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Certainly What are Called Acts of God Can also... Often be Considered Evil... According to The People they Happen To.

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 God Poet Transmitting…….

The Plane of The Emotions is also called The Astral Plane. It has an upper and a lower area of expression, and could… in some ways… be considered to be different from one another in the same way that we imagine Heaven and Hell to be. The same applies to The Mental Plane, although… there is an argument that can be made that there are more than two levels to The Mental Plane, if you include The Buddhic and Causal Plane as representative, and… personally, I would, because it’s all mind, after… a… fashion…

One needs to be careful when using words to describe and define what can pass beyond the reach of words. The Wise everywhere… nods in silent assent to that statement. (grin) Anyway… the basic division within both The Mental and Emotional Planes… is the separation between Carnal and Spiritual… Selfish and Selfless… Desire and Aspiration.

Sometimes The World is more materially directed, and sometimes it is more spiritually directed, ALTHOUGH… there is ALWAYS some amount of both of them present. In aspiring times… when a civilization is being built… you get remarkable architecture. In Times of Material Darkness, you get structures where the soul is missing… where beauty has fled… where conformity is enforced.

I’ll tell you what the trickiest thing is for both priests and philosophers… poets and scientists. It is being able to divide what is considered Good and Evil from what is the outcome of God’s Will. Certainly what are called Acts of God can also… often be considered Evil… according to the people they happen to.

Religious tales like those about Cain and Abel… Noah and his Ark… Sodom and Gomorrah… The Tower of Babel… are events that continue forever under different names with the same results… like roses by any other name, although we are not talking about roses here.

We are presently in a state where the conditions that existed in Sodom and Gomorrah are proliferating across The Earth. When The Supreme Court struck down the prohibitions to gay marriage… the stated intention was that WE just want the same rights as everyone else. That seemed acceptable. What could go wrong? Now… only eleven years hence… we see what could go wrong. Has it only been that short a time? My how time flies when you’re not having fun.

There is a reason they call their sexual behavior… Gay… happiness is… observably… not the end result. Though… often the same could be said about heterosexual unions. It’s a common feature of relationships that most people have trouble getting along in close quarters. It takes an extraordinary effort of will to accomplish that, especially if you are around each other all the time.

That is because we all need to grow… or die… metaphorically and literally. When you stop growing The Reaper comes calling. He knows you’re in a jam and he’s here to help you out. So… which way did you come in? Sometimes our relationships inhibit our growth, and that is when Heaven removes one or more of the players.

In these times… we are moving in one of two directions… toward a greater unity; which is a tenet of Brotherhood or… toward diversity and perversity; both are expressions of Material Culture. Fear is being in a state of separation. The objective of Love being Unity… it should be easy enough to see why Love and Fear cannot occupy the same space at the same time.

We are moving toward Love or Fear, and… both are a product of specific states of mind and being. Fear lives in a world of Us and Them. Fear is what drives people to become rich and powerful for the sake of wealth and power. It divides them from the rest of The Herd that is neither rich nor powerful. It causes you to live in a state of separation from your fellows… ergo… in a state of Fear.

At this time we are moving in one or the other direction. Those who are working to divide us through race… creed and whatever they can come up with, are damning themselves. They are the ones who believe that what you see is all you get, and you’d better get as much as you can, AND… they also believe that Sex is the highest expression that is possible for us; what else could it be? That is what they ask.

They are the ones that come up with all the psychoanalytic bullshit… all the mental games that label and itemize what they do not… and… possibly never will understand. Time will tell and they will… or will not… see. God is The ONLY THING that is real. Everything else is jerking off… literally. Everything else is a distraction from the contemplation of The One… that is Unity itself. Truth is the offspring of Love and Wisdom.

Harpocrates is the first iteration of Horus. He is the God of the newborn Sun. He is personified as holding his finger to his lips… for which he is also called The God of Silence. We can only… EVER… say so much here, and some might say we shouldn’t say anything at all, BUT… every Wayshower has spoken now and again. There must have been a reason.

Harpocrates was standing on a crocodile. Maybe that might explain his message to be silent. Krishna refers to the crocodile in The Gita. That is… he says… what he is at that level of personification. Don’t let the inference confuse you.

To know… to will… to dare… and to keep silent is written on the four forms of The Sphinx. Intention defines you and… all that you produce… which causes you to be known by your works. Many start out with ideals when they are young. Then… life sees to the outcome of whether those ideals were real or not.

There is ONLY ONE THING of importance in life and… that is finding God. This has been illustrated in many ways; completion of The Great Work… The Knowledge and Conversation of The Holy Guardian Angel… The Pearl of Great Price… The Philosopher’s Stone… The Operation of The Sun. There are more; Christ Consciousness also applies.

First, you find God. The rest will follow. That protracted period between the first encounter, and The Rites of Purification which follow… can be egregious and of a most intense level of suffering. This is why it is said that… many are called but few are chosen.

Some believe they will find what they seek in The Magical Art. Some think Religion will be that sturdy boat on unruly seas. Some think this, and some think that, and some don’t think at all. One finds God according to the sincerity of their quest… according to an absolute and full commitment. You have ONLY to love God more than anything else, and… the rest will take care of itself.

God does all the work. God takes care of all The Details. Your ONLY role in the process is to not interfere. That is not as simple as it sounds, BUT… The Love… The Love WILL take you to The Divine Unity, and nothing else will suffice. Once again… this process can go by various definers; Stilling The Reactive Mind… casting out thought… understanding that you do not know.

I have a rule that I abide by; if you don’t know what you are doing, don’t do it. It all comes back to the statement by Christ that… unless you become as a little child… you will by no means… enter The Kingdom of Heaven. You must ♫put your hand in the hand of the man who stilled the water♫ What is The Water? The water is the ever-restless seas of the mind, and… that leads back to…

stilling the reactive mind. That leads back to The Cloud of Unknowing and the fundamental reality that YOU DO NOT KNOW. That leads back to becoming as a little child. That leads back to a unity of thought as the remedy for a divided mind. As soon as you think you know, you are living in a world of argument.. a world of demons dancing on the head of a pin. Let go of all that nonsense!

Love God more than anything else and all your problems will have to find another place to live. That will be no problem for them.

It is a tearing experience, and it hurts. It hurts because you are not fully committed to a singleness of purpose. People make half-hearted efforts and they get half-hearted results. It also takes much longer. Fix your mind with a relentless focus and let the heart drive you. It just gets easier from there, and… don’t look back.

In these times there are only two options; step outside of the whirling tornado of material culture or go where the tornado takes you. You accomplish the stepping-out part by not wanting. The tornado is formed of collective wanting, and wanting never ends until you end it OR… you direct all that wanting toward one single thing.

End Transmission…….

Some links… God Willing (cause I don’t have any at the moment) may wind up at GAB=

The Conclusion of Chapter 13, The Field and The Knower from The Bhagavad Gita.


Within the body, the supreme Purusha is called the witness,

approver, supporter, enjoyer, the supreme Lord, the highest Self.

Whoever realizes the true nature of Purusha, Prakriti, and the

gunas, whatever path he or she may follow, is not born separate


Some realize the Self within them through the practice of

meditation, some by the path of wisdom, and others by selfless

service. Others may not know these paths, but hearing and

following the instructions of an illumined teacher, they too go

beyond death.

Whatever exists, Arjuna, animate or inanimate, is born through

the union of the field and its Knower.

They alone see truly who see the Lord the same in every creature,

who see the deathless in the hearts of all that die. Seeing the same

Lord everywhere, they do not harm themselves or others. Thus they

attain the supreme goal.

They alone see truly who see that all actions are performed by

Prakriti, while the Self remains unmoved. When they see the

variety of creation rooted in that unity and growing out of it, they

attain fulfillment in Brahman.

This supreme Self is without a beginning, undifferentiated,

deathless. Though it dwells in the body, Arjuna, it neither acts nor is

touched by action. As Akasha pervades the cosmos but remains

unstained, the Self can never be tainted though it dwells in every


As the sun lights up the world, the Self-dwelling in the field is the

source of all light in the field. Those who, with the eye of

wisdom, distinguish the field from its Knower and the way to

freedom from the bondage of Prakriti, attain the supreme goal.


See more Visible Origami at Les Visible


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