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Prophecy News - 'Man meets Higher Beings, Reveals Messages about Humanity's future & The Earth in 2025!' October 4th, 2024

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This message given to Seph Dietlin over twenty odd years aligns very closely with Jesus’ latest message, Mary’s latest Message and the messages communicated in France between 2009 and 2012, when the French messages stopped to give Jesus his chance to communicate through His last prophet in Ireland. We are passing from the revelatory stage into the purging phase where “catalysts” or shocks for change will operate, and then of our own accord, each individually, if we will, receive an expansion of conscious into a realization of Unity. The real goal, of this change, is Unity. Not forced, but as an inner realization. Consciousness cannot be forced, it must be self-administered with an openness for the new era. Very well spoken by Seph Dietlin.

Spoken by Seph Dietlin

October 4th, 2024

One of the biggest things that’s going to come in 2025.. While there will be massive events that will contribute to the destruction of the old systems, the bigger event here is going to be Unity that’s going to be seen. So again it depends on what you’re looking at and part of your experience.

Hello my name is Seph Dietlin and I am an angel communicator. I’m a certified hypnotherapist, and in my work I am someone who activates human potential, which means that through the various ways of communicating with the angels and working with people, teaching classes and doing other things, I help people to step into the larger and most creative part of who they are.

My Spiritual Awakening story, Yes. So this was about 20 plus years ago, was in 2002, and at that particular time my life was going just fine until one day, and as a real estate agent in Southern California I had a bunch of escrow get cancelled, and then I was also in a relationship that was one-sided. I was the support of it, and I was basically being used. And- and I decided to have a conversation with this person about having something more mutual; and the response to that conversation was that this person decided to just grab their clothes and leave and go move back in with their father. So that- in that one day I had an immense amount of setbacks, which caused me to go into a huge state of panic.

And up until that point I had accomplished quite a few things and it felt like a bigger setback than it actually was, but in that moment of panic I actually prayed to what we could call God or the Holy Spirit or the Creator, and I was about to ask if I could go to sleep and not wake up. Not that I would ever commit suicide but that I wanted to leave because this life is so tricky and difficult, and the minute you think that you’re ahead and that you’re doing great things, it all gets taken away from you.

And although that’s how we see it when we have a setback. And when I knew that I wasn’t going to get that prayer answered, I then said, “Well that’s fine, I want to talk to my angels. I want a tangible communication link with my angels; they don’t do me any good if I can’t hear them or see them or anything else.. and I don’t care what we have to do here I want to see them or feel them. I want want to hear them speak to me too, I want to know that they’re real.”

And in that moment I felt something touch me. I felt a peace overcome me, and not only did I feel a peace overcome me, but I felt something inside me receive telepathic communication, not that I knew what that was at the time- it was just a knowing that I was receiving an information message and it said, “Seph, you’re not just going to be okay you’re going to be better than okay.” And in that moment my pets even got up on the bed, and they looked around.. I could feel something encircling me, and they were looking around because they could see something in the room- they could perceive something in the room as well, and I was pretty sure that I had an experience.

So the next day while I was trying to figure out what had happened, I heard something kind of fly by my ear and I said “Hello”, and it said “Hello”, and what had happened was that it had opened a communication link with the angels. And by the way, just to define what I consider the Angels: the Angels is a field of Consciousness that is, let’s say, the first layer of creativity from the Creative Source. So the Angels is a field of Consciousness that’s very high and is close to the Source, and has the ability to communicate with us.

So in that field of Oneness I felt this connection with these angels. And over time what would happen is a couple of things: one, I started to know things that were about to happen because they would tell me; they would tell me that my sister was going to call that day that she was pregnant going to have a little girl, and four hours later my sister called me told me she was pregnant and she had a little girl, and then lots of different things that they would tell me was going to happen, and they would happen.

And then they be- begin to really solidly make that communication link um more available and I was talking to them all day. I would say something to them and I would get a reply, whether I was driving in my car. I got incense; I started burning incense because it would take me into what I didn’t know at the time was just a higher state of consciousness, which happens when we have incense or candles or beautiful music going, and eventually they would lead me to know that the world is changing- that we are about to enter into a phase on this planet that most people refer to as the New Earth.

They refer to it as ‘Heaven on Earth’. Doesn’t matter what we call it, it’s the same thing, but in this switch over or change a few things would happen that would be quite notable. And they said that the reason that they had come to me, like other people, is that we are being calibrated, or equipped, to be able to help people walk through this period of time. Now keep in mind that was in 2003- 2002, and for a long period of time I’ve had these conversations with them about what the new earth looks like and what the dismantling phase of the old earth looks like.

So in the dismantling phase everything that we accept as a contribution to humanity has outlived its purpose, and that’s the money system, the government, other things such as religions, and we wouldn’t need the medical system, they said, because we would vibrate at such a high frequency that we would never have disease. All of humanity would have an Awakening and become part of this new Earth, and that those of us who would get calibrated to understand that that- would be part of, who would assist Humanity through this process.

We’re in the process right now as we’re watching all these systems break down. They can’t serve us anymore, and we’re watching all of these things happen as we’re bringing in new Consciousness, and people have new ideas. We’re able to consciously create our own reality and understand how we are the ones that do that. In the last four years we’ve seen this apparent shift in the deconstruction; we’ve seen this apparent shift in deconstruction phase of our reality. We can’t deny that we’re watching our world devolve or deconstruct its old systems, and the angels in the conversations I’ve had with them, have been talking about this since I started talking to them in 2002.

Now there are other Mystics such as Dolores Cannon who’ve been hearing about this through hypnosis- uh, who’ve been hearing about it through hypnosis subjects for years and years, before this even happened. I didn’t hear about it until later, but many people who tap into some field of- in higher intelligence have all got the same information years and years before this event. So a couple of things that I can relay, that I do know, is that Humanity does make it to the other side of this transition.

So take peace in knowing that, where we’re at right now, while we’re recording this, which is at the end of 2024 moving into 2025. The angels have referred to some very distinct se- seasons of this transformation, and it’s not Four Seasons it’s three that they’ve talked about. You could call them three different phases. So the first phase is this Awakening phase or this revelatory phase, which is a lot of stuff that’s revealing that has been hidden for years and years and years.

So in this revelatory phase we begin to find out things that are hidden, and we’re not finding out these things because people are telling us. It’s because the light or information, or frequency on this plane is so high it has to pull it out into awareness. As we’re becoming more Mystic, as we’re becoming more aware and more psychic, more uh intuitive, these things can’t hide anymore, because we- we know them. So this is the revelatory phase.

Then what happens is the purging phase. So think of that as the next phase where all that doesn’t serve humanity is just going to be removed, edited or deleted. Think about if you have a house and all of a sudden your sink doesn’t work any more, so you replace it. It’s going to be like that with that that isn’t working, is just going to be replaced. And then the phase after that then is the expansion, or the elevation or the Ascension, or bringing into what all of this is building – the butterfly, so to speak.

So where we’re at right now in this phase, is we’re at the sort of end of the revelatory phase and at the beginning of the purging phase. What that means though – sort of like, when we have seasons on Earth, we’re swinging let’s say from Spring to Summer, and in some regions on one day in that middle ground between spring and summer, you can have a day where it snowed and it’s sort of like winter, and the next day it’ll be really hot outside, and then it might rain again. And in between Seasons you might have a little bit of each of the Season that kind of lays out..

So right now we’re in the phase, where we’re still in a revelatory phase, but because we’re in this season shift for the purging phase, we’re going to see more revelation and more purging. So through this next time we’re going to see a lot more information that’s going to help us understand how and why we need to be more Un- Unity focused, and we’ll have the inner ability to do it. And then we’re also going to watch as the old becomes obsolete, so we’ll be doing that at the same time, in let’s say the next year or so.

So one of the things I will share to you is that in January of 2020 I was told that there would be a big event that would begin this process of Awakening in the world. And of course in March of 2020, 3 months later, the whole world you know locked down, and uh got told that they had to stay home and all of that. Well 3 months before, the Angels had shared with me that there was a large scale event, but they didn’t paint the picture of what that would specifically be, because we have to see it unfold in order to have context for it.

So the events that we have coming next that are part of this revelatory phase and this purging phase, we won’t be able to have specific context for it. Like what’s going to happen here, what’s going to happen in Paris or what’s going to happen in Washington DC, or anything like that. What we will have instead is being in this continued phase, and it will show up in ways, that will be in a way that we don’t see coming until it comes, and we go “Okay, now that makes sense.” So your question is about any big events coming in 2025 and I can appreciate that question.

One of the biggest things that’s going to come in 2025, while there will be massive events that will contribute to the destruction of the old systems, the bigger event here is going to be Unity that’s going to be seen. So again it depends on what you’re looking at and part of your experience. Certainly when these big events happen, unless we’re right there where the event is happening, we’re usually just seeing it on a TV screen, right? It looks like something that’s happening out there, but the real event that I would say is going to be happening is the one that’s going to be happening in here for each of us.

Because we are going to begin to, without any external force causing us to do so, find a way to Unity, in a way we never thought of before. Back in that argument scenario, where we’re in a disagreement with another person, we never the mo- we never know the moment where something just shifts inside of us that says, “Oh my gosh, I don’t want to be fighting with this person anymore; I want to be in connectivity with the person.” But it is our awareness that asserts itself.

So what I mean by that is that our heart comes to the center of focus and says “Oh no I’m getting my way here.” We’re going to go back into this space thinking in terms of that argument that we have with a friend or a lover or a family member; we can be fully in our case against the other person and then all of a sudden something comes in. It’s because our heart asserts itself and says, “Oh no here I am”, and we just fall into it, we just succumb to it because that’s who we are. And then we’ll say, “Okay, wait a second here, I’m in this space and none of this makes sense.”

So the biggest event that’s going to start to take place in the coming year is that each of us are going to find ourselves in a space where our heart is going to expand and take us into a place where we’re taking notice. And, yes, there will be a lot of events that will begin to unravel things that we thought were permanent structures, and that’s all I can say because a lot of the things that look indestructible or that look like they have power against us, will actually find their way into an interesting way of dismantling themselves.

And that’s the only thing that I get from The Source, from the Angels. They don’t really add any specificity around that, but they do add that we won’t necessarily need to be focused on any of the dismantling part of it. That it will happen on its own, but that we will somehow or another find ourselves easily focused on creating Unity with each other, and over um imaginary National boundary lines, right? Because if you look at the planet from space, so to speak, it doesn’t have any lines saying this is the United States, this is France, this is China. It’s all one big unified form, and- and that’s where where we’ll be.

I know it sounds a bit optimistic, but that is the plan as this unfolds. Is there a pace to it? Is it going to go as quickly as we want it? Probably not. For those of us who want peace, we’d love to have it tomorrow, we’d love to have all these, you know, systems um remedied and fixed and and abundance to be restored upon Humanity. It is a process, but we will find a way through this process, and it will accelerate during this coming year, and we will see events that are unprecedented.

Yeah, so you’re asking if the old system would collapse and then we step into the new Earth. And what happens is, more like the old systems would become obsolete. So in much the same way that we may use cars or motorized vehicles to get around now, and certainly wouldn’t rely on the old horse driven system of riding horses or things like that; eventually what was new came in, and it made the old obs- Obsolete.

And so we’re in a process now, and the expansion of human awareness is giving us access to new ways of being, and those new ways of being will find their way into Unity, where we’ll collectively agree that new systems that serve the planet and its resources better are a way that we can collectively agree to move into. It’ll just simp- simply leave the old system behind, but in order to nudge us into this change, absolutely we will continue to see this destruction or this diminishing of the old systems, and it’s doing a good enough job of destroying itself. So we don’t even have to contribute to its destruction.

It on its own greed, and uh energy that doesn’t work with the light, is already setting up its own process. Uh, people can compare that to like a tapeworm that eventually eats itself, so the old systems are just becoming obsolete. Actually the the new Earth is coming through a more beautiful and gentle process than that. And another thing that I can say is that usually when something positive comes into our life and we sense that we’re at a crossroads or a precipice of some change, our mind usually gives us the worst case scenario about what’s going to happen next. It never has the best case scenario in its imagination.

However this is an event that’s driven by the creative forces behind the reality that we live in, which we are tied to. And because it’s driven by that, it has the ability to circumnavigate a lot of that negativity. Will there be and is there, negative events? Yes, but that’s only a catalyst of Awakening. We’re often sold this story of this apocalyptic um experience that we’re meant to actually have on this Earth, and maybe at the other end of this we wake up spiritually and discover something else. From what I get from the angels we are not on that trajectory, but the negativity that continues to heighten in our reality is actually part of a continued Catalyst to make sure that we don’t become complacent – complacent and just stumble on being humans in a reality. We’re meant to discover that we’re something bigger than that

And all of these difficult situations Force us into continued evolvement- continued expansion, because if those weren’t at play we would just rest where we are, and just take a day off and go to the beach or something, or enjoy the abundance that we have, whatever it is. And yet we’re meant to discover something that’s way bigger than that, and as a result of that these events are only allowed to happen because they’re catalysts. They keep pushing us forward, but they’re not the main event. The main event here is that we’re waking up and discovering that we are so much more than we had ever believed we are, which is why the Angels come into the conversation and why personal empowerment is so key. Because our personal expansion is connected to contributing to the expansion of the whole, or the globe if you like.

And in the meantime the expansion of the world is pressuring every human being to also evolve and expand. Everyone is affected by something that’s driving them to become a bigger and better version of themselves, and we see or recognize a lot of change in this. So the new Earth isn’t coming in at the heels of an apocalyptic event, it’s going to be much more gentle and much more full of love and ease than that scenario, but the difficult things will still appear while humanity is continuing to find its way back to a Unity that isn’t in the mind but it’s in the heart.

That’s why we have so much division. It’s because people are coming from the mind and the mind is an absolute construct, or a false construct, that sees everything in pure linear form. And the creation of all that is- is a nonlinear entity. We are nonlinear entities, and so there’s nothing absolute that exists. We can observe it as an absolute, and we want it to be absolute but it’s not. And what that means is that we are discovering things that we never before thought possible, but they’re more real than what we believed before.

And we’re constantly deconstructing and reconstructing our reality. That’s proof of the transformation, and one I know that a lot of people are interested in. And what happens to us is that we continue to expand, we continue to become more Fearless, we continue to see our creative capacity, and we continue to unite with each other on a whole different level. And that’s one of the things that will continue to happen to us. As we get into the higher stages of this transition and we already are.. people, as individuals, are just on different rungs of the ladder. They’re on different places in this journey.

There are some of us already who Feel Complete peace about all of the events that are happening that appear negative, because we can see how this is creating what’s to come. But while we’re doing this, those who have chosen to be here to build the new Earth have a built-in resilience in their life path, meaning that the life that they agreed upon and their being here; they’re meant to be here to be the architects of the new Earth, because they already have the blueprints stored inside of them.

And of course when we cross over to the other side, which is of interest to this particular audience, there is another side; there is a Divine side to this Veil. And for those who didn’t agree spiritually to be part of the building of the new Earth, they will return back to the other side in one way or another. Whatever those events, or whatever those situations may be, there will be people who will transition to the other side because they didn’t make the agreement with the Divine to be part of the building or architect team of- who would build, or come and bring in the new Earth.

And because there is reincarnation, because we have the ability to come back when the Earth is is vibrating at a higher frequency, those who have returned will just become incarnate again in another body, but in a reality that’s been resolidified in a new frequency. First of all, before these events started happening, I’ve been communicating with the angels, so when I speak on this I only speak on what I can relay from the source of the conversation which is this Angelic field of consciousness. And so they are the ones that have this ability to see what the divine plan is here.

Now first of all I have to introduce to you that there is no linear time. In much the same way that we think there’s a yesterday and a tomorrow, and we do experience that. Linear time is pure illusion, but it’s part of being in this dimension, for example on this Earth. But we already know what it’s like. And I know that your uh guests who have had near-death experiences can report being in a Timeless state of being. Even when we meditate, or even go spend the day in nature, we end up getting into a state that rises above the time- minutes hours. We can go on a vacation and be gone for two weeks or two months, and the time will fly by like as if it’s a second.

We can be older, for example I’m going to be 57 years old, and it seems like just a second ago I was graduating from high school. That’s how fast time flies, but the relevance to that in your question is that the source of this information which is the angels, has been talking about this transition from before these massive scale events. And one of the things they share with me is that part of this Ascension would also be a restoral of the Earth. Earth meaning from the the weather systems. And it’s also been indicated that this Earth has been through this cycle before, so in other words it’s been through a cycle of near destruction and it has rebuilt itself.

But in this Ascension what happens is that the destruction that we see around us from things that you mentioned, like the uh weather events and these extreme events that are taking place. Those events appear destructive to the planet, but in this phase when we get into the peaceful phase, there’ll be a different energy or vibration or frequency. And the best way that I could explain this is: imagine that you’re not feeling well that you have a cold or you’re sick and you’re in the hospital or you’re in your bed and someone comes and visits you, and they bring peace. They bring a presence of peace.

Peace has a frequency, and peace also has a frequency that brings in the Divine field of intelligence. So if you can imagine when we get to a place in our world where the world is at peace and prosperity, we’re bringing in an energy frequency where the Consciousness that’s in the earth can work through its processes to restore itself. So while we may be seeing these extreme events now, they’re part of the Catalyst of this shift and change, and it’s it’s also part of a purging process that’s going on as well now. And interestingly enough, there’s a lot of things that humans have done to actually contribute to some of these extreme events, some of them intentional some of them not.

But the thing is is that even though we’ve done things to destroy the Earth, the Earth has a field of awareness all of its own too. So in much the same way that when we become more enlightened and more full of awareness, we then end up becoming immune from- we don’t get colds as much anymore, we don’t get all these other things. If you’re an aware person who lives a highly spiritualized life, you may end up never getting something like cancer or any other diseases. You may live a very healthy life because of the frequency that brings that in. Well the Earth has its own awareness and conscious field, and the Earth’s Consciousness is starting to become aware, to where it’s going to become immune to what humans are doing to it, intentionally or not.

And so that’s how that process will take, and it will actually restore itself in much the same way, like if we look at Chernobyl, right? All of the nature has come back, and- and it’s starting to eat away all the buildings and things, and while there’s a period of time until that area is no longer radioactive, the trees and all of nature is coming back in and taking the place of the inhabitants that were once there at the Chernobyl uh nuclear power plant when that had that event, and nature is retaking its uh land. It’s retaking what belongs to it, and nature will do the same thing again through this restoral process is what I’m told from the source of the information which is this Angelic field of Consciousness.

 image a Raven at Chernobyl 30 years later.30 years later

When we uh go through big huge changes we’ll first have a major setback, and then, then it will lead through a course of events where some big blessing will come from that setback. So when we look at the events that are happening around us: the escalation of negative events, the corruption in politics that’s on plain display and all the other things that we’re seeing, is actually proof that the old caterpillar body is in destruction mode. And that means only one thing, that the butterfly body, so to speak, has to emerge from this, and that’s the best way I can believe, to give proof to someone who has doubt.

But I usually don’t work with trying to dispel doubt for those that have it, because as long as they have it, the mind is always going to search for a way to stay clinging to that. And as long as we stay clinging to that we stay in a powerless form. And those that actually do choose to take a conscious journey into something where we access a power that is within us, it’s all done from a non proof and a knowing that comes from deep within. And that’s often referred to as “the path least traveled”. But ultimately what that means is that for the initiate who understands that they are not the doubter. The doubter can’t even enter, because their doubt gets in the way of them finding the power that’s within them, that’s hidden in plain view.



Man meets Higher Beings, Reveals Messages about Humanity’s future & The Earth in 2025!

Mary’s Messages

Phoenix Journal no. 4, Jesus speaking

(quoting Nostradamus)..“The Antichrist very soon annihilates the three, twenty- seven years his war will last. The unbelievers are dead, captive, exiled; With blood, human bodies, water and red hail covering the earth. [C8:77]” (Jesus) Not a very pretty picture of your future is it? “Near the harbor and in two cities will be two scourges, the like of which have never been seen. In the years to come, hunger, plague within, people thrown out by the sword, will cry for help from the great immortal God–! [C2:6]”

(Jesus) The war itself would not need last twenty-seven years, brothers, it requires at least that time for the radioactive atmosphere to clear enough for life.”

Mary’s Third Secret of Fatima

“Everywhere there will be ‘Peace Talks’, but punishment will come.



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  • residentp

    If Jesus is to return and to reset the ‘reset’, then it means this experiment is doomed to fail and to cause lots of missery. Satan tried to bribe Jesus to worship satan with worthless things and so the fooled leaders of today have fallen to support satan and like the Fharaohs of Egypt were fooled by Marduk, with promised eternal life in the afterlife and he would have them mummified to be taken to Nibiru to be awakened again and live forever. Some included their gold and earthly things in a tomb. This promised better life is a farce if not with Jesus.

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