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Incredible! The Moon Abnormally Changed Orbit Around the Earth! March 7, 2019 (Video)

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Incredible! The Moon Abnormally Changed Orbit Around the Earth! March 7, 2019 (Video)

Published by JayWill7497

Do you know any secrets? Now is the time to release them. Forget any promises you made or vows you took. This is all corruption.

If someone makes you promise to jump off a cliff it doesn’t mean you have to.

There is no such thing as “government”, “society”, “company”, “organization”, these are just vague concepts, they are not real, they don’t have feelings. People are real. Your loyalty is to people and to Nature. Many thanks to youtuber UFONEARSUN – myunhauzen74

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Pay attention to the trajectory of the moon! The moon flies from left to right, freezes and moves in the opposite direction!!!

It can not be! Review of images obtained by NASA: SOHO STEREO, LASCO C2, LASCO C3 and other instruments to monitor our solar system. You can see the different types of unidentified objects. Objects have different shapes and sizes. UFOs are in different points in space near the Sun.

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The Establishment continue to push forward in their attempt to shut down the alternative press that is rapidly growing and pushing out the faltering mainstream media. As the EU demands social media sites censor fake news and Reddit, Facebook and other sites begin blocking Fusion Laced Illusions and other alternative media it is now alarmingly evident that their truly is a war on free speech.

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    Total 14 comments
    • Central Scrutinizer

      The STUPID is truly strong in this one.

      Here is a scientific explanation, courtesy of [You Maroon]

      “The strange “double-dip” motion of the Moon across the sun is a result of orbital mechanics. Both SDO and the Moon are orbiting Earth, but at different speeds. SDO’s velocity of ~3 km/s is faster than the Moon’s velocity of 1 km/s. SDO thus overtakes the Moon first in one direction, then the other, during the long eclipse”.

      Would it kill you to read a book???? :mrgreen:

    • Anonymous

      A REALLY WEIRD SOLAR ECLIPSE: Earlier today, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) observed an eclipse of the sun–a strange kind of eclipse that you can only see while orbiting Earth. The black disk of the New Moon passed in front of the sun, reversed course, and did it again:

      During the eclipse, which lasted just over 4 hours, as much as 82% of the sun was covered. Technically, that makes it an annular solar eclipse, not total. At maximum, an annulus or “ring of fire” completely surrounded the Moon.

      The strange “double-dip” motion of the Moon across the sun is a result of orbital mechanics. Both SDO and the Moon are orbiting Earth, but at different speeds. SDO’s velocity of ~3 km/s is faster than the Moon’s velocity of 1 km/s. SDO thus overtakes the Moon first in one direction, then the other, during the long eclipse.

      High-resolution images of the eclipse reveal that the Moon is not perfectly smooth. The little bumps and irregularities you see are lunar mountains backlit by solar plasma:

    • The Watcher


    • DK

      This one deserves some debunking and not in the way you think,

      The(annular) eclipse should only be visible at 20° or lower so this eclipse was not visible in the US and would have begun at 5:am. The poster commentators and debunkers missed the point in actually not doing their homework in that the eclipse as seen would only have occluded <10% of the upper sun, would not have reversed – any motion would have been the observers on Earth due to an earth wobble and the date was 6/3/2019 at 5am GMT or 6/3/2019 at midnight 00:00hrs EST exactly not 7/3/2019 as the video posts.

      So a) the only way the moon could have eclipsed the sun fully was if you were at something like 200° S or the earth was 3 times the size it is.
      b) either the earth moves wildly or the moon does, and the Earth is more unstable so the odds are the observer would have moved during an earth wobble at the right moment
      c) The time date stamp on the video from the Russian observatory shows the eclipse was exactly 23 hours late to begin with(this eclipse was NOT visible in Russia if there has been no orbit change)

      So the moon is in the wrong orbit and slow by 23 hours

      My comparison, Maris multimedias Redshift 2 running on XP on a virtual machine with a 15 day prediction from march 6th. I chose Redshift since the company is defunct and its software run from disk from a version from 1995 before the internet so IT CANNOT BE CHANGED, therefore the orbits should be as predicted from the early 1990's unless something has altered the solar system including the earth, which means I also observe to compare the two.

      • DK

        P:S there is also the corporate Microwave MASER mirrors in orbit which are around 20,000 miles up and used as weapons, such as last years California fires they are deliberately sized to look like fake eclipses and at least 2 are in orbit seen passing in front of the sun in September of last year by the national observatory without it censoring its feeds so it was shut down. Odds are we caught here a real eclipse and another of those mirrors.

      • Central Scrutinizer

        eclipse was not visible in the US ?????

        WTF, Mr Brainack?!?! What makes you think the video was from the Erf’? Goggle SDO and learn it’s out in S P A C E !!!!
        Maroon. :mrgreen:

        (And you had me, well up until the Maroonic MASER mirrors nonsense. Head back to your Mom’s basement and cut down on the Flaming Hot Cheetos).

        • Real Expert

          Calling people a color is not right.. If you are trying to call him what I think it’s MORON, not
          the color maroon (purplish red color).. So if you are going to insult, get it right.. It’s moron
          not maroon..

          • DK

            Anon, It’s probably a Bot, as you might have noticed, it was a bit quick to repost and is non specific, its original post contained a youtube url which would waste another hour of your life. It looks like my reply just turned up from 7.41 am so ‘it’s’ post was deleted just after I replied so we seem to have a page administrator online possibly Jaywill. The MASER stuff is real and has been up there on the quiet since the 70′s and it is something you have to live with – corporations, governments and orgs engaging in small terrorist acts against other governments corporations and orgs for power and position.

        • DK

          It was from a russian observatory by the video and by the way we have nothing over the south pole at this time to observe the eclipse which would need to be something like 12,000 miles up(or down for us), now if you have an observatory in orbit such as hubble in near lunar orbit you can create as many eclipses as you like and here are instruments which do this artificially , however this particular video is claiming an event for one eclipse visible on the earth using a Russian source when observers the earth would never see the event in the way shown. My proposition stands until you can demonstrate a polar orbiting observatory able to film the event for 12+ hours over the south pole in an area of the earth which is blank 71 ° on NASA satellite mapping due to allegedly a lack of ground communication equipment. Russia as a world class solar observatory in Russia, nothing in orbit. We would be looking at the TESIS on the Koronas-Foton launched in 2009 and it dissapeared in 2010. It’s the only one Russia has sent up in 11 years, now there could be some super new super secret device but I certainly dont know about it.

        • DK

          I had my reply removed when yours was deleted, so here is the shortened version, checked out 11 years of spaceflight wiki for Russia, nothing listed since the 2009 solar observatory launch which failed & lost in 2010 the Coronas-Photon the third in the series. There is nothing Russian up there at this time that could have shot the clip( your post is a new edit, far more abusive in the original). And by the way when you have forest fires the forest burns and the house – not the house and the car hubcaps which melted at 660°C which is some 480°C more than the combustable temperature of wood . But you dont care about the small stuff since your here for the fun :grin:

    • trashman


    • trashman

      central scrutinizer it seems too me that you seem too know m ore than any of the rest of us about these anomalies, so please enlighten the rest of us dummies about how the moon can rise above the horizon, full moon btw, and then stay stationary for a period of 2 fu ki ng hours!!!! That happened to ome and my wife as we had a 120 mile drive ahead of us and we saw the moon rise , go up about 10 degrees above the horizon then stay their at the 10 degree position for almost a full 2 hours!!! I am sick and tired of Trolls like you who like too either try or they do debunk legitimate people who are truly noticing strange phenomenon going on around them, you see i get it if you are a troll, cause then you are being paid too debunk people so they truly dont panic knowing some truths , but when you hear of 1000s of people commenting on strange things going on, then you are basically calling them all stupid, which is wrong of you too do , because your calling Eskimo Indians who Live by the stars , yes, even still today, and they are n oticing that the sun is setting in the wrong position, or how ab out the Re-Calibrating on all flights due too the fact that almost daily they are slightly off due too the ground beneath them moving, the people DO have a right too know some things , and should know some things, and i say that because if the people knew everything they would panic , and things would be much worse, but , all of us need too prepare for whats coming, like the Global elites do , who have spent over 26,000,000,000,000 so far on ( Deep Underground Military Bases ), thats known btw. The actual number is quite higher. I could go on and on btw, but the things i know are still classified, so i cannot. But as deep as we are in the Global Catastrophic Times of the end says that we should say some things. So please get of your High horse and stop the name calling!!!Calling ppl maroons?!, comeon! Grow up and start looking at the individual trees and start looking at the forest!!!

      • Central Scrutinizer

        “I could go on and on btw”

        I’m pretty sure you just did. It took me three of four trys to make it through your missive on a single breath (Given the sentence structure and lack of punctuation, it is meant to be read that way).

        Troll? Yea, nah. Definitely unpaid. Still waiting for that cash to roll in.
        Merely observant, with a heavy dose of biting sarcasm. :mrgreen:

    • trashman

      Oh btw i dont give a dam if i wasnt politically correct or if my sentences werent quite perfect, you see i live in the real world . Golly gee willikers i think i see me a alliene. get ur butt out here margaret and luke at these allienes. LOL golllllllly

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