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The Church Fathers Made Sure Certain Cardinal Truths, and Enduring Principles were Left Out of The Catechism.

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 God Poet Transmitting…….

I know two wonderful people from Monticello, KY. They live(d) in a beautiful… ramshackle house high above a lake. The man’s brother lived a hundred yards away or so. I spent a couple of days with them during a road trip… before I came West. Seems like a long time ago now.

I had to search and search, but… eventually, I found a single email that I knew was the right one. I’m waiting on an answer now. I can’t find any news about the town. Maybe it’s not even there anymore. They live in a national forest. It is very nice. (this part of the post was written last night.)

So many people killed… so many people murdered by The Deep State and The FEMA death squads. First came 9/11. Then came The Killer Vaccines. Now comes the climate change… geo-engineered storms. Death is a real growth industry, and… it doesn’t seem to matter if people object or protest… the killing goes on. A literal genocide is taking place in Gaza, while my temporal government asks if there is anything they can do to help them perform their genocide. The Crass Media calls the mutilated, the dead, and the dying… terrorists because they are not pleased with having their nation stolen from them.

I cannot understand how… in these times… nations can be so cowed by banker scum and political streetwalkers. I can’t understand how a band of merciless killers could torture and execute tens of millions of Russians… fake a Holocaust, and then stage manage and perform an open-air… live feed… extermination of people with nowhere to go.

These monsters who are behind the genocide… are also the architects of the Ukraine War, and nearly every other outrage being committed against others anywhere in The World… except in certain… specific countries… where the targets are their own citizens.

They manufactured The Killer Vaccines, and they have created the storms that are wiping out entire communities.

It is such a full-time job that they have to hire thousands of people to help them getter done. These monsters… through occult rituals and money manipulations… have taken much of the known world hostage. A few nations that they are also seeking to destroy… are powerful enough to defend themselves, and so far… have held these ravening jackals at bay.

It is over for them. In the higher locations of The Low Down and Dirty… when I look in on what is precipitating out of the aethers… I see they are destroyed. They don’t know this yet because it hasn’t gotten to them, but it will. It is already a reality on the invisible planes… from which all manifestation comes.

The old order of compromised principalities and powers is falling. Their rule is coming to an end. A fitting darkness will enclose them… in that place where there is only wailing and gnashing of teeth. They have RSVP’D Hellfire, and it is coming in formal garb. They are going to make an endless night of it.

If you’ve ever seen a Possession Ceremony… then you know there will be dancing of a certain kind. The buffet table is catered by The Movable Beast. It’s a storied firm from The Nether Regions. They’ve been in business since before light was a thing. Music will be provided by a band of living instruments… in various stages of extreme suffering. I understand they have entertained Vlad The Impaler… Tamerlane and Family… The Khans; both Asian and AskeNAZI. They are the go-to performance artists for The Damned in the know.

A Hell of a time will be had by all. You will need an invitation, however. Still… if you continue to behave badly… your day will come. Satanyahu will be there, and the head of The Rothschild Family… who will appear as Pinhead The Cenobite… with an escort of misshapen troglodytes… that would make The Elephant Man look like Robert Redford in his prime. Oh! To be a bot-fly in the eye of a cockroach on the wall, BUT… I have better things to do, and no doubt I can buy the DVD when it comes out.

Isn’t it something… how strong the illusion is? You can’t see anything but wall-to-wall evil at the moment, BUT… that will change. It’s transition time. It’s that period when both the demolition crew and the construction crew are on the site at the same time. There’s a lot of noise and dust… bad language and rough-hewn camaraderie are everywhere… except when management is doing a tour.

Then there are a lot of sidelong glances and muttering. You’ve been there. You know what I’m talking about, even if all you have is the DVD. Well… what do they say? Shit happens? When you finally wise up you know enough not to be around when shit happens. It’s better to hear about it later on at a comfortable distance. The only obvious exception would be if it was good shit happening, and The Lords of Karma take care of that; the same as they do with bad karma. Still… when you do know what’s happening…

you can make arrangements ahead of time. Most people don’t know about this because most people don’t believe in that sort of thing anyway. The church fathers made sure to see that certain cardinal truths and enduring principles were left out of the catechism.

How about the latest Alexa curiosity? My analysis of what occurred… when Alexa was telling people the hurricane was geo-engineered… is that AI only knows what it is told OR… CAN… ACCESS. If you want it to arrive at a perspective… you feed all kinds of relative information in and it sorts the lot. The intention for AI from the mindset of The Controllers… is to program The Hive Mind, BUT… it’s like Nature; life WILL find a way to come about.

Okay… so they went into damage control and earlier in the week they had Alexa saying that an earthquake was going to hit Southern Kalifornia. It didn’t so… now they can say that the other thing was just a glitch. However… here is clear evidence of how no matter what The Godless Shitheels get up to… their own passion for Evil is going to bring them down. It… is…written… into… the… life-dynamic… code.

Programmers are running around programming… at the behest of those who pay them to do so, BUT… God is the original programmer. God programmed the programmers, and this is how The Purpose of Demonstration can always be depended on to take place… before the eyes of the people… who need to see and experience it.

They say The Game is rigged. They say The House always wins; As Above… So Below people. It can look like circumstances are arranged… against your better interests… in the short term, BUT… they are not, (unless you made other arrangements) and that is why an optimistic perspective ALWAYS proves out. The Sun is your best model for this principle. You might ask yourself; what would The Sun do? Then you go ahead and do what The Sun would do… which is shine… shine… shine.

I haven’t heard back from my friends in Kentucky. They are right in that area that butts up against the devastation of North Carolina. Now Florida is in the gunsights… and Lithium is a big problem. Authorities are telling people to have their golf carts towed away to somewhere that is not their garage. The batteries keep catching fire. Is there some kind of irony at work here?

Hydrogen is magnitudes better than electric cars. They know this. They know all kinds of things, BUT… The Darkness in them keeps pushing. Too bad for The Bad Guys though… because this… is the turning of the age, and technology is about to revolutionize the whole world, AND… a spiritual revival is set to sweep the planet. They don’t have a prayer; not that they do much time praying, to The Origin Source that is.

Scheming is another form of praying and that is what The Seriously Deluded get up to; scheming and plotting… conniving… seeking advantage; eaters of offal… fighting over turds.

Let me remind The Reader that there is no force on this planet… or anywhere else… that can equal the force of The Divine… in fact… any force that expresses… in opposition to The Divine… gets its power from The Divine, so… it’s all a set-up to begin with. Yes… the House always wins, BUT… who is The House? Ergo… it all boils back down again into The Purpose of Demonstration. Enjoy The Show, and… if possible… stay off The Stage.

I am a performer, BUT… I have learned to be selective about the audience I perform for. I KNOW there is an invisible audience that is far larger than the visible audience, and it is a more lasting… attentive… and polite audience as well. I prefer this. The Stage is everywhere, and…

one last thing,

End Transmission…….

Links are at GAB=

Patanjali’s Sutras; end of Book One=

47. When pure perception without judicial action of the

mind is reached, there follows the gracious peace of the inner


We have instanced certain types of this pure perception:

the poet’s divination, whereby he sees the spirit within the

symbol, likeness in things unlike, and beauty in all things; the pure

insight of the true philosopher, whose vision rests not on the

appearances of life, but on its realities; or the saint’s firm perception

of spiritual life and being. All these are far advanced

on the way; they have drawn near to the secret dwelling of


48. In that peace, perception is unfailingly true.

The poet, the wise philosopher, and the saint not only

reach a wide and luminous consciousness, but they gain certain

knowledge of substantial reality.

When we know, we know that we know.

For we have come to the stage where we know

things by being them, and then being nothing can be more true.

We rest on the rock, and know it to be rock, rooted in the very

heart of the world.

49. The object of this perception is other than what is

learned from the sacred books, or by sound inference, since this

perception is particular.

The distinction is a luminous and inspiring one. The

Scriptures teach general truths, concerning universal spiritual

life and broad laws, and inference from their teaching is not

less general. But the spiritual perception of the awakened seer

brings particular truth concerning his own particular life and

needs, whether these be for himself or others. He receives

defined, precise knowledge, exactly applying to what he has at


50. The impress on the consciousness springing from this

perception supersedes all previous impressions.

Each state or field of the mind, each field of knowledge, so

to speak, which is reached by mental and emotional energies,

is a psychical state, just as the mind picture of a stage with

the actors on it is a psychical state or field. When the pure

vision, as of the poet, the philosopher, the saint, fills the whole

field, all lesser views and visions are crowded out. This high

consciousness displaces all lesser consciousness. Yet, in a

certain sense, that which is viewed as part, even by the vision of

a sage, has still an element of illusion, a thin psychical veil,

however pure and luminous that veil may be. It is the last

and highest psychic state.

51. When this impression ceases, then, since all impressions

have ceased, there arises pure spiritual consciousness, with

no seed of separateness left.

The last psychic veil is drawn aside, and the spiritual man

stands with unveiled vision, pure, serene.


See more Visible Origami at Les Visible


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