Winged Humanoid Terrorizing People All Over Chicago
Have you guys heard about the huge “winged humanoid” batlike creature who is being seen all over Chicago right now? Ron Strickler was on Coast to Coast the other night talking about it. Here’s just one of the encounters:
LON STRICKLER- “I received a brief email today (Thursday 8/10 – 3:45PM ET) from a witness in Chicago. I was asked to call them for further information…so I responded with a telephone call at 4:10PM ET:
The witness, ‘AG’ and her husband (who live in the Washington, D.C., suburbs), are in Chicago visiting her parents, who live at 1400 Lake Shore Dr. She was born and raised in Chicago and went to college there also.
Last night (Wednesday 8/9/2017) at approximately 9:20 PM CT, the witness and her husband were returning to her parent’s residence after taking a brief walk along N. Lake Shore Drive (walking south). As they approached E. Schiller St. they noticed something large & dark flying towards them from their left (from the direction of Lake Michigan). Both witnesses were startled, as the flying anomaly crossed ahead of them at an altitude of 20 or so feet. They watched the anomaly sweep upwards, over the trees in front of 1400 N. Lake Shore Dr., then stop in mid-air after it reached a height just a few stories from the top of the building. It hovered with a large pair of wings for approximately 5 seconds, as it seemed to focus on the windows in front of it. It then bent backwards and fell into a dive down towards the trees.
The witnesses hurriedly walked in the direction of the intersection and then turned right onto E. Schiller St., quickly walking towards the entrance to the condominium building. Then suddenly, the large winged being slowing descended in front of them, no more than 25 feet away. It hovered about 5 feet above the sidewalk, with it’s wing spread open, as it peered at the couple with large bright red eyes that slowly altered back and forth in intensity. Several people on the other side of the street, including a delivery van driver, reacted with screams and frightened yelps. The winged being hovered for 10 seconds, then quickly pulled the wings into its body and shot up quickly into the night sky. There was no sound, other than a rush of air as the being flew upwards.
The witness ‘AG’ described the winged being as ‘human-like’ with a small head that narrowed at the top. It had legs like a human with long feet that tapered. Neither witness noticed any arms. The body was 5-6 feet in height and it had wide wings that resembled the top wings of a butterfly, attached along the body. The illumination from the building entrance could be seen through the wings, so it looked to be made of a skin or membrane. The wingspan was easily 10+ feet. The legs pulsated as it hovered in the air. The overall color was very dark…like a deep bluish-green. The skin on the body may have been moist, since it was shiny. The eyes were large compared to the head size…slightly slanted, and alternated back and forth in brightness. It made no noise, other than a slight humming from the pulsating legs. Both witnesses stated that they felt ‘a vibration that emanated from the being.’
The witness did see at least one camera flash come from across the street. Neither witness was able to retrieve their phones…the fear and shock was too profound during the encounter. AG stated that she literally ‘fell to her knees after the incident, and that her husband had to assist her the rest of the way. Neither witness has slept more than an hour or two since their encounter 18 hours previous.
NOTE: The witness’ statement by telephone was quite dramatic and detailed. I’ll admit, she freaked me out a bit. This encounter / sighting, to date, offers the best description of this flying humanoid. The husband of the witness talked briefly, but he acted like he would rather not say too much. The witnesses were suppose to fly home today, but they have delayed their departure for a few days. AG told me ‘I’m just not ready to get on an airplane right now.’ Any updates will be included with this post. This sighting has been added to the Chicago Phantom / Owlman / Mothman / Man-Bat / Flying Humanoid Reports – Chicago Metro Area – Interactive Map
UPDATE: I have decided to disclose another incident (that I have yet to report…except to the ‘Chicago Phantom Task Force’). This sighting occurred on Saturday evening August 5th. The witness lives 1 block away from today’s report at 1400 N. Lake Shore Dr. I was hoping to get more information through an interview, but the witness never got back to me:
I tuned into WGN Radio this morning around 4:15 CST and to my amazement heard talk about the big moth in Chicago.
I saw something weird yesterday evening out my window! I live at 1350 N. Lake Shore Drive and was looking out my window over to the condos at Ritchie Court. At about floor 17, I saw reflected in that window, some dark blue wings pass by. First one window, then the next, and a few seconds later, another window. It was flying! I thought it was someone shaking a towel, but everything inside me said it was a flying moth!
Have you had a sighting of a flying humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois, metro area or nearby? The entity has also been referred to as the ‘Chicago Phantom’, ‘Chicago Mothman’, ‘Chicago Owlman’ & ‘Chicago Man-Bat.’ Please feel free to contact me at – your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon.”
Here’s a link to an interactive map of all the Chicago sitings. Click on the title of each siting and it will take you to a link of the eye witness acct. There are 38 of them.
Some of the accts even have pictures of it.
Here’s one from this account of the creature.
Listen to Ron Strickler’s FASCINATING interview on these sitings that he did last week on Coast to Coast AM here: Strange Flying Creatures in Chicago 8/16/2017.
**IF** this thing exists at all, and is not just choreographed ‘reports’ like the “witnesses” from 911 and the Pentagon…then It is not a cryptid, but an anti-grav pack equipped toy from the deep state, the same ones attempting the coup on Trump.
Crafted to invoke the terror of Mothman, who IS a cryptid, and perhaps the loneliest entity on this planet, being the last of his kind, a sole survivor from before the flood, who lives in the borderlands between dimensions, like the Jinn.
Mothman would try to warn humans of disasters on the timeline. This gizmo in Chicago may be intended to feed that knowledge to make good stories bro…especially if Chicago is the planned site of the next deep state 911, on Sept 11th coming up…in the interstate tunnel under the Chicago Commodity Exchange..
Hint: Too many convenient photos and poses by the artifact.
“The legs pulsated as it hovered in the air.”
While hunting an aquaintance heard rustling in the woods, so he quietly approached the sound, and he came to wide clearing. On the other side of the clearing, a few feet above the pine tree tops was a silver disk, hovering perfectly still. Below the disk the tips of the tree swirled in the pulsing anti-gravity field.
Nice try though, “A” for effort.
“Have you guys heard about the huge “winged humanoid” batlike creature who is being seen all over Chicago right now”
Maybe its George Soros with some Project Paperclip DARPA outfit, Soros is like Count Von Count from the Muppets
Ve need more chaos, more chaos !!!!
Does Soros live in America or does he fly back to Transylvania every night with all his blood stained loot ?
Sounds like his main home is HELL. Transylvania is his summer home.
Im not listening to anyone sporting one eye symbolism. You want people to listen , then get rid of your avatar.
Yeah it even looks like the Eye of Ra, another government agent planting disinformation.
This is why you shouldn’t believe every stupid thing on BIN, they’ve hidden themselves in alt media the same as MSM, spreading lies, and turning the left and right against each other, by perpetuating the belief that there really is a left and right.
So which one is which ?
Hegelian is on the right and Dialectic is on the left? or it is the other way around?
And all us mere mortal non-billionaire peasants in the middle are just cannon fodder for the bejeweled “elites” ?
Or in other words, Same Old Shi’t, Different Century
Omg I never even noticed that. Thank you. Definitely changing that.
all these witnesses and NOBODY pulled out a phone? yeah, right
There are pictures in some of the accts. In fact I included some in this article. You must not read before u comment
Yeah but the only picture of a “creature” that you included are over 6 years old…
Strangely enough, there were similar reports in Viet Nam of exactly the same type of animal. It used sound to block US radar and signal and when they sent a team in to investigate, it turned out to be these exact same description creatures. Only one soldier made it out of the tunnels alive. They are maneaters.
Cryptozoology is a really worthwhile field of study.
Easy fix on this if and that’s an “if” (the size of Jupiter) does exist, just bind and banish it to George Soro’s house in the name of Jesus. Works for wasp’s.
It does sound like an ornithopter. Got to see a pic of the thing landed in a tree. That would be some indication that the thing is biological. Then it would be a matter of laboratory franken-beasts escaped or released to be considered. Well if the reported problems with guns is true it will soon be shot down and we will find out for sure.
Surprised the “boyz in the hood” haven’t taken it out with their Saturday night specials?
Indrid Cold is in the hood. Be berry careful, major EVENT coming.