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Most People don't Know Dirty Harry from Debbie Harry... and They Can't Find Their Ass with A Google-View and A Compass.

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 God Poet Transmitting…….

Divine worship, he says, is the end for which all things are created, and therefore belongs to their original nature and constitution. The different forms of worship result from the variety of Names and Attributes by which God manifests Himself in creation. Every Name and Attribute produces its own characteristic effect. For example, God is the true Guide (al-Hádí); but He is also the Misleader (al-Muḍill), for the Koran says, “Allah shall lead the wicked into error.” He is the Avenger (al-Muntaqim) as well as the Forgiver (al-Mun‘im). If any one of His Names had remained ineffectual and unrealized, His self-manifestation would not have been complete. Therefore He sent His prophets, in order that those who followed them might worship Him as the One who guides mankind to salvation, and that those who disobeyed them might worship Him as the One who leads mankind to perdition.

All God’s creatures worship Him in accordance with His will, and every form of worship expresses some aspect of His nature. Infidelity and sin are effects of the Divine activity and contribute to the Divine perfection. Satan himself glorifies God, inasmuch as his disobedience is subordinate to the eternal will.”

In respect of certain ideas we have been presenting here, I give these lines that I just discovered in the writings of Jili… with whom I wholeheartedly concur, AND… which confirm positions I have taken that some consider to be blasphemous. I do not believe in the folded… spindled… and mutilated teachings of The Christian Church. I see them as stock pens for people who are too afraid to think. Their dogma is like unto a cattle prod.

As for The Koran, it is often filled with such violent thoughts that I do not wonder at some of the acts that have followed since its publication. Christians and Muslims… of a fundie cast… are incredibly mean and unforgiving. That’s the way it is with religion. People like to huddle together because they are terrified of what they don’t understand about life. This makes it easy for The Controllers to herd them as they please… turn them into cannon fodder, and agitate them in the hate-ridden cities.

Lately… I have been getting flashes of insight that lift me to a view of conditions beyond the daylight… walking around perspective… that I have most of the time. It’s impossible to describe except to say they take place in hyper-reality… attended by a stream of images that each… come with pages of dialogue that it is impossible (at least for me) to put down here.

One of the flashes I received recently… has to do with an entire area of political commentary that one runs into on the internet. On the one hand, there are people like Jack Posobiec… Charlie Kirk… Alex Jones and Mike Adams… Ron Unz and others. There are so many of these people. They have big websites, and like James O’Keefe, they style themselves as knights on a white charger… speaking Truth to Power. What I saw was that they have zero effect on anything… except their own levels of influence and the financial gain that comes through doing what they do.

Are they bad people? Are they good people? Are they gatekeepers? Are they entertainers in mufti? I don’t know. There are certain politicians too… that fit into this demographic, BUT… it seems that every… single… one… of… them… answers to The Synagogue of Satan. PERIOD. I was going to this Post Millennial website. I think it’s a Canadian news portal. I liked their truthfulness, BUT… as soon as Israel arranged that false flag on October 7th… with the intent of wiping The Palestinian People from the face of The Earth, they rolled over on their backs with their legs in the air.

Everywhere that those protesting against The Gazacide appear… there are now Zionist Stormtroopers coming in. The police have been told… apparently… to stand back and let them sort it out, so people are getting beaten and pepper sprayed. A few hours later they come in to mop up! 

The Synagogue of Satan is LITERALLY bombing women and children indiscriminately, and laughing about it! Dancing in the street! Tearing food deliveries from the aid trucks, and… scattering them by the roadside, AND… laughing about it… and dancing in the street! The entire nation of Israel is behind this effort. This is apocalypse-in-action.

As we have said here countless times, and as we fully believe without the possibility of doubt… God is in The Details in this horror, and… everywhere else at all times… and the entire insensate, and stupefied world sees The Gazacide… like something through the car window… on their way to the Disneyland Gay Bar for Kids, and The Divine has a resolution in mind. I can only… from what I have seen so far… determine with little likelihood of error… that he intends to deal with this nation of MONSTERS in the most serious and severe fashion.

The heinous crimes that include organ harvesting… broadcasting crying children and women calling for help… in the night… that brings people into the street to look for them, and then firing on them with drones… and so many… many other offenses… too numerous to mention. These are just shrugged off, BUT… Hamas! Hamas! Hamas! The hostages!!! The hostages!!! Bullshit! Bullshit like flaming planets and exponentially expanded!!! Bullshit!!!

Now this Ari Hoffman is showing up everywhere… writing about the outrages of alleged Hamas supporters and their protests… being inflicted on The Poor Israelis. He has become the main contributor at news-sites I never saw him at previously… including The Post Millennial. Bullshit!!!

This is genocide… clear and simple. This is ethnic cleansing! These Zionists are… MONSTERS!!! They have been killing The Palestinians and stealing their land for DECADES!!! That’s it! There is no justification whatsoever. They are… MONSTERS!!!

Are the Gaza protests compromised and financed by the same people who are committing Gazacide? Very Likely. That’s how they operate, BUT… millions of people all round The World are outraged, and I am one of them. Like the song says; ♫Your time is gonna come♫ It comes for all of us. It comes for us individually… in groups… in nations, and to entire planets. It comes soft as a caress from an invisible breeze, and it comes with tanks and ruthless killers… burning as they go.

Most people don’t know Dirty Harry from Debbie Harry… and they can’t find their ass with a Google-View and a compass. They want what they want, and there are people who see that they get it because they are the people who arranged for them to want it in the first place. There are people who create those needs so that they can fill those needs, and as each generation wears out… they find another.

Now they are… also…with calculation… seeking to eliminate another entire race of people… through a variety of means. This is not up for argument. The Great Replacement is a provable given. They have found other groups of people… they are more compliant… more willing… to roll and run riot in the murk of Materialism… from The Land Where The Sun Don’t Shine. There are those with a greater disposition toward certain features of Materialism. Certain things should be obvious to anyone paying attention, and… bottom line…it is all about maintaining control.

Mr. Apocalypse and Lady Awakening… say that The Reins of Power… will be taken away from those who use appearances… as the mechanisms of deception. They are direct agents of Heavenly Force. The Will of The Divine is being done through them, and those who have held the power for deceiving the nations for such a length of time… are now very disturbed at what they see coming for them; shaping up in The Event Horizon. They are desperate, and… they are driven. It is only a matter of time and sequential events.

Everything that is happening is putting those who have worked from the shadows… front and center… into The Revealing Light. Vanity and Arrogance fuel their insanities. They are being driven mad. They are out of their minds with avarice… fear… and rage. Their world is imploding, and not all the soldiers that have ever been, are going to be able to put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

I have no apprehension about Things to Come. I know without a scintilla of doubt… that The Divine… the ineffable… rules supreme in Heaven and on Earth. It is a palpable reality in the one location, and something very hard to see in the other, BUT… nonetheless everything lives and dies… succeeds and fails… according to The Will of God. There is no wiggle room on that.

Many fools have pranced about here in their season. One does not become Carl Panzram in a single lifetime. Psychopathy is arrived at in stages. As one departs from The Light of God… psychopathy is one of the final stages before one becomes actualized as a demon. Everyone who has done massive harm on this planet… worked their way to that opportunity in stages. It was as much a development as; egg, caterpillar, pupa, and butterfly… only in the opposite direction. Everything comes in stages.

There is nothing mysterious about life except for the appearances it is resident behind, AND demonstrates through. There is… What Is, and… There Is… What Seems. What seems is constructed by The Force of Wanting. It is desire… precipitated and channeled into form. No one is denied anything here. That is the good news and the bad news. Seek and ye shall find… LITERALLY. If you sow the wind you will reap the whirlwind… that is also good news and bad news because it parallels the concept of casting your bread upon the waters.

It is not a matter of if, but a matter of when; set out for anywhere and you will get there OR… to a reasonable or unreasonable facsimile. There may be barriers in the way… such as those experienced by Ulysses… Theseus… Perseus… or Milarepa, BUT you will get there… if you only continue; Desire and The Will… Desire and The Will.

End Transmission…….

Some more from that sage, Jili

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    • Anonymous

      The title would describe the morons who just poisoned themselves with the Trump bioweapon.

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