Nibiru - Today, 27/02/2020, Hitting a new Record
In addition to Nibiru getting, below the 1 billion kilometer mark, and Earth moving further out from behind the sun, the Schumann Resonance is showing stronger activity. Not so much in its frequency (cycles per second) but in its amplitude, measured in power (like decibels) The frequency is getting louder, even though the rate of frequency puts it below the range of hearing.
(Frequency) 0.0Hz at the top; 40.0 Hz at the bottom.
I had trouble getting my head around this, jumping to rises in frequency rather than the strength or power of each band of frequency (expressed as A1 the strongest, to A2 higher frequency but less strong, to A3 and A4). I had to go to the Russian site (links below) to realize this. Actually the frequency of the Earth has not risen much, probably because the cavity in which it resonates hasn’t changed in size very much (smaller for higher frequency and deeper for lower frequency).
The loudest band (amplitude), on top, is the base frequency range of 7.83 Hertz (cycles per second) and it is the lowest of the Schumann frequencies, the one with which we are most familiar because it affects our brain waves. It’s in WHITE at the top of each chart.. The other colors below the white are successively higher Schumann frequencies but less strong… but each band counts upwards from low to High. So the counting is discontinuous, and one has to keep ones wits about one, as one reads the charts.
My guess, rather my realisation, is that Dr Sam is using the Schumann Resonance, in addition to the solar wind data, as a measure of the compression which the magnetic field of Nibiru (200 times greater than the field of the Earth, and 47 au in radius – not diameter but radius!) is putting on the magnetic field of the Earth. Because as Dr Sam has said: “As long as the occlusion and the deformation of Earth are concentrated in the sphere, all the envelopes below this layer will inevitably be disturbed. The fall of a small stone into the pool of water will change the face of all the water .. !!” (see link below)
Nibiru Today, 27/02/2020, Hitting a new Record
the A1 amplitude (spiked) is on the right
Schumann Resonance Today, (29th February, 0900 UTC)
One example:
On Thursday, 27th February 2020
2/27 10:00 UTC – “We are in the midst of a very powerful activity, it started at 8:30 UTC and within a few minutes it reached Power 170, for 60 minutes, until 9:30 UTC we were above Power 130.
2/27 14:00 UTC – “After the very strong activity that reached Power 170 and ended at 17 local timeline (10 UTC) we had about two hours of calm before a new peak, this time much more moderate, reached Power 30 at 13 UTC.
“2/27 17:00 UTC – “We returned to a calm condition after the last movement which lasted about 2 hours, from 12 to 14 UTC, with the peak at 30 reported previously.”
Two lectures by Dr Sam to illustrate the effect on the Schumann Resonances.
September 4th – affects every layer
September 22nd – Schumann Resonance up
The Russian links.
Шумановские резонансы
Амплитуды (Amplitudes, February 27-29, 2020)
“Dependences of the amplitudes of the Schumann resonance on local time.
Local time is expressed in hours of Tomsk summer daylight saving time (TLDV). TLDV = UTC + 7 hours.”
Частоты (Frequencies, February 27-29, 2020)
“Dependences of the frequencies of the Schumann resonance in hertz on local time.
Local time is expressed in hours of Tomsk summer daylight saving time (TLDV). TLDV = UTC + 7 hours.”
Jesus’ messages
Mary’s messages
***** SIGH *****
MAY DAY creeps ever soooooooooooo closer, with each passing day.
CLOSER!?!?! I never even dated her!!!!!!!!
You can post whatever you like, whenever you like… May 1st is no big deal for me… Nibiru is coming.. period…
Care to opine on the Date? If you are sooooooooooooooooo sure it’s coming, perhaps you’d like to share this news with the Class?
My standing bet is still out there, a Date, +/- 5 years either way. That’s a whole decade to work with.
Burt Hurt Bob Failed. $100,000:1 odds.
The Toilet-Less Pitmaster Failed.
Time The Enchanter EPICALLY Failed.
Lavendar Rose Failed.
Spolier Alert – Caca is going to FAIL too. (As…. shhhhhhhhhh, don’t tell anyone I told you this …. [IT DOESN'T F'ING EXIST]).
You do realize, Caca, that nobody actually reads the drivel you post, we all just go straight for the Comments Section????
And Trust Me, May Day can’t roll around soon enough!!!!