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Mary's Predictions, Part 2, Given in Brazil

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This is part 2 of a continuing delivery of predictions given by the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus the Christ, our Saviour and unexcelled exemplar. Part 1. I’ve tried to locate the place names that she has given in Her predictions. Hopefully most are correct.

The original link is in Portuguese:

Message 2579, given on 09/24/2005

… A perverse man will arise. Because of him the faithful will experience great suffering. Sanaa (Yemen) is the capital of his country. 2) Italy will be invaded. The men with big beard will act with great fury.

Message 2580, given on 09/27/2005

… Pray for the Church. The Vatican will be in decay. 2) Pakistan will live moments of anguish.

Message 2581, given on 09/29/2005

… A grand event will happen in the Brazil and will attract the attention of the world. God will manifest and the men will see in the sky.

Message 2582, given on 10/01/2005

… from the famous house will go out a cry of despair and great fury will arise.

Message 2583, given on 10/04/2005

… The antichrist will come and the nations will be at war. It will be the greatest suffering for men.

Message 2584, given on 10/6/2005

… The great earthquake approaches and men will live moments of terror. The difficult times have come for the humanity. All that I have announced to you in the past will be realised. Pray. Pray always more. 2) From the gap with the name of a great saint will come great devastation. Entire regions will disappear. Many places that you can contemplate today will no longer exist.

Message 2585, given on 10/08/2005

… a region of Brazil will be deserted. The learned men will announce and My poor children will leave their houses. Pray. Great sufferings will come to you. 2) Albania will experience a heavy cross… It will be the December of pain.

Message 2586, given on 10/10/2005

… Greece will live moments of great tribulation. Shouts of despair will be heard on all sides. 2) France will stumble. The wrath of God will fall upon the sinners. 3) Portugal will mourn the death of her children. 4) Ethiopia will be deserted. Death will come. Greater pain did not exist.

Message 2587, given on 10/11/2005

… Mongolia will drink the bitter cup of pain. Do not cross the arms. Bend your knees in prayer to be saved. 2) Death will pass through the Philippines. Humanity will live the anguish of one condemned.

Message 2588, given on 10/12/2005

… Brazil will experience the cross of auto-destruction. Behold, what your eyes have never seen will come to you. Prepare yourselves spiritually. Know that the Lord will hold to account each one of you. Do not move away from the path that I have pointed out to you. Humanity became poor spiritually because it moved away from the One and True Lord. Turn around quickly. 2) From Mauritania (Africa) will come sad news. Devastation and pain will come to My poor children.

Message 2589, given on 10/15/2005

… Fifteen days: You will see horrors. I am your Mother and I am sad for the sufferings which will come to you. Turn around. The fortress will be broken.

Message 2590, given on 10/16/2005

… The smallest of all children will experience great sufferings. Your nation stumbled and became unfaithful to God. Your cross will be heavy. It will happen in Mato Grosso (sth Brazil) and will be repeated in Puerto Rico.

Message 2591, given on 10/18/2005

… The suffering will come to Lithuania. 2) In the Brazil there will be great and painful developments. Men will not know to explain. 3) Poland will walk like one blind. The treasure will be lost.

Message 2592, given on 10/22/2005

… A perverse man will command a great invasion. Fury and desire of death will be in the hearts of men. The city of the seven hills will be destroyed. Repent. Give the best of yourselves in the mission that has been confided to you. 2) A mysterious illness will arise. From the sand it comes.

Message 2593, given on 10/24/2005

… A false prophet will come to Brazil and will seduce many. His mask will fall. Approaches the end of their deceits. The Lord will show His Strong Arm. I suffer because of your sins. Repent. 2) Thailand will live moments of anguish. 3) Switzerland also will shed tears. It will be in Basel.

Message 2594, given on 10/25/2005

… Men have prepared the virus of death, and My poor children will experience great sufferings. There will be no barriers to contain its advance. Humanity walks spiritually blind and lo, come the difficult times for you. Kenya will need help.

Message 2595, given on 10/29/2005

… Libya will stumble and My poor children will experience great sufferings. For the men of terror it will be a valuable present. Intensify your prayers. Now come close the difficult moments for My poor children. 2) A temple will be in ruins. It was constructed on top of a tomb. It will be in India.

Message 2596, given on 10/30/2005

… There will be a Great Sign in the Sky of Brazil. It is the Call of the Lord. Be attentive. 2) Great terror will be in the Sinai. 3) In Assisi will be heard cries of despair and great lamentations.

Message 2597, given on 11/01/2005

… A great explosion will happen in a temple. The men of terror will act with great fury. Humanity has distanced itself from the Creator and it is close to the moment of the great return. In Bulgaria there will be great destruction. It will be great, greater has not existed. Pray. Now is the opportune time that the Lord offers you to convert/turn yourselves around. It will happen in the Northeast and will be of great magnitude.

Message 2598, given on 11/05/2005

… Andorra will drink the bitter cup of suffering and 2) Luxemburg will extend the hand like a beggar without help. 3) The waters will rise with great fury and many regions of the Earth will disappear. When I ask you to pray, you must understand that this is the decisive time for you.

Message 2600, given on 11/10/2005

… Revenge will reach the throne of Peter. 2) Afghanistan will drink the bitter cup of pain. 3) In another form the terror will reach Fernando de Noronha (offshore Brazil). Brazil will live moments of anguish.

Message 2601, given on 11/12/2005

… A great explosion will provoke terrible catastrophes and earthquakes will destroy many regions of the Earth. A geological fault existing in the Brazil will cause destruction in many regions. The learned men are unaware. The men of terror will act in the land of the Mother and the suffering will be great for My poor children. It will be picked up in the Brazil.

Message 2602, given on 11/14/2005

… Humanity will carry a heavy cross because of an epidemic. I suffer because of what comes to you. Pray. Only by means of the prayer can you find the peace. From Karachi (Pakistan) will come great suffering. 2) Colombia will stumble and drink the cup of pain. The waters of the river will lose their splendour. Similar to a sepulchre it will be.

Message 2603, given on 11/15/2005

… The one who opposes Christ will come with great force. His plan will involve all the nations and My poor children will experience great suffering. The clergy will be persecuted and death will be present in the bosom of the Church. Remain firmly on the path that I have pointed out to you. If you remain faithful up to the end you will be saved.

Message 2604, given on 11/19/2005

… In the sky of Brazil you will see a great cloud of smoke. Men will have great losses. 2) Saudi Arabia will live moments of pain. Greater did not exist. 3) Indonesia will stumble and mourn the death of her children. Greater also did not exist.

Message 2605, given on 11/22/2005

… The singing birds will lose their way. No longer will their song be heard. 2) Kosovo will be in ruins. Great will be the suffering for my poor children.

Message 2606, given on 11/24/2005

… The Star will lose its brilliance. The Basilica will fall. Know that God has haste.

Message 2607, given on 11/26/2005

… The tree of blood will lose its root. Angola will cry for its children. The disease resembling an immense field of green grass will plague people. The men of terror will be to blame.

Message 2608, given on 11/27/2005

… Algeria will live moments of great difficulty. Death will pass and My poor children will live moments of anguish.

Message 2610, given on 12/03/2005

… Terror will spread via Lithuania and men will have great losses. Screaming and lamentations will be heard on all sides. 2) The Church will experience heavy cross. It will not move in the direction of the Secure Port. Within it are the treacherous men. They will be to blame.

Message 2611, given on 12/06/2005

… A stunning event will happen in Brazil. In two ports, the fear. From the Paper of the Gauchos, the tears.

Message 2612, given on 12/08/2005

… Men have defied the Creator and consequently cannot see what is of God. The river will dry up. It will be contaminated and no one will approach. The Response of God will come to men.

Message 2613, given on 12/10/2005

… intense affliction will live the Little Venice (in London) and the Land of the Rose will be shaken. 2) A great cataclysm will occur in Brazil and my poor children will experience great suffering.

Message 2614, given on 12/13/2005

… Naples will live the anguish of one condemned. 2) The Rio Doce (s/e Brazil) will be contaminated and My poor children will experience great suffering.
Nb. This already happened in Brazil in 2015.

Message 2615, given on 12/14/2005

… On this earth a great happening will draw the attention of the world.

Message 2616, given on 12/17/2005

… Israel will not take many steps to the encounter with a great suffering. 2) France will mourn the death of its children and 3) Los Angeles will shake. These are the difficult times for the humanity. Convert yourselves and turn around to The One who is your Way, Truth and Life. The men of terror are preparing something painful for men. 4) England will suffer. 5) Georgia also will experience heavy cross. Remain firmly on the path that I pointed out to you. 6) Great pain will come to Alaska. I am your Mother and I am at your side. 7) A winged bird will fall.

Message 2617, given on 12/19/2005

… Suffering will come to Cyprus, and Malta will shed tears for her children.

Message 2618, given on 12/20/2005

… A great event will happen in Great Britain and 2) will be repeated in Paraíba (n/e Brazil). Know that I did not come from the Heaven for fun.

Message 2619, given on 12/24/2005

… O’ children of the Land of Santa Cruz, turn around to The One who is your Unique and True Savior. 2) The inhabitants of Macao (s/e China) will experience great suffering. Joy will suffer. 3) The land of My Mother will tremble.

Message 2620, given on 12/26/2005

… I suffer for what waits for you. The Gate will close. The suffering will be great for My poor children.

Message 2621, given on 12/27/2005

… miracles for Miracles. It will happen in Bahia. The effect of liberating and the title most used among the faithful to address Me. Here is the mystery.

2,622 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted on 12/31/2005

… Men will be surprised with painful events. Two steps, explosions and deaths. 2) Japan will drink the bitter cup of suffering. 3) Rome will lose its glory and its fame and the suffering will be great for My poor children. 4) The throne of Peter will fall. Death will come to the ecclesiastics who will suffer with physical pains.


Year 2006

Message 2623, given on 01/01/2006

… humanity will live difficult moments and grave conflicts will cause great losses. The one who opposes Christ will act with great force and My poor children will drink the bitter cup of pain. Great stones will fall over the men… 2) The men of terror will act with great fury. You will see horrors in all places. In France, in Malaysia and in Brazil the pain will be intense.

Message 2624, given on 01/03/2006

… The famous Los Angeles will mourn the death of its children. 2) China will stumble and a great punishment will come.

Message 2625, given on 01/07/2006

… The city of the great tower will be shaken. The contamination will reach its islands. 2) The city with name of great Prophet and a house of assembled men will tremble also. It will be in Brazil.

Message 2626, given on 01/10/2006

… An epidemic will spread to many nations and My poor children will experience heavy cross.

Message 2627, given on 01/11/2006

… The inhabitants of Laos will live moments of great difficulties. 2) The Holy Land will be shaken. The pain will be great for My poor children. Pray. The force of the prayer brings you closer to the Grace of the Lord.

Message 2628, given on 01/14/2006

… Precious food will be seen and desired, but men will fear it. 2) The Antichrist will act with great fury to destroy the Church of My Jesus. His major attack will do great spiritual damage, which men have not witnessed since the times of Adam.

Message 2629, given on 01/15/2006

… The United Kingdom will experience great suffering.

Message 2630, given on 01/17/2006

… The residents of the small mountain range will live moments of terror. Screams will be heard on all sides.

Message 2631, given on 01/21/2006

… Requests for help will be heard in Almas (Seoul? almas means ‘soul’) and in Buenos Aires. The cross will be heavy.

Message 2632, given on 01/22/2006

… Blue Sky will be in darkness. Rosary will be shaken. This is the time of the Lord.

Message 2633, given on 01/24/2006

… A grand event will happen on this earth. Men will be in awe. Know that God does not abandon His own.

Message 2634, given on 01/28/2006

… The cashew tree of the macaws will lose its leaves. It will no longer give its shade to those who rest there. O’ men, turn around quickly. Do not live in sin. You are from the Lord and only Him must you serve and follow. 2) A barrier will break and My poor children will live moments of terror.

Message 2635, given on 01/31/2006

… Many regions of Brazil will suffer in strong winds and My poor children will experience heavy cross. The City of the gold will live moments of great affliction. White gold and bright/diamond stone will ask for help.

Message 2636, given on 02/02/2006

… Do not remain in sin. Entire nations will cease to exist. The city of the Saviour will disappear, but the men of faith will be spared.

Message 2637, given on 02/04/2006

… Great suffering will Tres Coracoes (a Brazilian city) experience. 2) It will happen in Indonesia and will be repeated in Angra dos Reis (Brazil).

Message 2638, given on 02/07/2006

… the Santa Fe (New Mexico) will be shaken and from Monte Santo (Brazil) will come sad news.

Message 2639, given on 02/09/2006

… The country of the great islands will be struck and My poor children will live moments of anguish. The earth will shake. Do not live distant from the grace of God. Turn around quickly. The great terror is coming. What I announced to you in the past will be realised.

Message 2640, given on 02/11/2006

… A painful event will occur in China and 2) when it happens in Brazil it will leave a great trail of destruction.

Message 2641, given on 02/14/2006

… a giant mountain will travel the Pacific at high speed and will cause great destruction in many regions. Bend your knees in prayer. Only by means of the prayer will you find force to support the weight of the provocations which already are underway. I want to help you. Do not cross the arms. Be calm and humble of heart, and receive with love My Appeals. What I say must be taken seriously. 2) Madagascar (Indian Ocean) and Buzios (east Brazil) will experience heavy cross. 3) Such suffering will the inhabitants of Nice (Italy) experience. Your beauty will come to an end.

Message 2642, given on 02/16/2006

… Porto de Galinhas (Brazil) and Bali (Indonesia) will live moments of great affliction. Flee from all that paralyzes true love. God wants to save you. Do not cross the arms. 2) Floresta (same state in Brazil) will lose its trees.

Message 2643, given on 02/18/2006

… Cries of despair will be heard on the Isle of Capri (Italy). Great sufferings will come to Palhoca (sth Brazil) and Entre Rios (Argentina or Brazil?). Porto Seguro (east Brazil) will mourn the death of its children.

Message 2644, given on 02/19/2006

… It will pass in Florianopolis and in Cabo Frio (both in Brazil) causing great destruction.

Message 2645, given on 02/21/2006

… Valparaiso (Chile), Gold Coast (Ghana) and Guapore (Rondônia or Guaporé – RS) will live moments of great affliction. Crying and lamentations will be heard on all sides.

Message 2646, given on 02/25/2006

… Johannesburg will tremble. It will lose its glory and its fame. 2) Death will pass through Turkey and men will experience great sufferings. 3) In Oiapoque (n/e Brazil) men will cry and lament. The pain will be great.

Message 2647, given on 02/28/2006

… The fence of stone will be broken and the terror will reach El Salvador. God calls you. Do not cross the arms. 2) A famous seaside resort in Brazil will disappear. 3) Terror will also reach a famous island in Greece. Bend your knees in prayer. God wants to save you. Do not retreat. My poor children will live moments of anguish. 4) The men of terror will arrive where is found the tower bridge (London).

Message 2648, given on 03/01/2006

… The cross will be heavy for the inhabitants of Goa (India) and Sines (Portugal).

Message 2649, given on 03/04/2006

… From a famous mountain range terror will come and death will pass through Mosselbai (South Africa). 2) Cries of despair will be heard in Burma and Messina (Sicily). The power of prayer will lead you to peace. Do not forget: God loves you and calls you. Do not be discouraged. Courage. I will always be with you. 3) From Iran will come and men will fear. 4) Japan will drink the bitter cup of pain. I suffer through My poor children.

Message 2650, given on 03/07/2006

… The inhabitants of Shanghai (China) will live moments of dread. Death and destruction will afflict My poor children. 2) From Gambia will come sad news. Look for the Lord. He waits for you with open arms.

Message 2651, given on 03/10/2006

… Tears of suffering and cries of despair: this is what men will see in Bahia. I came from the heaven to claim what is of God, but men did not accept My appeals. Know that still you can contribute to the realization of My projects. 2) From the mountain of the twelve will come and My poor children will experience heavy cross.

Message 2652, given on 03/11/2006

… Men will experience great suffering because of the energy generated in the interior of the earth. Many regions of the earth will be shaken and mountains will disappear. Know that God is at your side. Have courage, faith and hope. 2) The terror will come to Yokohama and to Mauritius (Indian Ocean). The men will have to cry and lament.

Message 2653, given on 03/14/2006

… Humanity walks to the abyss of sin and lo and behold the Lord calls you to His grace. Know that your cross will be heavy, but God will be at your side. From the valley of the moon (Chile) will come great suffering. Entire regions of the earth will disappear. Resile from your sins and God will save you.

Message 2654, transmitted on 03/15/2006

… The land of San Sebastian (Spain) will be shaken. A giant will rise and bring suffering to many. 2) The inhabitants of Dublin will experience great suffering. I suffer because of your sufferings. Pray.

Message 2655, given on 03/18/2006

… From the lithosphere will come great pain for the humanity. The Earth will be shaken and mountains will fall.

Message 2656, given on 03/21/2006

… Mankind will drink the bitter cup of pain. Death will pass through Osaka (Japan), Cachagua (California) and Nantong (China). Men have departed from the Creator and no longer respect His Laws. These are the times of pain. Repent sincerely from your sins. Do not remain with arms crossed. 2) The great mountain will pass through the waters and men will see great destruction. Waters on water. Whoever is with Lord will be victorious.

Message 2657, given on 03/23/2006

… A toxic smoke coming from the interior of the Earth will bring suffering to men. Do not remain moved away from the prayer. The Lord waits for you with open arms. An awesome event will be given in the region of Shenzhen (s/e China), Pretoria (South Africa) and the coast of Espírito Santo (s/e Brazil). The Power of God will work.

Message 2658, given on 03/25/2006

Dear Sons and Daughters, forward without fear. The victory will be with the Lord. The Orient and the Occident will see the Powerful Hand of God act. Do not forget: God is the only Lord and outside of Him there is no salvation. After all tribulation humanity will live in peace. Men will understand the true meaning of love and the Lord will reign in the heart of all. Pray much. Bend your knees in prayer. The Lord will permit great suffering to the Church. She will be purified and will come back to be as My Jesus confided it to Peter. Do not be discouraged. What I say is not to cause you fear. Know that I love you and want your spiritual good. Humanity will carry heavy cross and afterwards will come the victory…

Message 2659, given on 03/26/2006

… A Brazilian city with name of an archangel will be shaken and My poor children will experience great suffering. Confide in the Lord.

Message 2660, given on 03/28/2006

… humanity lives in the darkness of paganism and My poor children walk to a great abyss. 2) Athens will stumble and lose its fame. The Strong Arm of God will act. 3) Great suffering will be experienced by the inhabitants of Denmark, Belgium and Germany. 4) Death will pass through Ceara (n/e Brazil). Repent.

Message 2661, given on 03/30/2006

… A painful event will happen in Bolzano (nth Italy) and will be repeated in Piaui (Brazil).

Message 2662, given on 04/01/2006

… From the mountain of Malcesine (nth Italy) will come great suffering for its inhabitants. Death will pass through Tortola (Virgin Islands) and My poor children will experience great suffering. Chilliwack (s/w Canada) and Cairo (Egypt) will be in ruins.

Message 2663, given on 04/04/2006

… the Star of the South (Australia) will lose its brilliance and men will fear the great events. In the little loft there will be great destruction. Pray. The day will come when there will exist no secret nor progress for My poor children. Whoever comprehends, ask Mercy to the Lord. God calls and you cannot cross the arms. Great terror will come to a small town: its name, a tribute to two kings (Georgetown, nth Qld).

Message 2664, given on 04/06/2006

… The Lord will show His power in favour of men. The lights will be in the sky and men will be in awe.

Message 2665, transmitted on 04/08/2006

Dear Sons and Daughters, who lives in wealth will not see the wonder and the rich earth and will miss the happy smile. It will happen in Brazil and men will experience heavy cross. 2) Sweden and England. West coast and south coast: the death will pass. Now come the times more painful for the humanity. Bend your knees in prayer. Your victory is in the Lord. Confide in Him and you will see the peace reign in the world. Flee from sin to be great in the eyes of the Lord. God will send and men will see on the first day of the week. Know that the Lord will do all to save you. I know that you have liberty, but do not forget that before and above all you must do the will of God.

Message 2666, given on 04/11/2006

Dear Sons and Daughters. I speak to you because I have the approval of the Lord. Open your hearts. Those who reject My appeals will lose the good counsel and will live in solitude, since the gate will be closed and they will not be able to contemplate the new earth. Bend your knees in prayer and receive lovingly the Gospel of My Jesus. Terror will spread through various nations. Listen to voice of God. He wants to speak with you. Do not remain stationary. What you have to do, do not leave for the tomorrow. Cruz Bay (Virgin Islands) and Mariscal (Ecuador) will experience heavy cross. The water of the green stone will be contaminated…

Message 2668, given on 04/15/2006

… the ones who reject the graces of God will ask for miracles and cry out for new world. Souls will suffer for lack of prayer and living of My appeals. The brave will live in anguish, without being certain that there will exist good end. The waterfall will not give cold water to the thirsty and My poor children will experience a heavy cross. The flowers of the good garden will be withered and without fragrance. Guatemala and Brazil: this is the location. I am your Mother and I suffer because of what waits for you.

Message 2670, given on 04/20/2006

… Know that the Garden will no longer be a secure place, for the danger will come from the grounds of the great field near the rock of the Rio Negro (a river in the north of South America). Bend your knees in prayer. Confide in the power of God and move away from all evil. 2) Salta (a province of northwest Argentina) will be struck and My poor children will carry heavy cross. Convert yourselves. From your conversion depend many things. 3) The idolatry of Egypt will fall to earth.

Message 2671, given on 04/22/2006

… Two neighbors will look at the blue sky which afterwards will be murky and they will miss the abundance of the time when they had the good soil. Live My Appeals. Do not cross the arms. My poor children will carry heavy cross. Chora (Greece), Fez (Morocco) and Esmeralda (Cuba or Nevada), will cry.

Message 2672, given on 04/25/2006

… Two brothers will walk on the lawn/field without beauty and will try to go up the towers to see the mesa/tableland, but three steps ahead find the high cross stained with blood and without joy they scream for good Jesus. What I say is not to cause you fear, but so that you may be prepared, for heavy will be your cross.

Message 2673, given on 04/27/2006

… the land of the fire will cease to be beautiful and great suffering will come to My poor children.

Message 2674, given on 04/29/2006

… the great battle will be bloody and no one will pass through the borderland. Candles will be lit for the dead and the men will cross the lake terrified, but will not approach the port. O’ men, do not remain with arms crossed. God calls you. Change the life, and be in all things similar to My Son Jesus. ..The waters will cover the Caravelas (a port in Brazil) and the small ships around it. Pray much. Ask the Lord to manifest his mercy in favour of men. 2) Punta de Arenas (sth Chile) will carry heavy cross.

Message 2675, given on 05/02/2006

… the beautiful field will lose its beauty because of the burning. Men will try to help, but they will not succeed, because they cannot find water in the river that flows fast.

Message 2676, given on 05/04/2006

… move away from all evil. Flee from the vanities. Your charm will serve for nothing. It will be painful plague without beauty. Death will come to Pune (India) and My poor children will experience great pain.

Message 2677, given on 05/05/2006

… days will come when the search for the gold will be pointless and without victory men cry out for the Evangelist. Suffering also will come from the mountain of the Pedra Dourada (a municipality in Brazil meaning ‘gold rock’).

Message 2678, given on 05/09/2006

… The violent axe will cut the wood and destroy its bark. The forest will suffer great destruction. Pray. Only through the force of the prayer can you support the weight of the provocations. 2) Ica (Peru) and Arica (nth Chile): death will come and great destruction will be.

Message 2679, given on 05/12/2006

… the suffering tenant farmers will go through the distressed outback and at the station will find four brothers in tears without good news (Australia). I want to say to you that God is grieved by the ingratitude of men.

 Message 2680, given on 05/13/2006

… the nobles will lose the peace and will live in anguish, and when they flee they will not have a good trip on Balsas (a river in Mexico). They will be without smile for want of their beautiful fields, because the alliance was broken… 2) Humanity is on the verge of the most terrible scourges and punishments. Iquique (nth Chile) will carry heavy cross.

Message 2681, given on 05/16/2006

… the pain will be great for Oga (Japan) who will suffer for the lack of Nara. Death will pass through Tamba and Toda (both in Japan). Bend your knees in prayer. Confide in Jesus.

Message 2682, given on 05/17/2006

… the Capital of the East will live the anguish of one condemned. My poor children will carry heavy cross. Zama (Japan) will live moments of great tribulations and will lose its peace. It will try to flee to Toyota but will encounter the death.

Message 2683, given on 05/20/2006

Dear Sons and Daughters, you will suffer Having Soy and in the Soma (body) there will not be good results.

Message 2684, given on 05/21/2006

… suffering will come to the glistening waterfall (it is the meaning of Itubera, Brazil), but God will not abandon his faithful children.

Message 2685, given 05/23/2006

… a warning/notice/sign will come to Palestine that it will be struck and My poor children will suffer in the Holy Land.

Message 2686, given on 05/27/2006

… the platform will be hit and the afflicted shark will suffer in the wire. The suffering will also come to those who have a lot of fish.

Message 2687, given on 05/30/2006

Dear Sons and Daughters, sad grace sings crying in the chapel for the dead. This is the time of the great tribulations for the humanity.

Message 2689, given on 06/03/2006

… the inhabitants of the castle will experience heavy cross and the fortress will be broken.

Message 2690, given on 06/03/2006

… those who are in canoes will experience heavy cross and on great rivers there will be many sufferings.

Message 2691, given on 06/03/2006

… through the Cyrene (Libya) you will hear cries of despair and My poor children will fear the great events.

Message 2692, given on 06/10/2006

… those who live in the fame will experience heavy cross. The Silver and the jewellery will leave men afflicted and without peace.

Message 2693, given on 06/13/2006

… on the Iberian Peninsula will be the nest of the beasts, which will bring great suffering to the humanity.

Message 2694, given on 06/16/2006

… the kings of the Orient will unite for the great battle and humanity will carry heavy cross.

Message 2695, given on 06/17/2006

Dear Sons and Daughters, I came from the heaven to reveal to you the great events for these your times. I speak to you because I have the consent of my Lord. Be attentive. The Humanity has moved away from the Creator and walks to the abyss of destruction. Pray. God wants to save you, but you cannot live moved away from His grace. A surprising event will happen on a mount located in Jerusalem.



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    Total 17 comments
    • plsnogod

      You have gone to a great deal of time and trouble to invent all of this bs.

      You are the typical religious fantasist,which is ok i guess if you don’t mind being borderline psychotic.

      But what is not right is your hectoring and bullying of maybe vulnerable readers whom you threaten with eternal death or misery if they don’t agree to sing to your particular mythical deity.

      This is the usual religious fascism that has caused so much grief,torture and death. You believe this crap if you wish,but kindly keep it to yourself.

      …but you just can’t can you…?

    • Truthseeker

      Mary??? is that the name the demon uses ??? Cara you are a playing with fire and you will be burned –that is fact.

      • plsnogod

        Don’t worry,no evidence of demons either.

        • Andy

          they don’t need anything as silly as evidence – they’ve got their man-made fairy-tale :eek:

    • Anonymous

      Matthew 7:21-23 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I NEVER KNEW YOU: DEPART FROM ME, YE THAT WORK INIQUITY.

      Matthew 7:15 Beware of FALSE PROPHETS, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but INWARDLY THEY ARE RAVENING WOLVES.

      2 Corinthians 11:14 And no marvel; for SATAN HIMSELF IS TRANSFORMED INTO AN ANGEL OF LIGHT.

      Leviticus 19:11 You shall not steal, nor deal falsely, nor lie to one another.

      Proverbs 12:22 LYING LIPS ARE ABOMINATION TO THE LORD: but they that deal truly are His delight.

      Proverbs 6:16-19 These six things THE LORD HATES, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, A FALSE WITNESS WHO SPEAKS LIES, And one who sows discord among brethren.

      Proverbs 19:9 A false witness will not go unpunished, And he who speaks lies shall perish.

      Psalm 101:7 He who works deceit shall not dwell within my house; He who tells lies shall not continue in my presence.

      Proverbs 12:19 The truthful lip shall be established forever, But a lying tongue is but for a moment.

      Proverbs 19:5 A false witness will not go unpunished, And he who speaks lies will not escape.

      1 John 4:1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for MANY FALSE PROPHETS HAVE GONE OUT INTO THE WORLD.

      John 8:43-47 Why do you not understand what I say? It is because you cannot bear to hear my word. YOU ARE OF YOUR FATHER THE DEVIL, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, FOR HE IS A LIAR AND THE FATHER OF LIES. But because I tell the truth, you do not believe me. Which one of you convicts me of sin? If I tell the truth, why do you not believe me? Whoever is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God.

      2 Timothy 4:3-4 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and THEY SHALL TURN AWAY THEIR EARS FROM THE TRUTH, AND SHALL BE TURNED UNTO FABLES.

      Revelation 21:7-8 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and ALL LIARS, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

      • plsnogod

        Stay where you are,your medicine is on its way.

    • Canuck

      So much fear from those who have responded to this post. Why are you all afraid? If it isn’t true, then why make such a fuss and behave in such a derogatory manner to the author? Again, what are you all so frightened about if it’s not true?

      What you fear you draw to you, or is that concept foreign to you. It’s time to look inwardly and get right with our Creator or Source, whatever your conception is of that which made us and of which we are a part. Don’t you know there is no such thing as death? We are immortal spirit beings of great power. We cannot be destroyed or damaged.

      When the time comes that you are needed to assist your fellow man in his journey, just be there to assist in whatever way you can. It is that complicated and that simple.

      • plsnogod

        You have clearly entirely missed the point.

        There is zip evidence for your invented deity,nor any other,so I don’t mind you talking and singing to it whenever you please. Di it to yours hearts content,and if it gives you some comfort or pleasure,fine!

        The problem is the disgusting things done on behalf of such mythical men in the sky, and the corporate and peer pressure bullying that is inseperable from it.

        There is as much control freakery in religion as there is in fascism or communisum,and none of them work. The sooner we throw off these laughable medieval shackles and stop threatening people with it,the better for our species.

        • Canuck

          All attack is generated from fear. What are you so afraid of that to make yourself feel safe you must attack?

          A simple question, can you answer it?

          • Andy

            i see neither fear nor attack in his words, just an inconvenient truth religious delusionists dislike

            there is no evidence for any deity, however there is evidence no deity is even possible – the first law of thermodynamics proves unequivocally that the universe WAS NOT CREATED, but has always existed – ergo, there can be no creator and strangely, we find no evidence of one

            a great many disgusting things have been done and continue to be done in the name of mythical deities, including the slaughter of well over a BILLION innocent people throughout the ages and it continues to this very day

            it is you who are in a state of fear Canuck – you fear your imaginary eternal damnation

            fact is after life is EXACTLY the same as before life – NOTHING except whatever legacy you leave beind and your legacy is delusion

          • plsnogod

            Canuk,I do not fear any god,since they evidently do not exist.
            The religious are commanded to fear their deity(as well as worship him)-a cute form of sado-masochism and you are welcome to that.

            Fear is not the right word anyway. I am sad, that in an educated modern society people still choose to prostrate themselves before mythical beings.It makes me mildly ashamed of our species that some apparently not live a life of natural moral nature without requiring a bearded guy in the sky.

            I have some fear of the things people do obstensibly on behalf of their god,suicide bombings being an example.
            It was not so long ago that George Bush declared that ‘god’ told him to invade Iraq,resulting in the death of millions of people.

            I repeat,you pray,sing and genuflect as much as you like,but don’t pretend there is the slightest bit of moral imperity about it,and certainly stop bullying the meek,the mild and the dumb. Be a human being, not a slave to some medieval construct.

    • Cara

      Part 3 will come, but it will take a few days to translate and find the places that Mary indicates in Her messages. Thank you all.

      • jean-francois

        Message 2595, given on 10/29/2005

        2) A temple will be in ruins. It was constructed on top of a tomb. It will be in India.

        seems to be the taj mahal.
        So watch it if it collapses.

      • jean-francois

        Message 2621, given on 12/27/2005

        … miracles for Miracles. It will happen in Bahia. The effect of liberating and the title most used among the faithful to address Me. Here is the mystery.

        could be : Nossa Senhora do Rosário dos Pretos

        Message 2631, given on 01/21/2006

        … Requests for help will be heard in Almas (Seoul? almas means ‘soul’) and in Buenos Aires. The cross will be heavy.

        Almas is a city in brazil.

      • plsnogod

        Please don’t bother.

        I am sure that you are certain in your own mind that mary is talking to you,and that you have been specially chosen.

        But its all just in your mind. Get a hobby or pastime,or do something useful to people.

        “verily her idle hands seek recourse to the will of the third hand,whose second does not see that Nicuragua’s heart willeth be splinted apart,and great gnashing of teeth will causeth the heavens to open and to spill the blood of the unrighteous onto the consecrated ground, and who but amongst thee will call out the challenge should you not be saved by our lord exemplar”…etc…etc….etc….

        You see,anybody can write this meaningless crap just by stringing a few meaningless words together in an ‘olde english’ way.Its as meaningful,or as meaningless as the rest of the rubbish in the bible,the torah,the koran etc.

        • plsnogod

          Oh no,there’s another one. Yes yes,
          ‘if the cross beareth down heavily upon the stony ground,and the blood shall’st spill in an obscure town in south america,then the lord hath spoken,and a darkness will come to the land,and thee shouldst repent..etc etc..

    • dakota

      These so-called messages are NOT from Heaven.

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