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"Yeah... Though I Walk Through The Valley of The Shadow of Death." Why Does it Say... The SHADOW of Death? Hmm."

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 God Poet Transmitting…….

It is with some amount of sorrow that I consider today’s topic. It came to me as I was engaging with The Sun this evening; yesterday eve for those of you reading this now. I was thinking about how all my life I had been building relationships with invisible friends. These are friends of more than a lifetime. These are friends who will be with me… regardless of material circumstances… forever and… a day or two… at least.

Then is occurred to me that such thoughts seldom register in the minds of most people… whose concerns are with the temporary material conditions they find themselves in. They may have friends during this particular visit. They may have many friends, BUT… what about friends on the other side? What does one do when they pass into strange landscapes that they had little or no thought for while they were here?

People come into manifestation with a body adapted to residence here; a body that makes it possible to be here, and then… a some point… that body wears out or… some misfortune occurs (if misfortune it be), and one is obliged to go… elsewhere. How much time did they spend considering their next port of call?

In my life… this time around… I have asked hundreds of people about this; do they know anything about where they are headed… what they imagine they might find. Most of them responded with some version of… I’ll deal with that when it happens. It is as if some spell were on them, and all they really needed to pay attention to was what happens here. They reminded me of people on a train… covering some vast expanse of time and distance… relatively speaking, and looking out the window the whole time… as life went by… at places they would never see again.

Paramhansa (how they speak the name in India) Yogananda said; if you don’t look for God in the Springtime of your life. He won’t be there in the Winter. He was not the sort of fellow that was known for stern reminders, so… this was out of character for him to say something like this. It startled me the first time I came across it. Now… as I am further along on this ride… from somewhere to somewhere else; but really coiling in a circle to a point that is The Endless Now. I sense that what he said is true.

A dozen years ago, I was standing in our small house in Italy… when God’s voice came into my mind and said, “I’m here now and it isn’t even Winter yet.” I did not understand what he was talking about. He had to remind me of the Yogananda quote. It was like getting a punch in the stomach. I mean… it really hit me and I began to cry. It was so real.

Many times… countless times… my thoughts turn to a contemplation of Humanity… scurrying about like ants… in the pursuit of material interests. Their whole world is going on down here, and… one day… they are no longer around or… they are around but you can’t see them.

You see… it is possible to form lasting friendships with entities, angels…devas… and other creatures of a less salutary nature. The thing is… know it or not… you are always building relationships with entities you cannot see, who are attracted to you by the quality of your astral body, and your thoughts and desires. They attach themselves to you. This is… literally… true.

On the lower end, they account for the maladies and disorders that come into your body. On the higher end, they account for maintaining certain qualities you have developed or..brought into life with you, and continue to build and strengthen. Much of what happens to or for you… comes about due to what has attached itself to you on a particular plane.

On The Other Side… on planes of being more subtle than the physical plane… you are forming relationships that will be a great deal more real than they are now… once you leave here, and find yourself in a place where thoughts and feelings are things.

I try to pray for my enemies. We all have them. I forgive them, of course. I try to be useful and look for ways to be useful and even negotiate with The Divine about putting people on my karmic account. We do have an account that is no different than a bank account… according to As Above… So Below.

I don’t do this cause I’m some wonderful kinda guy, I never make any claims of that nature and I certainly don’t think so. The Divine would never permit that, and I have prayed often… to be immediately informed… if I depart from The Way.

Why I do these things and why I am as I am is because… I KNOW how it all works. It is impossible to ignore, and impossible not to cooperate when you know how things work. I’m sure it sounds funny coming from someone who says, I don’t know so often, BUT… in fact… there are a few things I do know and that is one of them. I have a pretty clear idea about how things work. I do not mean to imply that I know all the ins and outs, I do not.

I understand the implications of The Golden Rule. I understand the implications of The Greatest Commandment. I understand what Jesus The Christ really meant when he said, “No man comes unto The Father save by me.” It was because he is The Soul, and it is The Soul that unites with The Spirit… which is The Father, and that should explain The Second Birth and The Baptism of The Spirit.

The thing is… unless you behave like him, and have in you the same mind that was in Christ Jesus… you are out of line… you are not in resonance… because that is how The Resonance is accomplished. So in my case, I am not trying to be all high and noble. I am walking in the footsteps of The Master and that is how it moves. There isn’t an alternative from what I can see, and it has nothing to do with religion… rituals… routines… regulations… dogma, and cant. This is just what you do when you want to do The Right Thing.

God is watching us all the time and we have to behave as if we know this; Cave Dei Videt… beware, God is watching. God is present AND… if you come into resonance then God’s Presence is… PALPABLE. Then… it is a matter of total reliance on that presence to meet your every need. You need to be fixed in this way because… Life ebbs and flows, and everything passing across The Mind Screen is… weather.

If you get involved in The Weather as if it were real… then you are caught up. The Mind becomes entangled with The Object. This is utter simplicity and nearly impossible to explain. It’s God or The Weather, folks. In other words… you are always dealing with eternal principles in temporary settings. Which of these do you hold to, and maintain a relationship with?

The Mind… The Will… The Imagination… The Desire Force… The Love Nature and the direction taken… these are all powers that are misunderstood and seen backwards because of the subjectivity enforced upon us by The World. Are you free or… are you not free? What is it that traps… binds and entangles us? What is it that frees and liberates us? They are the same thing, BUT… our priorities are skewed. We are seeing existence from a mortal perspective. You are not mortal, BUT… it requires a change in awareness to change your perspective. That is what illumination… enlightenment; all the various and limiting terms are trying to reveal.

We live in a world that promotes paranoia. We adjust to that; bad move. This is what The Childlike Mind is about… it is to be freed from that awareness; Yeah though I walk through The Valley of The Shadow of Death. Why does it say The Shadow of Death? Hmm. That is something to think about I would say.

Nothing is real but God alone, and if you think otherwise you are caught up in The Weather. Heh heh; What’s the forecast? Why are the predictions of professionals almost always off? No one knows the hour of his coming. Doesn’t that imply he is coming? Think about it. Why say no one knows the hour of his coming unless he’s coming?

Much is going to be revealed in these times to those who possess the eyes to see it. Otherwise, it’s going to be business as usual, and a whole lot of people are going to be getting on the business end of life’s going-out-of-business sale. Keep it in mind, folks; Everything Must Go. I hear that no reasonable offer will be refused. That would be wonderful if the whole thing weren’t unreasonable to begin with. Remember, The Supreme Reason is another name for God, and…

…one last thing.

End Transmission…….

Links will be at GAB=

Next Song;

Life Goes on Forever (and Time… he is a thief.)

All the things I could have said

the words just rush together

and all the things I could not say

the thoughts inside my head

appear to me as pictures in

a language I can’t speak

from books, I never read

in all the moments passing

thru the timeless place that rests

beyond the reach of suffering

and we keep coming back


this state of grief

and Time… he is… a thief

before the time that I was born

and when I learned I could not die

and still, somehow I can’t escape

the dreams inside my head

Life goes on forever…

Life goes on forever…

Life goes on forever…

and time… he is… a thief…

time is the measure of our pain

as we keep coming back again

turning on the wheel of fire

burning with a fool’s desire

darkness comes to seal the end

and then we’re born again

and time… he is… a thief

Oh how bright the candle burns

The windows catch the light

And I dream on cloudy seas

the world has brought me to my knees

why did I seek

this place of grief?

and time… he is… a thief

before the time that I was born

and when I learned I could not die

and still, somehow I can’t escape

the dreams inside my head

Life goes on forever

Life goes on forever

Life goes on forever

and time… he is… a thief

How long will the river run

The Sun forever shines

I lost my way some time ago

when I lost my mind

and the parts I can’t remember

have not come back to me

and Time… he is… a thief

a thousand years is but a day

as angels hold the world in place

endless light shines from the face

of one we cannot name

whose beauty is a flame

that burns inside of me

and Time… he is… a thief

before the time that I was born

and when I learned I could not die

and still, somehow I can’t escape

the dreams inside my head

Life goes on forever

Life goes on forever

Life goes on forever

and time… he is… a thief

Patanjali’s Sutras, Book Two continuing=

4. The darkness of unwisdom is the field of the others.

These barriers may be dormant, or worn thin, or suspended, or


Here we have really two sutras in one. The first has been

explained already: in the darkness of unwisdom grow the

parasites, hate, lust, attachment. They are all outgrowths of

the self-absorption of the psychical self.

Next, we are told that these barriers may be either dormant,

or suspended, or expanded, or worn thin. Faults which

are dormant will be brought out through the pressure of life,

or through the pressure of strong aspiration. Thus expanded,

they must be fought and conquered, or, as Patanjali quaintly

says, they must be worn thin,—as a veil might, or the links of


5. The darkness of ignorance is: holding that which is

unenduring, impure, full of pain, not the soul, to be eternal, pure,

full of joy, the soul.

This we have really considered already. The psychic man

is unenduring, impure, full of pain, not the soul, not the real

Self. The spiritual man is enduring, pure, full of joy, the real

Self. The darkness of unwisdom is, therefore, the self-absorption

of the psychical, personal man, to the exclusion of the

spiritual man. It is the belief, carried into action, that the

personal man is the real man, the man for whom we should toil,

for whom we should build, for whom we should live. This is

that psychical man of whom it is said: he that soweth to the

flesh, shall of the flesh reap corruption.

6. Self-assertion comes from thinking of the Seer and the

instrument of vision as forming one self.

This is the fundamental idea of the Sankhya philosophy,

of which the Yoga is avowedly the practical side. To translate

this into our terms, we may say that the Seer is the spiritual

man; the instrument of vision is the psychical man, through

which the spiritual man gains experience of the outer world.

But we turn the servant into the master. We attribute to the

psychical man, the personal self, a reality which really belongs

to the spiritual man alone, and so, thinking of the quality of the

spiritual man as belonging to the psychical, we merge the

spiritual man in the psychical; or, as the text says, we think of

the two as forming one self.

7. Lust is the resting in the sense of enjoyment.

This has been explained again and again. Sensation, as,

for example, the sense of taste, is meant to be the guide to

action; in this case, the choice of wholesome food, and the

avoidance of poisonous and hurtful things. But if we rest in

the sense of taste, as a pleasure in itself; rest, that is, in the

psychical side of taste, we fall into gluttony and live to eat,

instead of eating to live. So with the other great organic

power, the power of reproduction. This lust comes into being,

through resting in the sensation, and looking for pleasure from



See more Visible Origami at Les Visible


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  • jon

    like a shadow death is everywhere. everyone casts a shadow. we can not escape it, we all die.

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