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Lucifer's Flat Earth In Three Minutes: Artificial Horizon, Coriolis Effect, Planets, Eclipses, Sun & Moon

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By Lee Austin

If earth was a ball, jets would have to compensate for the curvature with a constant downward trajectory. Otherwise they would crash into water firmament dome. In truth, jets fly level because there isn’t any curvature.

The artificial horizon instrument in the cockpit of a plane indicates whether the pilot is flying level to the horizon. This gauge is a mechanical gyroscope without a single internal electrical component, adjusting itself into an upright position indicating a level flight in relation to the ground. Therefore, if a jet followed the true curvature of the fictional earth ball, the artificial horizon should roll back to reflect curvature. The constant flat line on the artificial horizon instrument proves the horizon is always flat. In addition, the sundial, periscope, and lighthouse could not function on a round spinning ball.

What about the Coriolis Effect? This is whereby a mass moving in a rotating system experiences the Coriolis force, acting perpendicular to the direction of motion and to the axis of rotation. This is the fictional cousin to gravity. In theory, the Coriolis Effect deflects moving objects to the right in the Northern hemisphere and to the left in the Southern. It’s allegedly the force that makes a plane conform to the curvature of the earth.  

Another deception is the fiction of planets. Millions of spinning balls, rotating around millions of burning star balls. Actually, the planets and stars are a collective habitation of angelic beings known as luminaries and stones of fire. Flickering, sentient, intelligent orbs contained within the sea firmament dome. If you want to see extraterrestrial beings, just look up into the night sky. The function of these inter-dimensional luminaries are to glorify God’s name. Lucifer was the first stone of fire to be cast down from the fifth dimension of the third heaven.

Thirty-five-hundred miles above the surface of the flat earth, the sea firmament dome acts as a translucent lens, revealing the luminaries in the second heaven, revolving clock-wise around the flat earth. Again, it is the refraction of the luminaries through the hardened lens of the sea firmament dome that creates the illusion of ripples.

The sun and moon rotate clockwise below the sea firmament dome as the moon alternates evenly below and above the sun. During the day, the blue sky is visible through the dark part of the waxing or waning moon. Since the fifteenth century there have been fifty eclipses featuring the sun and moon above the horizon. Impossible if ball earth casts its shadow on the moon. With an equatorial circumference of six thousand, seven-hundred and eighty-three miles, the sun and moon are the same size. It’s the reason they look same size during an eclipse.

Thirty-five hundred miles above the flat earth the localized sun dictates the day, night and seasons. Because of its close proximity. The sun functions like a spotlight. You’ve been correctly programmed to believe that it’s always daytime somewhere on earth. Just not in the heliocentric sense. In truth the sun moves away from your limited horizontal perspective. Rising in the East. And setting in the West. Determined by your stationary flat earth line of sight. When the sun rises it appears from the Eastern vanishing point of human perspective. As it sets the sun disappears from the Western vanishing point of human perspective.

The North Pole is at the center of the flat earth. Not surprisingly, the Arctic region is much warmer than Antarctica. The highest recorded temperature in Antarctica is nine degrees below zero. If the earth were a ball with a somewhat identical North and South Pole, their climates should also be similar. Summer temperatures in the Arctic can reach into the eighties. While at the same Antarctic latitude, the temperature stays below zero all year. The North Pole is a magnetically charged, toroidal vortex ring generated by a closed rotating curve, which generates tidal fluctuations. Located in the center of the flat earth, the North Pole’s massive hole produces a vacuum and the toroidal vortex ring that extends from the surface of the flat earth into the Black Cube of Hell. This is a temporary holding cell for the Dark Angels. The Northern Lights emanate from the Black Sun located in the heart of Hell, which is thirty-six hundred miles deep.

For fifty-five hundred years the Great Pyramid of Giza was the tallest structure in the world. Rising forty-two stories above the desert floor, it contained enough stone to build a six-foot-high wall from New York to Los Angeles. Covering sixteen acres, it consists of approximately twopoint-three million limestone blocks weighting up to ten-thousand pounds tons each. The sides of the pyramid are equilateral triangles pointing true North, South, East and West. Its base square right angles are accurate to one-twentieth of an inch. A Hebrew cubit is twenty-five-point-zero two five inches in length. While the base side of the pyramid is three hundred sixty-five point two four cubits. This corresponds to the exact number of days in a solar year even accounting for the extra leap year day.

Lucifer’s altars hide in plain sight. The Stone of Light Meditation Room within the United Nations is a shrine to my divinity. Formally financed by Lucifer Trust, this black cube altar of iron/ore is now under the politically-correct umbrella of Lucis Trust. Crowned by a polished pyramidal top, the Stone of Light Meditation Room is a natural magnet emitting magnetic waves. Shining as billions of tiny luminaries, a mural containing the thirteen triangles and pyramids sits in place of the capstone

Once man desired knowledge more than their creator, our habitation was deeded back into Lucifer’s possession.

The illusion of planet earth remains one of Lucifer’s favorite deceptions. Truth be told. Earth is flat. With a sea firmament dome above. A diamond shaped underworld below. It’s the floor of the universe. And ground zero of the first heaven. Flat earth is the only physical plane in existence…. Take a deep breath. Nothing is as it seems.

For five-hundred years Lucifer has propagated the fiction of planet earth, from kindergarten to the university. Global brainwashing has been reinforced by the UN, evolutionists, religious institutions, media and the scientific community. Belief in a spinning ball traveling through a black void of endless space creates a nihilistic, cynical society devoid of love, obsessed with the present, and indifferent to eternity. The heliocentric theory kills purpose while reinforcing a sense of hopelessness.

However, the geocentric theory is an evolutionary impossibility which cannot be intellectualized. It is a revolutionary, child-like belief, igniting the fuel of faith into a burning ember. That which cannot be quantified into a box of space and time is the substance of God. Belief in the flat earth compels an atheist to acknowledge intelligent design created by an omnipotent being who controls the unfathomable.

A proud intellect will never accept the geocentric theory. It is a slap in evolution’s face.

It’s always been a choice.

Lee Austin is the author of “Morning Star’s Tale”





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