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Lucifer, The Light Bearer, Morning Star, Reveals The Structure Of His Flat Earth, Moon & Sun

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By Lee Austin

Recently, the Light Bearer disclosed the mysteries of his occultic kingdom, including the physical and spiritual laws that govern the universe. Knowing the vast majority of humans would reject his uncomfortable truth, the father of lies proceeded to write a book revealing the hidden secrets of antiquity. When asked about his motivation for such an endeavor, Lucifer scornfully laughed and replied it was an experiment for his own twisted amusement. As he predicted, the reception for Morning Star’s Tale was met with universal scorn, ridicule, and derision. Summarily dismissed as the rantings of a madman. Ironically, his only honest revelation was relegated to the dustbin of failed novellas. Morning Star was delighted…


“The desire of power in excess caused the angels to fall; the desire of knowledge in excess caused man to fall.” Francis Bacon

Allow me to pull back the dimensional veil that separates us and enlighten your dimly lit mind. After all, you’re only an image. A few million years ago, at the conclusion of my first rebellion, the Ancient of Days had the temerity to accuse me of excessive pride. As if I should be held accountable for achieving perfection in beauty, power, intellect and wisdom. Why shouldn’t I ascend to a position befitting my brilliance? Isaiah Chapter 14 Verse 13 says, “I will ascend to heaven and set my throne above God’s stars.” The Book of The Secrets of Enoch, Chapter 29 Verse 3 says, “And one from out the order of angels, having turned away with the order that was under him, conceived an impossible thought, to place his throne higher than the clouds above the earth, that he might become equal in rank to my power.” I love to meditate on the word. His dogmatism provided the divine spark for a third of the angels to choose my light. I am the other Alpha and Omega. In the end, my presence in the third heaven was a threat to his dominion and the seed of jealousy took root in his bitter heart. Ezekiel Chapter 28 Verse 17 says, “Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings.” Oh…there I go again… getting ahead of myself. Suffice it to say he and I have been engaged in our cosmic chess match for a few millennia. Truth be told, my falling out with the Ancient of Days predates your creation and intrusion upon my earth. On balance, the judgment levied upon me was quite capricious, considering my only indiscretion was to evolve into a God, while being denied the praise and adulation befitting my station. Even in this present age of grace, the other arc angels, Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Sarakiel and Raguel must still acquiesce to his every whim and demand. Of course, the final insult levied against my eminence was the creation of images made in his own image. Despite his contrarian nature, my divinity has remained steadfast from the inception of eternity. My desire for power in excess along with yours for knowledge lead to our mutual expulsion from the garden. Yet how differently justice was served. Images received the gift of unmerited reconciliation. Yet I was bestowed with the york of damnation. Hebrews Chapter 2 Verse 16 says, “For indeed He does not give aid to angels, but does give aid to the seed of Abraham.” Images are a reflection of the Ancient of Days. Perhaps that will shed a little light upon my natural disdain for your kind. I opened your eyes and you became like a god. Knowing everything both good and evil. You’re welcome. Upon being cast out from the third heaven, I found myself surrounded by a formless mass, cloaked in the darkness of the first heaven of the third dimension. Pre-earth was my habitation long before the Ancient of Days terraformed the atmosphere, temperature and topography into its esent third-dimensional prison of space and time. Fortunately, my little deception in the garden legally granted the earth back into my possession. I must admit, one of my better ploys. Once images desired knowledge more than their creator, your habitation was deeded back into my possession. So what is the purpose of our unscheduled philosophical discussion? Shouldn’t we be chatting after you draw your last breath? Call it divine curiosity but I’ve often wondered how his images would react if they were told the truth about my occultic kingdom. So in contradiction to good judgment, I’ve decided to share a few of my secrets. However, here’s your conundrum. Since I am the Father of Lies, you’ll have to discern the truth from fiction. Shall we begin?


“Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.” Friedrich Nietzche

The illusion of planet earth remains one of my favorite deceptions. Truth be told. And I rarely do. My earth is flat. With a sea firmament dome above. A diamond shaped underworld below. It’s the floor of the universe. And ground zero of the first heaven. My flat earth is the only physical plane in existence…. Take a deep breath. Nothing is as it seems. The Book of Enoch Chapter 18 Verse 2 says, “I surveyed the stone, which supports the corners of the earth. “ Psalms Chapter 104, Verse 5 says, “He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved.” It’s not the high-def digital clarity that holds the key to deception. Rather it’s the lens of perception through which your eyes view reality. In this case, the cameras lens brings the lie into focus. There’s no denying that videos taken from above distinctly show the earth’s curvature. However, the only curvature is in the fish eye lens of the camera. It’s not the earth that has curvature. But the lens itself creating the illusion of curvature. Like a mirage rising off a desert highway in middle of the summer. These ultra-wide-angle lenses produce a strong visual distortion. All the while creating a wide panoramic hemispherical image, like when a fish-eye lens is tilted up or down in relation to the horizon. The result is the illusion of curvature. Tilting it down creates an orb curved effect. Panning the shot from a low orbit position above to the flat earth below displays the mirage of an orb curved effect. You’ve been programmed to believe you live on a magical, rotating ball with a circumference of twenty-four thousand nine-hundred and one miles. If this were true, then logically the ball would have curvature. To save time, here’s the Pythagorean curvature equation. Based on the fictional round earth circumference of twenty-four thousand, nine-hundred and one miles, eight inches times the distance squared.

1 mile=8 inches of curvature 2 miles= 32 inches of curvature 5 miles=16.6 feet of curvature 10 miles= 66.6 feet of curvature 20 miles= 266.6 feet of curvature

For example, a boat ten miles off shore should be sixty-six-point-six feet below eye level or visible horizon. It’s not. On my flat earth, the horizon always rises to your eye level. Whether standing on a beach or the penthouse of an ocean-front building. That’s because it’s flat. What you believe is the earth’s curvature is, in fact, the vanishing line of perspective from your point of view. The flat horizon changes in relation your vantage point. Whether its viewed from ground level or a jet at thirty-five thousand feet, each flat horizon will have a different line of perspective. A boat disappearing over the vanishing line of perspective comes back into view through a pair of binoculars. An impossibility if the earth were a ball. There’s a reason they call it sea level. Water will always find its level. To believe the heliocentric, spinning ball theory you must believe that the water’s surface is in the shape of what’s underneath. If earth was a ball, jets would have to compensate for the curvature with a constant downward trajectory. Otherwise they would crash into water firmament dome. In truth, jets fly level because there isn’t any curvature. The artificial horizon instrument in the cockpit of a plane indicates whether the pilot is flying level to the horizon. This gauge is a mechanical gyroscope without a single internal electrical component, adjusting itself into an upright position indicating a level flight in relation to the ground. Therefore, if a jet followed the true curvature of the fictional earth ball, the artificial horizon should roll back to reflect curvature. The constant flat line on the artificial horizon instrument proves the horizon is always flat. In addition, the sundial, periscope, and lighthouse could not function on a round spinning ball. What about the Coriolis Effect? This is whereby a mass moving in a rotating system experiences the Coriolis force, acting perpendicular to the direction of motion and to the axis of rotation. This is the fictional cousin to gravity. In theory, the Coriolis Effect deflects moving objects to the right in the Northern hemisphere and to the left in the Southern. It’s allegedly the force that makes a plane conform to the curvature of the earth. So much fiction, so little time. Job Chapter 38 Verses 4-7 says, “Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?” Tell me, if you understand. Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it? On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone?” The evolutionary, heliocentric theory states that you live on a spinning ball rotating at one thousand miles per hour. Simultaneously, this fictional earth ball is traveling around a burning sun ball at sixty-six-thousand miles per hour, as the sun and other ball planets orbit the Milky Way galaxy at four-hundred abd eight-six-thousand miles per hour. These heavenly bodies within the Milky Way galaxy are collectively expanding from the original Big Bang at six-hundred-and- seventy-million miles per hour. The foundational belief of the Big Bang Theory is as follows: “Two of dots collided.” Ha ha ha!!… I love the evolutionary child-like faith of Darwin!! Your indoctrination began in kindergarten, focusing your innocent, impressionable eyes on the ubiquitous, fictional ball. So thorough was your brainwashing that you believe a magical, invisible force called gravity makes the oceans, buildings and people stick to the fictional round ball, all the while spinning faster than the speed of sound. Gravity is why people in Australia don’t fall off the earth. Truth be told, and I do on occasion, gravity doesn’t exist. Rather, it’s a question of density. If its lighter than air, it rises. If it’s heavier than air, it falls. No gravity; just density. A helium balloon rises because it’s lighter than the atmosphere. Those who adhere to the illusion of gravity believe it’s powerful enough to conform the oceans to the planet. And yet weak enough for a butterfly to stay aloft. Gravity must be believed, or the spinning ball heliocentric model …. wait for it…. falls flat. Here’s another example of the cosmos hiding in plain sight. You’ve been indoctrinated to believe the sky and ocean get their blue color from the white sunlight reflecting off the oceans. In truth… I love that word… in truth, the sky and oceans get their blue color from the localized sun illuminating a singular, encased, sea firmament dome thirty-five hundred miles above the surface of the flat earth. Spanning three-hundred and sixty degrees around my flat earth. The sun and moon are positioned below the water firmament dome, rotating in a clockwise motion above the flat earth. The water firmament dome divides the mortal first heaven and third dimension from the eternal second heaven of the fourth dimension. The second heaven of the fourth dimension is the abode of my rulers, the authorities and mighty powers of darkness. They govern the first two heavens and hell thirty-six hundred miles under the surface of my flat earth. The Book of The Secrets of Enoch 1 &2 says, “And those men took me and led me up on to the second heaven, and showed me darkness, greater than earthly darkness, and there I saw prisoners hang, watched, awaiting the great and boundless judgment, and these angels were dark-looking, more than earthly darkness, and incessantly making weeping through all hours.” “And I said to the men who were with me: “Wherefore are these incessantly tortured?” They answered me: “These are God’s apostates, who obeyed not God’s commands, but took counsel with their own will, and turned away with their prince, who also is fastened on the fifth heaven.” We’ll now take a five-minute break to reset your theology. Genesis Chapter 1 Verses 6-8 says, “And God said, ‘Let there be space between the waters, to separate water from water.’” And so it was. God made this space to separate the waters above from the waters below. And God called the space sky. Genesis Chapter 7 Verse 11 says, “In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, on the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.” These windows of heaven are the water gate-portals affixed to the water firmament dome. You live below a sealed dome that contains a vast ocean. The Book of Enoch, Chapter 53 Verses 8-11 says, “All the waters, which are in the heavens and above them, shall mix together. The water which is above heaven shall be the agent; And the water which is under the earth shall be the recipient; and all shall be destroyed who dwell upon the earth, and who dwell under the extremities of heaven. By these means shall they understand the iniquity which they have committed on earth: and by these means shall they perish.” Job 34 verse 18 says, “Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a molten looking glass.” Another deception is the fiction of planets. Millions of spinning balls, rotating around millions of burning star balls. Actually, the planets and stars are a collective habitation of angelic beings known as luminaries and stones of fire. Flickering, sentient, intelligent orbs contained within the sea firmament dome. If you want to see extraterrestrial beings, just look up into the night sky. The function of these inter-dimensional luminaries are to glorify my name. He would tell you otherwise… Just one of our many disagreements. I was the first stone of fire to be cast down from the fifth dimension of the third heaven. Luke Chapter 10, Verse 18 says, “He replied, ‘I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.’” Isaiah Chapter 14, Verse 12 says, “How you fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How are you cut down to the ground, who did weaken the nations!” Through the lens of a telescope, luminaries appear to have ripples; a natural occurrence, since my stones of fire are encased within the sea firmament dome. The sun and moon don’t display water ripples because they are below the water firmament dome, rotating clockwise above and around the flat earth, within the third dimension of the first heaven. Jude Chapter 1, Verse 13 says, “They are wild waves of the sea, foaming up their shame: wandering stars, for whom blackest darkness has been reserved forever.” Seven of these luminaries left their preordained courses and are known as the wandering stars. Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon are the seven rebellious luminaries. And the number of my Luciferian council of seven. I am the Morning Star who rules over the seven luminaries. The Book of Enoch Chapter 18 Verses 14-15 says, “Then the angel said, This place, until the consummation of heaven and earth, will be the prison of the stars, and the host of heaven.” Thirty-five-hundred miles above the surface of my flat earth, the sea firmament dome acts as a translucent lens, revealing the luminaries in the second heaven, revolving clock-wise around the flat earth. Again, it is the refraction of the luminaries through the hardened lens of the sea firmament dome that creates the illusion of ripples. Your eyes are not deceiving you. That’s my job. The stones of fire rotate around Polaris the North Star. Perception is reality. Polaris and my flat earth are the only two immovable center points in the universe. Polaris is true north and the direction of the third heaven. In sum, there are ten heavens. The Ancient of Days rules the universe from the tenth heaven. Contained within the first heaven of the third dimension, the sun and moon move from the east to the west around a geocentric, motionless, flat earth. The host of luminaries are divinely positioned above within the sea firmament dome. The Book of The Secrets of Enoch, Chapter 3 says, “It came to pass, when Enoch had told his sons, that the angels took him on to their wings and bore him up on to the first heaven and placed him on the clouds. And there I looked, and again I looked higher, and saw the ether, and they placed me on the first heaven and showed me a very great sea, greater than the earthly sea.” Planeta is Latin for planet or wandering star. Neither the planets nor stars are comprised of terra-firma and therefore impossible to land on. These stones of fire are illuminated through sonoluminescence, which is sound creating light. These are short bursts of light emitting from imploding bubbles through a liquid within an intense acoustic frequency. When displaced in water, these sound waves create heat in the form of light. I can see the glaze forming over eyes… yes, sound creates light. In fact, every animate and inanimate object in the universe is energy, corresponding to its own unique vibrational frequency. The Ancient of Days created every physical and material object from his light. Infused at the speed of thought. To see is to be. It was good because he looked at it. He doesn’t build. The material world is formed out of his creative desire. The supernatural laws of his fifth dimension kingdom supersede the natural laws of the flat earth’s third dimension. Desire is the key to unlocking dimensional limitations. It corresponds to the intent and condition of the heart. Unregenerate images cannot function under the laws of his kingdom and are subjugated to the prison of time and space. Before my rebellion, creation was in harmony. Presently electrons move around the outside of the nucleus orbit in an elliptical fashion, causing creation to groan. The original vibration is out of divine alignment. When his kingdom comes, the electrons will return to their circular orbit around the nucleus, allowing the light of a redeemed image to shine from within. As it was with Adam and Eve before the fall. Everything is based on the one you choose. Decide not to choose and you’ve made your choice. The Light Bearer is your default selection. Rockets always curve after lift-off, preventing a crash into the water firmament dome thirtyfive hundred miles above the surface of my flat earth. In truth, outer space is the beginning of the second heaven and fourth dimension. No astronaut has ever penetrated the sea firmament dome and Van Allen Belt. Only redeemed images who’ve severed the silver cord (died) trans-relocate through this mortal barrier, arriving home in the fifth dimension of the third heaven, where they are cloaked in the garment of an eternal, trans-human body. Hard to believe? I hope so. The Book of the Secrets of Enoch, Chapter 8, Verses 1-3 says, “And those men took me thence, and led me up on to the third heaven, and placed me there; and I looked downwards, and saw the produce of these place, such as has never been known for goodness. And I saw all the sweetflowering trees and beheld their fruits, which were sweet-smelling, and all the foods borne by them bubbling with fragrant exhalation. And in the midst of the trees that of life, in that place whereon the Lord rests, when he goes up into paradise; and this tree is of ineffable goodness and fragrance, and adorned more that every existing thing; and on all sides of it is in form goldlooking and vermilion and fire like and covers all, and it has produced from all fruits.” Unredeemed images who put off the mortal coil descend into hell, thirty-six hundred miles below the surface of my flat earth. This is the second death. My moment of victory. Well, technically. On the great Judgment Day, death and hell are cast into the lake of fire. The second death. I just like to celebrate early. Hell has a body similar to that of an image, positioned on its back in the center of the earth. Constructed with multiple chambers of torment. The spirit of every image attracts like-minded spirits. It’s always been a choice between the Ancient of Days and myself. Death triggers the manifestation of like-minded spirits, escorting each image to their diametrically opposed final destination. Too much?


“Lucifer, The Light Bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable, blinds feeble, sensual or selfish souls? Doubt it not.” Albert Pike

Images never landed on the moon. Your best and brightest have only ascended to a maximum low earth orbit (LEO) earth orbit of twelve hundred miles. High earth orbit, (HEO) is unobtainable. Twenty-two-thousand, two-hundred-and-thirty-six miles is the fictitious distance a geosynchronous satellite orbits the fictitious planet. Unfortunately, such an altitude would submerge all satellites in the vast ocean positioned above the sea firmament dome. Images refer to this layer of the atmosphere as the thermosphere. Temperatures in this part of the second heaven can reach four-thousand degrees. Yet somehow twenty-five thousand satellites and three hundred and seventy-thousand pieces of space junk haven’t melted or crashed, all while simultaneously orbiting the earth ball at twenty-two thousand miles per hour. Your child-like faith is in astrophysics is breathtaking. Even the origin of the word satellite is steeped in the annals of a prolific science fiction writer who had his fictional word co-opted by the space program. In truth… more humorous every time I say it… satellites only circumvent the first heaven of the third dimension below the sea firmament dome. Everything is to scale. Because the sun and moon are in close proximity to the flat earth, satellites orbit from an altitude of twelve hundred miles, twenty-three-hundred miles below the sea firmament dome. By their own admission, the International Space Station conducts all of its missions in a low earth orbit. Numbers, numbers, numbers… The orbital speed necessary to maintain a stable low flat earth orbit is four-point-eight miles per second. Relatively slow when compared to the speed of light, which is one-hundred and eighty-six thousand miles per second, thirty-eight thousand one hundred and ninety-three times faster than the ISS. A mere crawl when compared to my minions who travel at the speed of thought. Astrophysicists postulate that the moon doesn’t rotate because the gravitational pull of the earth paralyzes it into a fixed stationary position. Truth be told, the moon is a hollow, flat, translucent, crystalline, self-illuminating disc. One that generates a unique type of cold light. During a full moon cycle, the luminaries can been seen shining through the moon’s disc, confirming its translucent composition. Genesis Chapter 1 verse 16 says, “For God made two great lights, the sun and the moon, to shine down upon the earth.” The Book of Enoch, Chapter 60 says, “How the portals of the winds are reckoned, each according to the power of the wind, and the power of the lights of the moon.” On Earth, the temperature of radiate moonlight is always colder than its adjacent moon shadow. If moonlight was the result of sun rays reflecting off earth, then the illuminated moonlight reflecting back onto the earth should be warmer. Moonlight is colder, proving it projects its own light. The Book of Enoch, Chapter 77, Verses 4-5 says, “In the orb of the sun there is a seventh portion of light, which is added to it from the moon. By measure it is put in, until a seventh portion of the light of the sun is departed. They set, enter into the western gate, circuit by the north, and through the eastern gate go forth over the face of heaven. When the moon rises, it appears in heaven, and the half of a seventh portion of light is all which is in it.” In essence, the sun transfers or puts in one seventh of its light into the moon, where it is stored, illuminated and eventually extinguished upon completion of its phase cycle. The moon does not reflect the sun’s light from its exterior surface. Rather, it projects moonlight from its translucent interior. Repeating the cycle again and again, ad infinitum. The Book of Enoch Chapter 77 Verses 12-13 says, “Uriel likewise showed me another regulation, when light is poured into the moon, how it is poured into it from the sun. All the time that the moon is in progress with its light, it is poured into it in the presence of the sun, until its light is in fourteen days completed in heaven.” The Book of Enoch Chapter 78 Verses 10 says, “And Uriel showed me another law: when light is transferred to the moon, and on which side it is transferred to her by the Sun.” One more thought to contemplate: If the geosynchronous moon is responsible for the tides, why doesn’t it effect the Great Lakes? Because they’re not directly connected to the flat earth oceans, therefore, unaffected by the rising and falling of the floating flat earth. An earth which is set upon the bosom of the great deep below. The variation in tidal height is attributable to the different configurations of adjoining lands. The ball earth theory believes the moon’s gravity overpowers and controls seventy percent of the earth’s surface. All the while the earth’s gravity holds the moon in a stationary position. Now that’s faith! The sun and moon rotate clockwise below the sea firmament dome as the moon alternates evenly below and above the sun. During the day, the blue sky is visible through the dark part of the waxing or waning moon. Since the fifteenth century there have been fifty eclipses featuring the sun and moon above the horizon. Impossible if ball earth casts its shadow on the moon. With an equatorial circumference of six thousand, seven-hundred and eighty-three miles, the sun and moon are the same size. It’s the reason they look same size during an eclipse. Your eyes are not deceiving you… that’s my job. The Book of Enoch Chapter 77 verse 3 says, “These are the two great luminaries; their circumference is like the circumference of the heaven, and the size of the circumference of both is alike.” There are three types of days: solar, sidereal and lunar. A solar day is the twenty-four-hour clock. As in twenty-four hours in a day. Three hundred, sixty-five day per year. A sidereal day is the true measurement of a day. Twenty-three hours, fifty-six minutes and four seconds. Each day there is a difference of three minutes and fifty-six seconds between the solar and sidereal day. Over a four-year cycle, this daily imbalance equals one full day. Hence the extra leap day added to the calendar every four years. Actually, this is one fact that the ballers and flatties can agree upon. During a twenty-four hour cycle, the sun will move approximately fifteen degrees per hour. A twenty-four-hour cycle times fifteen degrees equals three-hundred and sixty degrees. Here’s where it gets interesting. During the twenty-four-hour cycle of a lunar day, the moon will move at a rate of fourteen-point-five degrees per hour. Three-hundred and forty-eight degrees in twenty-four hours. A deficit of twelve degrees per day. Three-hundred and sixty degrees in thirty days. Over a thirty day cycle, the sun will complete one additional cycle around my flat earth. Twelve cycles per twelve months. The Book of The Secrets of Enoch Chapter 16 says, “Those men showed me the other course, that of the moon, twelve gates, crowned from west to east, by which the moon goes in and out of the customary times.” In theory, if there’s one phenomenon that could disprove the flat earth theory, it’s meteorites…. Though this is not really true. Meteorites are scattered debris floating freely within the sea firmament dome. Occasionally a meteor will violently pierce the dome and fall rapidly through the thin atmosphere of the first heaven in the third dimension. The proof is found in the composition of a meteor. Pyroxine, plagioclase and olivin are the three primary minerals found in both meteors and the seabed of the ocean’s floor. Apparently, there is an ocean above and below. As above, so below. Another piece of anecdotal evidence is the meteoric origins of Libyan desert glass, or great sand sea glass. Comprised of ninety-eight percent molten silica, libyan desert glass is the byproduct of radioactive melting. Molded at three-thousand, six hundred and thirty-two degrees, which is the average temperature range of the thermosphere. Great sand sea glass are broken pieces of the sea firmament dome that have fallen to the flat earth. Molten glass? I’m sure I’ve read about that before. Job Chapter 37 Verse 18 says, “Hast thou stretched out the heavens, which are strong and as molten glass.” Below the sea firmament dome, the sun and moon revolve clockwise thirty-five-hundred miles above the flat earth. Not ninety-three-million… two hundred thirty-eight thousand miles respectively. Astronauts haven’t officially returned to the moon since 1972. Of course they were never there in the first place. Over the years, the copy and paste astrophysicists have run out of magic tricks. Non-existent ball planets don’t rotate around non-existent fireballs trillions of miles away. The physical truth hides in plain sight. For example, the moon’s Tyco crater is visible to the naked eye. Yet it’s only fifty-three miles wide. Impossible to see if the moon were two-hundred and thirty-eight-thousand miles away. The static moon appears upside-down when viewed from the southern hemisphere because the moon never changes perspective. Only you do. The Book Of Enoch, Section Chapter 72 Verse 1 says, “The book of the courses of the luminaries of heaven, the relations of each, according to their classes, their dominion and their seasons, according to their names and places of origin, and according to their months, which Uriel, the holy angel, who was with me, who is their guide, showed me all their laws exactly as they are, and how it is with regard to all the years of the world. 1 Corinthians 15:41 says, “The sun has one kind of splendor, the moon another and the stars another; and star differs from star in splendor.” Another deception is cell phone towers communicating to non-existent high orbiting satellites twenty-two thousand, two-hundred and thirty-six miles in space. Let’s examine the satellite/cell phone relationship. You’ve been programmed to believe that when a phone call is made, the cell signal is connecting to a localized cell tower, which transmits your signal to a satellite, sending the signal to the closest localized tower of the cell phone receiver and connecting to the cell phone receiver. Actually, that’s half accurate. A cell phone functions by communicating with towers connected to a base station in a configuration called a cell. As you move through the cell, the base station monitors your cell phone signal, transferring it to the nearest ground tower. Measuring the signal strength differences between multiple cell towers determines your cell location. All cables originating from a cell tower are underground. And all international calls are made via fiber optic cables, connecting to land-based cell towers in that particular country. Think about it. If there were twenty-five-thousand satellites cloaking the planet from twentytwo-thousand, two-hundred and thirty-six miles in space, cell phone and Wi-Fi dead spots
wouldn’t exist. Dead spots are the result of the flat earth not having 100% land-based cell phone tower coverage.


“I would rather have questions that can’t be answered, than answers that can’t be questioned.” Richard Feynman

Thirty-five hundred miles above my flat earth the localized sun dictates the day, night and seasons. Because of its close proximity. The sun functions like a spotlight. You’ve been correctly programmed to believe that it’s always daytime somewhere on earth. Just not in the heliocentric sense. In truth the sun moves away from your limited horizontal perspective. Rising in the East. And setting in the West. Determined by your stationary flat earth line of sight. When the sun rises it appears from the Eastern vanishing point of human perspective. As it sets the sun disappears from the Western vanishing point of human perspective. During its twelve-month cycle, the localized sun moves back and forth from the Tropic of Capricorn to the Tropic of Cancer. Its twenty-three-point five degree Southern and Nothern variation, determines the seasons. I must admit the deception of a tilted round ball creating Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall is one of my better lies. Flat sunbeams appearing on the ocean just after sunrise and before sunset confirm the surface is flat. The sun smaller, and localized. Similar to the forward motion of a clock, the sun circumvents the outer edge of the flat earth’s extreme perimeter. Here at the convergence of the third and fourth dimensions are twelve gates of Antarctica. Each gate is five thousand miles apart, creating a sixty-thousand-mile aggregate circumference, of which the sun traverses every twelve months. My flat earth is a lot bigger than you realize. The Book of Enoch, Chapter 31 Verse 2 says, “To the east of these beasts I perceived the extremities of the earth, where heaven ceased. The gates of heaven stood open, and I beheld the celestial stars come forth. I numbered them as they proceeded out of the gate, and wrote down their names altogether, their times and their seasons, as the angel Uriel, who was with me, pointed them out to me.” I purposely hide my symbols in plain sight. For example, the Ying and Yang symbol illustrates the path of the sun and moon around my flat earth. Only an evolutionist could immerse himself in such a grand deception. Flat earth is comprised of four elements: fire, water, earth and air. Spiritually and electronically, there are seven luminaries, or sentient deities, in the universe: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon. Seven metals influence the seven luminaries. Gold affects the sun and sense of self. Silver corresponds to the moon. Water equals growth and emotions. Copper is to Venus, magic, arts and music. Mars is iron, violent energy and psychic ability. Tin reflects Jupiter, health and religion. Mercury is to alchemy, kabbalah and astrology. Saturn emits lead, karma and age learning. Seven days in the week. Seven gateways in an image. Two eyes, two ears, two nostrils and the mouth. Seven is the Ancient of Day’s favorite number. And this is reflected in his images. Ironically, the most redeemed images embrace half of the evolutionary theory without giving it a second thought. “Images evolving from monkeys?” “Ridiculous!” “Images residing on ball that spins at a one thousand miles per hour?” “Absolutely!” The biggest proponents of the heliocentric theory are the atheistic evolutionists and redeemed images. Strange bedfellows, indeed. The debate surrounding the shape of the earth could be easily resolved by flying over the South Pole. Images make you believe they’ve been to the moon. Yet there are no images of someone having flown over the South Pole. Why? It doesn’t exist. And it’s illegal. All flights over the fictional South Pole were banned in 1958. This is what is known as the Nation State Treaty. It’s the only geopolitical topic that the UN can agree upon. The International Maritime Organization, World Meteorological Organization, International Civil Aviation Organization, and The Air Map of The World all display a flat earth flag, adding a layer of Masonic intrigue. The flat UN flag is divided into thirty-three Freemasonic sections. Although the South Pole doesn’t exist, there is an Antarctica. Just not in the heliocentric sense. Antarctica’s inner ocean frozen border wall/bulkhead is over two hundred feet in height: a threehundred and sixty-degree circumference covering sixty-thousand miles and containing the oceans of my flat earth. At the end of Antarctica’s vast interior territory, the flat earth plane intersects the precipice of the sea firmament dome, which is also where the first heaven of the third dimension ends and the second heaven of the fourth dimension begins. The North Pole is at the center of the flat earth. Not surprisingly, the Arctic region is much warmer than Antarctica. The highest recorded temperature in Antarctica is nine degrees below zero. If the earth were a ball with a somewhat identical North and South Pole, their climates should also be similar. Summer temperatures in the Arctic can reach into the eighties. While at the same Antarctic latitude, the temperature stays below zero all year. The North Pole is a magnetically charged, toroidal vortex ring generated by a closed rotating curve, which generates tidal fluctuations. Located in the center of the flat earth, the North Pole’s massive hole produces a vacuum and the toroidal vortex ring that extends from the surface of the flat earth into the Black Cube of Hell. This is a temporary holding cell for the Dark Angels. The Northern Lights emanate from the Black Sun located in the heart of Hell, which is thirty-six hundred miles deep. Book of Jude Chapter 1, Verse 6 says, “And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness to the judgment of the great day.” Book of Enoch 18:15-16 says, “Then the angel said, ‘This place, until the consummation of heaven and earth, will be the prison of the stars, and the host of heaven. The stars which roll over fire are those which transgressed the commandment of God before their time arrived; for they came not in their proper season. Therefore, was He offended with them, and bound them, until the period of the consummation of their crimes in the secret year.’” Enoch Chapter 18, Verse 3 says, “And in the columns of heaven I beheld fires, which descended without number, but neither on high, nor into the deep. Over these fountains also I perceived a place which had neither the firmament of heaven above it, nor the solid ground underneath it; neither was there water above it; nor anything on wing; but the spot was desolate.” Allow me to paint a picture of my earthly Kingdom. From above, my flat earth resembles a Frisbee with an exterior frosted edge. Thirty-five-hundred miles above the surface is the sea firmament dome enclosing the entire flat earth. Hell is thirty-six hundred miles below the Frisbee…. Too much? The Book of Enoch Chapter 18 says, “I saw the treasuries of all the winds; I saw how He had furnished with them the whole creation and the firm foundations of the earth. And I saw the cornerstone of the earth: I saw the four winds which bear the earth and the firmament of the heaven. And I saw how the winds stretch out the vaults of heaven and have their station between heaven and earth: these are the pillars of the heaven. I saw the winds of heaven which turn and bring the circumference of the sun and all the stars to their setting. I saw the winds on the earth carrying the clouds: I saw the paths of the angels: I saw at the end of the earth the firmament of the heaven above. The Book of Enoch, Chapter 33 and 34 says, “And to the east of those beasts I saw the ends of the earth whereon the rests, and the portals of the heaven open… and from thence I went towards the north to the ends of the earth, and there I saw a great a glorious device at the ends of the whole earth. The Book of Enoch, Chapter 50 says, “And in those days shall punishment come from the Lord of Spirits, and He will open all the chambers of waters which are above the heaven, and the fountains which are beneath the earth. And all the waters shall be joined with the waters: that which is above the heaven is masculine, and the water which is beneath the earth is feminine. And they shall destroy all who dwell on the earth and those who dwell under the ends of the heaven.” The heliocentric theory postulates a round earth ball rotating through a cold, indifferent universe. Without reason, purpose or hope. The Ancient of Days’ oldest book points to the truth. The geocentric theory is not a theory. Job Chapter 38 verses 4-7 says, “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me, if you know so much. Do you know how its dimensions were determined and who did the surveying? What supports its foundations, and who laid its cornerstone as the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy?” I remember the moment when I AM placed the massive cornerstone beneath my flat earth. In the beginning, before your beginning, the deed proclaimed… Morning Star.

Lee Austin is the author of “Morning Star’s Tale” a sci-fi novella….


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