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Prophecy News - 'To the Fallen Ones: Now Comes Your Judgement!' (two messages) given to William Brooks by Jesus and Yahweh, June 6th, 2024

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In trying to reconcile the six days of Creation, supposedly 6,000 years, with what is said here and in the last message about Jesus 1,000 year reign on Earth, and here, “six days since the fall of man”, I started to think in cycles.. What is a 7,000 year cycle on the Earth? Perhaps of civilizations coming and going, but I wasn’t sure. Then the word ‘Septuagint’ came to mind, which is the original Hebrew Bible translated into Greek and then into English. They talk about circular time rather than linear time, as we do, and the circular time of 7,000 years seems to coincide very well with two transits of the comet-planet Nibiru through our solar system (see the second link below).

Other changes in temperature/climate are explained by comets and asteroids coursing through the system. But certain spikes in Sulfur usually linked to volcanic eruption, could not be matched to any volcanic eruption. Then a second link (3rd below) which talked about Carbon 14, a radio active isotope of Carbon 12, and Oxygen 18 with two extra neutrons in its core (two heavier isotopes of their respective elements), immediately brought to mind nuclear war and the radioactivity that that creates. Radioactivity from within Earth’s atmosphere depletes the Ozone layer which protects us from high energy solar and cosmic radiation. Today, our magnetosphere is weakening.. Mount St Helens has already erupted, in 1980, which it did around 3600 years ago.. An English clairvoyant who visited Australia in the 1970′s found on Mount Ainslie a rock/a stone which had the markings of nuclear war. The sun is weaker than what it had been – evidence for the Nibiru? And the elite want (before the Nibiru comes) nuclear war with its nuclear winter.. Flash back to the dinosaurs, who were found frozen in Siberia with undigested buttercups in their stomachs.. A sudden drop in temperature, then read on.

 image Jesus his last warning

To the Fallen Ones: Now Comes Your Judgement!

    Written by: William Brooks
    Category: Prophecies From Jesus Christ
    Published: June 06, 2024
    Created: June 06, 2024

From Yeshua HaMashiach:
My called chosen and faithful, hear the Words of your living Lord and savior, even Yeshuah The Messiah! The nations in which you live and the histories you have been taught by your Jesuit educators are the backdrop of the great deception, whose full revealing is imminent and already in motion. Whereby the fallen ones will appear as benevolent aliens but in truth are malevolent fallen angels. “What is it that has been? Is that that shall be: and what is it that has been done? That which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun” (Ecc1:9).

Satan has offered his so-called advanced knowledge from the beginning, even his knowledge of good and evil. He is a master manipulator and liar who has taught many things to mankind that Yahweh did not intend, for these are the ways of death. Yahweh’s creation is not made to be manipulated for personal power and gain or as a means to escape God’s judgment, nor to establish one’s own ways and order. For Satan has corrupted mankind from the beginning, and he has corrupted the fallen watchers who joined their rebellion.

Oh you great enemy of all unrighteousness even you Satans [pleural], your initial sins were recorded by Enoch the scribe all this time ago, and they stand to this very day, for your sins were so recorded. And so I will summarize, for you have done these things and much more have you done: “You led astray all the sons of God, and brought them down to the earth, and led them astray through the daughters of men. You imparted to the holy sons of God evil counsel, and led them astray so that they defiled their bodies with the daughters of men. You showed the children of men all the blows of death, and led astray Eve, and showed the weapons of death to the sons of men the shield and the coat of mail, and the sword for battle, and all the weapons of death to the children of men. And from your hand they have proceeded against those who dwell on the earth from that day and for evermore” (Enoch69:4-7).

You Satans taught the children of men the bitter and the sweet, and you taught them all the secrets of their wisdom. You instructed mankind in writing with ink and paper, and thereby many sinned from eternity to eternity and until this day. For men were not created for such a purpose, to give confirmation to their good faith with pen and ink. For men were created exactly like the angels, to the intent that they should continue pure and righteous, and death, which destroys everything, could not have taken hold of them, but through this their knowledge they are perishing, and through this power [of knowledge] it is consuming men” (Enoch69:8-11)).

You Satans showed the children of men all the wicked smitings of spirits and demons, and the smitings of the embryo in the womb, that it may pass away, and the smitings of the soul, the bites of the serpent, and the smitings which befall through the noontide heat [atomic warfare], the son of the serpent named Tabââ‘ĕt [demon of chaos]. For you even requested Michael to show you the hidden name, that you might enunciate it in the oath, so that those might quake before that name and oath who revealed all that was in secret to the children of men” (Enoch69:12-14).

For you caused the watchers to join your rebellion as you further corrupted mankind. And so the sins of the watchers were so recorded by Enoch the scribe and I will summarize as follows: “They taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony [uses in war, nuclear weapons], and the beautifying of the eyelids [Jezebel], and all kinds of costly stones, and all coloring tinctures. They taught enchantments, and root-cuttings, the resolving of enchantments, astrology, the constellations, the knowledge of the clouds, the signs of the earth, the signs of the sun, and the course of the moon” (Enoch8:1-3).

And so through your corruptions and lies, you have polluted Yahweh’s creation with your evil ways and blasphemous abominations. You have led mankind astray and sinned against Yahweh and you have wronged mankind, and even sinned against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish and your sins bring great judgment of which you will not recover. You have polluted Yahweh’s creation with your technologies and manipulations, and you caused mankind to wonder after your tricks and falsehoods. For Yahweh only showed you the worthless mysteries of his creation and kept his most precious mysteries hidden in his heart, away from your betrayal.

You evil ones taught your worthless ways to mankind as they multiplied on the face of the earth, and you brought great misery and destruction through your evil schemes and technologies. “For you come not but to steal, kill, and destroy” (John10:10). You taught manipulation of the air for you are the prince of the power of the air for you manipulate the aithēr. For when Cain sinned he built a city, and you have taught mankind your worthless secrets and manipulations. These cites were used for control and manipulation and to bring about mankind’s destruction, as you used them to make your abominations of destruction.

You have caused nation to rise against nation in war and endless strife, and you caused my people to sin and Yahweh has scattered the Tribes of Israel to the four winds. No matter, your evil intent has furthered the purposes of Yahweh, for by their scattering will the gathering of the remaining sheep be accomplished. And I will send my two witnesses to prophecy 1260 days clothed in sackcloth. In all your efforts to destroy Yahweh’s children you have failed miserably, and you simply could not see that your efforts furthered Yahweh’s purposes, for even his enemies obey his voice.

For you have persecuted and troubled the 12 tribes all across the earth as you sought their destruction. You have stolen children from mothers, and taken children from families and relocated them across the earth and then lied to them and caused them to believe Jesuit fables regarding their true history, purposes, and origin. No matter, you have failed because, I Yeshua HaMashiach, will fully reconnect them with their past, nation, and true heritage and I will make all who are heirs of salvation one new man, even in me Christ Jesus.

By sleight of hand and great destruction, you have cleverly hidden away your technologies, even telling lies that the people of the past were ignorant and had no technology. For you showed the ancients your worthless mysteries, and there is nothing new under the sun. And so you hide the truth regarding your manipulations of the creation, even hiding them away from those you would seduce with your great deception. You have reintroduced your magic tricks yet once again, as you have set the stage so you can masquerade as aliens. And through your fake alien invasion you will cause all to wonder at your lying signs and wonders, even those whose names are not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world. But I Yeshua HaMashiach will expose you to the uttermost, and every hidden secret will come to light.

Behold! I will snatch away my faithful to the heavens, for I am coming for my Bride and I will not be stopped. And I Yeshua HaMashiach come to judge and make war and bring great judgment upon the earth, and you will not escape.

I Yeshua HaMashiach, Lord of Lords and King of Kings, have sent these words by my servant, and by my servant have my words been sent, and all will be fulfilled.

From Yahweh, the Great Eternal God:
Oh, you Satans, you have deceived my creation into following after your lying signs and wonders, and my wrath is hot on you. My people will be utterly separated from your tares that you have sown among my wheat in my garden of grace, and my Son, Christ Jesus, will gather my wheat in my barn and so the Lord of harvest will gather, bind and burn your tares. Great judgment is upon you and you will not escape my hand. From the beginning, you slithered and hid yourself among my children, even corrupting my little ones from the very beginning with your lies and deceit. You are no gods, and those who followed your deception and delusions of victory are no gods either.

You cannot create for you lack the power and I never created you with such abilities because I knew you would rebel before you were created. And in my justice and love I created you in righteousness, and you were perfect in the day you were created. In your worthless pride you boast of your own greatness, but you have no greatness and I will fully expose you for the frauds you are. I will lay you in front of Kings, and they will see you and see just how powerless you are. My son Yeshua HaMashiach utterly defeated you at Calvary, and you have no hope.

You are allowed to do only what I allow, as you are a defeated enemy. You stole the deed to the earth in your trickery and lies to Adam, and now my only-begotten son, even Yeshua HaMashiach, has defeated you in his love for me and my creation, and the earth is his, even the Lord of Lords and King of Kings for I have declared it. For he purchased the earth and mankind with his own sinless blood and those who choose life will be redeemed and all your worthless works will be undone, and all who choose life will walk out of your lies and deception into newness of life. And I will make the faithful more glorious than you once were. For you have failed, oh weak and beggarly princes of the earth, even every prince in your order has failed along with you, oh slithering lying serpent.

Now comes the time for your Judgment and your kingdom’s utter destruction, even the kingdom you have built in your efforts to try and hide me, even Yahweh, from my creation, and you will not escape. You will never again enter the heavens for you are cast down to the earth never to return, and your place is in the heavens no more. You are bound to the earth that you lusted after that was not yours to seize. Every one of your works will be undone in the lives of those you tried to destroy (and on the earth itself), and they will forever dwell in peace and safety, and perfect happiness will they have, and I will dwell among mankind and I will be their God.

But, you, oh slithering one, are powerless in my gaze, and you can do nothing to stop me. In the six days since the fall of man, for one day is a thousand years in my sight, you have accomplished nothing but your own judgment, damnation, destruction and torment, for you and all who follow. For you will be bound and cast into that great burning lake where I have made the hottest flames for you, even pure flames of blue, and you will forever burn, and I will recompense every evil work you have ever done, to you many times over. You have murdered multitudes upon multitudes, and you will pay for every soul that has been lost, and never will you escape.

You will know all the sins you committed, and you will never escape from judgment, and you will forever be tormented for the sins you have committed. You will know full well your sins and offenses in your torment, and those you hate will have the final victory over you. And all the unrighteous you ever enticed to sin and commit themselves to join your rebellion, even those whose names were never written in the book of life, will share in your torment. You will all pay for every single sin you have committed, for you have sinned against Yahweh and against my creation, and I will repay. For in my justice I will recompense your own sins, actions, and evil ways fully back into your bosoms many times over and for all eternity. And I Yahweh, even the great God, swear these things by my own name for I can swear by no greater.

You will serve my purposes and in your hate and destruction you will drive my chosen to me, for I will lead them by the hand of Yeshua HaMashiach and his army of mighty men, for they will gather my remaining sheep. (Behold! The 144,000 sent by Yeshua HaMashiach will do mighty works in the face of your abominable evil.) And not one whom I have ordained to eternal life will fall to your schemes for they can never be plucked from my hand and neither can anyone pluck them from my Son’s hands for I have given him a name above every name, and he comes in the power of Yahweh himself. For I have shared my throne with him. And he will utterly crush your head. You have failed, little prince, and your time has come.

I Yahweh, the great eternal God, have sent these words by my servant and by my servant have my words been sent, and they will come to pass. For Yahweh, the great eternal God, has so declared and nothing can break my declarations. I AM El Shaddai!



To the Fallen Ones: Now Comes Your Judgment

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