Nibiru - Dr Sam.. Nibiru defies the Laws of Astrophysics, locatable at the side of the Moon on October 5th
I’m getting this up as soon as possible because there is the possibility of a sighting on Saturday night when the moon is in the area… This talk by the astronomer Dr Sam, as usual, is very informative.. Translated from the Arabic to Portuguese by Mohamed Nagib and posted in Portuguese by Tio Abadom. With thanks to each of them.
lecture by Dr Sam
Good morning lecture …
In name of God, the Merciful … Many people have difficulty observing the sky of the earth when they’ve got an astronomical map indicating the location of the planet-comet …. We are now at the beginning of the new lunar month … I will use the moon to indicate important celestial bodies near the area. What interests us on these maps is the planetary location of Saturn and Jupiter …
Gentlemen. On 03.10.2019 at the beginning of the night, and in accord with diagram 1 .., the moon be associated with a very bright planet; This planet is Jupiter … (blue indicator), and if we then pay attention below the moon (indicator red) we will see a bright red star. Its name is Antares … It is a star about 660 light years away and its size is about 360 times greater than the sun. To its right (the yellow circle), we will see three stars – the stars of the Delta of Scorpio (Delta Scorpii, ∂ Sco) …
So through the Model 1 we will know where Jupiter is with facility and clearness …. Not to mention that we will see Jupiter after months of occultation next year in the constellation of Sagittarius and close to the area of monitoring of the planet-comet …
Let’s go to model 2, which is the more important, concentrating on 10/05/2019, where the moon will move and be associated with Saturn (yellow indicator) and be close to it apparently. We know that Nibiru and Saturn now also are associated. .. !! .. Therefore, the moon will be at the closer point of association with the heavy visitor Nibiru, as indicated by the red arrow …. To be clearly the stars of Sagittarius (blue circle) to the naked eye or using a small telescope …
And in this way we know where Saturn is and the region of the comet according to the maps below. (There are those who know Jupiter and Saturn, but my words are directed to most people who do not know these planets and the location of the stars.)
Gentlemen, our view of the visiting object still is telescopic and with telescopes with greater configurations, and there is no macroscopic view of it yet … but there is a clear effect on the Earth and on the rest of the planets which surround us … The velocity of the field of the invader has hit in recent days, the barrier of 900km/s … where we observe the vulnerability and the general weakness of the electromagnetic field of the earth .. despite the interruption and the blocking of the datas .. But it gives us an idea of the power of occlusion practiced on our planet … !!…
I said earlier .. The heat of the fire strikes us when we approach it … and will burn us if we are not careful. .. !! … Many of the followers say that the field will not enter into collapse .. !!! (that) What I have been saying for years will not happen … !!! … But today, and with various datas available, it has become real and is taking an upward trend.
If we take a controversy, that the period of time for Nibiru to travel the distance between the orbits of Saturn and Jupiter is 3 years, in accord with Kepler … we will discover that it will enter the orbit of Jupiter next year, because 2016 is the year of entry into the orbit of Saturn, according to datas from the Cassini. But will it be that this supposed approach is without clear signs? The twisting of the field of the earth has been evident since Nibiru entered into the orbit of Saturn … Over time, we began to notice frequent cases of swellings of field and some cases of differing collapses.
Let us say that Nibiru is in the middle of the supposed distance between the two celestial bodies … But we have a long distance to cross the other half … That’s where the problem lies … !! … Nibiru sometimes stops for a week and continues its trajectory and then slows down … then accelerates slightly .. (according to the Asuresk – nb. Ussuriysk Astrophysics Observatory – datas) .. Nibiru defies the laws of astrophysics. .. !! … Nibiru rotates clockwise as an essential movement .. !!! .. Nibiru still is subject to the electromagnetic forces that impede its movement received from the largest planet in the solar system … !! … do we need to throw all these factors back and say that tomorrow Nibiru will be upon us … !! ?? ..
Still there are the ones who think that astronomy is only a puppet or toy in the hands of a small child who handles as he pleases … !! .. there is no rain without clouds … Nor will it exceed the orbit of Jupiter, unless the two inseparable conditions are met … it is a real spatial enigma … Observe the sequence of events … twisting in the field … deformation and velocity excessively high …
The rest of our last stage is the successive collapse of the field … And then we start the countdown to the date of arrival … and then begin the violent earthquakes … and the volcanoes enter into eruption .. and the continental plates vibrate. And even if the communication is cut, the earth will speak to us .. and our eyes are always open towards the constellation of Sagittarius … that the promise of God is near …
Gentlemen, Now there are rumors of a solar storm that will plunge the earth into darkness for days … !! … This is pure nonsense … Intimidation … deception … and Mockery .. There is manipulation of the datas and seismic magnitude .. but if we use the reason and the logic , we will find that the datas are false and have nothing to do with the truth. So take care with the news and the editors … God is around them …
Finally .. For the ones who ask me about the validity of the Russian estimate, and in accord with current datas, I say it is worthwhile to follow that estimate. Although so far it is (uncertain) … !! Let us wait for the facts. And we examine with reasoning and logic and scientific objectivity … and based on that .. We will know the year of arrival, if God wills it … independently of any estimate .. !! Give thanks to God before and after. The peace be with you and the mercy and blessings of God.
Portuguese Translation by Mohamed Nagib
Nibiru defies the Laws of Astrophysics, locatable at the side of the Moon (Dr. Sam)
Nibiru crossed Uranus’ orbit in 2014
Nibiru crossed Saturn’s orbit in 2016
Nibiru expected to cross Jupiter’s orbit in 2020
‘WARNING relative at ESA says possible black hole passing through solar system; tsunamis, EQs, asteroid impacts’
- at 09:54 am
“She says it’s pretty much confirmed. Already affecting levels of insolation leading to the extreme weather in North America and Europe. || World leaders being updated but not ready to break news to avoid panic for as long as possible.”
- at 1:35 pm
“Planetary mass black hole, passing through the solar system, skirting the outer edge of Uranus orbit.”
Mary’s messages
Jesus’ messages
I noticed (for another time) that this author has referenced THE MOON as a target-area in the sky for finding Her/Their Nibiru !?!?!?
When THE MOON is in the sky, the stars and everything else is WASHED OUT as evidenced in the FOLLOWING VIDEO where THE MOOD BEGINS TO RISE:
ANYTHING 4 OR MOIRE TIMES THE SIZE OF EARTH that is INSIDE SATURN’s ORBIT is going to be seen with ANY TELESCOPE (or strong binoculars) having 20 Times Magnification or more … BUT … WITHOUT A MOON IN THE SKY !!!
AGAIN, I strongly believe that the author of this article has … A DESPERATION NOT TO BE WRONG … (and a really sad condition to have).
Don’t be DECEIVED … (by this author).
I think any planet such as Nibiru that can hide behind the Sun for 25 years straight while it is on the way to smash da ‘Erf has already broken the laws of physics. And now it may hide behind the Moon for another 25 years. This Nibiru is quite a planet.