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Mary's Predictions, part 3, given in Brazil

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Part 1 and Part 2 precede this. This part is quite intensive. There is a lot in it, a lot that may be disturbing to some not sure how to negotiate it, and some elevating. Mary covers ground before, during and after the earth changes. She stresses a reliance upon God, the Being within all beings. She says that God walks with you.

Message 2696, given on 06/20/2006

Dear Sons and Daughters, the poles will commute and the earth will pass through great transformations. All the living beings will suffer. I ask that you be strong and in all things seek to imitate My Son Jesus. You are not alone. Bend your knees and look for your strength in the Lord. I love you as you are and want to see you happy already here on the Earth and later with Me in the Heaven. The Lord is your hope. In Him is your victory.

Message 2697, given on 06/22/2006

… Humanity will pass through great provocations. The earth will be shaken and mountains will collapse. Continents will move and cities will be swept into the sea. The pain will be great for My poor children. Chiloé (an island off sth Chile): the terror will pass.

Message 2698, given on 06/24/2006

… The earth will sink/collapse, and from the depths will flow immense rivers of fire. Cities will be destroyed, islands will disappear and My poor children will experience heavy cross. Be with the Lord. I came from the Heaven to point out to you the path and you cannot cross the arms. Give the best of yourselves in the mission that the Lord has confided to you and you will be saved. Remain firmly in the prayer, since the sincere and perfect prayer will transform hardened hearts. I suffer for what comes to mankind. The day will come in which the powerful of this world will extend the hands and supplicate to the poor.

Message 2699, given on 06/27/2006

Dear Sons and Daughters, humanity will only find the peace when men respect the Laws of the Lord. The creature has placed himself in the place of the Creator and mankind walks to a great abyss. From the depths of the earth there will be heard a groan. The earth has been wounded by men, and lo, the future consequences will be catastrophic.

Message 2700, given on 06/29/2006

… The smoke of the demon has spread and defiled many consecrated men. The lack of zeal for the sacred will become each time more clear in the interior of the Church. The day will come when will arise a man with appearance of good and with his false ideology will manage to deceive many, even consecrated will be seduced.

Message 2701, given on 07/01/2006

… Humanity will drink the bitter cup of suffering. The continental plates will be shaken with the great earthquake, which has never happened since the time of Adam.

Message 2702, given on 07/04/2006

… Terrible tremors of earth will swallow mountain ranges and cities, and My poor children will experience heavy cross. Pray. Pray. Pray.

Message 2703, given on 07/06/2006

… humanity will suffer with the impiety of evil men and the city of fraternal love (Philadelphia) will be struck.

Message 2704, given on 07/08/2006

… days will come in which the earth will be agitated and the mountains will move. Volcanoes will rise with great force and many will experience great sufferings. Men have challenged the Creator and now walk to the abyss of autodestruction.

Message 2705, given on 07/11/2006

… the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun (Japan) will experience moments of anguish and similar suffering will occur in the Land of the Great Forest (Brazil). Hear the call of the Lord and remain firmly in the prayer. Only praying can you support the weight of the provocations which will come to your Brazil. The house of men assembled will be surprised and the men will fear the great events.

Message 2706, given on 07/13/2006

… There will be a great massacre in Egypt and My poor children will experience heavy cross.

Message 2707, given on 07/15/2006

… Know that humanity will live moments of great tribulations. There will be a great inclination in the axis of the ecliptic, which will affect the life of the men and of the animals. The pain will be great.

Message 2708, given on 07/18/2006

… It will happen on the coast of Portugal and will be repeated in Espírito Santo (s/e Brazil). 2) An army will march through Europe leaving a trail of destruction and death. Pray. Do not move away from the prayer.

Message 2709, given on 07/20/2006

… A painful event will happen in the west of Great Britain and will be repeated in Paraíba (n/e Brazil).

Message 2710, given on 07/22/2006

… The destruction will reach northern Italy and Denia (eastern Spain) will carry heavy cross.

Message 2711, given on 07/25/2006

… Death will pass through the Aquitaine (a region of s/w France) and My poor children will live moments of great difficulty.

 Message 2712, given on 07/28/2006

… a nation and the color of gold: this is the great devastation.

 Message 2713, given on 07/29/2006

… From the water and from the fire will come great sufferings for My poor children. In the magnetic field of the earth will be the holes, which will bring disequilibrium to the lives of the men and of the animals.

 Message 2714, given on 08/01/2006

… There will be great persecutions in the Church of My Son Jesus. The cross will be heavy for the faithful, but the Lord will bring forth a man full of virtues who will lead the faithful on the path of the love and of the truth. At this time the Church will turn to be as Jesus confided it to Peter, and then men will see the mighty Hand of God act in favour of His own.

 Message 2715, given on 08/03/2006

… The terror will come to Medina (Saudi Arabia) and My poor children will live moments of anguish.

Message 2716, given on 08/05/2006

… After all tribulation the Lord will transform the earth and peace will reign among men. God will cause rivers to rise in the desert and there will be great abundance in the poorer regions of the earth. The prodigies of the Lord will be great. Men will understand the call of the Lord and all will serve Him with love and fidelity. For a long time happiness will reign among men.

 Message 2717, given on 08/08/2006

… Russia will stumble and face heavy cross. I suffer because of My poor innocent children. God awaits your return. Do not live in the sin. What you have to do do not leave for the tomorrow.

Message 2718, given on 08/10/2006

… the black bird will pass through Europe and where it lands will leave its mark of destruction and death. Violence will grow and men will carry heavy cross.

 Message 2719, given on 08/12/2006

… A disease will come and it will be worse than all the ones that have ever existed. The men will be contaminated and millions of corpses will be scattered everywhere. I suffer for what waits for you.

 Message 2720, given on 08/15/2006

… Holland will drink the bitter cup of pain. Death will pass and My poor children will live moments of anguish. I suffer because of your sufferings.

 Message 2721, given on 08/18/2006

… Antwerp (Belgium) has relied on its wealth, but its end will be painful. Material wealth will serve for nothing. Whoever wants to reach salvation must look for the Lord with sincerity. O men, change your minds and look to the Lord for your true liberation. Be faithful. In the joy or in the pain, do not forget that God is very near to you. Pray. In the same way as plants need rain to grow, you need prayer to grow in the spiritual life.

Message 2722, given on 08/19/2006

… a great army will leave Mecca and wherever it goes it will leave a trail of destruction and death. The cruelty of the men will be so great on the earth that the Lord will anticipate the day of the Final Judgment.

 Message 2723, given on 08/22/2006

… cries of despair will be heard in Manchester (England) and My poor children will carry heavy cross.

 Message 2724, given on 08/24/2006

… Many regions inhabited today will become deserted. Where is Socotra (it is an island in the Arabian Sea)? Here is the painful question that men will ask.

 Message 2725, given on 08/26/2006

… Terror will come to England, especially to Southampton. The pain will be great for My poor children.

Message 2726, given on 08/29/2006

… Den Haag (City of The Hague) will live the anguish of one condemned. Bend your knees in prayer. Only the sincere and perfect prayer will save the humanity.

Message 2727, given on 09/01/2006

The fire will rise and Vichy (a city situated in the heart of France) will be a deserted city. The same event will happen in a region of Bahia (Brazil). The hidden gap will be visible.
Nb. “The hidden gap” may be the as yet undiscovered geologic fault, Mary mentioned in message #2601, see Part 2, that lays in Brazil.

Message 2728, given on 09/02/2006

… the city of kings will be struck and My poor children will experience great suffering. Bend your knees in prayer and pray for the Mercy of the Lord for your lives. It is the time of your return. Know that the Lord expects your sincere and courageous ‘yes’. Do not remain in the sin.

Message 2729, given on 09/05/2006

Dear Sons and Daughters, I came from the Heaven to bring you the message of the Lord. Do not be discouraged when faced with your difficulties. Those who confide in the Lord will win. After all tribulation the Lord will transform the Earth and the teachings of My Jesus will be accepted by men. All will understand the Message of Salvation offered by My Jesus and all will join together. Through the Mercy of the Lord mankind will reach the peace. There will be no wars and all will embrace the love. I know how much you suffer because of your sins, but trust and God will save you. All that I have announced to you will happen, but at the end will come the Victory of God with the Definitive Triumph of My Immaculate Heart. Courage. God walks with you.

Message 2730, given on 09/08/2006

… the earth will pass through great transformations, which will leave the learned men confused. Men will have no explanation. Behold, the Lord will keep His promises.

Message 2731, given on 09/09/2006

… two important cities and a painful event: Salvador (eastern Brazil) and Toulon (sth France). Bend your knees in prayer. God is saddened because of your sins.

Message 2732, given on 09/12/2006

… Marseille (sth France) will be destroyed.

Message 2733, given on 09/14/2006

… Great suffering will come to a city in Bahia. Its name, a tribute to a Portuguese city (Porto Segura). Change your minds/repent and turn around.

Message 2734, given on 09/14/2006

… your nation (Brazil) will suffer because of the giant that will rise from the bottom of the sea.

Message 2735, given on 09/18/2006

… Humanity will live the anguish of one condemned and My poor children will ask for death and death will be far from many. The Black Bird will land in the House of God. His force will cause destruction and death.

Message 2736, given on 09/19/2006

… Suffering will come to the Church of My Jesus. Death will be present, but ultimately God will prevail. Courage. Nothing is lost. Know that the Lord will not abandon you. Be faithful.

Message 2737, given on 09/23/2006

… Those who are beside the Rhine (a river in Germany) will cry for help.

Message 2739, transmitted on 09/29/2006

… God has sent me here to speak with you and call you to conversion. Know that this place (in n/e Brazil) will be a great refuge for many believers. God will realise here great prodigies. I still have noble things to accomplish here. Confide in the Lord. He knows you by name and knows what is necessary for you.

Message 2740, given on 09/30/2006

… Hungary will live moments of difficulties. Terror will come and My poor children will have to cry and lament.

Message 2741, given on 10/03/2006

Dear Sons and Daughters, pray. The force of the prayer will transform hardened hearts. Pray for the Brazil. Grave conflicts will afflict My poor children. The terror will spread and men will live moments of anguish. I am your sorrowful Mother and I know what waits for you. Do not cross the arms. God has haste.

Message 2742, given on 10/06/2006

… Great technological advances will contribute to the spiritual death of many of My poor children. The main victims will be the young. Bend your knees in prayer. Fight to conserve your faith. Take care. Follow Me on the path of good and of holiness.

Message 2743, given on 10/07/2006

… The men with the big beard will act with great fury. Germany will suffer.

Message 2744, given on 10/10/2006

Dear Sons and Daughters, a great mystery will be seen. Where is the great mountain? The men will be confused and will not understand. Behold the Signs of God.

Message 2745, given on 10/12/2006

… Bend your knees in prayer in favour of the Brazil. A star of your Brazil will go out and bring sufferings to many. Be attentive.

Message 2746, given on 10/14/2006

… Death will come to the east of Barreiras (Brazil). Great will be the suffering for My poor children.

Message 2748, given on 10/20/2006

… a secret will be revealed and there will be great confusion in the palace.

Message 2749, given on 10/21/2006

…Humanity will carry a heavy cross. The terror will come to Tampa (Florida, U.S.) and to Tumbes (n/w Peru). Pray.

Message 2750, given on 10/24/2006

… Those who live in Muscat (Oman on the Arabian Peninsula) will experience great bitterness.

Message 2751, given on 10/25/2006

… a sudden dislocation of the poles will bring suffering to Earth from the Sun and to its surround/purlieu or tract.

Message 2752, given on 10/28/2006

… Humanity walks to the abyss of destruction that men have prepared with their own hands.
“Fogo que queima fogo, berço do sal e do fogo.”
Fire as burning fire, birthplace/cradle of the salt and of the fire/heat/light.
Whoever understands ask for Mercy to the Lord.

Message 2753, given on 10/31/2006

… The stones will fall on the ferocious bear. I suffer for what awaits you.

Message 2754, given on 11/01/2006

… I ask you to intensify your prayers. Pray also for the inhabitants of Laguna (Philippines).

Message 2755, given on 11/04/2006

… Two cities: white (Casablanca, Morocco) and pink (Santa Rosa, California). The terror will come. Pray. Pray. Pray.

Message 2756, given on 11/07/2006

… Cries and lamentations will be heard in Surat (India). The cross will be heavy for My poor children.

Message 2757, given on 11/09/2006

Dear Sons and Daughters, humanity will experience the weight of great difficulties caused by the very hands of men. Men prepare the most sophisticated means of death, but they themselves will drink of their own venom. O’ men turn around to the Lord. Do not live in ignorance. Open your hearts to the Lord. Pray much before the cross. Do not remain stationary in the sin. Terror will come to Cham (several, but possibly Chamonix Mont Blanc in eastern France) and to city of the great tower (Paris).

Message 2758, given on 11/11/2006

… A giant will rise in the northern land (western Brazil). The same event will be seen in Sandwich (it is an island). Pray. Pray. Pray.

Message 2759, given on 11/14/2006

… The Church will be persecuted. The Throne of Peter will fall, but in the end the just will triumph. Listen to My appeals. I did not come from the Heaven as a joke. A great religious war will arise and the faithful will be cast out. Love the truth and defend it. The Lord is beside His own. Courage.

Message 2760, given on 11/17/2006

… The day will come when many will have to repent of the life spent without God, but it will be late. What you have to do, do not leave for the tomorrow. The men will look for the death in their discoveries. The unbridled search for technological advances will lead men to their own destruction.

Message 2761, given on 11/18/2006

… Cries and lamentations will be heard in Perth (it is the capital and largest city of the State of Western Australia). My poor children will experience heavy cross.

Message 2762, given on 11/21/2006

… the inhabitants of Feliz Lusitania (Belem / PA) will be surprised and afraid. Pray for My poor children.

Message 2763, given on 11/24/2006

… the beautiful coast (Haifa) will lose its beauty because of the destructive fire that will come over it. Humanity will live the anguish of one condemned and many of My poor children will carry heavy cross.

Message 2764, given on 11/25/2006

Dear Sons and Daughters, the Pearl of the Atlantic (Madeira Island) will lose its luster and its beauty. Humanity will live moments of great difficulty. I am your Mother and I know what awaits you. Pray. Do not move away from the prayer. The Lord calls you. Do not retreat. I want to see you happy already here on the Earth and later with Me in the Heaven. 2) Strong winds will come and My poor children will carry heavy cross.

Message 2765, given on 11/27/2006

Dear Sons and Daughters, the day will come in which the Lord will pour a great grace over the humanity. All men will be touched and will see their errors and sins. For an instant men will see all the evil practiced and will be conscious of the call of God for a radical change of life (The Warning). Then each one will be able to choose the path to follow. Yet it will not be the end. Humanity will be better with men and women more full of spirituality, but still it will not be perfect.

Message 2766, given on 11/28/2006

… A great sign of God will be seen in Smyrna (now Izmir, Turkey) and the men will marvel.

 Message 2767, given on 12/02/2006

In middle of a song, crying and lamentations. Pray.

Message 2768, given on 12/05/2006

… the day will come in which the inhabitants of Damascus (Syria) will flee, but death will block the flight of many. Bend your knees in prayer.

Message 2769, given on 12/08/2006

… Deli (possibly New Delhi, India) will cry bitterly and My poor children will carry a heavy cross. Do not retreat. God is with you. Forward.

Message 2770, given on 12/09/2006

… those who are in the Land of Prosperity (America) will suffer.

Message 2771, given on 12/10/2006

… Know that a great miracle will be realised in this land (Brazil). The faithful will rejoice. I am your Mother and I want to see you happy already here on the Earth and later with Me in the Heaven. Do not move away from the prayer. Remain firmly on the path that I have pointed out to you. 2) Pray for the inhabitants of Hanover (Germany). The cross will be heavy, but God will not abandon His children.

Message 2772, given on 12/12/2006

… The Palace will be surrounded by the enemies who will act with great fury. Fire, destruction and death. The pain will be great. Pray. Prayer will transform hardened hearts.

Message 2773, given on 12/16/2006

… Humanity will carry heavy cross. Those who are in the path of the river will have to cry and lament. I suffer because of what comes to you.

Message 2774, given on 12/19/2006

Dear Sons and Daughters, know that the Lord knows your hearts and calls you to holiness. Do not remain moved away from the path of the conversion. Receive My Appeals and be calm and humble of heart. I did not come from the Heaven to force you, but listen to Me with attention. The humanity treads to a great abyss. O’ men, do not forget: the Supreme Judge will call each one by name and before Him each one will receive their recompense according to your conduct in this life. Take care of your spiritual life. You are not of the world. You are from the Lord. When the Missal will be torn, the judgment will be near.

Message 2775, given on 12/21/2006

… Humanity will be surprised by the malevolent action of the men of terror. Pray much for the peace of the world. The city of the seven hills (Rome) will drink the bitter cup of pain. It will be washed by the blood and the terror will spread everywhere. Turn to the God of Salvation and Peace.

Message 2776, given on 12/23/2006

Dear Sons and Daughters, listen with attention to what I say to you, since upon your conversion depend many things. When all is realised, My Son Jesus will return glorious and all will be before Him. Humanity will contemplate the glory and the faithful will rejoice. A great recompense will be given to the men and women of faith. Souls will shine like the sun before My Son Jesus. The light of the Lord will shine in the souls of the faithful, but for the ones who live in the sin it will be late.

Message 2777, given on 12/25/2006

Dear Sons and Daughters, before the cross He will be and will speak to  men. The faithful will experience the grace of His presence. Listen to My appeals. My Lord wants to speak to you. Open your hearts.

Message 2778, given on 12/26/2006

… From St. Petersburg (Russia) will come a thorn that will wound My poor children. The tree of evil is born there and its branches spread throughout the world. Its venom is fatal, but the Lord will come in defense of His own.

 Message 2779, given on 12/30/2006

… The Lord will manifest His power in favour of men. The Lord loves you and calls you. Do not remain stationary. God will send a great sign to men and all eyes will see. The gold will be on high; the flames will cross the sky.


Year 2007

Message 2780, given on 01/01/2007

… You enter now the decisive time. The conflict between Me and My adversary will be intense. Take care. Do not move away from the truth. Receive My Appeals and change the life. 2) The bird will be injured on the coast and many nests will be destroyed. 3) A mountain will fall and there will be great destruction in many regions. 4) Russia will stumble and the proud man will act with a force given by the demon. Pray. Only by means of the prayer will humanity find the salvation. I am your Mother and I know what waits for you. 5) Pray also for your nation (Brazil). I want to help you, but it is up to you what I do.

Message 2781, given on 01/02/2007

… Death will pass through Albuquerque (New Mexico, U.S.). Pray for its inhabitants.

Message 2782, given on 01/06/2007

… Gardens will be destroyed. Its location: field full of flowers (the Netherlands/Holland).

Message 2783, given on 01/09/2007

… a discovery will call the attention of the world and there will be great confusion among men. It will be in Italy.

Message 2784, transmitted on 01/11/2007

Dear Sons and Daughters, a gigantic mountain will descend. A city at the end of the world (Sydney, Australia) will live moments of great distress. Pray. Take seriously My appeals. I did not come from the Heaven as a joke. Take care of your spiritual life and receive the Gospel of My Jesus. 2) Soon will fall over the humanity a terrible punishment. O’ men, to where do you want to go?

Message 2785, given on 01/13/2007

… a fast fire will fall on the great city. Bend your knees in prayer. Listen to the voice of the Lord and receive My appeals. I am your Mother and I came from the Heaven to help you. Do not be discouraged when faced with your problems. Confide in the power of God and you will be victorious. 2) Humanity will live the anguish of one condemned. A grave conflict will result in a major catastrophe.

Message 2786, given on 01/16/2007

Dear Sons and Daughters, I love you as you are. I ask that you have confidence, faith and hope. God is in control of all. Confide in Him and you will see the peace reign in the world. Give the best of yourselves in the mission that the Lord has confided to you. God will bring forth great signs and great miracles will be realised without men being able to explain. Be attentive. Receive My appeals and you will be transformed into men and women of prayer. 2) A discovery will be made and many will rejoice. The cure will come. God is Merciful Father and will not abandon his children. Be calm and humble of heart. Your goodness will attract holiness. Forward.

Message 2787, given on 01/18/2007

Dear Sons and Daughters, be attentive to the Signs of God. The day will come in which the Earth will lose its natural motion; the sun will be converted into darkness and nothing will be as before. Hear the Voice of the Lord. Flee from sin and desire holiness with immense love. Have courage. I am with you.

Message 2788, given on 01/20/2007

… The fierce bear (Russia) will be in search of its space. Whatever men have placed high, God will make fall to earth.

Message 2789, given on 01/23/2007

… It will happen in Istanbul (Turkey) and will be repeated in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Pray. I suffer for what comes to you.

Message 2790, given on 01/26/2007

Dear Sons and Daughters, humanity will carry heavy cross. The dislocation of the poles will change life on the Earth and My poor children will live moments of anguish. The day will come when the sophisticated media and communication will collapse. Men will be deaf and blind. Pray. Plead the mercy of the Lord for yourselves. I love you and  came from the Heaven to help you. Listen to Me. Do not permit that the demon move you away from the truth. Open your hearts to the Lord.

Message 2791, transmitted on 01/27/2007

Dear Sons and Daughters, forward without fear. You are from the Lord, and you must fear nothing. Confide fully in the Goodness of God and you will be great in the faith. Humanity walks away from the Creator and needs to be healed. Open your hearts to the God of Salvation. I know your difficulties and will ask my Jesus for you. Do not frighten yourselves. Pray. In the prayer you will discover the treasure that is within you. Take care of your spiritual life and receive lovingly My messages. 2) God will permit and learned men will discover the impenetrable barrier of the universe. The day will come when human knowledge will be at a loss/or lost. The mystery will not be solved.

Message 2792, given on 01/30/2007

… A light never seen by men will arise. It will be visible to human eyes and will contribute to great changes in the Earth.

Message 2793, given on 01/31/2007

Dear Sons and Daughters, the earth will be covered by the darkness. The darkness will come out of the immense light. A mystery existing in the great brilliant light will be revealed. These are the times more difficult for the humanity. Give the best of yourselves in the mission that the Lord has confided to you. Do not remain stationary. Humanity walks to the destruction prepared by the very hands of men. You all know that heavy will be your cross, but God will win and with Him all the just.

Message 2794, given on 02/03/2007

Dear Sons and Daughters, God is with you and will never leave you on your own. Confide in Him who is your absolute good and knows you by name. A giant will come and when men announce its proximity, the humanity will live moments of great difficulty. The Earth will pass through immense transformation. Know that all this needs to happen, but in the end the believers will win. God will transform the earth and the just will live happily. Rivers and lakes will rise. There will be richness and abundance. Courage. Do not be discouraged. This is the time that I announced to you in the past.

Message 2795, given on 02/06/2007

… Humanity is on the verge of great catastrophes and the time has come for the great return. Do not cross the arms. What you have to do do not leave for the tomorrow. 2) The land of the queen will live moments of great tribulations. A destructive fire will fall over it.

Message 2796, given on 02/08/2007

… the plates will move and nations will disappear. I am your Mother and I suffer because of your sufferings. I ask that you intensify your prayers. Do not move away from the Grace of God. The creature has challenged the Creator and now will drink of its own venom. Mankind walks to destruction, but God Almighty wants to save you.

Message 2797, given on 02/10/2007

… The Lord will act in favour of His own. The Lord will say, “Do it, and all will be transformed.” The desert will cease to be desert; what is invisible to human eyes will be able to be contemplated by men.

Message 2798, given on 02/13/2007

… The city that is on high (at top) will descend. It will go to the encounter with the forte.

Message 2799, given on 02/15/2007

… Humanity will carry heavy cross when the Earth suffers the great dislocation. Many regions of the Earth of Santa Cruz (Brazil) that today you contemplate will cease to exist.

Message 2800, given on 02/17/2007

… The day will come when three powers will be dominated. Pray for the Brazil. God wants to save you.

Message 2801, given on 02/20/2007

… There will be a great discovery in Israel and the men will marvel/wonder.

Message 2802, given on 02/21/2007

… God is with you and will never leave you on your own. After all tribulation the Lord will send His angels and they will lead men to a new form of life. Humanity will experience peace and men and women full of spirituality will inhabit the Earth.


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    • Cara

      “The nation and the color of gold”, said back in July 2006 (message #2712), may be referring to President Trump’s White House which he had redecorated in the color GOLD after he came into office back in 2017, eleven and a half year later. The nation referred to then would be the United States.

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