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Mary's Predictions, part 5, given in Brazil

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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4 precede this. While Mary, in Part 5, emphasises what will happen to the Church, Her predictions though are broader and extend into each of our daily lives. If we don’t live, as the priestly vows say, with ‘Chastity, Love and Charity’, we lose our ‘spiritual vision’. The extension of the self to include all other selves – even to the beings who live in the animal, vegetable, mineral and thought kingdoms (yes, thought too) of our imagination – becomes obscured and we, as Mary says, “walk as blind to guide other blind”. The sexual energy is our powerhouse, the source of force that will lead us back to God, to the spiritual view. If we dissipate that energy in play, and do not use it for its intended purpose, to have destined children, we lose.  Let us continue with Mary’s predictions:


Message 2911, given on 11/03/2007

An astounding event will happen in Paris and will be repeated in Cuba. I suffer for what waits for you. Do not retreat.

Message 2912, given on 11/04/2007

Dear Sons and Daughters, Alice and Leonora: two children of the same country (Australia) will cry and lament. Bend your knees in prayer. Confide in the Lord. He expects much from you.

Message 2913, given on 11/06/2007

… A fast fire will fall on Derby (England). I suffer for what waits for you.

Message 2914, given on 11/10/2007

Dear Sons and Daughters, open your hearts to Christ. Know that He is your Great Friend and expects much from you. Confide in Him who sees what is hidden and knows you by name. I came from the Heaven to invite you to conversion. Turn around. Do not move away from the path of the grace. The humanity has distanced itself from God and walks to a great abyss. I ask that you continue to pray. God wants to save you. Do not retreat. The Lord will do much in your favour. He loves you. Do not reject the love of God. I came from the Heaven to prepare you, for one day you will stand before The One who is the Beginning and the End; the Supreme Judge, Loving, Merciful and Just. 2) After all tribulation a fire will spread through the Heaven and the firmament will be shaken. Two of the just will announce and each one will receive their reward. Turn around. What you have to do do not leave for the tomorrow.

Message 2915, given on 11/13/2007

… The Church of My Jesus will live difficult moments. To Her approaches the moment of great anguish. Pray. Only the faithful will remain on the path of the truth.

Message 2916, given on 11/14/2007

… The day will come when perverse men will occupy privileged space in the House of the Lord. It will be these who will draw into the Church the one who opposes the Christ. It will be the time when the Sacred will be thrown out and the faithful will be persecuted. Few will remain firm in the faith, but my means of these few, God will bring great hope to His people.

Message 2917, given on 11/17/2007

Dear Sons and Daughters, crescent moon, bright star, fierce animal: this is the great cause of pain for many of My poor children.

Message 2918, given on 11/18/2007

… An extraordinary phenomenon will be seen in the sky of this earth. Be attentive. The Lord will manifest himself. It is His Call. Receive with joy.

Message 2919, given on 11/20/2007

… The day will come when the cross will be heavy for the faithful. The men with big beard prepare a great attack against the People of God. Bend your knees in prayer. Confide in My Son Jesus. He is your Unique (unexcelled) Way, Truth and Life.

Message 2920, given on 11/22/2007

… A worrying piece of news will come from the region of Patagonia (southern South America). Pray.

Message 2921, given on 11/24/2007

… After all tribulation, My Jesus will send His Angels. The Earth will be transformed and all that you contemplate today will be different.

Message 2922, given on 11/25/2007

… Argentina will drink the bitter cup of pain. 2) Equal suffering will the inhabitants of Costa Rica experience.

Message 2923, given on 11/27/2007

… The West will tremble with the nefarious event provoked by the invisible enemy.

Message 2924, given on 12/01/2007

… The enemies will enter into Manhattan (New York City) and My poor children will carry heavy cross.

Message 2925, given on 12/04/2007

… a discovery of science will bring great worry to humanity. The cross will be heavy for many of My poor children. Pray.

Message 2926, given on 12/06/2007

… The day will come in which the faithful will look for pious and God fearing men, but will not find them. There will be great persecution in the holy places and those who seek to live My Appeals will carry heavy cross.

Message 2927, given on 12/08/2007

… Humanity is sick and only by means of love can be cured. I came from the Heaven to call you to conversion. Do not remain stationary. Turn to the Lord who loves you and knows you by name. When the great and painful tribulation comes many men will experience terrible anguish, since they will seek and not find. They will cry for help, but no one will help them. Many will ask for death, but they will suffer because of sin and because of the life spent without God. I suffer because of what waits for you.

Message 2928, given on 12/11/2007

… The day will come when a child walking with his father through a Brazilian city, seeing its ruin, will ask his father: What happened here? And this one will respond: The wrath of God fell on this place.

Message 2929, given on 12/12/2007

Dear Sons and Daughters, the Land of Santa Cruz (Brazil) walks to the autodestruction. Men have created their own laws and rejected the Laws of God. You walk to the encounter with the inevitable. From the depths of the earth still will come great pain for My poor Brazilian children. Still you will see horrors in all places. I am your Mother and I know what waits for you. I suffer because of your sufferings. Look for the Lord. Flee from sin and you will be saved.

Message 2930, given on 12/15/2007

… The peace of the world is threatened. I suffer because of what waits for you. The day will come in which the furious dragon (China) will launch fire on the nest of the bear (Russia) and great sufferings will be experienced by My poor children. Alas, have come the times predicted by Me. The wickedness/evil has penetrated many hearts and many of My poor children walk spiritually blind. Do not move away from the grace. God needs you. Open your hearts. 2) A painful event will happen in Denmark and will be repeated in Rio de Janeiro. The humanity needs to receive the love. The love cures, liberates and saves. Love always and you will be able to receive My Appeals.

Message 2931, given on 12/18/2007

… Great sufferings will be experienced by the inhabitants of Germany and Switzerland. Pray. 2) A painful event will happen in the northern region of Brazil and My poor children will carry heavy cross.

Message 2932, given on 12/20/2007

… The day will come when the disorder will be present in the sacred places and the faithful will carry heavy cross. Many religious orders will be fiercely persecuted and the faithful will not be able to meet in the churches. Know that God has haste and already you cannot cross the arms. What you have to do, do not leave for the tomorrow.

Message 2933, given on 12/22/2007

… Many of My poor children have been enslaved by the demon and cannot manage to open their hearts. I suffer because of them. Pray. Only through the force of the prayer can closed hearts be able to return to the Lord.

Message 2934, given on 12/25/2007

… The day will come when the earth will be completely transformed. Its Geography will no longer be the same. In the face of great events, men will come to realize that they alone will not experience victory and will confide in Jesus. Peace will reign in the hearts, and the nations at war will be reconciled. The violence will be extinguished and God will reign with His Peace. Bend your knees in prayer.

Message 2935, given on 12/28/2007

… A painful event will happen in the Land of Santa Cruz. My poor children will have to cry and lament. Flee from the profane places and turn back to The One who is your Unique Way, Truth and Life.

Message 2936, given on 12/29/2007

Dear Sons and Daughters, when the serpent of the Orient sets out for Rome, there will come to the Church the moment of its agony. With its tail it will knock down great pillars of the Church. I ask that you continue to pray. Do not move away from the path that I have pointed out to you. Now is the opportune moment for you to be converted. I do not want to force you, but what I say must be taken seriously. The humanity will carry heavy cross because the creature today is more valued than the Creator himself. Turn around. Do not remain stationary in the sin. When you feel the weight of the cross, do not be discouraged. I will be at your side. I will ask My Jesus for you and for your needs.


Year 2008

Message 2937, given on 01/01/2008

… Know that the Land of Santa Cruz (Brazil) will experience great destruction. The cross will be heavy for My poor children. Small and gridded cities will cease to exist. 2) The one who opposes Christ will march with his army and will come to the great city. The throne of Peter will tremble. I suffer for what waits for you. In many places the heretics will occupy privileged space. When the Lord loses his place of honor, the great chastisement will come.

Message 2938, given on 01/03/2008

Dear Sons and Daughters, now is the time of the great spiritual battle. Do not retreat. Know to face with courage the provocations which already are under way. Because of the bad pastors, the Church will live moments of great afflictions; will be weakened because of the great scandals and heresies. Bend your knees in prayer. Fill yourself with the Love of God and do not live apart.

Message 2939, given on 01/05/2008

… the war will explode over Rome and few will be the survivors. The one who opposes the Christ will bring suffering and pain to all Europe. The Throne of Peter will be empty. Tears of pain and crying of regrets will be seen in the Church.

Message 2940, given on 01/08/2008

… when the throne falls and it is no longer possible for the king to remain, there will be great contempt for dogmas, and few will remain firm in the faith.

Message 2941, given on 01/10/2008

… the Church of My Jesus will carry heavy cross. Many consecrated will live the anguish of one condemned. The blood of many consecrated will run through the streets and plazas like water with the rain. The Church will suffer great attacks. I ask that you maintain alight the flame of the faith. Receive My Appeals and be faithful to the Gospel of my Jesus. Smoke will be seen in the Vatican. Pray.

Message 2942, given on 01/12/2008

… because of the one who needs a miracle, great suffering will come to the Church. The one who opposes the Christ will gain an ally and together they will cause grave conflicts in the Church of My Jesus.

Message 2943, given on 01/15/2008

Dear Sons and Daughters, the Church walks towards the calvario. These are the times of the great provocations for the Church. Within it are the ones who will open the doors for the entry of the assassins and scornful. Bend your knees in prayer. Only through the force of the prayer will humanity find the peace.

Message 3109, given on 01/15/2008

… I am your Mother and I want to help you. Listen to Me. Be with the Lord, and look for Him always, for He loves you and waits for you with immense love of Father. 2) The great comet will come and will cause great destruction. Turn around quickly. I want to lead you to My Son Jesus. Know that these are the times more painful for you. Be attentive.

Message 2944, given on 01/17/2008

… My Jesus was betrayed by one of His Chosen and delivered to the enemies. There will come the day in which His Church will be betrayed by one of those chosen to defend it. The enemy will have great power because he will have the support of many consecrated. This is the time of the great spiritual battle for the Church. Know that even in the face of the damage that the opposer will do, the Church will never be defeated. In the hearts of the faithful the Church will remain alive and strong. Pray. Do not be frightened. All this needs to happen, but in the end the Victory will be with the Lord.

Message 2945, given on 01/19/2008

… The day will come in which there will be no treasure for the Church. It will be poor and weakened. Pray much. I am your Mother and I suffer because of what comes to you. Because of the dark relic of the men with big beard, there will be great suffering for My poor children. Humanity will tremble at the painful events which will come.

Message 2946, given on 01/22/2008

… The demon will manage to dominate by the pride and through the envy of many consecrated and the faithful will be deprived of the sacraments. These are the times that I announced to you in the past. Be courageous and give evidence in all places that you are with Christ. I do not want to force you, but what I say must be taken seriously. Do not remain in the sin. Change your minds/repent and turn around quickly.

Message 2947, given on 01/25/2008

… the Church will carry the cross of affliction, desolation and humiliation. Because of the wicked pastors, great dogmas of the faith will be denied and the faithful will become cold and full of doubts. The Church will be tormented by great storms, and few will remain firm in the faith. These will be difficult times for My poor children, but the Lord will not be distant from you. After all tribulation, the Great Victory of the Lord will come.

Message 2948, given on 01/26/2008

… An archaeological discovery will be made in Rome and will cause great confusion for the Church.

Message 2949, given on 01/29/2008

… days will come in which many of those who form part of the Hierarchy will bow before the false ideologies and embrace false doctrines. It will be for the Church the time of great afflictions. Bend your knees in prayer. Still you will see horrors on the Earth. I am your Mother and I call you to be in all things like Jesus. Do not remain distant from the Lord. Look for Him always in the Eucharist and you will be able to support the weight of the provocations. My Jesus needs you. Open your hearts to His Grace. He knows your hearts and knows that you have within you a great reserve of goodness. Even with your faults, do not forget that you are loved one by one by the Father, in the Son by means of the Holy Spirit.

Message 2950, given on 02/01/2008

… From Malta will come an order that will shake the Church and cause the faithful to suffer.
Nb. The Knights of Malta, run by the “Superior General” of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), known as the Black Pope.

Message 2951, given on 02/02/2008

Dear Sons and Daughters, one kingdom will divide (the United States) and another kingdom will emerge and cause great confusion. A king will be taken from his throne and the People of God will lose. I am your Mother and I want to say to you that these are decisive moments for the humanity. The Church of My Jesus will suffer with great treachery.

Message 2952, given on 02/05/2008

… An order will be given by an Order (the Knights of Malta). Falsehood will exist in its promise and the throne of Peter will be shaken. You live today in the times of great spiritual confusions. Be strong. Approach the Confessional, the Eucharist and the Word of God, since only thus will you find forces for your lives. I am your Mother and I know what is necessary for you. Do not retreat. God needs you.

Message 2953, given on 02/06/2008

… the opponent will find in the palace the key that will open for him the door to act in the world. He with his cunning will involve men and women of great learning. His project will involve men of science and of religion. He will attract to his poisonous project leaders from the entire world; famous people and simple people. The faithful men will carry heavy cross, but My Jesus will defeat him and humanity will find the liberation.

Message 2954, given on 02/09/2008

… There will come to the Church of My Jesus the moment of its greatest pain. It will face grave conflicts and will experience the pain of abandonment by many consecrated. The nest of the birds will be destroyed. I am your Sorrowful Mother and I came from the Heaven to reclaim what is of God. Receive the truth. Assume your true role as Christians. I do not want to obligate you, but I ask that you be docile to My Call. Humanity still will see terrible events. 2) What men have set on high will be consumed by fire.

Message 2955, given on 02/11/2008

… The Lord is in control of all, but for the good of men will permit great provocations to His Church. The day will come when within the Church will be seen few pious men and defenders of the truth. They will be contaminated by the false doctrines applied by the bad theologians, and many hearts will be hardened and will not accept the truth.

Message 2956, given on 02/12/2008

… the demon will persecute the Chosen of God and many will fall. There will be great scandals and many will have their faith shaken. Days will come in which there will be no more respect for the Ministers of the Lord and contempt for the House of God will be greater than in your days. I came from the Heaven to encourage you. Even in the face of problems, many times without answers, do not be discouraged. As I have said in the past, in the end the Victory will be with the Lord. Just pray.

Message 2957, given on 02/16/2008

Dear Sons and Daughters, a discovery in the Vatican will cause great confusion. Bend your knees in prayer in favour of the Church. Behold, have come the difficult times for the faithful. Open your hearts to the Love of the Lord. If you live in the Love of God you will be healed spiritually. I know your needs and will ask My Jesus for you.

Message 2958, given on 02/19/2008

… the Church of My Jesus will pass through great provocations. She will be persecuted, but in the end will experience Great Victory with the Definitive Triumph of My Immaculate Heart. It is necessary that all this happen, but the Lord will not leave you on your own.

Message 2959, given on 02/21/2008

Dear Sons and Daughters, with the objective of weakening the Church of My Jesus, the opponent will summon the leaders of the false religions and many false pastors. Together they will do all to destroy the Sacred and achieve many of their objectives, but the Final Victory will be with the Lord. By means of the men and women of faith, there will be great hope for My poor moved away children. God will not abandon you.

Message 2960, given on 02/23/2008

… death will be present in the bosom of the Church. The oppressor will decide the execution of many consecrated. The persecution of the Church will be much greater than in the past. Bend your knees in prayer.

Message 2961, given on 02/24/2008

… you will have great provocations and you will face great tempests, but do not retreat. Remain firmly with the Church of My Jesus. The Triumph of the Church will be great and My Jesus will compensate the men and women of faith. Those who remain faithful up to the end will experience what they have never experienced in this life. The just will see what the human eyes have never seen. Do not be afraid. Pray always. Love the truth and be just.

Message 2962, given on 02/26/2008

… Do not be discouraged before your difficulties. Know to face with joy the provocations which the Lord sends you. Pray. Only praying can you reach victory. The king will drink the bitter cup of abandonment. He will be slandered and many of his friends will leave him alone.

Message 2963, given on 03/01/2008

Dear Sons and Daughters, on a majestic date the Church will cry. The faithful will have to lament and the ways of the Church will change.

Message 2964, transmitted on 03/04/2008

… The Church of My Jesus will be fiercely persecuted. They will deny the virtues of the great men and women of faith, and with the help of the bad pastors will disavow great truths revealed.

Message 2965, given on 03/06/2008

… After all tribulation which will come to the Church, the Lord will make you feel His Victory. He will wipe away the tears of the faithful and all will live happily. The Church will walk in peace. The enemies will be destroyed by the Force and  Power of My Jesus. The Church will return to be as Jesus confided it to Peter and My children will experience the Definitive Triumph of My Immaculate Heart.

Message 2966, given on 03/08/2008

… great will be the suffering for the consecrated, since the one who opposes the Christ will act against the Chosen of God.

Message 2967, given on 03/10/2008

… The day will come when the cross will be heavy for the men and women of faith. The opponent will impede the Christians who come together to pray in public places and many will be martyred and others will renounce the faith.

Message 2968, given on 03/11/2008

… The men with big beard will act against the Christians. The walls of the palace will be stained with blood. Alas, will come days of great pains to My poor children.

Message 2969, given on 03/13/2008

… The discord between two brothers will cause great pain to the Church of My Jesus.

Message 2970, given on 03/14/2008

… You live in the time worse than in the Deluge, and the moment of your reconciliation with God is near. Do not remain with arms crossed. What you have to do do not leave for the tomorrow. I am your Mother and I am very close to you. Know that the humanity will be transformed and men and women of faith will experience great joy. The Lord will wipe away your tears. Your victory will be great and the Lord will reign in your hearts.

Message 2971, given on 03/15/2008

… the key to the entry of the opponent will be in the palace. His strength will be similar to a great weapon of destruction. The false ideologies will be embraced as true and My poor children will experience the cross of slavery.

2.972 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, in Angüera / BA, transmitted on 03/18/2008

Dear Sons and Daughters, this is the time of the great spiritual battle. The demon is furious and wants to destroy the spirituality of My poor children. Now you will see great attacks by the demon against the Church of My Jesus. Many Shrines dedicated to Me will be destroyed. Bend your knees in prayer. I am your Mother and I came from the Heaven to protect you. Do not be afraid. Whatever happens, do not lose your faith. My Images will be retired from many places.

Message 2973, transmitted on 03/20/2008

… Know that from here on in there will be more contempt for the Sacraments, and the Ministers of God will be despised and persecuted. The demon will be able to destroy many sacred orders with scandals that will shake the faith of many men and women. There will be a rebellion declared against the True Teachings of the Church and the successor of Peter will carry heavy cross. They will attack with great fury the Sacrament of the Eucharist, leading many to lose faith in the Real Presence of My Jesus. The Church will lose its brilliance in many places and many will walk as blind to guide other blind. What I say to you must be taken seriously. The Church of My Jesus walks to a future of great provocations and few consecrated will remain firm in the truth. Pray. Pray. Pray.

Message 2974, given on 03/22/2008

… Intensify your prayers for the Church. A painful event will take place and the throne of Peter will be shaken. The enemies will act with great fury and the Church of My Jesus will be persecuted as never before.

Message 2975, given on 03/23/2008

Dear Sons and Daughters, the men, followers of the false prophet, will march with great fury towards the Sacred Temple. There will be great destruction. The Church will cry and lament. A lunar eclipse will be visible on this day.
Nb.   The next total lunar eclipse will be on July 27th – 28th 2018 and will be centered over Europe and Africa.

Message 2976, given on 03/25/2008

… the Sacred Laws will be weakened and few will have respect for the Sacred. The clergymen of the Holy Church will move away from the truth and great numbers will embrace false doctrines. There will be great spiritual confusion in the House of God. The lack of order will provoke divisions and the few faithful ministers who remain will not be respected. I ask that you have confidence in the Lord. After all tribulation and purification, the Lord will make you feel His Victory.

Message 2977, given on 03/29/2008

Dear Sons and Daughters… The moments in which you live are of great tribulations. Do not move away from the Lord. The Great Vessel will break in the middle and for My poor children will come the hour of great pain. I am your Mother and I came to offer you My Love and to say to you that you are important for the realisation of My Plans. Look to the things from Above. Do not live clinging to worldly things. You are from the Lord, and the things of the world are not for you. Be zealous with all that belongs to God.

Message 2978, given on 03/30/2008

Dear Sons and Daughters, the humanity has become unfaithful to the Lord and My poor children walk as blind to guide other blind. The evil has penetrated into the heart of My poor children, so they cannot feel the Presence of My Jesus in their lives. Move away from the sin and turn to the Lord. Confide fully in the Mercy of My Jesus and you will be saved. Flee from the sin. God calls you. Do not retreat. I ask that you to continue to pray. Pray for the Holy Father (Pope Benedict XVI). Pray for My Priest children. The Church will drink the bitter cup of pain. The fire will burn part of the palace and the king will leave his house. I suffer for what waits for you. 2) Also on this earth, the demon will act with great force. A painful event will shake the faith of My poor children. Be strong. Confide in My Love. I will lead you to a high peak of holiness.

Message 2979, given on 04/01/2008

… a great multitude will march and in their hearts there will be great desire for revenge. They will bring suffering and pain to the faithful men. They will desecrate the Sanctuary and the pain will be great for the Church of My Jesus.

Message 2980, given on 04/05/2008

… The Church will be in decline. The moments of agony will come to Her, and no human force will be able to help her, but the Victory will be given by Divine Intervention.

Message 2981, given on 04/08/2008

… The day will come when a successor of Peter will see the destruction and many of his friends will cry for help. He will experience the weight of the cross and with haste will leave his home.

Message 2982, given on 04/10/2008

… The day will come when the religious houses will be closed for lack of vocation and many Churches will be empty.

Message 2983, given on 04/12/2008

… the force of the opponent will spread throughout the world. The Catholic nations will be persecuted and heavy will be the cross for the Church. Also in the Land of Santa Cruz you will see horrors. The force of the enemy will provoke divisions and scandals. Pray. Only through the power of the prayer can you win.

Message 2984, given on 04/15/2008

… a great battle will be waged against the Church and apparently she will be defeated, but her triumph will come and the faithful will rejoice. I am your Mother and I know what is necessary for you. I ask that you live holy and in all things seek to imitate My Son Jesus.

Message 2985, given on 04/17/2008

… the Church of My Jesus will suffer because of the great persecution. An attack will grab the attention of the world and for men and women of faith it will be a moment of great pain. The action of the enemy will cause damage and the Church will be divided.

Message 2986, transmitted on 04/19/2008

… The force of the opponent will cause great suffering to My poor children. The Church will be persecuted and in many places temples will be destroyed. Famous sanctuaries will be attacked and death will be present within the bosom of the Church. I suffer because of what waits for you. The future of humanity will be painful.

Message 2987, given on 04/21/2008

… A staggering event will happen on this earth/land (poss. Brazil). The Church of My Jesus will have to cry and lament.

Message 2988, given on 04/22/2008

… I came from the Heaven to lead you on the path of the holiness. Be docile. Do not retreat. Do not be discouraged. I am at your side even though you do not see me. Even in the difficult moments for you do not remain sad/or upset. Accept the trials that the Lord sends you.

Message 2989, given on 04/26/2008

Dear Sons and Daughters, the day will come when the opponent will spread his errors on Earth and there will be great contempt for good manners. The Church will live moments of great persecution and will carry heavy cross. For a certain period the Church will walk without Peter, but My Jesus will be faithful to His Promise. Courage.

2) The learned men will make great discoveries. From the Universe will come the force which will illuminate the Earth.

Message 2990, given on 04/30/2008

Dear Sons and Daughters, an order will be given and the doors will be closed. The consecrated will be prevented from performing their duties, and the faithful men will cry and lament. Behold, come the difficult times for you.

Message 2991, given on 05/01/2008

… After all tribulation which the Lord will permit to His Church, She will be victorious. A great man of faith will lead the Church to the Great Triumph.

Message 2992, given on 05/03/2008

.. A serious conflict will cause great destruction. The Church of My Jesus will have to cry and lament. Know all of you that the enemy desires to move you away from the faith. Many scandals will turn men away from the truth. Pray.

Message 2993, given on 05/04/2008

… The opponent will cause great damage to the humanity. He will persecute the Church in the Land of Santa Cruz (Brazil) and will lead many of My poor children into error. Many will embrace false doctrines and move away from the truth. I am left because of My poor children.

Message 2994, given on 05/06/2008

… Know that all that I have announced to you will be realised. Still you will see horrors on the Earth. The disobedience of men attracts to humanity the Wrath of God and His abandonment. I came from the Heaven to be heard, but many still have not opened to My Call. Turn around. The Lord still waits for you. Be faithful. Do not move away from the truth. Bend your knees in prayer in favour of the Church. There will soon come to her the great pain. The cross will be heavy for the consecrated, since the fury of the enemy will be great. What the Church will never have lived through in all its history.

Message 2995, given on 05/10/2008

… Humanity is far from the Creator and needs to return. Will come the day in which faith will be present in few hearts. Many will repent of the life spent without God, but it will be late. Turn around now.

Message 2996, given on 05/13/2008

… There will come to the Church the moment of her great agony. From the high mountain will descend the blood of the faithful consecrated. The Church of My Jesus will live the pain of the Calvario. A man clothed in white will be persecuted and put to death. On the feast of a Great Martyr (poss. Archangel Michael) the faithful will have to cry and lament. Pray. Only in prayer will you find forces for your walk.

Message 2997, given on 05/13/2008

… Do not be stunned by the painful events that take place in many regions of the Earth. It is just the beginning of the pains. Know that these are the difficult times for you. Bend your knees in prayer. I am your Mother and I suffer because of your sufferings. Give yourselves to Me and I will lead you to My Son Jesus. Do not retreat. 2) A great invasion will take place and in the palace will be seen great destruction. A great relic will come to light and there will be a war between the religious.

Message 2998, given on 05/17/2008

… Fill yourself with the Love of God. Love is the resource that I offer you to keep you away from all that is contrary to the Desire of God. Know that the Lord counts on you. Do not retreat. Be men and women of constant prayer. I will always be near you. Courage.

Message 2999, given on 05/20/2008

… Open your hearts and, with humility, receive My Appeals. When you live My Appeals, you are paralyzing the plans of the demon…

Message 3000, given on 05/22/2008

… Do not permit that the false ideologies move you away from the truth. There will come the day in which men will be obliged to deny the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. The faithful will be threatened and put on trial. There will be great persecution in the Church. This will be the time of greatest pain for the faithful. Many consecrated through fear will retreat. In many places the enemies will win, but the Final Victory will be with the Lord.

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Mushrooms are having a moment. One fabulous fungus in particular, lion’s mane, may help improve memory, depression and anxiety symptoms. They are also an excellent source of nutrients that show promise as a therapy for dementia, and other neurodegenerative diseases. If you’re living with anxiety or depression, you may be curious about all the therapy options out there — including the natural ones.Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend has been formulated to utilize the potency of Lion’s mane but also include the benefits of four other Highly Beneficial Mushrooms. Synergistically, they work together to Build your health through improving cognitive function and immunity regardless of your age. Our Nootropic not only improves your Cognitive Function and Activates your Immune System, but it benefits growth of Essential Gut Flora, further enhancing your Vitality.

Our Formula includes: Lion’s Mane Mushrooms which Increase Brain Power through nerve growth, lessen anxiety, reduce depression, and improve concentration. Its an excellent adaptogen, promotes sleep and improves immunity. Shiitake Mushrooms which Fight cancer cells and infectious disease, boost the immune system, promotes brain function, and serves as a source of B vitamins. Maitake Mushrooms which regulate blood sugar levels of diabetics, reduce hypertension and boosts the immune system. Reishi Mushrooms which Fight inflammation, liver disease, fatigue, tumor growth and cancer. They Improve skin disorders and soothes digestive problems, stomach ulcers and leaky gut syndrome. Chaga Mushrooms which have anti-aging effects, boost immune function, improve stamina and athletic performance, even act as a natural aphrodisiac, fighting diabetes and improving liver function. Try Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend 60 Capsules Today. Be 100% Satisfied or Receive a Full Money Back Guarantee. Order Yours Today by Following This Link.

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    • Cara

      Is the “Majestic date”, which Mary mentions on March 1st 2008, in her Message #2963 , this coming Easter Sunday, April 1st 2018?

      Mary speaking ten years ago in Brazil:
      “Dear Sons and Daughters, on a majestic date the Church will cry. The faithful will have to lament and the ways of the Church will change.”

      …The most recent news suggests that we are THAT CLOSE to War.!

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