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                                      BY LEE AUSTIN   NARRATED BY MORNING STAR 

Kabbalah is the Satanic mystery religion of the post-modern world. Rooted in Freemasonry, Kabbalah’s foundational doctrine is the apotheosis of images, reflecting the image of Lucifer. My adherents pursue this discipline through the practice of Black Magic and the esoteric teachings of occult mysticism. Kabbalah reveals the Demiurge as the lesser God, Creator of the material universe… but inferior to the Light Bearer. Within the mystery religion, symbols illustrate the duality of chaos and restoration simultaneously. Points symbolize chaos. Stripes represent the coming Fifth Age of Aquarius. Kabbalists espouse God as incomprehensible. Therefore, they are the Gods. Deifying themselves eliminates all connections to the Ancient of Days. The Book of Daniel prophesied five separate ages, representing gold, silver, bronze, iron/clay and stone. Images living in this present fourth age of iron/clay will soon access the philosopher’s stone and its legendary alchemical substance Black Goo. Mixing the iron of technology, with the clay of an image, creating an eternal Trans-human. Everything I establish in the first and second heaven is a mimicry of his creation. As above, so below illustrates the lie of duality and confusion. Freemasons and Knights of The Templar believe the Demiurge and Lucifer are equal, as demonstrated in the black and white trestle floor of Masonic Halls and Ying and Yang of Chinese philosophy. The systemic lie of Kabbalah postulates that God is the total of everything: good and evil, knowable, unknowable, limitless, limited, merciful and cruel. In the beginning, Kabbalists believe God sent out an emanation of himself in the form of ten lights called the Sephiroth or Tree of Secret Knowledge. This equates to the name I Am. The universe is comprised of layered spheres of frequencies, with the Ancient of Days ruling from the ninth dimension/heaven. To be one with the Light Bearer, disciples must pass through the nine guarded spheres, which are protected by angels and devils. Only those who know the guardian’s passwords can pass though the nine spheres. Gnostic knowledge enlightens the soul as it ascends the ladder of the Sephiroth, attaining apotheosis. The ten Sephiroth spheres are the driving forces that move all of creation. In truth, there are ten heavens in the multi-universe.

The Book of The Secrets of Enoch, Chapter 22, Verses 1-2 says, “In the tenth heaven, the archangel Michael led Enoch before the Lord’s face. On the tenth heaven, Aravoth (the highest heaven of all ten heavens), I saw the appearance of the Lord’s face, like iron made to flow in fire, and brought out, emitting sparks, and it burns. Thus, I saw the Lord’s face, but the Lord’s face is ineffable, marvelous and very awful, and very, very terrible.”

Kabbalists divide the universe into four worlds, each consisting of ten spheres, set and arranged into the Sephirothic Tree or Tree of Secret Knowledge. The secret philosophy is hidden within systemic structure of the Sephirothic Tree, revealing the mysteries of the Old and New Testaments.

The Book of Enoch, Chapter 24, Verses 9-11 says, “And that tree of an agreeable smell, not one of carnal odour, there shall be no power to touch, until the period of the great judgment, when all shall be punished and consumed forever. this shall be bestowed on the righteous and humble. The fruit of this tree shall be given to the elect. For towards the north life shall be planted in the holy place, towards the habitation of the everlasting King. And I blessed the Lord of glory, the everlasting King, because He has prepared this tree for the saints, formed it, and declared that He would give it to them.”

With arms and legs extended, an image is the embodiment the Superman/Trans-human of the Sephirothic Tree. Comprised of ten globes, the Tree of Secret Knowledge has three vertical columns connected by twenty-two channels. This represents the perfected Adam. In his original Trans-human body, Adam displayed his spirit on the outside his body. The Sephirothic Tree spiritually symbolizes Adam reflecting the light of Lucifer. Three steps inside the front door of every Freemasonic lodge are two pillars representing duality. Each column is adorned with pomegranates and a sphere. One pillar is topped with a round earth and the other with a blueprint of the universe. The right column, Jachin, is the mysterious pillar of mercy. The left column, Boaz, is the pillar of severity. These Hebraic columns are the entry point to the place of mystical transformation, as represented by the Egyptian God Amon-Ra. The third middle column represents Equilibrium, defined as wisdom, strength and beauty. Unlike the Demiurge’s Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, I freely share that which is hidden within the Sephirothic Tree. Kabbalah is my gift to images. The Masonic Lodge is eminently different from the Hebrew temple of Solomon. Between the pillars of Jachin and Boaz is an altar showcasing the Compass, Square and Bible. These are known as the Great Lights of Freemasonry. Adjacent to these lights are the three candelabras, or three lesser lights. Together they form a triangle, symbolic of the Sun, Moon and Master Hiram Abiff, the first immortal master Mason and original designer of Solomon’s temple. The floor surrounding the alter is covered with white and black tiles, arranged like a chessboard., symbolizing the duality of life. A flaming star sits prominently above the alter. The triangle containing the square, compass and the letter G in the middle. The Masonic Temple’s ceiling is adorned in blue, signs of the zodiac, and a chain of rope, illustrating the unity of Masons around my flat earth. From the main room a door leads into a blackened meditation room. Displaying drawings of skeletons, skulls, salt, black bread, writing paper, a glass of water and a black table. In the final inner room is a skeleton inside a coffin. The Freemasonic temple is an affront and mockery of Solomon’s Temple. Masonic Lodge members are earthly representations of the rebellious luminaries. The Venerable Master represents the Sun. Orator represents Mercury. Secretary represents Venus. Treasurer represents Mars. Watchmen represent Uranus/Neptune. First Expert represents Saturn. The Master of Ceremonies represents Moon. He walks in an elliptical manner depicting the Moon’s orbit inside the lodge. In truth… ironic, I know… In truth, the Masonic Lodge was constructed as a tribute to Osiris. The Egyptian Trinity of Osiris, Isis and Horus form the spiritual foundation of both The Great Pyramid of Khufu and the Freemasonic Temple.

Truth is found in numbers. In the Hebraic dialect, Jehovah is written by connecting twenty-four dots. Twenty-four elders are constantly before the throne of the Demiurge. The power of evil is the sign of Jehovah inverted. And the true word of a Mason is found in the name of the deity. Truth in secret. Even the Druids knew there was spiritual power in numbers. December twenty-fifth is celebrated as the birth of the Sun God Ra. Don’t worry… I’ve no intention of slowing down. Nineteenth century French occultist and ceremonial magician Eliphas Levi postulated that images could discover all that is knowable and hidden concerning the Ancient of Days by comprehending the dynamic between the ten globes of the Sephiroth Tree and the twenty-two letters of the Hebraic language. The twenty-two channels are an illustration of the most important trump card in the Tarot deck of cards. Ten globes and twenty-two letters equals the occultic number thirty-two. In my Kingdom there are thirty-two paths of wisdom. This is the secret system of arranging the mysteries of creation that are hidden in the thirty-second degree of Freemasonry. Thirty-two teeth in the mouth, nerves connecting the brain. And thirty-two spinal segments to the skull. Thirty-two is the number of times the name I Am occurs in the book of Genesis. Follow the numbers. Formerly known as the brotherhood of death, Skull and Bones 3:22 derive their numbers from his book.

Genesis 3:22 says, “Then the Lord God said, ‘Behold, the man has become like one of us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever.’” The thirty-second degree of Freemasonry elevates the candidate to the dignity of Prince of the Royal Secret. This is a mimicry of The Prince of Peace. One degree below the Light Bearer. The Thirty-third degree of Freemasonry is the final revelation of Lucifer as The Great Architect of the Universe. Kabbalah is the hidden esoteric mystical knowledge of my final revelation. During the nineteenth century, the occult had a revival under the watchful eye of Albert Pike, author of Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. He was outspoken about the Luciferian great craft being spiritually tied to the ancient mystical order of Rosicrucian, The Orders of Knighthood and The Golden Dawn. H.P. Blavatsky, another infamous adherent, was a Russian gnostic sympathizer, occultist, spirit medium and co-founder of The Theosophical Society, an organization which studied Kabbalah and the mystery religions. After two years of tutelage under the Buddhist lamas, she moved on to the higher dark arts. Propagating the foundational law of Thelema which says, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law,”

English occultist and black magician Aleister Crowley was instrumental to the continued growth of the Theosophical Society. In the beginning, Kabbalah emanated when an angel of light appeared at the gate of Eden. Adam was instructed in the gnostic mysteries of Kabbalah and Alchemy. In the coming Age of Aquarius, Adam’s descendants will master the secret wisdom. Out of the ashes the phoenix will rise again. And a new covenant will be revealed by Morning Star. After the One’s ascension, I inspired the gnostic schools to teach that the two Gods, Lucifer and the Demiurge, are polar opposites. Limited to the first heaven of the third dimension, the Demiurge is an incompetent, arrogant creator, preventing images from obtaining gnosis and transcending to their rightful place with Lucifer. In his arrogance, the Demiurge believes there are no other Gods but him. He subordinated Eve below Adam, falsely asserting she came from his rib. It appears the Ancient of Days was the first anti-feminist. I teach equality, holding the feminine part of God on an equal footing with the masculine. Sophia is my muse and divine embodiment of wisdom, possessing the most intimate relationship
with her true god, The Light Bearer. Unlike the Demiurge, I don’t create. I emanate. Existence comes forth from me. Sophia and I are one. Her desire to know Morning Star created dark matter. She, in turn, created the Demiurge to rule over the darkness, who rules from the eight heaven and breathed life into Adam. Restoring gnosis/knowing in place of ignorance. The Pentagram is a spiritual conduit of my presence, a physical confirmation of the invisible truth. Displaying five connected lines, the Pentagram mirrors the power of the number five. Five elements in nature corresponding to the five extremities of an image. As practiced in Black Magic, the Pentagram takes on the symbol of the cloven hoof or footprint of the Devil. The two points of an inverted Pentagram pointing upward represent the Goat of Mendes/ Baphomet. When the upper point falls to the bottom, it illustrates the fall of Lucifer. Another surprising symbol of my Kingdom is the six-pointed Star of David/The Seal of Solomon. Saturn, Black Star, and Satan manifest as a six-pointed star. The occultic symbol of two converging triangles is steeped in Bonpo, the Black Magic sect of Buddhism. The equilateral triangles in the Star of David/The Seal of Solomon represent the duality present in all oriental religions. Similar to the Ying and Yang, the Seal of Solomon hexagram unites all things good and bad into one. During the reign of Solomon, Kabbalists purposed it as conduit of occultic magic and the invocation of spirits. During World War Two, the Nazis conscripted the Hebrews to wear the Seal of Solomon as a curse, mocking the chosen people of the Demiurge. For Kabbalists, the Seal of Solomon is the number of The Beast. Six triangles, six points, six lines. Six, Six, Six. In spite of its spiritual connection to death, Israel adopted it as their national symbol. Saturn, the purple planet, represents Kali, the Hindu Goddess of death and time. Red and Blue are the alchemical primary colors of Freemasonry. Purple is the color of the royalty, worn by the One on the day of his death. In Kabbalah, three, six, and nine are the numeric keys to the universe. All numbers eventually lead back to the number nine. It’s the model of everything and no thing simultaneously. A linear duality, exhibiting the singularity and vacuum. There are nine levels of Angelic beings:
Angels Archangels Principalities Powers Virtues Dominions Thrones Cherubim Seraphim
Michael the Archangel is the chief prince and supreme commander of warfare. Gabriel the Archangel is chief messenger and celestial trumpet player. Eight is the sentient number of Black Star, Saturn, and Satan. In addition, with the seven other rebellious luminaries, Saturn is known as the old sun and dark lord. Symbolized as an eye, bull, owl, and Moloch. Saturn’s crescent ring is held up by the twin pillars of Freemasonry, Boaz and Jachin.

Lee Austin is an American Broadcaster. In 2018 he wrote “Morning Star’s Tale”… a sci-fi novella


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