell their constituents that they’ve basically got a buddy system with somebody who is representing a foreign country, it doesn’t benefit the congressmen for people to know that so they’re not going to tell you that.”

Massie told Carlson no other country does this: “Not only do they not have a Putin guy, they don’t have a Britain guy, they don’t have an Australian guy, they don’t have a Germany dude, it’s the only country that does this!”

Read more on this subject from Chuck Baldwin’s column from earlier in June.

Keep in mind that certain Zionist organizations have gone after people for simply questioning what they have been told about Holocaust, such as David Cole, who had a bounty placed on his head and had to go into hiding for producing the following video and questioning the official narrative of the Holocaust and the numbers given.

Our prayers are lifted up to the Father for comfort and peace for the Massie family at this time, and prayers for boldness and courage for Thomas Massie to continue outing the corruption that exists in DC.

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

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Total 5 comments
  • F16Hoser

    CIA heart gun. Time to turn FBI/CIA buildings to Rubble. Easy peasey. :wink:

  • kilroy

    Do some simple math and understand the truth. Jews make up 1% of the US population yet in DC their presence is over 90%. Same people same percentage have a duel citizenship with Israel. Loyalties are just a word to these criminals. Wake up see the truth and understand who is really in charge and has been s since the coup of 1963.

    • Patient4Him2

      @Kilroy — Dang, the percent of Washingtonian JEWS has risen substantially; glad I’m not there. For the people who read, they are wise of the Book of JOHN, chapter 8, wherein JESUS said to the JEWS, “you are not humans,” “you are offspring of Satan,” “you are worshipers of the Synagogue of Satan (Baal, Lucifer, Moloch).” These same people are wise that Father Jesus said, “I gave the JEWS as SLAVES to My HEBREWS for Millennia.” Therefore, JEWS are USURPING IMPOSTERS of NOAH’s 1st son SEM, the SEMITE Family, whose notable progeny was ABRAHAM, son ISAAC-HEBREW, son JACOB-ISRAEL, whose eight (8) sons Ruben, Simeon, Levi, JUDAH [progeny Kings David, Solomon, JESUS], Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin migrated from the coast of the Mediterranean Sea to the European coast of the Pacific Ocean to establish ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, IRELAND, DENMARK, NORWAY, SWEDEN, FINLAND, and RUSSIA. The Protestant ENGLISH Christians founded America. Father Jesus described ISAAC-HEBREW as “WHITE as cotton with rosy cheeks,” and described JACOB-ISRAEL as “WHITE as milk” that evidences blood type-A, the only humans whose skin reveals nutritional health by “rosy,” and the range of emotions from anger to laughter by “rosy.” Skin and blood types are both established sciences since 1901. JEWS have blood type-Rh that abbreviates Rhesus monkey blood strain. JEWS attached the suffix “ISH” to their namesake that means APPROXIMATE because JEWS are “not humans,”…

      • Patient4Him2

        @Kilroy — /continued…. they are the evil angels punt-kicked from the Heavens for causing an insurrection and murdering righteous angels as Father God Jesus said. Why did Approximate Jews cause an insurrection? Because Father God Jesus refused Lucifer, and billions of angels who supported lucifer, the demand to reverse the “servitude order” from angels to humans. So, JEWS were judged twice, body and spirit, and convicted to the blackness of Hell for eternity after Father God Jesus Judges humanity at the end of time / His timeline.

        On Earth, APPROXIMATE JEWS MURDERED JESUS whom was Father God in the flesh. JEWS repeatedly say there is no future beyond physical death. For the Approximate JEWS, that is true! However, for faithful humanity who are 8 Billion cousins, many will remain on Earth and Father God Jesus joins His “beloved offspring humans” on Earth. Humanity has a future, whereas Approximate Jews do not. As JESUS commanded, EVERYTHING YOU SAY, AND DO, SHALL COME BACK TO YOU. Yes, and for JEW-JEW, their only companions are themselves lying, cheating, thieving and endlessly sodomizing each other for an eternity. What a timeless gift they’ve given to themselves! hahaha-a-a-a.

  • jeremyfeit

    Mossad’s Motto is “You can’t stop Da Jooz!”
    You can’t judge da dooz, including the fake ones which comprise most of the “joo” population
    All hail Genghis Khan (the Khan artist) and Atilla The Hun, Kings of da fake jooz

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