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The Lockdown Has Changed People

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People Are Different Since The Pandemic
Is it just me?

Makow – Whether it’s COVID, Migrants, Trannies, Ukraine, or Gaza, the Satanists have found many ways to slice and dice society. It’s time to UNITE around our common enemy, the Rothschild WEF, which is responsible for most of our woes.

“People seem different, I absolutely loathe retail shopping now. Rude, selfish, and inconsiderate people are everywhere that give you the death stare. It feels like they’re in their own world and nothing else outside of it matters. The same goes for driving, I love driving but now I loathe that too.

It’s like people have very short fuses, always reacting to things that should never be a problem in the first place. Everyone I speak to has constant brain fog and it’s like they’re in a trance.

I used to enjoy being out in the city. Now I don’t; it’s very much a different vibe.”

EDIT 1: Wow, it’s quite clear that I’m not alone here. Maybe we who see things outside of the consortium can clearly see things going down hill.

EDIT 2: Did not expect it to blow up with so many like-minded individuals. I guess now is the time to form strong communities within the areas we live.

Comments are from this site:
“Whether people knew the pandemic was BS, or whether they thought it was real, everyone has unresolved trauma.

I’m still angry that nobody wants to discuss it hold people accountable, and see how to prevent this from happening again.

People who thought it was real (or at least couldn’t emotionally allow themselves to accept it was BS) want to just move on like nothing happened.

Unresolved trauma, on a worldwide scale.

“People are in extremely deep denial about the fact that it’s being revealed openly that they just got played for fools for the past 3.5 years. Not to mention the psychological effects of masking, which was never healthy or necessary. There was so much research in behavioral psychology regarding the human need for expressive communication in faces. Everyone acted like that was a “conspiracy theory” in 2020, like the Stillface experiment never existed. All of the cognitive dissonance is coming home to roost and the worst part is that most of these people still don’t even understand what’s been done to them.”
YES. and also what happened was a big trauma installment program. A traumatized broken people are easier to control. they use MKUltra techniques on everyone and it’s quite effective. trauma is how you break people.
This is what happens when everyone is locked into jobs to pay bills, and those jobs barely pay the bills anymore. People literally exude scarcity on all levels; mood, physical movement, everything. This is what the elite wanted and they’re getting it. It’s a shame we have to live with AND pay for it at the same time.
People have become so immersed in their gadgets that it seems nobody exists outside of their gadgets.

It simply coincides with everyone being broke, overworked (or no work at all but still no $), not only ridiculous, but IMPOSSIBLE cost of living, and very little hope in this world. So every time you go out in public, the chances are high that you’re gonna encounter a shit ton of mad/desperate people who simply have zero time or patience for pleasantries.
The greatest trick the elite ever pulled was convincing every family that both the mom and dad had to work, under the guise of women’s rights. Instead, it should have been acceptable for the mom or dad to work. We destroyed families and stagnated wage growth for a generation by doubling the size of the workforce.
More importantly: They NEED there to be a huge difference between what they have and what you have. It’s important that a large number of us have basically nothing. Neofeudalism requires this to keep the peasants too poor to organize against them.
100%… people are ruder, on edge & have no time for anyone. Just yesterday, I was in a drive-through queue & the woman in the car behind me was losing her shit, shouting at me & others for no reason. It’s a daily occurrence to come across angry, rude people post-pandemic.
I see it every single day. People are entitled and rude as hell. The pandemic has also caused even the most mundane of tasks to take longer and be more difficult. I try to remind myself that we are all fighting unseen battles and trying to just do the best we can but there is no reason for all the rudeness. This world needs more kindness so I attempt to treat everyone with respect and save my breakdowns and hissy fits for the privacy of my own home.


There has been a disturbance in the force and I think everyone can definitely feel it. I believe we all have PTSD from covid, lockdowns, and the shitshow that has been the last few years. This has been a long time coming but COVID was the straw that broke the camel’s back now add in inflation and fear for what the future holds with WWIII right around the corner and it’s no wonder why everyone is tense, angry, depressed, demoralized, and ready to throw down at a moments notice. I have to admit I am extremely cautious of others and try to keep interacting with strangers at a minimum.

Yeah no shit. The elite are aware of the torment their policies cause to the masses. As the rich get richer and the poor get poorer the poor will become more and more angry. Because they are continually getting fucked over and are stuck.

Spike protein is lodged in all our brain stems and pre-frontal cortex. Affects both autonomic function and planning/decision-making. Perfect storm.


Yeah, people’s brains broke. I worked in a nursing home in NY and saw all logic and reason leave peoples’ heads in real time.

I find everyone now is guarded; you don’t want to offer any opinions that aren’t in line with the MSM if you don’t want an instant argument.

I have been wanting to make a post about this. I really think lack of sleep is a primary cause of this. Humans truly need 7-8 hours and almost no one I know is getting it. It’s worse since the pandemic and the increased stickiness of social media algorithms for our attention at night. When I started to make a deliberate effort to always get 8 hours of sleep, it made such a difference to me cognitively. When I go out in public, I see how most people are not fully awake, and I think it’s an apt description. Sleep deprived so they are not fully wakeful.
 I stayed home all day yesterday to avoid the overwhelming negative energy that almost feels tangible at this point it’s so thick amongst crowds. I’d rather cuddle with my dog and read a book/Reddit. I feel like I need to protect my mental health from the populace I’m surrounded by on a regular basis.
 Dogs are great. they haven’t changed. I admire their optimism and their openness to life.
 and it’s like people purposely get in my way to then have to make a deal about getting out of the way,

Holy shit, so it’s not just me. This microaggressive move is SO irritating. Noticed this one a lot more too. People will clearly see you in their peripheral and then like get in your way or occupy a space in front of you. From driving to grocery store shopping. Forcing you to have to either wait for them (where they then proceed to move extra slow on purpose) or interact (usually negatively) to have them move or disperse. It’s so unnecessary and aggravating. Definitely notice it too.
 Sign of the times

2 Timothy 3:1-5 King James Version

3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.


Everyone’s changed. I think they ruined our life. I want out of the town I live in, it’s so depressing. Vaxxed zombies mostly. I’m hanging out in small towns just to see a few people who smile once in a while and have some emotions left.

As someone who didn’t take the vax (including my spouse and children), and lives in a very blue state, I especially felt a monumental shift in the collective psyche of people around me. People became programmed to irrationally hate. These type of people actually seemed happier for a while during COVID-19 as they rode the wave of the moral high ground and the false belief that they were this noble and wise group that was so right and so educated that they were saving the world like good little world citizens.

I think after a while, they started realizing that maybe things weren’t going the way their narrative and their government had promised. What a letdown that the maligned and disgusting “conspiracy theorists” may have been right. That’s disparaging. Also having unknown amounts of experimental juice in your body has got to be disparaging. How do you mentally deal with something like that? And for people like me and my family who were threatened with total social and financial annihilation, how do we not become a little bit afraid to socialize with new people? I know I am always wary of things now like, “Would this person have loaded my family onto a train to the concentration camp if they could have?”… because as insane as that sounds, that’s where things would have headed if we didn’t have a mostly Conservative Supreme Court. And the majority of people didn’t even care.

How do we come back from this?


Everyone’s broke and miserable.


I always wondered if the vaccines have made people more neurotic. I’ve heard others bring it up too, so I know it’s not just me that thinks this.

The government broke the social contract


Finally, people are suspicious. Let’s face it: most folks fell for the propaganda and now they’re embarrassed or angry. Not only did everybody get Covid, but many got injured from the shots as well. Plus, everyone but the boomers abandoned state media for social media and it’s so easy to see the mountain of lies, deception, and plain fraud. People have woken up but at a cost.


(we live in the Kingdom of Heaven)

Constant narcissism and rage as if the world belongs to them, I’m seeing this EVERYWHERE I go and it’s unlike anything I’ve seen before.

I’ve noticed a lot of people seem to have brain fog or just their brains turned off? It’s happening a lot in public spaces and on the roadways, almost as if people are glitching out of reality. Spooky stuff

I’m South Korean. And something weird things happening.
Nowadays many Koreans lose the ability to think, write, and speak. Everyone just spending their time on YouTube or smartphone games. And even Koreans hate to play complicated games. Maybe they just want to do simple things.

Why are Koreans becoming stupid?

And as I said above. Many Koreans become illiterate. They know the Korean language. But they can not read or write.

It is too scary.

Related – States Sue META for Sparking a Youth Mental Health Crisis 


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