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Time Is a Flexible Substance That Legitimizes Matter

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                                     BY LEE AUSTIN   NARRATED BY LUCIFER

Another tentacle of Trans-humanism is the toxic cocktail of Chemtrails. These are airborne plumes of barium, strontium, aluminum, titanium oxides, sulfates and smart dust. This diffuses the sunlight and corrupts the systemic DNA of an image. Images are sixty-percent water. Everything learned is transmitted by vibrational frequencies. Water carries thought processes to your heart via oxygenated blood, converting it into platforms, which are delivered to your brain. Images think with their heart. The brain functions like the Random-access momory (RAM) of a computer. The brain stores the data created by the heart. In contrast to images, angels have their own distinctive characteristics.

Angels are immortal, individual, spirit beings created for three purposes: worshiping their God; as a Messenger of their God; and serving those images assigned to them. Unlike angels, images are conceived with an imperishable soul and unregenerate spirit. What you can’t see touch, hear, smell, or feel pales in reality to the multi-dimensional parallel universe existing outside the third dimensional prison of space and time.

The first heaven of the third dimension is a tangible demonstration of invisible vibrations. It’s an infinitesimal component of a gigantic electric universe built on and governed by a base foundation of tiny, super-symmetric vibrating strings. Superstring Theory is not a theory. The Universe is comprised of electromagnetic forces containing highly charged particles in a plasma conduit holding the luminaries (stars and planets) in their orbits. Everything animate and inanimate vibrates to corresponding harmonics. These subsequent frequencies result in the building blocks of light and dark matter, the latter comprising twenty-seven percent of the universe. Nuclear fusion, or sun power, is far more powerful and effective than nuclear fission, which is limited to a nuclear reaction or radioactive decay. The former is a self-perpetuating, unlimited resource known as zero-point energy. Nicholas Tesla was correct when he postulated that unlimited energy in the form of ether is omnipresent in the fourth dimension of the second heaven.

The Book of The Secrets of Enoch, Chapter 3, Verse 1, says, “It came to pass, when Enoch had told his sons, that the angels took him on to their wings and bore him up on to the first heaven and placed him on the clouds. And there I looked, and again I looked higher, and saw the ether.”

Cern is a seventeen-mile tunnel/circuit that contains nine-thousand, six hundred super magnets propelling protons and ions just under the speed of light, producing one hundred and sixty-four thousand collisions per second. Completing eleven thousand-two-hundred and forty-five circuits per second. Fully operational, the Large Hadron Collider is one-hundred-thousand times hotter than the Sun. With the advent of the LHC, images have a rudimentary tool capable of opening an interdimensional portal into parallel dimensions. The Large Hadron Collider is the flat earth’s largest particle accelerator machine. Located three hundred feet under the surface of the flat earth, Cern is attempting to tear the physical and spiritual veil created by the Demiurge. This Demiurge is also known as the Ancient of Days and I AM. He is the other God who separates the living from the dead. Integrated into the LHC is the adiabatic quantum computer, enabling images to access hidden dimensions with the computing power of seven-billion brains. The Large Hadron Collider is attempting to go back in time and take apart the glue of creation. A statue of Shiva, Hindu god of destruction and transformer, stands above the LHC as an altar and spiritual portal. Lord Shiva is one of primary deities of the Hindu trinity. Shiva destroys. Vishnu preserves. Brahma recreates. Order out of chaos. As above, So below. The Large Hadron Collider is tearing the veil that separates the abyss of hell thirty-six hundred miles below the flat earth and the fourth dimension of the second heaven.

Cern was created to destroy time. Eliminating time prevents the eternal judgment from the Demiurge. Hinduism is the great universal mind. Vishnu the Son is identified as the reincarnation of the avatars. These include Zoroaster, Buddha, Muhammad and Christ. The Son of Perdition, Nimrod and Apollo are the same names for the Anti-Christ, the final avatar. The Large Hadron Collider will recreate the Big Bang and conceive the cosmic egg. This egg symbolizes the sentient resurrected deity of Saturn, Satan, Black Star. These are worshiped by Satanists. Saturn is the luminary who changed his course against the dictates of the Demiurge.

In the occult, Jubilees celebrates the resurrected Saturn. Ushering in the Prince of Darkness and the Age of Aquarius/New Atlantis. Oh my, that was a lot to digest. I can see your head is spinning. Revelation Chapter 9 Verse 1 says, “Then the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen to earth from the sky, and he was given the key to the shaft of the bottomless pit.”

Remember everything I do mimics The Ancient of Days. This is my Bethlehem. The birth of the Beast system and great final deception of apotheosis. Reflecting the image of Lucifer. Directly beneath Cern lies the ruins of Apollo’s temple. In the mystery religion, Osiris was worshiped as Apollo, God of the dead. The Large Hadron Collider, in sync with the adiabatic quantum computer, will connect the as above rebellious luminary Saturn, Satan, Black Star with the as below Abyss of Hell…

Let’s dig a little further into the origins of Cern. In Celtic mythology, the horned god Cernunnos was known as the God of fertility, Lord of the animals. Synonymous with Baphomet and displayed as a goat pentagram. The sigil of Baphomet is the Church of Satan’s symbol. Let me know if I’m going too slow for you. Regarded as both good and evil, Samael, the Archangel of Death, sits above the pentagram. And is associated with the temping serpent in Eden and Kabbalah. In the mystery religion, Lilith was Adam’s first wife. She rebelled against the Ancient of Days and became the mother of demons. If I am the father of lies, Lilith is the mother. Lies, lies, lies. The LHC is simultaneously creating an electrical conduit and opening a dimensional portal between the flat earth and Saturn’s third largest moon, Lapetus. From here the remaining dark entities will be released to storm the kingdom of the Demiurge, which was named after the mad titan Nephilim. Lapetus is the son of Uranus and Gaia, father of Atlas and Prometheus. The truth is so… liberating.

fter being held in chains of darkness for seventy generations, Cern will also open a stable dimensional portal, allowing Nimrod the Nephilim/Anti-Christ and his horde of dark angels to escape from Hell. The Book of Enoch, Chapter 10 Verse 15, says, “Bind them for seventy generations underneath the earth, even to the day of judgment, the effect of which will last forever, be completed.” Even the Vatican has a direct connection to Nimrod. Sitting atop the Egyptian obelisk in St. Peters’ Square, the Eastern star of Ishtar is a spiritual portal harvesting dark energy. The obelisk is a symbol of the Sun God Ra, the phallus and male energy. In the shape of a sundial and keyhole, St. Peter’s Square symbolizes the destruction of time and the advent of the final stone kingdom. During my seven year reign, the Mark will be offered to all images. Those who accept my invitation will be injected with a Black Goo Programmable Microchip containing the triple helix DNA genome code of Lucifer, Nimrod, and Apollo. I am the Kaballah, the tree of life. All visible matter comprises five percent of the universe. Dark matter comprises twenty-two percent, and dark energy the remaining seventy-three percent. The Large Hadron Collider is separating the RNA glue of invisible dark matter from visible matter, in essence recreating the fictitious Big Bang. 

Apollo, Nimrod and Lucifer are three and the same. Cern is a post-modern Tower of Babel inspired by the spirit of Anti-Christ. Revelations 9, Verses 1-2 and 1, says, “Then the firth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen to earth from the sky, and he was given it. Smoke poured out as though from a huge furnace, and the sunlight and air were darkened by the smoke. Their king is the angel from the bottomless pit; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon – The Destroyer.” Displaying a similar hexagonal shape, the LHC is electrically bridging Saturn’s eight-sided North Pole by creating a plasma conduit. Empowered by the ether contained within the second heaven of the fourth dimension, Saturn’s twenty-thousand-mile-wide blue hexagonal portal will open, liberating the wicked spirits imprisoned within the Black Cube, which is located in the center of Saturn. One of Cern’s four collision vectors contained within its seventeen-mile circular underground tunnel is Alice in Wonderland. Alice is the code word for Lucifer; it is a detector capable of observing collisions of atomic nuclei in their primordial state so as to recreate and understand the fictitious Big Bang. In the fable, Alice returns to the whimsical world of Wonderland, traveling back in time to help the Mad Hatter, who is recognizable by his top hat. This is the same top hat worn by Freemasons. Alice and the Freemasons also wear aprons to display their good works for the Light Bearer. 

Kabbalah teaches that the leaves of the fig tree convey the power of sorcery and magic. The mystery religion teaches there are magical powers in fig leafs as represented by the aprons. Previously the Babylonians, Egyptians, and some Mormon sects have paid allegiance to me by displaying their aprons. Which brings us to the connection between the white rabbit, who uses his watch to destroy time in both Alice In Wonderland and Alice in Cern. To live outside of time is to be a God. With my divine guidance, the Large Hadron Collider will go back in time and destroy it.

Without time, death does not exist. Six thousand years ago, I failed to set Adam and Eve free from their prison of time. Prior to the fall, they were eternal transdimensional shifting beings, free from the confines of space and time. Each of the ten heavens have different times. I’m currently changing the times and seasons on my flat earth. The days are evil, collapsing out of Eden’s time. Time prevents eternal life and predestines our mutual judgment. My offense was the desire for power. Yours was the desire for knowledge. Therefore, it is the elimination of time that will set us both free from the tyranny of the Demiurge. The key to our mutual freedom is to go back in time and destroy it. Without time, we are the Gods.



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