Prophecy News - Pastor Dana Coverstone Dreams for November, December and January 2021
With thanks to for the two transcripts. These are of two videos of more than two dreams given to Pastor Dana Coverstone during August and September of this year. Well before the election on November 3rd. Things will not go as we expect. The left will not accept the result, and this will result in an EMP or nuclear attack from outside the nation and U.N. intervention. And as we all know, or should know by now, a nuclear war on the surface of this planet will lead to the destruction of the magnetosphere and the ionosphere which shields Earth from much higher frequencies from the sun and from space. The only open option then is the Ascension in frequency to a new, for us, frequency range (Archangel Anael), something which the Churches euphemistically call ‘The Rapture’. Be prepared three ways: spiritually in your frequency, mentally in controlling your force (how you use it), and physically in stocking up on food, water and planting things to eat in your garden or in pots, perhaps self-watering for better water usage. Go vegan or vegetarian as much as you can, use Iodine for every cell in the body not just the thyroid gland, Boron for bones and joints, and whatever herbs and spices you like. In other words, get rid of disease by not acidifying your body with meat and vaccines. And, don’t waste the creative energy which is yours (the Holy Spirit or life force according to Jesus) in idle sex. Straighten up and get onto the ‘Straight and the Narrow Way’, given by Mary in the Third Secret of Fatima on July 13th 2917. Please read on, follow the links below, do your own research, and remain calm with the help of the Holy Spirit-’life force’ that is within you.
Prophecy for November 2020
Monday August 17
On Monday night August 17, I dreamt that I saw the calendar month of November and it was bent and torn and dirty. I also saw trees in the background that were leafless yet a few trees that still had a scarce amount of leaves had them turned as if rain was coming. The sky was a dull gray with extreme cloud cover. I saw the finger appear and it circled November 3 continuously in a clock-wise direction, but changed to counter-clockwise before the images appeared.
There were cities on fire and headlines read “Trump’s Victory Challenged Everywhere” on digital marquees in big cities. There were protestors in the streets who were weary and asleep, and they appeared dirty and dingy as if they had not slept or showered in weeks. Suddenly a bell rang loud and clear and the protestors woke and started salivating like a dog, big buckets of saliva that seemed to stain their shirts. I saw people screaming and getting violent over the election results to the point of firing weapons randomly in all directions. I saw a person with a sign that read “The Obvious Winner Is Not So Obvious,” and he held his head in shame.
But the crowd was in a frenzy of hatred and even hitting each other in their wrath. I saw more big cities with pillars of smoke over them like the wild firestorms in CA. I saw crumbled and burned out buildings in Washington, DC, not monuments but businesses and commercial real estate. Headlines declared that rebuilding would take time and trust would take even longer and government could not do it in a timely fashion. Then I saw a treasury official wink almost as if he was looking at a camera on live tv – big smile, open mouth, wink with right eye and held it closed.
Then I saw a Conestoga wagon with Kamala Harris driving it, led by two mules, and Joe Biden was riding the one on the left. At her side, there was the mechanical box that would trigger the dynamite and it was in the upright position. The wind blew the covering back to reveal several cases of older style dynamite and some just loose in an open wicker basket. Harris began whipping the mules and hitting Biden as well with the whip. The mules started moving but Biden was oblivious to as the wagon started picking up speed heading toward a target.
Hillary Clinton was standing behind President Trump who was on his knees and she held a Roman Gladius knife to the left side of his neck. She was a wearing what resembled a Wilma Flintstone dress that was ugly and unfinished. She had a very gaudy ring on her index finger that looked like it had blood on it. There was a skeleton key hanging from her neck and was dangling in front of President Trump’s eyes and it had blood and black mold all over it and it had stained the front of her dress with a stain that looked like the lightning symbol from the Nazi SS. The wagon started picking up speed and Harris pushed the plunger on the trigger and jumped off of the wagon as it headed towards Clinton and Trump.
Hillary’s face was giddy but I saw that there was a large animal trap close to her leg. Trump grabbed the key hanging in front of him and pulled it down, then struck Hillary’s face with his fist as it came down. She dropped the knife and stepped into the trap and the President ran off quickly. I heard 3 handgun shots and watched 3 secret service agents in suits jump in front of all three bullets to shield the President as he got into the beast [PN. presidential limo] and was taken away to safety. The secret service agents surrounded the car with muskets and no sunglasses on.
Hillary tried to pull her leg away but could not and the wagon struck her and there was a great explosion which damaged buildings and a big hole. It also threw the carcasses of the mules up on top of the building rubble where the smoke was coming off them like they had been grilled. Biden was lying facedown in the middle of the street with wheel tracks over him and a vulture was sitting on his head.
Harris was crying in disbelief and her tears looked like they were the size of quarters. And I saw the church with a separation line and no middle ground left as sides had to have been taken. There was fire on the altars in churches around the nation and fire moved on the heads of people who had been praying. And above the heads of many people in the church I saw the actual question mark symbol above them and they appeared very confused by what they were seeing in the world and in the church.
I heard a voice say: “Those who refuse to get ready will be wanting in the end. So Brace yourself and tell others that I have warned them to brace themselves for they are about to see even more shocking things.”
Friday, August 21
I simply saw the White Figure appear and raise a finger to the sky then say, “Ready or not nation, here it comes. Brace yourself.” It was a quick and simple on hide and seek.
Monday August 24
I saw the calendar and it was turned to the month of November and it had shadows flickering all over it. I first saw a light in the sky, a very large light [nb. an EMP? or nuclear explosion], then darkness. I began to make out through haze and fog that many Americans were in emergency shelters and there seemed to be snow on the ground but it was dirty and gray, almost like ash. There were people huddled together and shivering, individuals laying on cots, suitcases all over the place and desperate looks on the faces of most everyone.
There were encouragers in the crowds, all wearing crosses and they stood out emotionally from everyone else because they had hope. They were checking on people and trying to show kindness and patience, but they were at times met with anger and told to go away. But the encouragers just kept doing what they were doing in spite of the manifested anger of several people in the shelters. Some businesses were shuttered in the bigger cities and I saw gas stations that looked as if they had just been walked away from. I saw headlines that read “Shock and Awe In The US”, as well as one that read “UN Steps In To Help Host Nation.” There was large amount of quiet over the country, almost as if it was not awake fully from a bad dream. The nation was fitful and suspicious and leery of what was coming next, very hesitant.
The sun was shining behind the clouds, but was not out yet, when the White Figure appeared and said, “Remain braced as this calm comes before a gathering storm that recovery will have a hard time finding.”
Prophecy for December and into January 2021
Between Friday, August 28th and Thursday September 4th, I had a series of glimpses that got longer each night. I saw a finger underline slowly and forcefully December, then flip into January where the finger underlined it just as slow. Then I saw long food lines and people waiting for what seemed like hours, and they were standing in line and not in cars. I saw ships in ports on both coasts sitting idle and nothing at sea moving.
There were headlines saying that the Baltic Dry Index [PN. Global shipping of raw materials] was dead and that nothing was moving in trade around the world. I also noted that there were no Christmas lights or displays anywhere. There was a great sadness over the land and people seemed dazed and confused. However, there were Christians who stood out because of their faith and their hope in Christ. They appeared like burning charcoal and were carrying torches wherever they went. Many rejected their approach, but they kept the faith and they did not back down from telling the lost they needed Jesus desperately at that moment.
There appeared to be shopping malls that had been converted into shelters or living quarters, with most of the businesses therein shuttered. I continued to see shuttered properties [PN. closed for business] and people in homes wearing coats while looking out closed curtains. Headlines said ‘Nationwide Outages Plague Southwest’ and ‘Americans Don’t Know Who To Blame For Darkness’. Darkness in areas of the nation stretched into Canada and I saw America as lights flickering, like the bulb was about to go but still had a little light left.
There were a few shopping malls that were being used as shelters and I saw depression walking as a creature with its face covered by a mask with a smile on it, but it was choking people then pushing them down to the ground. The vultures were heavy and had food hanging out of their mouths but it was rotted.
I also saw the city of St. Louis and men under the Arch with suitcases who were getting into black SUVs and headed east and west from the Mississippi River. The suitcases appeared to be like the nuclear suitcases from the Reagan administration complete with the handcuffs to secure the case to the individual. They were dressed as businessmen and had copies of the Wall Street Journal under their arms and heavily tinted sunglasses. Each had a watch alarm that went off at precisely the same second and that is when they picked up the suitcases and got into the vehicles to be driven to their destinations.
The next headlines I read were about market crashes and yields being lost, with one declaring sympathy about the meaning of the Swastika [PN. another ‘holocaust’ coming]. I saw tired crowds and tired people and many who had lost the resolve to fight due to the emotional overcast of the nation. I heard Christians saying that they remembered what Jesus had said about the winter and flight but they kept encouraging one another in their faith. I saw lights all over the country where the church was keeping their communities secure with a warm glow.
Then I saw the White Figure rise-up out of those fires. He said, “Brace yourself. Brace, brace, brace yourself on the Word and My promises and do not rely upon your own strength.”
[PN. Mark 13:18 'Pray that it may not happen in winter. 19 For in those days there will be such tribulation as has not been from the beginning of the creation that God created until now, and never will be.']
Pastor Dana Coverstone Prophetic Dream About November 2020
Dana Coverstone Prophetic Dream About December 2020
Jesus – ‘Honour Me by trusting in Me in your day of trouble’
Mary’s messages
Jesus’ messages
Lucia reveals the Third Secret of Fatima
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle – War will provoke the earth changes
“War appears only in the early stages and appears to be a signal for the crisis to follow. || The crisis will come in an instant. The destruction and dislocation of civilized life will be beyond belief. || There will be a short period of chaos followed by some reconstruction; the total period of upheavals will be roughly three years.”
Pope John Paul II in Fulda, Germany (1980)
‘The Holy Father was asked, “What about the Third Secret of Fatima? Should it not have already been published by 1960?”
Pope John Paul II replied: “Given the seriousness of the contents, my predecessors in the Petrine office diplomatically preferred to postpone publication so as not to encourage the world power of Communism to make certain moves. || On the other hand, it should be sufficient for all Christians to know this: if there is a message in which it is written that the oceans will flood whole areas of the earth, and that from one moment to the next millions of people will perish, truly the publication of such a message is no longer something to be so much desired.”‘
The Banking family Rothschilds is behind the rise of Communism and authoritarianism around the world.
Ted Gunderson – was killed for revealing the Plan of the New World Order.
note. Apparently the Jewish Rothschild Banking family is underwriting/ paying for, the revolution in America, just as it did for the formation of Israel in 1948, the Maoist Revolution in China from 1966 – 1976, the overthrow of the Romanovs in 1917 to turn Russia communistic until the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991 overseen by President Mikhail Gorbachev who stepped down in 1991..
The Rockefeller Foundation New World Order Plan, ‘Lockstep 2010′
note. to reduce the population of the world by introducing the hybrid Covid19, and having as a second wave of disease a tri-brid strain, to include HIV, which has a 30% mortality rate, and then having a vaccine for the virus which changes the human gene for intelligence – Chromosome 8 – to make people more compliant to control measures, just as Nazi Germany did with the gas Fluoride to their Jewish prisoners in their internment camps, called Concentration Camps, during World War II. Note that Covid19 and the next, second wave of Covid (20 or 21) were not made in China but in Maryland USA, in the class 4 laboratory at Fort Detrick, according to the Rockefeller Foundation paper read out by the President of Ghana in the video.
The Prophecy of Peter Deunov
“Men do not suspect to what dangers they are menaced by. They continue to pursue futile objectives and to seek pleasure. On the contrary those of the sixth race will be conscious of the dignity of their role and respectful of each one’s liberty. They will nourish themselves exclusively from products of the vegetal realm. Their ideas will have the power to circulate freely as the air and light of our days.”
Food Woke
Meat acidifies the blood whereas food from the Vegetable Kingdom alkalinises it. Acid blood cannot hold cells in suspension, so they clump together, slide along vessel walls damaging them and causing blockages in tiny capillary beds, called “mini-stroke”.
Dr Andrew Moulden – M.A.S.S. (Mouldens Anoxia Spectrum Syndrome)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 – M.A.S.S.
If you do more searching for Part 4, you will find it is available but you have to pay for it.
Part 4
Intro: “I would imagine that everyone has heard the sound of a crying baby. It is usually a simple distress call, ‘I need a diaper change … I am hungry … I need to be burped … I want to be cuddled and rocked for a while.’
There is another kind of cry that now comes from babies, which is quite different. You may not have heard such a cry or maybe if you have, you didn’t recognize it. This kind of cry is an extremely high pitched scream. This cry is an ear piercing shrill shriek that sounds like the baby is having its bowels cut with knives or having its skin torn from its body.
This is not a normal cry for the usual forms of parental attention — it is a plea for protection and deliverance from a sinister menace. This shriek is the sound of uncontrolled terror and pain. || The cause is commonly an adverse reaction to a vaccine.”
Dr Otto Warburg – the prime cause of Cancer
“The cause of cancer is no longer a mystery; we know it occurs whenever any cell is denied 60% of its oxygen requirements.”
A lot of the links I have for boron and iodine are defunct, because too old or removed/changed names, or any number of reasons.. perhaps banned because not profitable for the medical profession and pharmaceutical industries.
Iodine for Health
nb. more links within.
Historical Background of the Iodine Project
Boron builds Bone Health
I started out by searching “boron foods” or “iodine foods”
You can also use this search format for any disease by using, “‘name of disease’ foods”, to bring up articles which help..
Growing food
How to Build the BEST Self Wicking Bucket! DIY Self Watering 5 Gallon Bucket
Gardening with Leon Ep.01
When you use pots with holes in the bottom you loose 90% of the water you put into them.
A Planet is a delicate organism.
UFO Contact from the Pleiades
note. Particles smaller than our known subatomic particles escape from the containment vessels, weakening them. The sub-subatomic particles are repelled by the Earth (negative to negative) and repelled by the sun. They form the ozone holes, that we know of, in the Earth’s atmosphere at the North and South poles, thus allowing in allowing in faster and higher frequency solar and cosmic ray energy.
A Spaceman’s Warning About The Dangers of Nuclear Radiation
“Solar disturbances are periodic and their effects soon disappear because they are the result of waves; but radioactivity produced by hydrogen bombs has a lasting effect, because atomic dust remains in suspension and takes time to fall. While in suspension it damages the higher layers; when it falls it poisons everything.
|| A planet is a delicate organism, whose natural equilibrium cannot be upset with impunity. This excess radioactivity begins by influencing men’s brains, upsetting them noticeably. Soon you will see madness range over the Earth. || The use of hydrogen bombs will unleash the horsemen of the Apocalypse, who were designated for that day and hour. Elements now unknown will appear and poison the vegetation and, consequently, men and animals. The seas will be poisoned and the fish will die. Water will be contaminated at its source, because it will fall from radioactive clouds. Showers of particles will fall to Earth and the crops will perish. || Moreover, the atmospheric layers will be changed. Upon their composition depends the stability of the planet. They will then cease to produce light and affect the luminosity of the Sun. They will no longer be able to filter the solar emanations and the Sun will turn black and you will experience indescribable sensations.
|| There will be Dantesque scenes. It will be then that Earth’s people discover how wrong was the theory based on the fixed speed of light at 186,000 miles per second. Earth will be subject to energy in the form of ultraviolet waves, with speeds of millions of miles per second. || Meanwhile, in spite of this intense solar energy, there will be no light, but only a rusty red glow near the ground. Man will suffer from terrible cold, but his flesh will be burned as with a hot iron by actinic radiation. If man looks at the Sun, his eyes will be destroyed.
|| The upper layers of the atmosphere produce or prevent earthquakes. A major alteration of these would make the whole Earth tremble and its cities will collapse like a pack of cards; a quaking earth below, and darkness and burning heat above. || Enormous waves will form on the seas, compressed violently by the solar energy [Third Secret of Fatima]. The poles will be subject to greater solar pressure and will melt, raising the level of the seas so that people in maritime cities would be struck with terror. The roaring of the waters will play a fearful duet with the groaning of the earth.
|| The present rate of atomic explosions has already caused the mean heat of the Earth to increase, and it will continue to do so at the rate of 0.3 degree C. each year. If there were to be a hydrogen war, there would be pandemonium. || Radioactivity in the upper layers is already enough to melt the polar caps and flood low-lying cities. || In twenty years (or more) there will be a difference of 6C. Before then, all the ice of the poles will have melted.
|| Strange diseases will appear. The liver is a living laboratory and on being attacked by the ingestion of radioactive elements scattered about the world, it will lose its ability to produce the elements for bodily defenses. || Leukaemia will destroy children who have not reached puberty, as well as old people whose sex force is spent. Cancer will spread rapidly. Ghastly pestilence will attack the skin and the eyes and there will be no cure. || Nursing mothers will weep with sorrow, knowing that their milk, which should nourish the child, carries lethal poisons which will destroy its bones and bring leukaemia. Many, unable to withstand such suffering, will seek death, cursing life and those who launched such despair upon the world.
Then humanity will see whither progress without God has brought them maniacs in the streets, the maimed everywhere, hospitals overflowing, cemeteries full, larders empty, millions destroyed by war, orphaned children, ravaged cities, contaminated fields, poisoned waters, terrorized multitudes, plague, terror, blasphemy, grief, desolation. On Earth, people in anguish; in the Heavens the Cosmic Laws upset.
As serpents, with Kundalini not wasted in sex but rising up the spine, to be harmless as doves.
God centered not ego centered.
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Here in the following link, is just one of countless reasons as to why, no matter what happens in this sordid mess, GOD ALMIGHTY IS GOING TO HAND THE WORLD A SIZABLE MASS OF “HELL”.
Things like this are beyond atrocious. Many people don’t give it a second thought. They do not realize, many don’t care, of the seismic importance this has with God, as to what has and is happening, non stop, in the following story. (multiplied by the countless, countless occurrences of same.) video
Most believe that ROT GUT “POLITICS”, just one of Satan’s many, many moldy old religions out there…deliberately designed to keep everyone’s mind OFF Christ, and His Peaceful and Healing Life to us,
Re-read all of First Samuel Chapter Eight
5 And said unto him, Behold, thou art old, and thy sons walk not in thy ways: now make us a king to judge us like all the nations.
7 And the Lord said to Samuel, “Heed the voice of the people in all that they say to you; for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them.
Verses 8 & 9, God Told Samuel of all the things, that He, God did for the people…good things. HE Had Samuel forewarn the people of what would/will happen with their casting away CHRIST: GOD, AS…
and choosing mankind as “savior and king.”
verses 10—21 is the description of what has been and will continue to happen. (until Christ Comes Back)
In the meantime:
Psalm 2:1–4
Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Christ; the Lord, and against His anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
He that Sitteth in the Heavens Shall Laugh: the Lord Shall Have them in derision.
Derision: a person or thing that is made fun of.
Proverbs 4:14-17
Contempt, disdain, laughter, mockery, ridicule, scorn, sneering, laughingstock, joke, object of ridicule…etc., etc., etc.
Do not enter the path of the wicked, And do not walk in the way of evil. Avoid it, do not travel on it; Turn away from it and pass on.
Thank you for your comments Katherine. Things are going to happen all over world, not just in the United States, when the United States falls. Australia, too, to be invaded by China through Indonesia when the U.S. proves unable to project power. Why do you think they are building bases in the South China Sea, if not to reach Australia…?
Dear Pastor Dave
Please know The Lord is here…
There is another way “The Way”
Can You See Christ in His Second Coming? He Has Already Cast His Net.
We do live in an extraordinary time that actually involves the second coming of Christ.
Reconcile The Truth revealed in Malachi 4. Before that terrible Day, Elijah The Prophet will be sent to warn the world to return to the Laws of Moses (God’s Law) or be damned to hell-fire. Elijah was and is a man among us with a simple Message.
Elijah is here to remind us to return to God’s Law – The Perfect Royal Laws of Liberty, which will ensure us of no disease, hunger, or enslavement.
Revelation is about the end times. The “Son of Man” signifies The Son will be in the body of a man when He returns – in the midst of mankind.
Like the sun, The Son, The Light of the World, will light The Way, like the dawning of a New Day (2 Peter 1:19; Sura 113).
Freedom-fighters recognize the world is being deceived; and help reveal that which is hidden. These good deeds don’t go unnoticed, and are appreciated. But, freedom-fighters must graduate to the next level. If the Synagogue of Satan is close to accomplishing its goals, know that Christ is close to completing His Mission.
It’s not enough just to recognize the princes of darkness. Freedom-fighters must recognize Prince Michael, Chief of the Archangels, the Commander-in-Chief; and use His Sword of Truth. Freedom-fighters don’t realize Satan is also deceiving them,…
British….. b… Jesus is not in the flesh right now.
Jesus- “Those who know the Truth of My Teachings will recognise the deceit, which is placed before the human race and they will withstand this abomination. Those who say they know God, and are practicing Christians, will fail to understand My Promise to return. When I come back it will be to Judge. I will never walk the Earth a second time. For all their knowledge of My Teachings they do not understand what I said. I now remind them. I will not walk in the flesh. Any man who says he is I, is a liar.”
Jesus- “When anyone who comes in the future, and claims to be Me, Jesus Christ, know that he is a liar. I will not come in the flesh a second time. Satan cannot utter these words: “Jesus Christ, Who came in the flesh.”
What he will say, through the mouth of the beast, the antichrist, will be the following: “I am Jesus Christ, I have now come in the flesh, to bring you salvation.”
When this happens My Divine Intervention will be swift, but by then the false prophet and the antichrist will have stolen many souls.
Jesus- “I repeat again, My Warning to the world. I will never walk in the flesh again. I came, the first time, in the flesh, but when I come again…