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Mike Stone - Zionists Did 9-11 - Why is US Defending Israel?

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“Anyone who claims that 9/11 was anything other than an Israeli Mossad operation from start to finish is either a selfish fool or a traitorous liar. There’s no in-between. Let’s look at both groups, starting with the selfish fools.”

By Mike Stone

Twenty-three years after Sept 11, 2001, millions of Americans believe the attacks were orchestrated by Osama bin Laden and nineteen guys with box cutters. 

You probably know some people like that yourself, people who refuse to accept reality and cling to the lies they’ve been told. If so, I suggest you remove those folks from your life. That might sound harsh, so let me explain in simple language why it’s so important.

Anyone who claims that 9/11 was anything other than an Israeli Mossad operation from start to finish is either a selfish fool or a traitorous liar. There’s no in-between. Let’s look at both groups, starting with the selfish fools.

So let me ask you, if someone is so completely unconcerned about the brutal murder of 3,000 or more of their fellow citizens, just how concerned do you think they are with you and your life? I’ll tell you how concerned they are. They couldn’t care less about you.

Believing that Osama bin Laden was responsible for 9/11 is also a sign of stupidity. How dumb does a person have to be in order to believe that two planes knocked down three World Trade Center buildings, or that any plane could knock down a steel-framed building, or that fire could bring down a steel-framed building? 


(Israeli “art students” laying explosives in Twin Towers)

How infinitely gullible does one have to be to think it was merely a colossal coincidence that the 9/11 attacks occurred at the exact same time that NORAD was conducting drills involving hijacked planes being flown into New York City skyscrapers?

Included with these fools are cowards – people who haven’t researched the issue out of fear. I know someone like that. She prides herself on being a truth-teller, but on this issue she folded like a cheap tent.

“Thousands of your fellow Americans were killed,” I told her. “You owe it to them to learn what happened that day.”

“I can’t,” she replied. “I’m afraid of what I might find.”

“You want the people responsible to get away?”

“No, I want them to get caught, only I want other people to do it.”

There’s that selfishness again. In this case, it’s expecting other people to do all the work. You don’t want people this stupid, this cowardly, and this self-centered in your life. You just don’t. As humans, we become a composite of the people we interact with. If you spend your time interacting with fools and cowards, you risk becoming a fool and a coward yourself. Far better to simply remove those people from your circle of friends and acquaintances. Doing so will automatically increase the quality of your life.

Traitors Too

Even worse than the selfish fools are the traitorous liars. These are the people who know Israel was responsible for 9/11, but deliberately lie to you by saying it was bin Laden. This group comprises virtually everyone you see on television, everyone you listen to on talk radio, and everyone employed in academia. It includes every teacher and professor you’ve ever had in high school or college. 

Every time you turn on your television, tune in to talk radio, or take a class taught by one of these traitors you lend legitimacy to their lies. And not just on this issue, but on a whole host of other issues too. As I’ve proven repeatedly in my books, they lie about everything and are incapable of telling the truth.


The more you listen to them, the more influence they hold over your life. That’s true even when you know they are lying. Even worse is to support them financially, either by watching or listening to their shows; by buying their books or products or the products of their advertisers; or by attending their classes. Doing so is the very definition of collaborating with the enemy.

All of these traitorous liars need to be removed from your life. If not, they will continue to lie to you, continue to manipulate you, and continue to laugh at you behind your back.

Do Your Own Research

Researching 9/11 doesn’t mean running around making citizen arrests. It means educating yourself on the truth of what actually happened. Read the books by Christoper Bollyn, Victor Thorn, Mike King, and Michael Collins Piper. Watch the videos 9/11 in Plane Site (, 9/11 Mysteries ( and more. And then encourage others to read the same books and watch the same videos. You owe it to the people who died that day and to the people who were killed in its wake.


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Total 3 comments
  • Anonymous

    September Clues had exposed the Gellatin B agents in the Tower just a few months after Bush’s 9/11 fraud. It’s just like the warp speed clot shot. We have no justice system and we have a phony money system that enables the criminal Cult.

  • ray

    this son of a bitch is a lie you have been wornd

  • Slimey

    Maybe, but someone HERE had to allow it. That’s’ the UCKFER you want. Jorge Boosh knew something in advance. Start with him. :cool:

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