Exposing the Lefts LIES that #VoterFraud never happens....
[Sat Nov 21 update: https://tinyurl.com/ElectionFraud2020Detailed]
TUE APR 26th 2022 UPDATE:
Hey #Patriots:
Want a SNEAK PEEK at Patrick Colbeck’s next book*??
See: https://mchenrypress.com/catalog
My book (#TerrorStrikes) is first on the Page** and his follows down-page!!
* hint: it has to do with the 2020 Election!
** more on McHenry Press & #TerrorStrikes making History: [https://www.terrorstrikes.info/history-march3](https://www.terrorstrikes.info/history-march3)
Summary via a list of Tweet after tweet with link after link regarding the issue…
(Article from 2014 ported from #RattleWithUs #SEMi #TEAParty: http://rattlewithus.ning.com/profiles/blogs/exposing-voter-fraud)
Democrats enacting Voter ID:
Joseph Lenard @JLenardDetroit Apr 29
Joseph Lenard @JLenardDetroit Apr 29
Uri Blago @UriBlago 15 Jan 2013
The democrat governor of R.I. signed a voter ID law… and Obama still won that state.
Incidents of Voter Fraud:
betseyross @betseyross Apr 12
#NC More than 35K Incidents of Double Voting in 2012
Doyl L Watson II @eph4_15 May 16
7 Examples That Show Voter Fraud Is A Huge Problem – http://ln.is/townhall.com/columni/BSNwW
True the Vote @TrueTheVote Apr 30
A Missouri Dem State Rep “won” his primary election by 1 fraudulent vote: http://www.kansascity.com/2013/05/14/4233248/breaking-gulty-plea-in-missouri.html
Defund NPR PBS & NEA @Jarjarbug Apr 3
This is why @TheDemocrats REFUSE #VoterID laws… so they can WIN elections BY #VoterFraud!!!
[North Carolina Voter Fraud]
Marty Smith @IndyEnigma Apr 3
“Thousands of cases” http://bit.ly/1fBupxr of voter fraud in North Carolina
Mitch Holliday @GMCMSW Mar 23
“@AIIAmericanGirI: No Justice Department Charges Against Ohio Woman Who Voted Six Times for Obama http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/03/22/No-Justice-Department-Charges-Against-Ohio-Woman-Who-Voted-Six-Times-for-Obama #WIUNION” Disgusting
True the Vote @TrueTheVote Mar 12
Ohio poll worker sentenced to 5 years for #VoterFraud serves only 8 months:
Rick Amato @AmatoTalk Mar 12
Dead woman votes! Why is #VoterFraud rarely investigated? 6&9pPT/9p&12aET:
Mark R. Levin @marklevinshow Apr 3
Massive voter fraud
Christian Adams @ElectionLawCtr Mar 31
#NY #Democrats indicted for #VoterFraud and forging names of Derek Jeter and Kate Moss: http://electionlawcenter.com/2014/03/31/nyc-dem-councilwomans-campaign-staff-indicted-for-fraud-forgery.aspx
tom nichols @mrtom2360 Mar 27
No #VoterFraud, eh? At least 270 dead people have voted in Nassau County, NY
True the Vote @TrueTheVote Mar 27
Think there’s no #VoterFraud? An election contest over fraudulent votes is going on now in South Texas #RGV: http://www.themonitor.com/news/local/rd-day-of-weslaco-contest-focuses-on-mail-in-ballot/article_b5ae804e-b55a-11e3-a569-0017a43b2370.html
infocyde @infocyde Mar 27
These States Have More Registered Voters Than Eligible Adults
[and Democrats file Lawsuits to prevent the REQUIRED (under FEDERAL Motor Voter Law signed by Bill Clinton) PURGINGS, in State after State, to remove non-residents, Dead people, fictional characters, etc....Democrats do this, of course, because they wish to actively engage in Voter Fraud]
FredVLucas3 @FredVLucas3 Mar 24
These States Have More Registered Voters Than Eligible Adults…What One Group Wants to Do About It http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/03/24/these-states-have-more-registered-voters-than-eligible-adults-what-one-group-wants-to-do-about-it/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=story&utm_campaign=ShareButtons
Christian Adams @ElectionLawCtr Mar 2
#CA #Democrats fight #GOP to keep #VoterFraud Felon in #California #Senate! http://www.dailybreeze.com/government-and-politics/20140227/democrats-rebuff-gop-effort-to-expel-roderick-wright-from-senate Fighting [For] Crime, as usual.
True the Vote @TrueTheVote Feb 26
#Iowa refers 80 new #VoterFraud cases: http://natl.re/1hfM5yE
Fun Fact: 10 Assembly races decided by < 50 votes since 2008.
The truth is … @LibertySeeds Mar 5
A brief introduction to illegal aliens interfering in our elections:
Resist Tyranny @ResistTyranny Mar 14
Wondering what’s happened to your vote? It’s been cancelled out by #illegals: http://youtu.be/2hjmKBfrycQ #IllegalAliens #VoterFraud
Un-Political Party @UnPoliticalPrty Apr 1
Obama ACORN Lawyer/Trainer = Massive #VoterFraud got #BHO elected in 2008 & 2012?! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zF70i8nsmY&feature=share&list=PLC2A32D103123C08E
Liberty Seeker @rjfitz66 Mar 13
Unfair voter suppression by allowing only one vote per person.
countless more examples exist and NEWS-STORIES can be found via simple Voter Fraud Yahoo search, but I’m going to stop at just these FEW examples of the many because I’m tired of scrolling through my Twitter Favorites where these and countless more examples exist (and again, not to mention the endless stream of reports you can find via a simple Yahoo search)!
The Liberal Hypocrisy of Voter ID:
@JLenardDetroit #Blacks support #VoterID (http://po.st/gTO6dk), reject #DUMBoKKKrats #racist notions (http://rattlewithus.ning.com/profiles/blogs/democrats-are-racist).
@FredZeppelin12 May 22
Unions are concerned about the integrity of the vote in union elections. pic.twitter.com/G8bb9ci0LS
or how about the #DNC #hypocrites requiring it at their Conventions
True the Vote @TrueTheVote May 10
You didn’t know SCOTUS already upheld #VoterID, @htowngenie? http://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/07-21.ZO.html
Joseph Lenard @JLenardDetroit Apr 29
Libs Cry Because #Federal #Judge Rules #Citizenship Requirement In #Voter Registration Legal http://ln.is/downtrend.com/71supe/F9IhE
Natalie Duval @NatalieDuvalNY Apr 11
Voter Fraud: The Left’s Tool For Social Justice
True the Vote @TrueTheVote Apr 13
Want to know what’s going on in YOUR voting place? BE THERE – as an election worker or poll watcher: http://blog.heritage.org/2012/09/19/serve-your-country-by-working-at-the-polls-in-november/
#VoterID Proud Symbol Of Freedom, Not Racism, for..
@RADIOTALK101: My must watch TV debate with White DEM on Blacks and Voter I.D. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVvnv4YiSF4 …” #wshh
True the Vote @TrueTheVote Apr 3
Is your state part of the Interstate Crosscheck Program? http://www.nased.org/NASED_Winter_2013_PP_Presentations/KANSAS.pdf | #VoterFraud #VoterID
Project Veritas @Project_Veritas Feb 20
.@MyFoxHouston coverage of @BGTX illegal data mining WATCH HERE: http://youtu.be/IvJca785GKY
The list of things DUMBoKKKrats don’t think Minorities do (cuz they “supposedly” don’t have ID)
Bob Miller @Miller51550 10 Jul 2012
DEMAND VOTER PHOTO ID’S IN YOUR STATE! Save Your Vote From Election Fraud http://www.westernjournalism.com/save-your-vote-from-election-fraud/ via @WestJournalism
Regards, Joseph M. Lenard (@JLenardDetroit)
Remember… Liberals looking to do FOR America what they’ve done TO Detroit. Destroy it!
You can lead a Liberal/Democrat to the Facts/Truth, but you cannot make them Think!
Conservative by Choice, Republican only by necessity.
I think, therefore I am Conservative
see related:
When it comes to Voter ID, Democrats are #RACIST: http://rattlewithus.ning.com/profiles/blogs/democrats-are-racist
The very deep roots of #Liberal / #Democrat #RACISM: /v3/republican/2018/2444921.html
[============== WED JAN 19 2022 11a UPDATE ==============]
FAIR.. again… THE LEFT twisting terms…. as the Princes Bride line goes: I DO NOT THINK THAT MEANS WHAT YOU THINK IT MEANS….
[below is comment from: https://www.12cdrc.org/forum/redistricting-discussion/first-look-at-new-s-e-michigan-district-maps about redistricting shenanigans. You really should see: https://www.12cdrc.org/forum/redistricting-discussion/first-look-at-new-s-e-michigan-district-maps as while it is about MI REDISTRICTING much of what is there WILL APPLY TO YOU!!! AND YOUR STATE!!!!]
We told you PEOPLE NOT POLITICIANS (aka: Prop-2) was a farce…
We told you that it was NOT JUST MICHIGAN, that Soro’s was pouring money, on behalf of Democrats, IN STATES THAT THE LEGISLATURES CONTROLLED BY REPUBLICANS (and only those States, you didn’t and won’t see this GO-AROUND in any BLUE STATE) was for a reason – and that reason was to STEAL the redistricting process from LEGISLATORS (as outlined in LAW or CONSTITUTION of most States) and put it in the hands of BOARDS/COMMITTEES they could, lie, cheat, steal, control over, in order to GERRYMANDER ADDITIONAL BLUE DISTRICTS!
Now, they finally admit it…
from…. info@democraticredistricting.com
to: DUMBocrats/FASCICRATS/SUCKERS in Michigan
Subject: “There has been a redistricting turnaround”
The media is starting to catch on to the fact that our efforts to stop Republican’s are having an impact.
It’s about time! For years now, the NDRC has been working hard to prepare the public and policymakers for redistricting [Editor note: I added the emphasis (and let me correct their "prepare" term to what it really was/is "propganda, manipulation, lies" in order to CONTROL (which is what they seek in everything. POWER to ensure they always have favor/advantage by expanding liberal DEEP STATE into any and all things], help win elections, and put the pieces in place to secure fair ["fair" (see: https://www.12cdrc.org/forum/general-other-discussions/define-fair-back-to-clinton-speak-depends-on-what-the-definition-of-is-is elsewhere on this site) by which they mean GERRYMANDERING IN FAVOR OF DEMOCRATS] maps. So while we’re not “surprised” that our strategy [read: thievery] is working, we are incredibly grateful to this community for giving us the resources to make it happen. Will you make a donation to help us keep up the fight?
Here’s a recap of some of the latest victories in the fight for fair maps:
States like Michigan [GOP Legislature had their Constitutional Rights to create the maps stolen], New Jersey, and California [lol, they tossed in 2 100% DEMOCRAT CONTROLLED STATES as a dodge, meanwhile they flood the other red/purple States they used the same PROP-2 FARCE like they did Michigan with the same email with "THAT-OTHER-STATE-NAME" in place of where "Michigan" is that they are gerrymandering to Democrat favor as their only hope to stave off the RED WAVE coming in 2022 and 2024 (as well, of course, with stepped-up VoterFraud efforts (http://tinyurl.com/FascricratsVoterFraud))] have adopted fair maps.
In many states where Republicans have [LEGAL AUTHORITY TO DRAW DISTRICTS] gerrymandered, voters have filed lawsuits.
[NOTICE, how they conveniently FILED LAWSUITS IN MICHIGAN against their own Commission to try and uphold UNCONSTITUTIONAL "majority minority Districts" gerrymandering (direct violation of "equal protections" and demand still MORE BLUE SEATS be gerrymandered in MI]
And the U.S. Department of Justice sued Texas over its gerrymandered maps. [Suing TX that actually UPHELD CONSTITUTIONAL districting, but TX is gaining an additional District, and they want to CHEAT their way into that being another BLUE SEAT despite TX being an overwhelmingly RED STATE]
But, we’re still fighting for fair maps in important states like Pennsylvania, Florida, Kentucky, [the only HONEST statement they've made in this email, each of those States (again) HAVE GOP CONTROLLED STATE LEGISLATURES and they demand BLUE GERRYMANDERING despite they cannot win those State Legislatures to have the proper authority over districting] and more. Nearly 170 congressional district maps have yet to be enacted! So please don’t let up on your support — we need to see this process through to the end. Will you pitch in now?
If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately: Donate $10Donate $20Donate $50Donate $100Donate $150Another amountThanks,
[And, of course, what things always come down to, USE THEIR LIES TO RAISE MORE MONEY TO STEAL OTHER ELECTIONS WITH]
Since 2017, the NDRC has executed a comprehensive redistricting strategy that shifts the redistricting power, creating fair districts where Democrats can compete. Our victories have been made possible by our strong community of grassroots supporters.MAKE A DONATIONIf you want to receive periodic updates from the NDRC on our fight for fair maps, text MAPS to 36787. Text HELP for help, STOP to end. Msg & Data rates may apply.
We know we send a lot of emails, but we think it’s important to keep you updated with the latest information on Republican [rather than meeting the demands for Democrat favored cheating] gerrymandering and voter suppression [they still keep these LIES going despite 70% of ALL AMERICANS supporting VOTER ID so ALL LEGAL PEOPLE CAN/DO VOTE but people CANNOT CHEAT (see: https://www.12cdrc.org/forum/legislation/hr1-unconstitutionally-federalizing-all-elections)] and how we’re fighting [read: cheating, cuz we cannot win obeying the laws] back — regardless of whether you choose to donate. Click here to make a donation. Every dollar you give will go toward our fight to end gerrymandering and voter suppression.
Paid for by the National Democratic Redistricting Committee.
National Democratic Redistricting Committee
700 13th Street NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20005
United States
TUE APR 26th 2022 UPDATE:
Hey #Patriots:
Want a SNEAK PEEK at Patrick Colbeck’s next book*??
See: https://mchenrypress.com/catalog
My book (#TerrorStrikes) is first on the Page** and his follows down-page!!
* hint: it has to do with the 2020 Election!
** more on McHenry Press & #TerrorStrikes making History: [https://www.terrorstrikes.info/history-march3](https://www.terrorstrikes.info/history-march3)
Joseph M. Lenard (a/k/a: JLenardDetroit)
Born 1962. Lifelong resident Wyandotte Michigan.
Former information technology professional.
Political issues blogger/vlogger/speaker/writer.
more: http://TerrorStrikes.info
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2020 #REALNEWS: 1,600+ Uncounted NJ Primary Ballots Discovered in a ‘Mislabeled’ Bin
you won’t see this on your normal #ENEMEdia outlets – NOTHING TO SEE HERE! #MailInBallots never have ANY PROBLEMS, EVER, and especially NOT #VOTERFRAUD! (more/related: /u-s-politics/2020/07/never-ending-efforts-of-democrats-to-controlmanipulate-elections-via-voterfraud-2580233.html)
#REALNEWS: AVOID #FakeNews #ENEMEdia #SPIN outlets
#democratLIESmatter #DemocratsAreCorrupt #WalkAwayFromDemocratSocialists
#WeAreTheNewsNow – see #REALNEWS tag (across all #SocialMedia (#MeWe, #Spreely, #PolitiChat, #Parler, #GAB, #Twitter) Platforms for #REALNEWS)!
All the REALNEWS TWEETS: see: https://twitter.com/search?q=%40JLenardDetroit%20%23REALNEWS&src=typed_query if they don’t #Shadowban the tweets!
FAIR.. again… THE LEFT twisting terms…. as the Princes Bride line goes: I DO NOT THINK THAT MEANS WHAT YOU THINK IT MEANS….
[below is comment from: https://www.12cdrc.org/forum/redistricting-discussion/first-look-at-new-s-e-michigan-district-maps about redistricting shenanigans. You really should see: https://www.12cdrc.org/forum/redistricting-discussion/first-look-at-new-s-e-michigan-district-maps as while it is about MI REDISTRICTING much of what is there WILL APPLY TO YOU!!! AND YOUR STATE!!!!]
We told you PEOPLE NOT POLITICIANS (aka: Prop-2) was a farce…
We told you that it was NOT JUST MICHIGAN, that Soro’s was pouring money, on behalf of Democrats, IN STATES THAT THE LEGISLATURES CONTROLLED BY REPUBLICANS (and only those States, you didn’t and won’t see this GO-AROUND in any BLUE STATE) was for a reason – and that reason was to STEAL the redistricting process from LEGISLATORS (as outlined in LAW or CONSTITUTION of most States) and put it in the hands of BOARDS/COMMITTEES they could, lie, cheat, steal, control over, in order to GERRYMANDER ADDITIONAL BLUE DISTRICTS!
Now, they finally admit it…
from…. info@democraticredistricting.com
to: DUMBocrats/FASCICRATS/SUCKERS in Michigan
Subject: “There has been a redistricting turnaround”
The media is starting to catch on to the fact that our efforts to stop Republican’s are having an impact.
It’s about time! For years now, the NDRC has been working hard to prepare the public and…