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Jesus - God's Call !

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God’s Call is the same as, or equal to, the call of the Creation, and the Creation includes all life-forms, not just the human. That’s the meaning of the ‘three-in-one’ or of the Tri-unity (the Holy or Whole Trinity). And the Three are so bound up together that they cannot be separated. The one life has dispersed itself in all lives, even in what we call the inert, unmoving or dead matter. If we eat meat, we are violating the life of the animals, fish or birds.. anything with a brain. If we cut down trees for wood, to burn or to build, we are violating the life of those trees. If we give our young children vaccines we are violating the life of those who depend upon us as adults. As the old saying goes, Nothing should go into the body except through the stomach because before digestion passes into the main blood stream it all goes through the liver where harmful substances are detoxified and eliminated. Almost every profession has been bent for self-serving… Law, Medicine, Education, Government, Science.. you name it and it’s been bent. How do we unbend it? . Follow the straight and the narrow way. And one of the first steps relates to sex. As I have read, “Celebacy is not enjoined. Self-control is”. How many practice self-control on themselves?

Read on..

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Man does not seek God, it is God that must seek man. Around the world we see the carnage and hear of the suffering of nations that refuse to acknowledge – JESUS Christ is LORD; my own nation counted among them. The earth is shaking violently as the sins of the nations continue. My heart is heavy, I grieve for America, land that I love. Her sins pile high as God’ wrath continues to pour forth upon this wicked, wayward, self-willed people. Be aware christian; you who are living amid a rotting unregenerate generation…‘I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’ cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to JESUS Christ, (2 Corinthians 11:3). He will tend His flock, in His arms He will gather the lambs and carry them in His bosom, (Isaiah 40:11). The integrity of the upright will guide them, but the crookedness of the treacherous will destroy them, (Proverbs 11:3)’.

Fires, floods, earthquakes, deceit, deception, murder, government unrest, wars and rumors of wars; all have failed to stem the tide of anarchy and rebellion. ‘You feel secure in your wickedness and say, “no one sees me.” Your self-professed wisdom and knowledge have led you astray. You say, “I am one of a kind; no one can compare to me” (Isaiah 47:10)’. The arrogance, the pride, the sinful acts and immoral laws of America are eroding the foundation of the nation. False faced pretenders rule with an iron fist covered by a velvet glove those who have bought into their lies.

God has repeatedly warned America; giving us ample time to repent. He has shown us much grace and mercy still man continues in his ruthless, unrelenting rebellion against God. ‘He is wise and will bring disaster and does not retract His words. but will arise against the house of evildoers, against the help of the workers of iniquity, (Isaiah 31:2)’. Yet instead of repentance and acknowledgment of sin, Americans continue to murder the innocent through legalized abortion, welcome drag queens into their children’ lives, embrace homosexuality, openly flaunt sin, demanded gender reassignment for their young, and elect evil greed-driven socialist officials to rule the nation. ‘I will destine you for the sword, and all of you will bow down to the slaughter because I called, but you did not answer; I spoke but you did not hear, (Isaiah 65:12). They too will drink the wine of God’ fury which has been poured full strength into the cup of His wrath, (Revelation 14:10)’.

The ideology of far too many American churches reject The Truth of the Word of God. Through apathy, collusion and ignorance of biblical Christianity millions support pathetic, weak-kneed pastors, themselves becoming weak-kneed wimpy warriors. Demanding tolerance, evading truth, condoning wickedness as freedom of speech, passively accepting legislation contrary to God’ word they sit with folded hands and hardened hearts all the while expecting the blessing and favor of God.”


Next follows a precis on Jesus’ last days by the Archangel Raphael (healing angel).

Immanuel’s Sufferings and Crucifixion

“His inner sufferings at the hands of Evil were hidden from human eyes and so nothing is said about them in the Bible beyond the very casual account of His temptation in the wilderness. Yet the onslaughts made upon Him there by Lucifer were so savage, that any one of the earlier divine emissaries would have abandoned God, if He had allowed the Powers of Hell to proceed against him with the same vigor as He permitted them to assail Immanuel. Moreover, the bodily tortures which Immanuel had to undergo until His last breath were such that His predecessors could not have held out against them, even less so because they had to be endured in addition to equally severe mental suffering.

It is true that the sufferings of Immanuel had a higher significance than did those of any other of the divine prophets. For them, death spelled the fulfillment of their tasks, if they had remained true to God. For Immanuel, however, the end of His Earthly life marked only the fulfillment of a portion of His mission, the more important part of which was still to be completed afterward, by gaining a victory over the Prince of Darkness. His crucifixion was a condition precedent to that victory, not just crucifixion in itself, but His ability to endure it without faltering in His loyalty to His Master. He might, while yet alive upon the Cross, have lost faith in God at the last moment and gone over to the Enemy. Had He done so, He would have died upon the Cross nevertheless, but defeated and apostate. Until that moment, He had stood upon the defensive against the terrific hail of missiles that Hell poured upon Him; had He yielded, all would have been lost. The effort for Redemption would have failed and Immanuel would have been a prisoner of the Prince of Darkness.

If, on the other hand Immanuel held out against the most dreadful anguish of soul and body inflicted on Him by the Hellish powers, the moment of His death on Earth would mark also the beginning of the second part of the War of Redemption. He, Who as a mortal, had stood on the defensive against the Powers of Hell, would now, as a spirit, advance to attack them in order to render His victory complete. To force the decision He would descend into Hell. He descended into the lower parts of the Universe.

However, I will dwell a little longer upon the first stage of this war, the most important that was ever fought, and review those hours of Immanuel’s human suffering which people call the Passion, seeing that humanity appreciates far too little the unspeakable anguish that this Divinely sent Bearer of the Cross was forced to endure in order that people might be saved.

On the evening before His death Immanuel was in the guest chamber of a house, in company with His Apostles.

The feast of the Passover that He was observing with them was also His farewell feast, but who among you can measure and realize the anguish of His soul? He knew from the divine spirit messengers that all preparations for His arrest and speedy execution had already been made. He knew that one of His Apostles had conspired with the high priests and for a traitor’s reward of thirty pieces of silver had declared himself ready to deliver his Master to them and at that very moment the traitor was lying at a taboret with Him. They were not seated about a long table as you think and as they are shown in paintings, but were reclining upon the skins of animals, elevated, at the head by bolsters, gathered in groups of three around low taborets, their left elbows resting on the bolsters, their right hands taking the food before them. At the same taboret with Immanuel reclined John and Judas, John to the left, his head close to his Master’s breast, and on His right, Judas, who dared not meet his Master’s eye and was anxiously awaiting the moment when he could leave the chamber without attracting attention.

The Master’s heart bled on seeing before Him His traitor in this youth, whose terrible end He foresaw. As He looked upon him, Immanuel’s eyes filled with tears, because His heart was filled with love for even this lost brother; in His mind he saw a picture of what, within a very few hours, was to be a reality. Judas, despair in his soul, standing, rope in hand before the tree on which he was to end his own life and beside him Lucifer, ready to take the spirit of him who he had led astray, into the Pit. Terrified at the vision, the Master trembled.

As for the other Apostles, would they stand by Him and console Him in the hour of His martyrdom?

The events that the next twelve hours were to bring passed before His mind’s eye. He could see them all fleeing in terror for their own lives and Peter shaking with dread before a maid, denying all knowledge of his master with oaths and curses. He saw the devils crowding outside the door of the guest chamber, ready to seize upon His Apostles as they went out and in this very night fill their minds with doubt of their Master, in order that they might offer no support or help to one Who was doomed to die.

Immanuel told His Apostles, “Lucifer has asked to have you, that he might sift you as wheat.” Why had Lucifer desired this? Only now it had been divinely revealed to him what he had at stake in this war.

God’s sense of justice did not permit Him to conceal any longer from Lucifer the fact that the battle which was now to start between him and Immanuel was to decide the sovereignty of Hell over the fallen spirits. God had revealed to Lucifer that Immanuel, should He remain steadfast throughout the death agony which was at hand, would thereafter as a spirit advance and attack Hell at the head of the celestial legions, that he, the Prince of Hell, would be overcome and would be deprived of an essential part of his sovereignty. At this news, Lucifer trembled, then, appealing to that sense of the divine justice which on one occasion had given him absolute sovereignty over the fallen spirits, he demanded that God observe strict neutrality in the decisive battle which was impending. What Lucifer asked was, that God withdraw His hand entirely from Immanuel, leaving Him not any human support, while allowing Hell to have a free hand. Should God agree to these demands, Lucifer hoped that by doing his utmost, he would succeed in breaking the spirit of this Immanuel of Nazareth at the last moment and in driving Him to abandon His cause.

God granted the terms asked by Lucifer with the sole exception of reserving to Himself the right to strengthen Immanuel’s purely physical vitality. Had He not done so, Immanuel would have died in the garden of Gethsemane and His martyrdom would never have reached consummation.

At Lucifer’s desire, all the mental and physical anguish possible, crowded into a few short hours, was to be concentrated upon his antagonist, simultaneously with an attack to be launched upon Him and His followers by the entire infernal spirits. Lucifer hoped if Immanuel was alone, betrayed by one of His Apostles, deserted by the others, denied any divine aid against the forces of Hell, he could prepare an end worthy of a Judas.

After Judas had left the guest chamber and even as Immanuel gave to His Apostles the wine and the bread symbolical of His approaching death, His heart was bleeding from a thousand wounds. He was human, as you are, and had no advantage over other humans during this hour and those that were to follow. On the contrary, He lacked even those things that most people have, to fortify and console them in the hour of suffering.

Picture Him now, going out into the dark of the night to the garden of Gethsemane. The night is no man’s friend, least of all his who is overwhelmed with sorrow. His Apostles, on whom the evil spirit forces are already at work, walk silently beside Him, in dread of what is to come. Under the burden of His mental torments, He too is silent.

At the remote spot in the garden, chosen by Him as the place in which to offer prayer for strength, Lucifer is in wait with his ablest assistants, ready to break down their intended victim’s spiritual resistance by their united efforts. This is the very opportunity that God had conceded to the Prince of Darkness.

Human words would fail to portray the terrors of the visions held up by Hell to its victim in this brief hour! As once before, the same Lucifer, who had tempted the Son of Man in the wilderness, and showed Him the kingdoms of the world in all their splendor in order to cause His fall, this time and to the same end, he exhibited to Immanuel all that is fearful and detestable in mankind.

He caused to pass before His eyes pictures of blaspheming, sinful humanity in its full viciousness and corruption, in a steady succession of hideous pictures. Next he showed to Immanuel the supposed “fruits” of His years of endeavor among the Jews as “God’s people”, pointing mockingly to His Apostles, one of them actually approaching at the head of a multitude, the others fast asleep near by, with never a word of comfort for their Master and unwilling to sacrifice a single hour of sleep for His sake. “And would you die to prove your gospel for such as these?” Lucifer’s mocking voice sounded in His ears, “For such as blaspheme your Father and will condemn you as a fool if you give your life for this perverse generation, and have you taken thought what your end will be?”

Before the clairvoyant eyes of his trembling victim there now passed the scenes of the suffering in store for Him, His capture, the flight of the Apostles, Peter’s denial, the roar of the multitude which but a few days earlier had hailed His entry into Jerusalem and which now thirsted for His blood, the death sentence, the whipping of His body, His captors’ brutality, the crown of thorns, Calvary, the Crucifixion, everything painted in its most terrifying aspects, in order that He might give way to despair and abandon His resistance. All the while the spirits of hopelessness and desperation were driving the maddest of thoughts into the mind of this victim of theirs Whom all had forsaken. His pulse throbbed, His whole body was shaken with fever, and His heart threatened to burst. The terror of death seized upon Him, drops of blood oozing from His pores and trickling to the ground.

Through it all, His Apostles were sleeping peacefully.

The meager outlines preserved by the Bible of the story of the “Passion” of Immanuel fail completely to convey to your mind the anguish of soul and body suffered by your Redeemer. Many of the worst tortures are not even mentioned in the Bible. Nothing is said of the frightful hours which He was compelled to spend in the underground dungeons of the courthouse which were filthy, full of feces and urine, and swarming with rats, into which the soldiers had thrust Immanuel after they had whipped and mocked Him and crowned Him with thorns, and after they had rubbed salt into the countless deep gashes left by the lash upon His lacerated body and had bound His hands, because by removing the salt He might find some relief from His unspeakable torments.

Never did a man endure such torture as did this Son of God incarnated! Through its human tools, Hell did its worst, because in Him it recognized its greatest foe who could ever appear on Earth, but not even the physical sufferings which it prepared for Him could equal those which His soul had to endure, in addition, both forms of torment, mental and bodily, were applied to Him simultaneously. Add to this, He was without any human consolation and what was still harder, without any divine aid. God had withdrawn His protecting hand and had left Him helpless to the devices of Hell. The cry by Immanuel as He hung dying upon the Cross, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46) reveals in full the mental agony which He felt on finding Himself forsaken by all in this hour of supreme physical suffering.

Lucifer should never be able to allege the excuse that his failure to reduce this mortal to submission was due to the help received by his victim, from external sources. He should be forced to confess that he had met his match in an unaided human being, who in spite of the most excruciating torments of mind and body, could not be driven to desert His God..”

More at the link-

Immanuel’s Sufferings and Crucifixion

Mary’s messages

Jesus’ messages

Dr. Kurt: Why I Will Never Choose to Vaccinate my Own Son



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