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Prophecy News - Geocentricity and ‘Creation Anomalies’ by Three Authors, Two Posted, One as a Link, July 8th, 2024

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This explanation led me to others, and so this message is of two talks, and a third highly recommended that you read.

Geocentricity is the Truth, by Richard Taylor
Joshua’s Long Day (really Creation Anomalies) by Malcolm Bowden
A Summary (Zero Point Energy and the Five Anomalies), by Helen and Barry Setterfield

Basically, creation doesn’t run in a smooth curve from less advanced to more advanced. Really it moves in a series of steps, also called cycles. The nature of these steps is caused by the resistance of matter to the energy of the Zero Point (Zero degrees Kelvin or -273°C, -459°F), where nothing is supposed to move. But it does. The energy waves and electromagnetic waves pop up what’s called virtual particles which only last for a fraction of a second. When a virtual particle hits an electron, the electron moves out of place; when it snaps back it emits light. In human terms, we are seeing this now – The resistance of matter – The human elite don’t want to lose their position of preeminence  in this society, but at some point in time, the human electron will snap back into place, and we will have our light. I will let you read the third article to find out more.

At a point in evolution, as we are now, people – depending upon the choices that each one makes, can either go forward or backward. To  make some things really short: human beings (large brained creatures) were on the Earth before the monkeys and the apes. The apes are a degenerate species brought about by breeding between early man and the animal (eg Piltdown Man and the Taung Child in South Africa, were both large brained humanoids), Cats are a species which flubbed it as the dominant species on a previous planet of the Earth chain system, and they had the choice to either do the Round again (through all the planets of the Earth chain) or else incarnate as small animals on this 4th planet, Earth, to watch the humans and report back- record what the humans were doing. Dolphins and Whales, so I have read, large brained mammals, are the reincarnation of humans of the Third Root Race of our own planet Earth (Lemuria). So people now, facing the Change which we are facing, can either go up or down. A Round is through all seven planets of a Chain of Planets, like incarnations, from very ephemeral to coarse back to ephemeral again, eg. the Earth Chain where current earth is the 4th, or densest planet of our chain. As one planet is dissolved, the life force leaving it, another comes into being. That’s what we are ready to go into now.

I would strongly recommend that you read the Third article. Gravity is not what we think it is. It’s not an independent force. From another source, it’s made up of density, heat, atmospheric pressure, the vertical component of magnetism, And Last but Not Least, the pressure of Zero Point Energy, which as the other source says is the “vibration of God”.. “This tremendous universal pressure, which is the result of the vibration of God on the infinite point of the Universe, is what maintains the atmosphere of the Planets.” So I”ll leave it there, for you to read what you will and leave what you won’t, but I’ll tell you now, the concepts are fascinating. Links below.

 image Geocentricity is the truth


William Brooks posted on May 31, 2024 about Jesuit education/lies. Here is a quote from our Savior in ‘To The 144,000 and The Tribulation Saints of Jacob’s Trouble – William Brooks’ at:

So I tell you, do not believe the lies of Copernicus, who was a Jesuit and Freemason who served Satan. He simply retaught the words of ancient Greek pagan philosophers. And so your accepted cosmology was imagined by sun worshipers and pagans based on Satan’s lies. Even the blasphemous Jesuits who have corrupted your educational systems with learning against learning. With the full intent that their fake universe may be etched into the minds of men through lies packaged as education. Instead, mindless indoctrination has occurred, and the world as it is truly is not understood by those who live on the earth.
Now the stage is set for very strong delusion and the lies are already built, for its foundations are iniquities and great deception. These deceptions are rooted in your Jesuit educations. For the entire world is deceived by their falsehoods, even the very elect would be deceived if possible. And so the trap is ready to spring and the only thing holding it back is the restrainer which will be removed so very suddenly and soon. …

(RT NOTES:) In the early 1500’s, Nicolas Copernicus expressed the belief that the earth goes around the sun. (In the recent centuries before then, most people believed that the earth was the center of the universe and that the sun, moon, and planets moved around it.) While there were various beliefs and systems of what moved around what, the basic idea of Copernicus that the sun was the center of the “solar system” came to be generally accepted. (However, there were scientists who raised serious concerns about this change.)
Eventually, almost all people in “the West” were taught ONLY the Copernican theory and it became a “proof” that the Bible (which most thought taught the sun going around the earth) was clearly wrong. Thus, Christians who stuck with the Bible were considered ignorant folks! Sadly, most Christians, over time, “caved in” and accepted the lies of the enemy.
I was one of them – never even thought there could be any other explanation than that the earth goes around the sun.
And the mantra of “science” (as Paul might say, “falsely so called”) was used to heap ridicule on all but the most educated and faith-filled followers of Christ.


This post was specifically prepared for readers of because of posts by William Brooks (especially) and Roxanne. They, from the Lord, have encouraged us to beware of accepting many things we have been taught and taken for granted as truth, when so much this world teaches is false. As a bit of a testimony, please let me briefly say why this post is offered by me:

About 2008 or 2009, I became aware of a concept called “geocentricity” – that the earth is the center of the “solar system”. What follows is an updated version of things I believe I was led by the Lord to learn about this matter. I started with many email conversations with a highly educated (science and engineering) man who had written a book and authored a website alleging to prove beyond any doubt that geocentricity was correct. (I am not going to reveal his name.) –He even claimed to have seen several older (19th century?) books in which the authors knew that heliocentricity/heluiocentrism was wrong, but they were trying to come up with ways to present it to the public in convincing fashion so that it would be believed. –THAT is much the same as early (19th century) evolutionists planned how to sell their ideas.

I hosted a website called for a few years (about 2009 to maybe 2016). The main reason I finally took it down was that I was asked a lot of technical questions that I could not answer – because I did not have the math knowledge to prove some of what my key sources had told me. (They COULD answer them – and I often referred my readers to them – because they had a master degree (one of them) or doctorates (two of them) in engineering or astronomy. (My website touched on other creation issues but was started to emphasize geocentricity.) I certainly want to add my voice to those who have posted here and thanked the Lord for this opportunity: ALL PRAISE TO OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN, HIS ONLY-BEGOTTEN SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT for whatever blessing this post may be to any who read it! BUT … Given the urgent matters at this moment related to war, economic collapse, famine, and diseases, WHY should this information be posted?  I certainly do not advocate anyone (or at least not many!) spending much time on this topic. But this IS a time of DISCLOSURE of many of the lies of the enemy, and I believe what God told William Brooks might well make room for this information – to be one more part of the truth against the enemy’s deception.


Cosmology: definition:
“Cosmology, field of study that brings together the natural sciences, particularly astronomy and physics, in a joint effort to understand the physical universe as a unified whole. …”

Stanford University offers the following under the heading of ‘Philosophy of Cosmology’: “Cosmology (the study of the physical universe) is a science that… has made enormous strides in the past 100 years. … As recently as 1960, cosmology was widely regarded as a branch of philosophy…”

“Heliocentrism, a cosmological model in which the Sun is assumed to lie at or near a central point (e.g., of the solar system or of the universe) while the Earth and other bodies revolve around it. In the 5th century BC the Greek philosophers Philolaus and Hicetas speculated separately that the Earth was a sphere revolving daily around some mystical “central fire” that regulated the universe.” … “The heliocentric, or Sun-centred, model of the solar system never gained wide support because its proponents could not explain why the relative positions of the stars seemed to remain the same despite the Earth’s changing viewpoints as it moved around the Sun. In the 2nd century AD, Claudius Ptolemy of Alexandria suggested that this discrepancy could be resolved if it were assumed that the Earth was fixed in position, with the Sun and other bodies revolving around it. As a result, Ptolemy’s geocentricn (Earth-centred) system dominated scientific thought for some 1,400 years. “ adds to this brief history of thought on the subject, including the following: “Before heliocentrism was proposed, Earth was thought to be at the center of the universe. Following the theory of heliocentrism, today we know that Earth, and the other planets of the solar system, are all in orbit around the sun. However, it was once believed that Earth was at the center of what was thought to be the entire universe, and everything revolved around us– literally. This is now known as the geocentric model, while the heliocentric model puts the sun at the center. Nicolaus Copernicus proposed the heliocentric model in his work published it in 1543 ….

Again, from (Apparently they do not have “Geocentrism” as an entry): “Geocentric model, any theory of the structure of the solar system (or the universe) in which Earth is assumed to be at the centre of it all. The most highly developed geocentric model was that of Ptolemy of Alexandria (2nd century CE). It was generally accepted until the 16th century, after which it was superseded by heliocentric models such as that of Nicolaus Copernicus.”


Listed next are three individuals that have helped prove geocentricity:
Tycho Brahe lived between 1546 and 1601. He was a Danish astronomer who made perhaps the most detailed observations ever, over many years, from the same spot on earth, of the positions of sun, moon, and planets. Some sources have concluded that a careful study of these observations PROVES that the earth DOES NOT go around the sun.

From Wikipedia:
“He was critical of the observational data that Copernicus built his theory on, which he correctly considered to be inaccurate. Instead, Tycho proposed a “geo-heliocentric” system in which the Sun and Moon orbited the Earth, while the other planets orbited the Sun. His system had many of the observational and computational advantages of Copernicus’ system. It provided a safe position for those astronomers who were dissatisfied with older models, but reluctant to accept heliocentrism.” Later, Kepler used some of Brahe’s data to discover that planets orbit the sun in ellipses, not circles.

Gerardus Bouw earned a PhD in Astronomy and had a long academic career. He fully supported and taught a geocentric system, with the earth absolutely static. Dr. Bouw apparently founded ‘The Association for Biblical Astronomy’ in Cleveland, OH. An 821-page PDF titled ‘GEOCENTRICITY: CHRISTIANITY IN THE WOODSHED’ is available at
Just a “teaser” from that PDF: On pages 272 and 273 Dr. Bouw states: “The first recorded heliocentrists were pagans who were aware of the Hebrew scriptures but held them in mediocre esteem…. The oldest surviving written accounts of heliocentrism are all Greek. By itself, this does not necessarily mean that the Greeks originated heliocentrism; for the germ of heliocentrism can be traced back to ancient Babylon, where it is implicit in their worship of the sun. It thus behooves us to examine heliocentrism’s earliest pagan roots.” (Dr. Bouw died on November 4, 2023, according to an online Geneva, OH funeral home obituary.)

Malcolm Bowden is an engineer (last I knew, with a masters degree) in the UK. He has written various books and/or scholarly papers on creation topics, and especially on geocentricity. I was unable to locate his website (perhaps recently taken down – or just blocked by some search engines?) but he has NUMEROUS, very helpful YouTube videos on geocentricity. He seems especially good at taking on what many secular scientists say are errors in scientific experiments – to make them either prove heliocentricity or disprove geocentricity. He is very good at pointing out flaws in the reasoning presented by critics – thus showing that what students in physics and astronomy are taught is frequently the opposite of what the experiments REALLY showed. If you want to watch some of these videos you might have to try several Internet searches. I believe there are perhaps 40 or so by him on geocentricity, but he also has videos on other topics. I am not sure what to search for to get the best selection. Going to YouTube Main and entering “Malcolm Bowden” will result in many videos not made by him. Adding “geocentricity” might help, and also add “geocentrism”.

Here is an important YouTube video by Malcolm Bowden that deals with Joshua’s Long Day. He includes the fact that Gerardus Bouw gathered some of the ancient-record details and made calculations from them. In the video, Mr. Bowden proves these ancient records were not just myths but true history – because there were multiple records of a long DAY on earth in places including China and India, and a long NIGHT in North and South America.
“Joshua’s Long Day”   (8 minutes 11 seconds)
Here is one more – that answers some critics of geocentricity:  “Geocentricity – the unchanging orbits of the planets” (7 minutes 16 seconds)


Joshua 12:7-14 So Joshua ascended from Gilgal, he, and all the people of war with him, and all the mighty men of valour. 8 And the LORD said unto Joshua, Fear them not: for I have delivered them into thine hand; there shall not a man of them stand before thee. 9 Joshua therefore came unto them suddenly, and went up from Gilgal all night. 10 And the LORD discomfited them before Israel, and slew them with a great slaughter at Gibeon, and chased them along the way that goeth up to Bethhoron, and smote them to Azekah, and unto Makkedah. 11 And it came to pass, as they fled from before Israel, and were in the going down to Bethhoron, that the LORD cast down great stones from heaven upon them unto Azekah, and they died: they were more which died with hailstones than they whom the children of Israel slew with the sword. 12 Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon. 13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole
day. 14 And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the LORD hearkened unto the voice of a man: for the LORD fought for Israel

Proverbs 3:19 The Lord by wisdom hath founded the earth; by understanding hath he established the heavens.

Jeremiah 51:15 He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established the world by his wisdom, and hath stretched out the heaven by his understanding.

Psalm 86:8 Among the gods there is none like unto thee, O Lord; neither are there any works like unto thy works.

Psalm 104:1,5-7,20-24,31-35
1 Bless the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, thou art very great; thou art clothed with honour and majesty.  …
5 Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever. 6 Thou coveredst it with the deep as with a garment: the waters stood above the mountains. 7 At thy rebuke they fled; at the voice of thy thunder they hasted away.  …
20 Thou makest darkness, and it is night: wherein all the beasts of the forest do creep forth. 21 The young lions roar after their prey, and seek their meat from God. 22 The sun ariseth, they gather themselves together, and lay them down in their dens. 23 Man goeth forth unto his work and to his labour until the evening. 24 O LORD, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches. …
31 The glory of the LORD shall endure for ever: the LORD shall rejoice in his works. 32
He looketh on the earth, and it trembleth: he toucheth the hills, and they smoke. 33 I will sing unto the LORD as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being. 34 My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the LORD. 35 Let the sinners be consumed out of the earth, and let the wicked be no more. Bless thou the LORD, O my soul. Praise ye the LORD.

Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.


Presented by Malcom Bowden

7 years ago

Basically i’m going to talk briefly about ‘Piltdown’ and then ‘Down House’ because you’re visiting those two places, and then a subject which is, I hope will take more than half the time, ‘Creation Controversies’ um, so that really, and ‘Joshua’s Long Day’. I promise you I will get around to it, but it’s only going to occupy about three or four minutes, so that’s not going to be my subject. I’m covering much much more than that, and so it is in three sections, and the third section Creationist Controversies- controversies, will be in three separate parts also, but I’ll explain that when I come to it.


So let’s look at Piltdown now. Um, first of all when this was exposed in 1953 Dr Turner, Mr Tilney and his son came here, came to the site, and you will see it. You know I think the stone is still standing. I went there many years ago- been a couple of times, not a great deal to see, but there is the stone there which they commemorated the find of Piltdown.. Then it fell down and then they put it up again, and there’s a picture of the three members of the (might almost call, not exactly founders but the prime movers) of the ‘Evolution Protest Movement’ which eventually became the ‘Creation Science Movement’ as it is today.

I want to take just one tiny little area of Piltdown which I think will give you the idea of what went on behind the scenes. It’s one very small area, but when you concentrate on that you will see what has been going on. And first of all let’s look at the first chart, and now note this, you will have to watch the dates on this on my charts very carefully because they’re very important- the sequence of events. In 1908 Dawson was handed parts of a general fossil human skull by gravediggers. All right, 1909 Dawson met Teilhard de Chardin. 1911 Dawson found further genuine skull pieces. 1912 Dawson, Teilhard and Woodward started digging in earnest to try and find some more.

More genuine skull pieces were found and all the rest were fake. Fake fossils were found, jaws, animal fossils and artifacts like the so-called cricket back, were found, that’s in around about 1912. And a year or so afterwards, the fake canine truth was found by Teilhard de Chardin in a pile of soil that had already been looked over, and they said to no point going there, and he suddenly produced the canine tooth. And in 1916 Dawson died.

Now from then onwards many many papers were written about Piltdown but virtually none by Teilhard de Chardin. He ever hardly ever referred to Piltdown at all, um so there was this long period when Piltdown was written about as a genuine find. So until we come to 1953, and in 1953 this is the year the crucial year in which the report was published in November. I will quote from a letter that Halstead wrote to The Times, it appeared in the 25th of November 1978 in the letters column, and it said, “There is evidence that the medieval Orangutan lower jaw which made up the Piltdown jaw came from the Natural History Museum itself and was provided by Dr Martin Hinton a former keeper of zoology.” Indeed according to Hinton himself the ‘Piltdown Man Hoax’ was originally planned and executed within the Museum.

“The current scenario appears to be one of an extensive conspiracy involving Hinton, a few other colleagues in the Museum, with Teilhard de Chardin contributing a Tunisian elephant tooth and the, quote ‘missing Orangutan canine.’” So here’s Halstead, an evolutionist pointing very very specifically at British Natural History Museum.

Now Mabel Kenwood was the daughter of the owner of that site, the Kenwoods. She was a young girl at the time, she was a young woman down at Piltdown and she testified that the skull pieces were found in undisturbed gravel by her father’s diggers, and they were handed to Dawson in 1908. Now the fact that the skull pieces are genuine is absolutely vital to all this. Now she was incensed when the whole thing came out; she was incensed that Dawson was being blamed, because Dawson was her personal friend, she knew him very well. And she commissioned Francis Veer who was a barrister but non-practicing to write two books, ‘Lessons of Tiltdown’, and one that got a much wider publication, and he wrote in defense of Dawson and the fact that Tiltdown was a fraud, but not Dawson- was not the culprit.

Now the skull pieces are important because if fake, then Dawson was the culprit; if the fake pieces were found by Dawson and he faked them he obviously must have been involved probably in it, and Teilhard de Chardin is therefore- could therefore be exonerated. But if the skull pieces were genuine, then when uh uh Dawson met Teilhard de Chardin, Teilhard de Chardin seeing the possibilities and the potentialities of this so-called find, starts to salt the mind, as they called it, with all these other fakes that made it look as though it was a genuine fossil. In fact he put the jaw in there from the Orangutan which he got from The British Museum, etc etc.

So it’s very important that the skull pieces were either genuine or they were fake. If they were- if they were genuine then Teilhard de Chardin could be implicated; if they were fake de Chardin could not be implicated. Now if we look at the chart number five we come to the events of 1953. In the spring of that year Weiner and Harrison are said to have visited Piltdown. Now I don’t want you to look at that particularly, because I’m going to come back. I want you to look at the dates that follow it: 27th of July, there was a conference by uh experts- top grade experts, I think it was on geology, and one of the things that they went and had a look at while they were all in London was the Piltdown fossils. Now notice the date 27th of july of 1953. On the 30th of July, Weiner, Oakley and Washburn were in a hotel nearby and they were discussing the Piltdown finds, and as they were discussing it it suddenly occurred– This is the, remember ‘the official um account’ what happened.

According to these dates (Weiner, Oakley, Washburn), was when it had suddenly occurred occurred to Weiner that it might possibly- Piltdown might possibly be a fraud, all right? That is the first time that anybody according to the official account thought that there was a fraud; he went away had a very troubled night that night, did some experiments with staining of bones, and eventually on the 6th of August he went to his boss Le Gros Clark and they picked up the phone to Oakley and said, “Look we have a strong suspicion that this whole lot is fraudulent.” So Oakley goes into his laboratory rings them back an hour or so later said, “You know I think you could be right because I can find some abrasion on some of the teeth.”

Now they’d had them all these years, looked at them minutely and never ever saw that there was artificial abrasion on the teeth. I’m absolutely convinced that virtually from day one the top people at The British Natural History Museum knew that they were fraudulent. That is why Louis Leakey was not allowed to inspect them too closely, only the um copies- accurate copies of them. So we now we get to this troubled night of Weiner, and on the 6th of August (1953) they phone Oakley who is taken aback,“My goodness it never occurred to me”, says he in effect. And yet, only, I think, about a year or so before he’d done some experiments on the teeth and so- and he half hinted in one of the papers that there’s something rather unusual about them. It was almost as if he were indicating that there’s something unusual about these fossils, they don’t conform to the dating that they want.

Now we come to the 15th of August and they make an official interview of Mabel Kenwood.. Now I interviewed Mabel Kenwood just a year or two before she died when I was doing some research for Piltdown, and she told me quite graphically what happened. Because going back to that very first entry there, chart number five, you’ll see that in the spring of that year (and that could not possibly be as late as July) – in the spring of that year she testifies that in that year, Weiner and Harrison were down at Piltdown nosing around, trying to find who was still alive that may have been the original diggers that dug up that so-called coconut- the original skull pieces. Now they were in there in the spring of that year (1953) all right, so Weiner knew there was something wrong- he knew what was going, that there was- the whole thing was a fraud, and he was scouting on.. The whole point of that time was to find out if any of the diggers of Piltdown were still alive, because if they were still alive they could come up and they could say, “I was there at the time, I found them in virgin gravel, they were not broken and I handed them to Mr Dawson.” ..That would blow the whole thing sky high because if the skull pieces were genuine, as I said, that means- that means that Teilhard de Chardin could then be implicated in all that followed, and Teilhard de Chardin believe you me is the darling of the establishment.

And so we come to the official interview of Kenwood. Now there was Kenwood,  there was um Harrison and Weiner and two or three other people coming down to interview Mabel Kenwood, who is the last surviving member that knew anything about those things. And as they sat down (she told me herself) she looked at Weiner and she looked at Harrison, and she said, “You were here in the spring”, and Weiner flatly denied it; she said, “So were you”, and Harrison flatly denied it. And she was infuriated that they should actually lie to her, because they’d already spoken to her in the Spring. You see if they were nosing around Piltdown in the springtime, all this idea of Weiner having this troubled night and ringing up Oakley, it was all carefully planned. They knew exactly what the problem was, and they were determined that they were going to be the ones in control of the exposure, and they didn’t want anybody from outside saying this is a fraud and starting to go into the whole system.

And so we have this- um whole point is that the official uh sequence of events, of Weiner having this troubled night, is a complete and absolute fabrication. And if you read some of the diaries, I think it’s called, Spencer went into this, you’d be surprised how much information I can get out of evolutionist books; it is absolutely riddled with information if you know how to look for it, and most of my stuff comes from evolutionists. And if you just compare one account with another, you find there’s a discrepancy. You go into it, and boy does it show up some- a can of worms eventually, and so the whole point is that the whole thing was actually, as Halstead said, planned and executed within The British Natural History Museum. And in 1954 Teilhard de Chardin visited the British Natural History Museum; he was extremely evasive in everything that I asked him. In fact sometimes they would ask him a question he would totally ignore it and turn to one side and start talking to somebody else; he just did not want to answer any questions about Piltdown.

And the sequel is interesting because Spencer’s account says something like, “Why not- couldn’t get anything out of Teilhard de Chardin, so he shifted his attention to someone, somewhere else.” So here’s, let’s say, a burglar accused of breaking into a house, sitting there not saying anything, and because you can’t get anything out of him you say, “I will let him go, I can’t get anything from him, and we’re going to try and see if we can find somebody else who’s burgled the house.” ..And that is their attitude, to Chardin. “LET HIM OFF THE HOOK” because as I said Teilhard de Chardin is a very useful man, he is the combination, in the eyes of the scientist of the day, of trying to combine some areas of science, or the whole of science, with some quasi-Christian philosophy. He is the linkman between the two, and that is why I say he is the darling of the establishment and he is protected. His name is protected left right and center all the way down the line, in fact they accused Dawson of faking some ‘coventry bricks’. They weren’t faked at all, not at all.

They had to throw everything black that they could against Charles Dawson. So exactly, I would say, there that ‘Piltdown fraud’ was planned in the British Natural History Museum, and exposure was also carefully planned to shelter the Museum and Teilhard from any blame. And as you know, I’ve written that all eight men are fraudulent, and Piltdown is particularly important because it demonstrates that in many areas the British Natural History Museum is rotten to the core. It must be if we- if they know that the whole thing is fraudulent, why don’t they come out with it?

Down House

What I was interested in actually, is because I was actually interested in Down House long before I became interested in Creation/Evolution. I live at Bromley, and Down House is something like six, eight, nine, at seven- six, seven or eight miles away from me, so it’s not too far. And when my children were small, and we used to go around there- we’ve been around there a couple of times long before it became, you know, what it is today. Um, and what I became interested in is because my wife, um before she married me, she was quite educated (after that I can’t can’t vouch for anything), um but she belonged to a book club and one of the most fascinating books she had was a book called ‘Period Piece’ by Gwen Raverat who was a granddaughter of Charles Darwin.

And she went to Down House while Emma Darwin [wife of Charles Darwin] was still alive, so it was- it’s a fascinating book, and I’d just like to really um try to re- not exactly recreate that atmosphere, but try and give you some idea of what life was like at that time.. Um just by giving you some pictures of there- if you can take down the name you’ll probably have to get it from a library because it was published in something like the 1950s. It’s well and truly out of date, it’s a fascinating story whether you’re interested in evolution/creation or not. I found it quite fascinating. Um, ‘period Piece’ by Gwen Raverat; she was Darwin- Gwen Darwin, her father was George Darwin. Right um, and she spent many days at Down House while Emma Darwin was still alive.

And I visited Down House, as I said beforehand, and before I became interested in creation. Now she describes all her aunts and uncles in most beautiful graphic details; they’re all quite idiosyncratic- idiosyncratic, quite strange, and she gave many of the personal details. And one particularly, Aunt Etti, that’s Etienne- that’s Darwin’s daughter Etienne, as a child she had a cold. When she was a small child she had a cold, we’ll see that in a minute- she had a cold and the doctor said to her um, “Oh well, yes”, the doc said, ”just give her breakfast in bed.” ..hYou know, she had breakfast in bed for the rest of her life.. That gives you some idea of these strange ways in which this Darwin house ran; they were all- many of them were hypochondriacs. As we know, Darwin was, Emma was, and a number of their offspring were also, but then we come to this, which I think is absolutely classic. Um here she’s ordering dinner with a homemade anti-cold mask on her. And she actually used to meet some people and discuss with them if she thought they may have had a cold or something like that. That gives you some idea, and I think if I’d have been asked to speak to her in that condition, I would have had an uncontrollable fit of the giggles I’m afraid.

And the aunts and the uncles generally, the picture that she portrays, were very kind warm-hearted fairly innocent and many of them hypochondriacs. And some of the pictures that she drew, (Gwen Raverat did some drawing, she be- she went, she did become an artist) and there’s her mother playing croquet on the lawn with one of the babies tucked under her arm. That’s the way she played her croquet, and the mulberry tree which I think is still alive and still standing; you will see that the windows- the mulberry branches in her day used to tap on the window when the wind was up, and it used to frighten them as small children out of their wits. Um one of the things if you go there, I would urge you to go around the sand walk; it’s quite a big loop and the walk back is along a solid sandy path, and Darwin had it made for contemplation. He used to sort of walk out there and think about things.

And there is part of the way down there what they call the elephant tree and it’s really not quite as hideous as that, but that is a child’s representation. It’s really quite a normal tree with a bit of a lump on it, you know. They called it the elephant tree and it used to frighten them as young children about six, seven or eight, I don’t know, and if I had time I’d read you her account of how her brother came to her one evening, uh one day, and said, “I’ve been round the sand walk on my own.” And she, not to be outdone, took one of their smaller children in a push chair, put it in the push chair, and started off very firmly convinced she’s going to walk all the way around the sand court, sand walk, on her own and not going to run. But then she heard what she thought was rustling and she started quickening up her pace, and it got faster and faster, and the baby is bouncing around in the push chair, and she got to the end of the drive and rushed through and slammed the door behind her sweating out the top of her brains to- to- to realize that she just managed to miss all these ghosters that obviously inhabit the sand walk. It’s a rather dramatic account and you can imagine that; I’m trying to paint you this- paint, paint you this picture so that when you go there you can imagine this sort of effect that this walk has upon small children. Because even when you go down there it is quite quiet, you’re out in the middle of nowhere although the house is not far away, and you- it it is slightly eerie. I don’t know why, it is slightly eerie, and when you walk round just imagine Gwen Darwin, uh running along with this push chair and the baby bouncing all over the place, charging for that gate at the end of the line and with great thankfulness getting past it and slamming the door, eventually.

So do have a look at that. I’m not going to talk about the up upstairs because, as I say, it’s all in here. Down Houses have had an expensive refurb costing a lot of money, and it’s recreated as far as I can understand (you check it when you go) with some of the original furniture or very close replacements, and there’s a figure here of Emma Darwin sitting doing her peggy work, and you’ll see this chair. And when we went there we used to sit in that chair, to think that Emma Darwin actually sat in that same chair, but it’s now roped off.

And I’ll tell you something very unusual about Darwin, I didn’t know until I went there. Have a look for this particularly in the lounge- in the dining- in the, in the lounge where the grand piano is, that’s all roped off. It will mention a book, and says, “There’s an example on the table”, and what Darwin used to do is, if he had a massive tome to read and it was rather heavy (I’ve never ever heard this before), he would get hold of the book in the middle rip it in two, put the second half down, read through the first half which is now half the weight that it was before and then pick up the second half and read the second half of the book. He ripped books in two. Now to me who’s, I love books, and I read an awful lot, books are almost sort of sacrileged to rip a book in two like that, but that’s what he did. Now I’m not saying that was any reflection upon his character, but- but, when yes, well it might be like tearing a telephone directory in half, you know- go rip like that, so right, “Now hand me the next page”, um.

So yes, Down House I feel is part of English history; it may be a dark part of English history but it is part of English history, and I think we ought to preserve it and say, “look this is where we were led down”, right, all right shall I say, “right up the garden path.” ..And it’s rather like the Piltdown fossils. I haven’t got the nerve to go up to the British Museum and say I want to have a look at the Piltdown fossils because I’m writing about them. Actually I’m quite a shy person, you wouldn’t believe it, I know you won’t, but I can assure you I am.

But a friend of mine from uh Sweden had a new- had an invitation to meet some- a Polish assistant to um Stringer, and I met this Polish chap, and Stringer, and my uh Swedish friend and they said, “Oh Piltdown, yes, here they are”, and they went to a cupboard nearby and they pulled down a little cardboard box about as big as that and said, “Yes, here’s the Piltdown fossils”, and there was I actually handling the original Piltdown fossils: the canine tooth, the jaw, the skull pieces. They were all there, and I said, “These things are treasures”. They said, “Well, but they’re fakes”. I said to them, “Doesn’t matter the fact that they are fakes they’re part of history; shouldn’t have them in a cardboard box in a cupboard that anybody could take at any moment”. And Stringer looked at his assistant and sort of half nodded, and I suddenly- I think they suddenly realized for the first time, whether they were fakes or not doesn’t matter it’s still part of English history. And I can only hope that from that moment on they were put in a rather more secure place than a cardboard box in a cupboard, because they keep all their precious stuff in a big safe, and that’s where I think Piltdown fossils ought to be, if for nothing else as evidence against themselves.

Creationist Controversies

Let me go on to this third section of my talk. The heading I’ve got here: it’s really- it’s ‘Creationist Controversies’, but really it’s “creationist miscellany”, I’ve got here. Something old, something new and something challenging. It’s divided right into three sections: those topics in creation I find fascinating but not many know about them, and one fairly new topic that is ‘Joshua’s Long Day; it’s quite new to me and I think it’ll be quite new to you. Second section will be topics where I believe that creationists are on the wrong course. Now I’ll give my reasons for it, you don’t have to agree, but I’m going to give you my reasons where I think in certain subjects creationists are on the wrong course And the third section is connected with that, because I finally examine some basic dangers in the Creation Movement.

So let’s look at these, certainly what I think some of the most interesting topics when I give a talk. I- I’ve got so much massive information, I say, “What do you want me to talk about?”, and they say I think, “the one-eyed section”, I usually like to talk. The section I usually like to deal with, is the scientific support for Genesis because that’s a lot of information a lot of Christians haven’t heard before. That’s my favorite topic, and I say to them, ”I’ve got so much information I have to just simply skim the very most- the best things off the top which I think you’ll find particularly interesting. And so that’s what I’m going to do just a few moments here, to put up some pictures of subjects which I’ve got them in my book, but I think they’re particularly fascinating.

The Water Vapor Canopy
The first thing is ‘the water vapor canopy’ and the sudden drop in the life spans after the flood. Now I presume you’ve seen that diagram before, I think it’s one of the most fascinating, because if you look at the dages and- ages and dates in 930 years for Adam, Seth 913, looks like. You go along, they’re just a series of numbers. It is only when you plot them on a diagram you get this very significant drop after the flood, and why should that be? Well in my book I’ve got six possible reasons that may have caused the decrease in the uh lifespan of the patriarchs. One of them of course is radioactive material, or decay, may suddenly come down as a big lump and then sort of disperse which causes the sudden drop; and then thereafter it’s flattened out. All sorts of reasons: decreasing the magnetic field allowing cosmic radiation to come in which I think is very very important, and several may have been operating at the same time, because when the flood took place all sorts of things changed and a variety of them may have caused this decrease in the lifespan of the patriarchs. I think it’s one of the very fascinating pictures there, and as far as I can understand, and I read as widely as I reasonably can, but I get the feeling that the water vapor canopy is under a bit of a cloud at the moment, mainly because.. ‘Laughter’ (Now that that wasn’t intended, that word’s been very used, but I always use it..) Umm you put me off my stroke..

Now that’s right, yes the water vapor is under cloud. No, there are no clouds- there are no clouds above the water vapor canopy, but it is um not being quoted quite as strongly as it has been in the past. And apparently it’s because uh computer studies have shown that as far as they can make out at the moment, the maximum depth of water if it was solid water, instead of it being 40 feet of solid water which would have produced enormous deluge, they can only accommodate two feet of water. But I would say these computer studies um are very crude in their way, they have to take into into account so many different things that they have to make certain simplifications, and one of the things they can’t take into into account is a very thin layer of cloud like a very light cloud layer. All sorts of things could come in which may enable um the computers to show that a 40-foot or thereabout depth of water is much more acceptable, but for those who doubt whether the water vapor canopy is still really a viable thing, I would ask a few questions. Um first of all, how do you interpret Genesis 1:6 in dividing the water from the waters. I think one creationist has actually put the waters right out beyond the star limit, I believe something like that.. And I might see a few nodded. Yes, I know you all know who I’m talking about- How on earth he gets his flood waters from there I don’t know, but um it might take a little bit of time. So I would say, “How do you interpret Genesis 1:6?”, yes.

Sunlight and the Water Vapor Canopy
Secondly where did the 40 days of violently heavy rain come from, because it couldn’t have been from ordinary clouds and certainly, as I’ve said, it couldn’t have come from beyond the stars. And there is a third factor which I’ve pointed to, and when I was writing ‘True Science Agrees with Bible’, I went through every issue of CRSQ [Creation Research Society Quarterly]. There’s a whole pile of- I’ve got every one of the last- of the uh, right.. Came back and I went through every one, and there is a lot of information in those CRSQ’s in the old days that everybody’s forgotten about, and I pulled out one- one fact which I thought was quite fascinating. If you imagine the earth is here, we’ve got the water vapor canopy around it, the sunlight comes in and the sunlight wavelength is about 0.2 to 0.9 microns goes straight through the water canopy, and it goes through it and it can start to warm up the earth. When the earth warms up it re-emits that energy in a different wavelength and the wavelength now is much longer it’s 8 to 13 microns. Now what happens when it hits the water vapor canopy, is it blocked? Water vapor canopy blocks an awful lot, but it so happens that there is a window in the water vapor canopy spectrum which allows the wavelengths of 8 to 13 microns through with much less attenuation. Just that window appears in water vapor which is just exactly matched by the radiation wavelengths coming from the earth.

Now they’ve looked at this rather more closely and they say, “Well, of course it’s so much water vapor, it gets- it gets annihilated, so it doesn’t really work.” All I’m merely pointing to is the fact that there is- It’s too much of a coincidence in my mind that the frequency or the wavelength emitted by the earth is exactly matched by a window of admission in water vapor. And I think they may have been- that was not coincidence, that was God making sure that the earth did not overheat. Now whatever the computer studies do from that point onwards.. Okay, let’s try and see if we can make a workable model, but please I would suggest they do not abandon ‘the water vapor canopy’ idea, which I think some people may have done,

The Great Flood
The next subject and these are very personal these are things that I found fascinating, the flood tales around the earth on slide 14. Anthropologists brought back all sorts of stories of a great flood from all over the world, dozens and dozens of them- a few hundred, and you can see from this diagram that there is a central core going right the way through it and that is of the Ark, provided destruction by water and human seed saved; they go right the way through, because that’s the core of the story. But right the way around, and that’s in a geographical um sequence. Right the way around to Hawaii and Sumatra, you’ve still got the same story and you’ll notice that you’ve even got the story of a bird being sent out, or referenced to a bird on that lower line- there the third one up. So even right around the other side of the world there is some sort of a hint about a bird being sent out. Now that to me indicates that though- they actually did happen in the past history of mankind, and it quite clearly shows that um this was- this actually took place and is preserved in the folklore of the people.

Now, I was in Moscow oh three or four years ago now, I think it was five years, I don’t know, I’m terrible on dates, and I can remember speaking about this. And a professor from a Moscow um university was there and he said, “I think.. (through the translator), “Well I think that they’re up there- there, because the gods of the high ground happened to be superior to the gods of the low ground, and low ground gods were the ones that were swamped in floods, and that”.., and I said to him, ”How can you say that when you’ve got so many similar characteristics, so many similar features- like the bird being found.. Uh divine favor on the saved man in trying to transition. You’ve got so many different things right the way through, it’s much- very very very specific things still preserved in these folklores, even people around the other side of the world. How can you say that it’s just simply the difference between gods of the high ground and the low ground?” And I can remember to this day as I was speaking and he was listening to the answer, the sweat was pouring off his brow, and I think he must have suddenly realized that what he’d been teaching his students all these years, as you can dismiss it, actually may well have some accurate foundation. And similarly they say that it’s perhaps spread by missionaries, but if the missionaries were there surely you’d get a few stories about Jesus or God or something like that in it. There’s no stories, just purely the flood, and that indicates to me quite clearly that it must have taken place.

The shrinking Sun
The next subject is the sun’s shrinkage. Eddy and Boornazian checked the records of the Greenwich Observatory, and if you want to get the exact center of the sun you have to measure the exact time when the first limb comes opposite your hairline, pointing due north. And as the sun goes across, you get the exact time within a split second when the rear end of the- of the sun goes across there. Because you can’t tell when it’s the right bang in the middle- just divide the two and then you can find out where the sun is. Accurate when they’re split second; they do it very very accurately, and you look through the records of the Greenwich Observatory and he found this general trend. So they went away and they checked the records of um the American Naval Observatory, and they found that it confirmed these figures. Now I was working through this for quite some time and I thought, ‘Well I’m reading all these papers critical of Eddy and Boornazian’s paper, I really must get hold of the original.” -obviously want the original. So I sent off for what I thought was the original; all it was, was the pre- uh notes before the lecture was given, where the lecture was going to be held, a brief summary of the subject, and that was all. Eddy and Boornazian’s paper has never ever been produced, never been written up, and some creationists said, well of course the whole research was very poor indeed, it was so poor that even Eddy has abandoned the idea.

Rubbish! That paper was never ever published simply because it would have smacked too much of a young earth, because they say this is what it’s called “a secular decrease”. That chart that I copied as accurately as I could, came from a paper that was critical of Eddy and Boornazian. The original paper I’ve never ever seen; I wrote to Eddy himself personally, I found his address from the astronomical society, wrote to him personally in America, never got a reply. And one paper said, “Well of course he’s now abandoned that idea.. He’s written a paper saying that the sun’s- that the sun’s size goes up and down”, or words to that effect. And when you look at that paper, it only covers a period of 17 years, nothing like the two or three hundred years that you have here. Now, I have been absolutely slammed uphill and downhill- down dale, for actually claiming that the sun is shrinking, by a creationist on a creationist network; some of his arguments were very poor. I made one reply and just simply left it at that, because to me that simply shouts at you: There is no tendency for it to go up or down, it’s quite clearly decreasing, and it is decreasing at a sufficient- more than sufficient speed – I think it’s five, six, seven or ten or a hundred times more than enough to generate the heat that the sun is sending out. The sun does not need um radioactive material in its core or anywhere. There is enough energy at this- this rate of shrinkage to produce all the energy that the sun is sending out at the moment.

And in fact when they look (as you well know I’m sure, as we are very knowledgeable creationists), there are only one third of the neutrons, nutri- or neutrinos.. so glad you well know about them- Neutrinos you’ve got the right word, my goodness me. Neutrinos, yes fine. Only one third of the neutrinos that they would expect from the center of the sun if it was all due to radioactive material at the center. And therefore that that paper by Eddy and Boornazian has been simply wiped off the slate, just the same way in 1986 that Huxley Memorial Debate in Oxford. There was a debate in Oxford on the evolution: ‘Is evolution true or false?’ You know, the whole thing, and it was Wilder-Smith and Edgar Andrews versus Dawkins and Maynard-Smith. And the amazing thing is that when they had a vote at the end, 37 percent voted for the Creationists -That is right in the heart of the academic world. 37 percent, having heard all the arguments, 37 percent voted for the creationists. That so shocked the establishment that to this day if you go to the Oxford Union Society and ask to see anything about that debate, it never ever took place; they have wiped the whole record off the slate. Uh, David C. C. Watson bought the rights- the royalty to the tapes; it cost him 50 pounds which was quite a fair bit at that time, and he’s got, and CSM [Christian Science Monitor] have got a record of those tapes as well of that debate, and the result was 37 percent. So what did they do? That debate is wiped right off the slate; it does not exist as far as the Oxford Union Debates are contingent for, it does not exist, and that is how they handle any evidence that supports the Creationist cause.

Joshua’s Long Day
Let me now turn to another subject which is the one I’m sure you’re all very interested to read, to hear about, ‘Joshua’s Long Day’. I found this evidence, it’s a about the time of Joshua in Joshua 10 the war against the five kings, in which Joshua said, “Stop the sun where it is”, you know, “let’s fight for a an extra 24 hours.” And I found this evidence in quite a controversial book [‘Geocentricity: Christianity in the Woodshed by; Gerardus D. Bouw, Phd.]. I was mainly interested in the second half of the book, but had I read the first half rather more carefully, I would have seen this evidence, and I would have made sure absolutely certain, it would have gone into my book, ‘True Science’, and agrees with the Bible. It shows I read too quickly sometimes; I’m so interested in the second half that I completely miss the significance of this particular- It only takes three or four pages of this particular bit, and so let’s have a look at this map of the world where there are nine accounts in North America.. Nine accounts there, all right, and uh four in Africa and the Middle East, and one in China, and one in India, and I will draw to your attention two particular points.

If the story of ‘a long day’, much longer- much much longer than before- Some of course would exaggerate you to several days, but there’s a story of a long day in those places that have been tracked down. Now if they were- if they were made up by the local folk, people- some might have a story of a long day, some might have a story of a long night, and they would be all over the place, you know you people do make up stories. But you notice one particular thing about this graph is that all the long night stories are in one area and all the long day stories are in another area. That shadow you can see (there’s a red arrow there going off) actually is the shadow of night that moves around the earth, and so you can adjust that so that it covers all those that have got a long night, and all those that have got a long day. So that’s the first point: it’s not random. Secondly if we make the shadow of the earth around about that time cover precisely the long days and the long nights properly. But there is one account which gives you an even more accurate representation. That is the one called ‘X’ and that was in Fiji, I think, and then I have a story of the sun setting, but not setting for 24 hours, so we know it’s just about to be dusk. So we can move that shadow along until it’s just touching that point there, and that fixes precisely- reasonably accurately when this long day started, because the sun came down the horizon and it stopped there for 24 hours. And so we can move the shadow to that position there and then by the distance between the shadow and the where it’s sign- I think that’s a circle ‘a’, you can work out roughly what time it was. So we can shift that shadow around and work out exactly where that should take place, and he gives a time of somewhere between 8 30 to 9 30 and round about three or four days either side of May the 12th 1448 BC.

Now that is according to his chronology. I’m sure all creationists may have some sort of idea of chronology, and we’ll find they’re all different I don’t know whether it ties in with- I gave two chronologies in my book but that’s the date he gave. But it’s interesting that you can get the shadow to fit them very very accurately. I think it’s a fascinating chart. If you like puzzles, and I took this as a bit of a challenge, work out for yourself how that black shadow changes its shape as you go from summer to winter to summer again. I found it quite challenging, quite interesting.. It doesn’t do quite what you expect: How does that black shadow change its shape as you go from summer to winter to summer again. I found it quite challenging, quite interesting. It doesn’t do quite what you expect. How does that black shadow change its shape as you go from summer to winter to summer? I’ll leave that with you.

The Decreasing Speed of Light
Now, let me go on to the second one, second part of the third talk – the third section, ‘Creationist Controversies’, and I’m going to deal very briefly with decreasing the speed of light, CDK. And for anybody who doesn’t know what CDK says, there’s a lovely shorthand: it is ‘C’ which is the speed of light symbol for the speed of light, ‘decay’; so when I talk about CDK, I’m really talking about reduction – this reduction of the speed of light. It’s a nice short, uh under um minimalist. Now Setterfeld, when he was really the originator of this, and he collected all his stuff together and he started publishing his papers. And when I read his paper in 1980, I thought it was absolutely fascinating because I knew- I said to myself, “This man has done his homework”, and I have seen him up against top grade professionals from all over the world. In the early days Setterfield sent me a whole wad of correspondence, and it was from professional- uh top grade uh scientists arguing with- with Setterfield. And every single time I could see that Setterfield came out on top, every time no trouble, and I have followed that man as far as the speed of light is concerned, because he’s so much- I, I cannot deal with the handling of the mathematics – his knowledge of atomic formula is far superior to anybody else that I’ve ever seen, in fact he picked up- I debated this ‘Age of the Earth’ with Alan Hayward many years ago (Dave will remember this), and he actually brought up the fact that he sent some of Setterfield’s stuff to an American professor, and he said, Don’t touch it- it’s- it’s a- if he was a graduate I’d give him an absolute tearing off a strip, and in fact it doesn’t even obey Maxwell’s Laws.” He wrote down a few lines. He sent them to me; I couldn’t deal with it- sent it to Setterfield. Setterfield said- he said, He’s not taking into account that this certain factor is here, and if you put that in there, and put that in there, the whole thing balances perfectly. He knew more about the atomic formula than that professor did in America, and I have never yet seen him defeated.

In fact, now if you’re interested, Tifft has found that there is quantization in the redshift. If you don’t follow me don’t worry, but there’s quantization in the redshift, and Setterfield’s latest paper which he’s trying to get published in The Secular Organization- secular book gives an explanation from the atomic formula as to how those shifts and those steps.. It doesn’t come in a nice straight curve, it comes in steps. Tifft has found that, and Setterfield has now got an atomic explanation for that, and he’s trying to get it published. So Setterfield had a problem: what does he include and what does he exclude, and he just could not win, because if he excluded any of the 160 or more results that he had, they would say but this chap says that his stuff is not accurate. So okay then, etcetera, “Look it’s not accurate, let’s- let’s miss it out.’ And another group of people will come up and say, “Ah ha, you’re only selecting it just to to boost your thing; you’re missing out things that contradict it.” He just could not win, and so this controversy has gone on for quite some time.

Now I’m going to refer to two arguments and this is where you’re not going to like me very much I’m afraid. I’m going to refer to two arguments, one is to say “Ah, it’s due to increasing accuracy of the instruments”, the other is to say, “Oh well it’s ‘intellectual phase lock’, that if there’s a certain speed of light here, anybody working out what the speed of light should be doesn’t want to depart too far from it. And so then somebody else does a speed of light measurement, and they don’t want to be too far, and so they they put in a- it’s called ‘intellectual phase locking’, because they don’t want to be too different from their peers and contemporaries. I would say that they are not just bad arguments they are dangerous arguments, and why they are dangerous is what I would be finishing with.

Dangerous Arguments
They are very very dangerous arguments, because if the evidence for the speed of light (the speed of light has been constant), you would expect a certain graph like this one. You would start off with very large error bars: dotted all over the place, but as they got more and more accurate it would finish up with the same speed of light that you’ve had before. It’s what I call ‘my funnel shape diagram’. All right, is that not the sort of shape of diagram that you would expect to see? Now let us look at two graphs of the decrease of the speed of light and tell me if they are anything like that at all.
 image Speed of Light, 1740-1983
Look at those results up there gradually falling, falling, falling, falling. And if we take that bit at the end there we can blow it up, and produce the second graph, and we can see that it is still falling. Now you do not have to be a mathematical statistician to be convinced that the speed of light is falling, and I would point out one particular point, is that the error bars are all above the present speed of light well above it, so although the error bars were bigger in the past they were still more than sufficient to prove that the speed of light was faster than it is today, more than adequate. So this emphasis upon the high accuracy that we have today is only used as a means of getting rid of some of these very clear indications that the speed of light was much faster in the past. Now I’m going to leave it there, may we all have an overwhelming desire to glorify God in all that we do, for all that remains of our earthly life, and then throughout all eternity. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your  attention. [Applause]



Tribulation and the Birth of a New Cycle – Archangel Michael

Geocentricity is the Truth, by Richard Taylor

Joshua’s Long Day (really Creation Anomalies) by Malcolm Bowden

A Summary (Zero Point Energy and the Five Anomalies), by Helen and Barry Setterfield.

Scroll down to ‘Q. What? Doesn’t gravity exist?

pg 36 ‘Cat Legends’,
pg 38 ‘A lama tells’,

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