Mary's Predictions, part 6, given in Brazil
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 and Part 5 precede this. This Part 6, like part 5, is about the Church of Mary’s Jesus. It has taken me awhile, and many of Her messages, to get my head around why this Roman Catholic Church is so important to Mary, to Jesus and to a host of others in the Heaven. Before, in the East, only a few became enlightened in the temples and in the lamaseries. With this Church the door was opened to all. To become enlightened – Lit energetically – people have to tread the holy way, the straight and the narrow. They individually have to curb the excesses of this world, especially sexual, and live to find God, the Spirit, within. As it says in the Bible, “The Kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21). When the outer things fall away, including the direction of the Church as it is being taken, ‘Look within’, and there you will find all the help you will need. This is the message of the Church: With His death on the cross, Jesus opened the door of the Heaven for you.
Message 3001, given on 05/24/2008
… From the Heaven will come a warning to Europe. To whom much has been given much will be charged. The House of God will be closed. The violence will be great and My poor children will carry heavy cross.
Message 3002, given on 05/27/2008
Dear Sons and Daughters, I am the Mother who repeats the same song: turn around/return, return. Your God waits for you with open arms. Assume your mission as True Children of God and in all things try to be like Jesus. In all places give evidence that you are truly of Christ. Humanity moved away from the Creator and the moment of the great return has come. Do not cross the arms. God has haste. I am your Mother and I want to see you happy already here on the Earth and later with Me in the Heaven. Do not remain stationary in the sin. Open your hearts and receive the Will of the Lord for your lives. Know that the Lord has prepared for you that which human eyes have never seen. After all tribulation the Lord will wipe away your tears and peace will reign on the Earth. Humanity will experience the Wonders of the Lord and all will live happily. There will be no food shortage, and the Lord will reign in the heart of the men and women of faith. It will be the time of the Definitive Triumph of My Immaculate Heart with the Victory of the Church.
Message 3003, given on 05/29/2008
… There will come to the Church the moment of its great pain. The action of the enemies against the Church of My Jesus will be intensified and the faithful consecrated will carry heavy cross. The enemies will spread confusion in the Church of God and the successor of Peter will suffer much. Pray. Pray. Pray. Know that God is not distant from you. Believe firmly in His Power and all will finish well for you. 2) The Humanity will face great pain. The energy accumulated in the interior of the Earth will cause great explosions and there will be great earthquakes. From the depths will come the destruction which will lead men to drink the bitter cup of suffering.
Message 3004, given on 05/31/2008
… The day will come when a war between the religious will leave many men and women distant from the truth. What I predicted for you in the past will come.
Message 3005, given on 06/03/2008
Dear Sons and Daughters, a new order will emerge and its principle objective will be to persecute the Church of My Jesus. On the surface it will be a beneficial movement and will attract many men and women of faith. It will succeed in involving many consecrated and the suffering will be great for My poor children. I came from the Heaven to warn you.
Message 3006, given on 06/05/2008
… The sons of the lion (Persia) will act with great fury against the House of God. I am your Mother and I know what waits for you. I suffer because of your sufferings.
Message 3007, given on 06/07/2008
… continue to pray for the Church of My Jesus. There will come to her the moment of her greatest provocation. An army will leave furious in direction of Rome. Churches will be set alight and many Holy Places will be destroyed. Behold, come the difficult times for the faithful. Do not move away from the truth. Turn to the Lord. Flee from sin and embrace the Sanctifying Grace of God.
Message 3008, given on 06/08/2008
… there will come to the faithful the cross of suffering. You will look for the Lord in the Church and you will not find Him. The tabernacles will be retired, and only in secret will men be able to worship the Lord. Great persecution will come to the Church. As with the first Christians, you will be persecuted and brought to trial. I suffer for what waits for you. Pray.
Message 3009, given on 06/10/2008
… the religious orders will be weakened and many will cease to exist. The consecrated will lose the right to use the religious habit and there will be great confusion in the Church.
Message 3010, given on 06/14/2008
… Science will stumble. In the attempt at a great discovery, the men will cause great destruction. I suffer because of My poor children. Bend your knees in prayer. A painful event will happen in northern Italy. 3) For the Church great suffering will come.
Message 3011, given on 06/17/2008
… The enemies will act with great fury against the Church of My Jesus. Temples will be invaded and there will be great destruction. There will come to the Church the hour of the calvario.
Message 3012, given on 06/19/2008
… Stay with the Church. The Church will suffer and will lose much, but will be victorious. The Triumph of the Church will be with the help of a great man of faith. He will not see (the Triumph of the Church), but the seed planted will bear great fruits for the Church of My Jesus.
Message 3013, given on 06/21/2008
… There will come the day when men will not find places for contemplation. They will destroy the sacred places where many souls find sanctity. The strength of the enemy will cause the Church to experience great sufferings. Do not be alarmed. In the end, the victory will be with the Church. Evil will never triumph.
Message 3014, given on 06/24/2008
… the revolt of many consecrated will cause great suffering for the Church. A wound will open in the heart of the Church because of the Great Schism. The action of the demon will lead many consecrated to move away from the truth. Pray for the Church. Be faithful. Do not move away from the path that I have pointed out to you over these years.
Message 3015, given on 06/25/2008
… A stone will fall on the church. For the faithful there will be great suffering. Do not be discouraged. In the end My Immaculate Heart will triumph and you will see the Mighty Hand of God act. Who is with the Lord will never experience the defeat.
Message 3016, given on 06/28/2008
… when the kingdom divides, a king will join with science and will deny God and His works. Many men of faith will become indifferent and there will be great suffering for the Church. Bend your knees in prayer. These are the difficult times for the humanity.
Message 3017, given on 06/29/2008
… Know that the truth is kept intact only in the Catholic Church. Open your hearts to truth. The Church will face great provocations. A great apostasy will lead many of My poor children away from God. Take care. What I say to you must be taken seriously. Those who do not walk in the truth of the Church will be lost in the confusion of the false religions.
Message 3018, given on 07/01/2008
Dear Sons and Daughters, a great multitude will march and with great fury will cause great destruction. They will destroy the City of the Seven Hills (Rome) and will occupy the throne of Peter. I ask you to intensify your prayers in favor of the Church of My Jesus. Know that the future of the Church will be of great pains. There will come for Her the anguish of the calvario. I came from the Heaven to point out to you the path to the truth. Do not retreat. Be docile. The day will come when many will have to repent of the life spent without God, but it will be late.
Message 3019, given on 07/05/2008
… the Church will be persecuted and will experience heavy cross. After all tribulation, God will bring forth a great man of faith. By means of him the Church will be restored and a new time of grace will come to the faithful.
Message 3020, given on 07/08/2008
… Humanity will carry heavy cross and the men will cry for help, but will not find help. Many of My poor children will suffer because they will have no food to satisfy the hunger. Humanity will be surprised. Bend your knees in prayer. I am the Mother who repeats the same song: Turn around. Turn around. Turn around. 2) When the kingdom is divided, there will be great disorder among the religious leaders. Many men and women of faith will walk without direction and full of doubts. They will not know on which side they must remain. A wound will be opened in the Heart of the Church.
Message 3021, given on 07/10/2008
… Know all of you that the evil will never triumph over the good. The Church of My Jesus will be victorious in this great battle. These are the painful times for the Church. Still you will see horrors on the Earth. In many places the heresies will win. Apparently it will be a defeat for the Church, but the Final Victory will be with My Son Jesus. I came from the Heaven to alert you and prepare you. I came to lead you to truth. Receive My Appeals. Love and defend the truth. Fill yourself with hope. Your fidelity to God will contribute to the transformation of the world.
Message 3022, given on 07/12/2008
… In the great tribulation for the Church, you who are faithful will be persecuted and brought to trial. It will be a painful time for the Church. In many places the Church will lose the right to announce Christ to the world. The Opponent prepares a terrible onslaught against the Church of My Jesus.
Message 3023, given on 07/13/2008
… The great vessel (Church) will face great tempests. It will lose its direction, but will be saved by the Mercy of My Jesus.
Message 3024, given on 07/14/2008
… live in the liberty of the True Children of God and do not permit that the demon enslave you. You are from the Lord, and only Him must you follow and serve. Change the life. Flee from sin and turn to The One who is your Unique Way, Truth and Life. I came to lead you to My Jesus. Do not be afraid. Even in the tribulations, do not be discouraged. Victory will be with the Lord. From the Tabernacle will come the Light that will illuminate and cause the Church to be victorious.
Message 3025, given on 07/15/2008
… The victory of the Lord will be also your victory. My Lord will do great things in favour of His Church. A decision will lead the Church of My Jesus to victory. By means of a man and his virtues, a pagan nation will convert and many will honor God.
Message 3026, given on 07/16/2008
… on the feast of a great saint, a treasure will be given to the Church and the faithful will rejoice and praise God. From the root will come the joy. But Now come the days which I announced to you in the past. Be faithful. Open your hearts. Follow Me on the path of the prayer, of the humility and of the living the Gospel of My Jesus. I am your Mother and I want to lead you to docility. I ask that you be calm and humble of heart.
Message 3027, give on 07/17/2008
… From Jerusalem will come news that will grab the attention of the world. For the Church it will be a great suffering. I am sad because of what waits for you.
Message 3028, given on 07/18/2008
… Now is the time when the Church of My Jesus begins its walk to the calvario. By fault of the bad pastors, many will become indifferent in the faith. The Church of My Jesus will walk through the dark valley and will face the fury of the enemies. Contempt for the Sacred will lead the Church to division. The Lord calls you. Do not retreat. Receive the teachings of the Pope (Benedict XVI). Embrace the truth. Do not permit that the demon move you away from the path of good. After all tribulation, a new time of grace will come to the Church.
Message 3029, given on 07/19/2008
Dear Sons and Daughters, your doubts and uncertainties are interferences from My adversary. Take care. Move away from the sin and turn to the Lord who loves you and waits for you with open arms. Try hard to be converted. Your time is short and already you cannot live far from the Grace of God. I am your Mother and I want your spiritual good. I came from the Heaven to lead you to The One who sees what is hidden and knows you by name. Do not retreat. Be strong and firm in the faith. Defend your Church. There will come to Her the moment of Her greatest provocation. The revolt of many consecrated will shake the throne of Peter.
Message 3030, given on 07/22/2008
… the Furious Lion (Persia) will attack the Church and cause great suffering to My poor children. The leaders will unite and plot the Great Attack.
Message 3031, given on 07/23/2008
… many sheep will walk blind because of a lack of pastors who will lead them on secure paths. Many fervent in the faith will drink the bitter cup of suffering in the great and painful persecution of the Church. In the great persecution many will retreat and abandon the faith. For the just who remain firm to the end, the Lord prepares the Great Reward.
Message 3032, given on 07/26/2008
Dear Sons and Daughters, the opponent will humiliate the Church and make suffer many consecrated faithful to Its Doctrine. They will try to destroy a temple in search of a treasure, and great will be the suffering of My poor children.
Message 3033, transmitted on 07/27/2008
… Still you will have great sufferings on the Earth. Because of your faith you will be persecuted by the ones who were supposed to defend you. There will be great contempt for the Sacred and your right to serve God will be taken away. The Great Persecution will strike, above all, the men and women of faith. The faithful priests will be beaten and taken to prisons. In the Land of Santa Cruz laws will be created to move you away from God.
Message 3034, given on 07/29/2008
… At the height of the Great Persecution, the Lord will send His Help to His Church. The forces of evil will not gain victory. God will be faithful to His promises and will give to His Church the Great Triumph over the forces of evil.
Message 3036, given on 08/05/2008
… A painful event will happen in France and will bring great suffering to the Church. Revolt is fruit of the disobedience
Message 3038, given on 08/09/2008
… three nations will unite and persecute the Church. Consecrated persons will be prevented from exercising their functions in these nations, but the Mighty Hand of God will act in favour of His Church.
Message 3039, given on 08/11/2008
… After all tribulation, humanity will experience the peace. The Church of My Jesus will live painful moments, but it will be victorious. The Church will pass through many provocations, but it is necessary that all this happens. There is no victory without cross. My Jesus will sustain His Church. Victory will be with the Lord. Be faithful. Do not be deceived by the easy seductions of the world.
Message 3040, given on 08/12/2008
Dear Sons and Daughters, a nation will defy the Church and great will be the suffering for a successor of Peter.
Message 3042, given on 08/18/2008
… make your decision: who do you want to serve? Know that God loves you and waits for you. Say ‘no’ to the things of the world and turn to The One who waits for you with immense Love of Father. Be courageous and witness with your own life that you are with the Lord. Love the truth and receive the teachings of the Church. The cross will be heavy for men and women of faith. The Church will come to the calvario and with her the faithful. When the Church is persecuted fiercely, many will retreat. I ask that you be firm in your faith. Do not retreat. Behold, God invites you to courageously assume your mission. Know that great will be your reward if you remain faithful to the end.
Message 3043, given on 08/19/2008
… the great suffering of the Church will come from Europe. A movement will arise and spread throughout the world. It will work openly against the Church and move many men and women away from the Grace of God.
Message 3044, given on 08/23/2008
… From England will come a heavy cross for the Church. Stay with the truth. Do not let your faith be shaken.
Message 3045, given on 08/26/2008
… Let your faithfulness become light to the infidels. Be instruments of God to the others. Do not be discouraged. Do not retreat. The Church will live moments of anguish. Upon her will weigh the cross of indifference, of humiliation and of persecution. The Church of My Son Jesus will cross the dark valley, but will reach victory.
Message 3046, given on 08/29/2008
… The one who will be able to be Peter will become Judas. He will open the doors to the enemies and will make suffer the men and women of faith.
Message 3047, given on 08/30/2008
… The malefic action of the men of terror will cause great destruction to the Sanctuary. The Church of My Jesus will drink the bitter cup of pain. Remain firmly on the path that I have pointed out to you. Do not retreat in the face of your difficulties. My Lord is at your side.
Message 3,050, given on 08/30/2008
… the hunt for the treasure (God) will be great, but few will find Him. In many regions of the Earth there will be no Sign of His Presence. It will be a time of pain for the just. I am your Sorrowful Mother. I ask that you live holily and in all things try to imitate My Son Jesus. Bend your knees in prayer.
Message 3048, given on 09/02/2008
… In the Great Storm, the Great Vessel will suffer and be struck, but will arrive at the Secure Port victorious. The small vessels will all go to the sinking.
Message 3049, given on 09/04/2008
… the action of the demon will lead many theologians to negate great Church Dogmas. They will cause divisions in the House of God and the suffering will be great for the men and women of faith. I ask that you do not move away from the truth. Listen to the True Magisterium of the Church. Walk through the path that I have pointed out to you. If you remain firm, nothing will move you away from the truth.
Nb. “If You Abide in My Word, You Are My Disciples Indeed” (John 8:31-36)
Message 3051, given on 09/08/2008
… Europe will rise against the Church. They will reject the truth and will cause great suffering to a successor of Peter (Benedict XVI). I ask that you remain firm in your faith. God is at your side, do not fear. When all seems lost, there will come to you the Great Victory of the Lord. Be just. Be faithful. I am your Mother and I walk with you. Look for forces in the Eucharist and in the Words of My Jesus. Give evidence of the truth, and let your life speak of the Lord more than your words.
Message 3052, given on 09/11/2008
… A religious leader will rise against the authority of the Pope and will cause great division in the Church. The darkness of apostasy will fall over the Church of My Jesus.
Message 3053, given on 09/13/2008
… Days will come in which men will utterly despise the Word of God. In the Church few will remain faithful and these will carry heavy cross. The Church of My Jesus will be persecuted and in many nations the faithful will be prohibited from announcing Jesus. I suffer for what waits for you. Do not be afraid. In the end the Victory will be with the Lord.
Message 3055, given on 09/18/2008
… A great fury will rise against the Church in the Land of Santa Cruz. I suffer for what waits for you. Courage. Forward in the truth.
Message 3056, given on 09/20/2008
… Confide in Jesus. Only He is the Savior of the world and apart from Him there is no salvation. Give yourselves to Him who sees what is hidden and knows you by name. Fill yourself with love and goodness. In the heart of those who love the Lord there must be no space for hatred. Be only with the Lord. Humanity walks to the abyss of destruction that men have prepared with their own hands. Pray. Pray also and above all for the Church. There will come the day when there will be few faithful pastors. The action of the demon will lead many consecrated to abandon their vocation. The Sacred will have little value and the truth will be present in few hearts.
Message 3057, given on 09/23/2008
Dear Sons and Daughters, I am your Sorrowful Mother. I came from the Heaven to alert you and call you to conversion. Do not live apart from the Lord. He waits for you with open arms. Bend your knees in prayer. Behold, have come the times more painful for you. Look for forces in Jesus. Only He is the certainty of your victory. You walk to a future of great sufferings. The Church of My Jesus walks to the calvario. The persecution will be great. In many places the blood of the faithful will run through the streets. The Church will carry heavy cross, but those who remain firm up to the end will receive the Recompense of the Just.
Message 3058, given on 09/26/2008
… be with the Lord and in all places give evidence of your faith. The Lord calls you and you cannot remain stationary. Turn around quickly. Now is the time of the Great Return. Open your hearts and receive My Appeals to be saved. I do not want to obligate you, but what I say must be taken seriously. Do not retreat. I suffer because of what waits for you. Be attentive. Pray so that My Plans are realised. The Church of My Jesus will suffer much. My consecrated children will have to experience all kinds of physical pains. Just like the first Christians, the Church will experience the cross of persecution and of martyrdom. The good ones will be persecuted and left in prison.
Message 3059, given on 09/27/2008
… The malefic action of the demon will cause great confusion in the House of God. Be careful. Remain firmly on the path of the truth. The Church of My Jesus will be in wounds and the faithful will experience the calvario. Great pains will be experienced by My poor children. Serve with fidelity My Son Jesus. Move away from the evil and turn back quickly. Take care, for what the demon offers passes quickly, but the spiritual prejudice can be eternal.
Message 3060, given on 09/29/2008
… Look to holiness. Do not live moved away from the path that I have pointed out to you. I want to lead you to an ardent and continuous desire for God. I need you. Do not be discouraged. Your victory is in the Lord. Approach Him and you will be rich spiritually. Bend your knees in prayer for the Church of My Jesus. She will be hit hard. The Betrayal will be painful and the Church will lose much.
Message 3061, given on 09/30/2008
… an old treasure will be thrown away and in the Church there will be great spiritual confusion.
Message 3062, given on 10/04/2008
… A king will make an important decision, but his subjects will cause great confusion. Many will reject the truth and there will be division.
Message 3063, given on 10/07/2008
… from the Orient will come suffering and pain for the Church. The fume of satan will cause spiritual blindness in many consecrated and the Serpent of the Orient will gain strength. Bend your knees in prayer. Humanity will experience heavy cross, and many fervent in the faith will become indifferent.
Message 3064, given on 10/09/2008
Dear Sons and Daughters, be docile to My Call. I want to lead you to holiness, but it is up to you to do what I do. I do not want to obligate you, but I ask that you be calm and humble of heart. The Church of My Jesus will face the fury of the enemies. The great suffering for the faithful approaches. Bend your knees in prayer. God has haste.
Message 3065, given on 10/11/2008
… Humanity needs to receive the Love of the Lord, for only in this way can it be cured spiritually. Do not be discouraged. Do not permit that the flame of the faith go out within you. Love the truth and embrace with joy My Appeals. Pray for the Church. 2) The Fierce Bear will attack and bring suffering and pain to the House of God. The Seed of evil still exists and on it the Fierce Bear feeds. Be attentive.
Message 3066, given on 10/12/2008
… Know that these are the times that I announced you in the past. These are the times of the great tribulations. Humanity is sick and the moment has come for the great return to the Lord. Turn around quickly. Do not permit that the demon snare you with doubts and uncertainties. Open your hearts to the God of Salvation and of Peace. Be faithful to Jesus. Receive the Gospel and assume your true role as christians. A great crisis will shake the Church of My Jesus. A religious leader will stumble and there will be great confusion. In the Land of Santa Cruz there will be crying and lamentations.
Message 3067, given on 10/14/2008
… An object of falsity will be presented. They will say that it came from the depths, and it will shake the faith of many men and women.
Message 3068, given em 10/18/2008
… The Church of My Jesus will be shaken. The death will be present in the bosom of the Church and there will be great division. The discord will lead to death. Pray. This is the time of the great spiritual confusion.
Message 3069, given on 10/21/2008
… Hunger will bring great suffering to mankind. I suffer because of My poor children. 2) For the faithful, will come the difficult moments. In the Church they will look for the precious food (the Eucharist), but they will come back hungry. You walk to a painful future. Be prepared. Confide in the Lord and you will be victorious.
Message 3070, given on 10/22/2008
… The great vessel will face the worst of all the tempests. She will lose her course and will collide with a great obstacle. When all seems lost, the Lord will come to her rescue and she will arrive at the Safe Harbor victorious.
Message 3071, given em 10/23/2008
… The Church will drink the bitter cup of pain, but Jesus will always be present. The Lord will reign in His victorious Church and all the enemies will fall to the ground.
Message 3072, given on 10/25/2008
… a discovery in the Palace will cause revolt among men. Many fervent in the faith will become indifferent.
Message 3073, given on 10/26/2008
Dear Sons and Daughters, love the truth and seek to be in all things like Jesus. Be faithful to Jesus. Be faithful to the Church. Passed all the tribulations, the Church of My Jesus will experience great victory. Only She, the Church, founded by Christ, will give to Christ the faithful men and women. Only by means of the one and true Church can you reach the salvation. Only in the Church of My Jesus can you find the means necessary for salvation. The enemies will try to destroy the Church. They will achieve great things, but they cannot against the ones who truly love the truth. In the great and ultimate persecution of the Church, the enemies will be surprised. Christ will come in defense of His Church.
Message 3074, given on 10/27/2008
… A painful event will happen in Portugal. It will be a moment of great suffering for the Church of My Jesus. The faithful will have to cry and lament. Do not move away from the truth. Stay with the Church. Obey the Pope (Benedict XVI).
Message 3075, given on 10/28/2008
Dear Sons and Daughters, God is in control of all. Even in the face of provocations, do not be discouraged. I am your Mother and I want to help you. Be faithful. Approach the Lord, for He loves you and calls you. You live in the time worse than in the time of the Deluge. Humanity walks spiritually blind and there comes the moment of the Great Return. Know that a painful event will happen in this country (Brazil). It will cause great suffering to the men and women of faith. The Church of My Jesus will lose much. Do not retreat. Whatever happens, do not move away from the truth. My Jesus is at your side. The demon wishes to move you away from the truth. He will involve many consecrated in scandals, but you can defeat it through the power of the prayer.
Message 3076, given on 11/01/2008
… Days will come in which many consecrated will renounce the faith. They will flee for fear of martyrdom. Few will remain firm in the faith, but by means of a small flock Jesus will lead His Church to Victory.
Message 3077, given on 11/04/2008
… An astounding event will happen in Spain and the Church of My Jesus will suffer much.
Message 3078, given on 11/07/2008
… in the Land of Santa Cruz will be born a movement which will give power to the sects and cause suffering to the Church of My Son Jesus.
Message 3079, transmitted on 11/07/2008
… the fury of the enemies will bring death to many consecrated. The Church of My Jesus will drink the bitter cup of pain. There will be great persecution of the Church, and the faithful will have to cry and lament.
Message 3080, given on 11/11/2008
… When you feel the weight of your difficulties call for Jesus. Only He is your all and without him you can do nothing. Love and defend the truth. Do not retreat. Be faithful. Pray also for the Church. The Church of My Jesus will be fiercely persecuted. The enemies will unite for the great attack, and many fervent in the faith will become indifferent. Listen to the successor of Peter (Pope Benedict XVI) and receive the Gospel of My Jesus. After all tribulation and persecution, the Church will be victorious. Stay with the Church.
Message 3081, given on 11/13/2008
Dear Sons and Daughters, bend your knees in prayer and pray that My plans will be realised. Know that these are the times of the great tribulations. Still you will see horrors on the Earth. The Church of My Jesus will experience heavy cross. In Europe there will be great persecutions. Manifestations against the Church will spread in various countries. The Holy Father will suffer much.
Message 3082, given on 11/15/2008
… Whatever happens, do not be discouraged. Do not worry. Confide fully in My Son Jesus and you will be victorious. Look for the Lord, since He loves you and waits for you with Immense Love of Father. Mankind is sick and needs to be cured. Turn around quickly. There is no more time to lose. I suffer because of what waits for you. Be strong and firm in the faith. What you have to do do not leave for the tomorrow. The Church of My Jesus will be hit. A well-dressed man will enter into the House of God and deceive many. It will be a time of pain for the faithful.
Message 3083, given on 11/16/2008
… an angry man will come out of the palace, in a hurry, and join the enemies. He will cause the faithful to suffer and will cause great division. Lo will come difficult times for the humanity. Listen to what I say to you and remain firmly on the path that I have pointed out to you. I have haste and I call you to Urgent Conversion. Do not retreat. Be docile to My Call and I will lead you on the path of the good and of the holy.
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Mary, in 2013: “give yourselves to Jesus. He is your Unique and True Savior. His loving surrender on the cross opened the Heaven for you. All is finished: there is no other path for man. Only through My Son Jesus can you reach to the Heaven. Try hard. Do not cross the arms.” (Mar. 29, 2013, msg 3797)
Apr. 23rd: “It was for you that My Jesus died on the cross. He opened the Heaven for you.”
X-mas eve: “His coming to Earth opened the Heaven to you.”
More of Mary’s predictions to come. Not all centers upon the Church, but the Roman Catholic Church, centered on Rome’s iniquity, is Jesus’ magnetic tie to the Earth.. He is committed to help us, and so must we, be committed to our own enlightenment.