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August 26 - Why is Freemasonry Getting a Pass?

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truemuslim.jpg(left, like Israel, radical Islam is controlled by Freemasonry) 

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Voltaire said our true masters are the people we cannot criticize. There is practically a blackout on the mention of Freemasonry. Freemasons are flunkies for Organized Jewry. There is plenty of blame attributed to “the Jews.” Why nothing about Freemasonry when almost all politicians and celebrities are members of this satanic cult? 

Arabs ridicule Hezbollah attacks, accuse it of conspiring with Israel 

 ”The initial response to Israel a chicken coop was destroyed, killing a number of chickens and chicks and breaking thousands of eggs. Damn you scoundrels, you and the Iranian Houthis, you laugh at the Arab peoples, you and the Zionists are two sides of the same coin, implementing one project and one goal.” 

Growing realization that both Israel and Islamists are Freemasons. The goal is the destruction of Israel, Iran and world war. 

Israel and Iran Are Both Run by Freemasons Plotting WW3

Islamists (Hamas) are the Muslim equivalent of Jewish Communists or Zionists. Both sides are satanic Masonic cults. Their dogmas are just a pretext to rob their people of freedom and property. Now they are joining to destroy us by staging a nuclear war. Pike’s prophecy below is coming true! Muslim and Zionist leaders are literally Illuminati agents.
Albert Pike wrote to Giuseppe Mazzini in 1871 regarding a conspiracy involving three world wars, that were planned to bring about a “social cataclysm.” Pike’s letter was on display in the British Museum Library until 1977. British Library denies the letter exists. (They’re Masons too.) The world is controlled by Freemasons.
“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual, and economic exhaustion.”

Vaccine a weapon of genocide?
The Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) said that on Sunday, some 25,100 vials of polio vaccine, sufficient to vaccinate 1,255,000 people, were transferred into the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom Crossing.
Israeli Hostages- “Hamas Kept us Safe but Our Army Tried to Kill us.”

Jews are cannon fodder in the Illuminati Plot for world domination (Communism) 

Influencers are Infighting over Sabattean-Frankism

Russ Winter wonders why everyone is avoiding the root problem- Sabbatean Frankism i.e. the origin of the Illuminati

“This gray man treatment is of course because I am severely suppressed and throttled, and thus have never been “discovered” by these promoted influencers. But being silenced and ignored on social media does not correlate with truths. I have communicated dozens of times with these people. Accordingly, influencers have and will continue to be deficient in their knowledge of hidden history and how the world works.”

Race-Cult Zionism as a British Masonic Oligarchical Strategy

“Three years after Prince Edward’s trip to the Holy Land (in 1862), the British Foreign Office began preparing Palestine for “resettlement.” In 1865, the Palestine Exploration Fund was founded with funding mainly from Oxford and Cambridge Universities and the Grand Lodge of Freemasons. Everywhere you looked, Zionism was a British and Freemason operation — with nary a Jew in sight.”



Robert FKennedy Jr Visits Tomb of Chabad Lubavitch Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson for a Blessing
Crackdown on Ukraine’s largest church is ‘full-fledged Satanism’ – Medvedev

Zelensky “has no religious identity” and the crackdown is “full-fledged Satanism” supported by people in his government, Medvedev alleged. “The civilized West” backed both Poroshenko’s ploy and the ongoing persecution “to inflict maximum damage to Russia and its citizens,” he added.

How about JEWISH?  Russian leaders are part of the Cabalist charade.

Christine Anderson, MEP: The Global COVID ‘Vaccination’ Campaign Will Be Known as the Biggest Crime to Ever Have Been Committed on Mankind
“…It will go down into the medical books as the biggest medical scandal ever.”

“Following Thursday’s FDA authorization opens in a new tab or window of the updated 2024-2025 COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, CDC Director Mandy Cohen, MD, MPH, recommended that every individual 6 months and older should get the updated vaccine. “We continue to see a lot of COVID-19 activity across the country right now,” Cohen told reporters in a joint press conference with the FDA and HHS. However, she noted that circulating disease is not translating into increases in emergency department (ED) visits.”

Israel to ‘collapse within a year’ if war with Hamas, Hezbollah continues: Ex-IDF General

Israel “really is galloping towards the edge of an abyss. If the war of attrition against Hamas and Hezbollah continues, Israel will collapse within no more than a year,” Yitzhak Brik wrote in an opinion piece published by Israeli newspaper Haaretz, on Thursday.

Oct 7 was a deliberate false flag

“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was briefed on the looming dangers to Israel ahead of Hamas’s October 7 attack, and was told by defense chiefs that national security was at risk, but willfully ignored ‘all the red flags, all the warnings,’ Opposition leader Yair Lapid charged in an exclusive interview with The Times of Israel.

Putin has a long history as a Freemason shill

Not surprisingly, Tucker Carlson did not ask about this.

FDA Admits There’s ‘Zero Scientific Evidence’ That ‘Monkeypox Virus’ Exists



Blood Libel– Candace Owens realizes Jews were indeed responsible for satanic murders of Christians

Jews outraged. 

Kamala’s husband connected to vote rigging outfit

“JD Vance’s wife, Usha is also a member of the Pilgrim’s Society.  Usha has worked for law firms associated with the Clinton Foundation and Bill and Hillary.  She was at Cambridge University as a scholar of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Bill and Melinda are 2005 knighted members of the  British Pilgrims Society who funded with Britain’s Pirbright Institute (UK), who is testing new coronavirus vaccines on animals to help combat Covid-19. Usha was on the board of directors at Gates Cambridge, a Bill Gates enterprise. (The Pirbright Institute is a national center that works to contain, control, and eliminate viral diseases of animals through its fundamental and applied research programmes.)

JD and Usha both worked at Sidley Austin law firm, a firm that employed the Obamas and others of their standing.

Freemason Meeting of 2005 in London on End of the World in 2025 – Biological & Nuclear WW3 With Israel Attacking Iran, etc. – A view of the 1st 1/2 gives the gist.

In January 2010, Project Camelot received 11 pages of information from an insider who claims he was physically present at a meeting of Senior Masons in the City of London in 2005 – This video is 14 years old

* There is a planned Third World War, which will be nuclear and biological.

* It is planned to begin with a strike by Israel on Iran. Either Iran or China will be provoked into a nuclear response. After a brief nuclear exchange, there will be a ceasefire. The world will be thrown into fear and chaos – all carefully engineered.

* The extreme state of tension will be used to justify heavy social and military controls in all western first world nations. Plans are already in place for that.

* During the nuclear ceasefire, there is planned to be a covert release of biological weapons. These will initially be targeted against the Chinese. Source says he was told, “China will catch a cold”. Biological warfare will spread further, to the west. Infrastructure will be critically weakened.

 This is intended to be just the beginning. After this, a full nuclear exchange would be triggered: the “real” war, with widespread destruction and loss of life. Source claims that the planned population reduction through these combined means is 50%. He heard this figure stated in the meeting.



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