Nibiru's Lightening of ourselves and of the planet Earth
What’s going to happen? That’s what everyone wants to know, or do they? Archangel Anael: “You pass from one frequency range to another frequency range.” That’s the Ascension, a change of frequency. Earth will expand: O.M. Aivanhov. We will lose the isolation of our Ionosphere, Magnetosphere and Heliosphere. Archangel Michael: “The three envelopes of falsification called ionosphere, magnetosphere and heliosphere became, totally, permeable to the cosmic radiations, to the radiations of the Light and to our dimensions. The sun will become a “Red Giantess”
Ram has given us a clue as to what this change of frequency will feel like for us in our bodies. First will be ‘The Dark Night of the Soul’ where the last doubts of the personality will rise up against us, “Will howl at us”. Then comes this force of energy which may transform our bodies.
Translated from the French.
Q’s and A’s at the end.
April 10, 2009
I am RAM. Receive my Peace. Receive my Blessing. Beloveds children of the law of One, at the time of our last meeting, I conveyed to you a certain number of realities and exercises in relation to the transmission of the radiation of the heart. I engaged you to experiment with that in order to be more in agreement with the Unity, the Truth and your destiny. Today, I would like, first of all, to convey a little more in connection with this process of the transmission of the radiation of the heart. In the transmission of radiation of the heart, once your heart is activated (as it can be realized through the process of active meditation on the six keys which open the doors of the heart – ndr: this protocol is indicated in the heading “protocols” on the site), once you have experienced working with the transmission of the radiation of the heart, there will come an important moment where the action will no longer be directed by your conscience, your attention and your mental, but in one locatable moment between all (through a certain number of manifestations which I have described to you) where, this one will pass into autonomous mode.
The passage to autonomous mode of the transmission of the radiation of the heart signifies the final lighting of your interior Light. This process is announced by a certain number of phenomena. It can happen very rapidly after having implemented the principle of the radiation of the heart. It can also require a certain training and a certain number of repetitions. Nevertheless, when you arrive at this precise moment, what I would call then the autonomy of the heart, it is the moment, once again, where the mental one and the conscience will no longer dictate the radiation of your heart but where this one will emit, in an autonomous manner, the Light.
There exists a certain number of first fruits which you must know because they will necessarily appear with the approach of your autonomy and the approach of the autonomous vibration of your heart. They will appear initially on the level of the unfolding of your thresholds of conscience. You cross, right before the period of autonomy, one important moment. This moment is locatable between all because, I would call it the moment of ultimate doubt. It is the moment of the last attack of the inferior mental against the eruption of the superior mental, or if you prefer the intellect and the supramental illumination.
The passage from the one to the other is accompanied by an extreme crisis of conscience tending to make you see life under its darkest side. This process has been described perfectly in the different evolutionary currents and, in particular, in your occidental tradition. This perfectly known process has been called the dark night of the soul. It was described perfectly by a certain number of mystics having lived that in an extended fashion during your Middle Ages. Certain beings left behind them meticulous writings of this period.
I reassure you, in this phase which you live within your present humanity, this period certainly will not have the duration that it was able have for some of the mystics who lived it all of their life. You will live that faster. It will seem to you, in spite of the power of the radiation of Love which you will feel, like being plunged into one black night, one night of questionings, one night of blackness where all that you have lived, linked to the activation of the heart, linked to the activation of your conscience, linked the constitution of your body of Light, will be denied and rejected en masse. This moment is the moment which precedes the entry into Unity.
In approaching still more the entry into Unity, you will perceive with acuteness, with intensity, the difference existing between the dimension of the heart and the dimension of the incarnated reason, and you will see the oppositions between the two. You will tend to reject en masse all that is linked to the Light, all in the deepest aspiration of your heart. In that moment, at the acme, at the apogee of this grip of the conscience, there will occur a certain number of extremely powerful energetic mechanisms which must reassure you as to the outcome of the process. This concerns an extremely powerful energy process, an extremely violent one, having nothing to do with what has been written in the Eastern works relating, in particular, to the awakening or the rising of Kundalini or again the awakening or the realization of the Divine in oneself.
This stage signals the return to the Unity, to the vibration of the Unity, to the ultimate constitution of your body of Light and to your stage before the ascension. This will be felt like a flashover of fire taking place in the deepest of your dark night of questioning, taking place in the middle of your chest, making a fire start from this center and move towards all of your five extremities: two hands, two feet and the head. Giving you a feeling of imminent death, a violent fire, a consuming fire which will give you the impression of living over a bonfire.
This corresponds to a process which has been lived, in an individual manner, by certain beings who had arrived at their last incarnation, to the ultimate stage of humanity and who were soon to pass to another vibratory state.
This corresponds to a burn being propagated from the center of the heart before going, in a very short time, to cover the whole of your body. In that moment, the vibrations will be such that you will live an impression of explosion, of total deconstruction. But you are warned, this is not a destruction but the ultimate construction of your temple of Light, intended to make you live at last in Unity. This moment is one noticeable moment between all, from the premonitory manifestations linked to the dark night of the soul to the energetic process which will start from your heart and invade the whole of your physical structure. This is something which will be the logical outcome of your work of the radiation of the Light from the heart. You must be prepared. This is the way to accept the inexorable purpose.
This moment will take place between the period of your summer up to the moment of the end of your solar system. This is in hand. This is engaged. The process, once it will start, will never be able to retrogress.. It will confer on you the real stature of your Unity and your Divinity. You will find, once the fire will have consumed your body totally, you will find individually all of your memories respecting the origin of your creation, respecting your destiny, respecting your way and respecting your purpose. It is one grand moment. It signs the end of the dissociation, the end of your divided and separated state, and the most total return in Glory to your Divinity.
I wanted to signal to you this moment so that you are informed and that at the moment when it will arrive with you, it does not disturb you more than what must be. Nevertheless this disturbance is necessary, it will permit you to live, purposively, the process of the modification of your manner of conscience and manner of life and your dimensional access. Nevertheless, the best of the preparations that you have to make, I repeat, is first of all to activate the energies of your heart, to accept the vibration of the radiation of the ultra-violet at the level of your head. In the moment when you feel this, to bring this pressure of the radiation down to the level of your heart.
Independently, in the moment of these periods of descent of the energies relayed through the different conclaves and coteries of the beings of Light, it will belong to you also to unlock the six doors of the heart. When you do that, you will be able to pulsate this vibration of the radiation of the Light, to radiate from your heart, in what concerns the whole of the creation: a human being, a plant, an animal, a group of human beings or a country. The more you will do that, the more you will nurture that, the more you will permit an increasingly fast and easy movement at the level of incarnated humanity. This is your role.
Once you will have lighted your heart, once the vibration of the ultra-violet will have joined your heart, you will be able to start the process of the radiation of the Light of the heart. By means of the experience of eradicating this Light, you will see that you approach a moment when, you have grown more in Joy, when you have grown more in Unity, there will come a moment of confusion. This moment of confusion is the ultimate confusion preceding your return to the Unity. This moment will be short by being informed, by being conscious, by being lucid and by asking the assistance of the Light in that moment. Obviously, your mental and your dissociated, divided conscience will howl at you that all this is false, that all this is illusion, yet, you must proceed beyond, there is not another possibility to reach your Unity.
This path, very few human beings, once again, have lived it during this cycle of incarnation. This process has been reserved for a certain number of mystics having lived a total union with the solar principle or the Christic principle. Those beings have lived really that, such as they have described it, and such as it has been written down by certain of your occidental mystics. That stage is the guarantee of your Unity. Once you will have passed this last stage of confusion, which is very close to the end of this dimension or else sufficiently moved away, you yourself will notice that you have passed the stage of the awakening and the realization but that you have actually come into the state of your Divinity.
In effect, a number of beings seek to speak, through identical or different words, of completely different realities. It is very easy, with the energies that this planet sees in this moment, to reach to particular states of conscience but the access to these particular states of conscience is not the guarantee nor the certainty that this state of consciousness is stabilized in you. There is, really, only one experience which can make you glimpse certain spiritual truths, make you live certain states of conscience called cosmic or even well beyond. But, nevertheless, it will never be the guarantee that you have stabilized this state in you.
The stabilization of this state, the return to your Divinity can be done only from the moment when you have passed through this ultimate stage that I have just described. The only way of arriving at this stage, so much dreaded and nevertheless so essential, consists in emitting the most possible radiation of the Light of your heart. Do it on any living being, on any form of conscience, any form of thought, any form of emotion but above all do not speak about it because the simple fact of speaking will be sufficient to interrupt the flow of the radiation.
It must be well understood that, in the moment when you will identify yourself with this radiation, where you will become yourself this flux and this radiation which starts from your heart, you will no longer be able to make any distinction between you, emitter, and the receiver. There will be total alchemy between the emitter and the receiver. This will sign the end of your state of division. In that moment, you will cross the stage which I have described to you. It can arrive as from now and, once again, you have up to the ultimate moment to realize it. This is essential. This is an event which will occur for a number of human beings. Those who will be informed will have more facility, quite obviously, to realize it.
Nevertheless, if you yourself want to know a little more about this process, it does not belong to me to expand, that would take much too time. I encourage you to read, to travel, to be permeated with what has been lived by certain beings having lived this dark night of the soul. Here is what I had to say to you. It was brief. That is important. We have still a practical work to do, but, before, if such is your wish, I would like to respond to your questions in relation to this process.
Question: what do you call to burn?
To burn is a reality. You will live, in the interior, a fire. The fire consumes, by definition. It is about a total purification in relation to your condition such as you have known it for more than 50,000 years. This consummation, at the individual level, will give you access to the Unity. There exists also a mechanism of total planetary consummation. This is another process which I will come back to at the proper time and at the desired time.
Question: there are sometimes people who are consumed, literally, who catch fire. Is this the same process?
Yes, on a body that is not ready.
Question: how long can the dark night of the soul last?
The strict minimum of its duration is three days. The maximum is three years.
Question: is it desirable to reduce the effects of this dark night of the soul through, for example, homeopathy, the Bach flowers?
No remedy of three-dimensional nature is able, even on the very subtle planes, to abolish this dark night of the soul. Only the abandonment will make it possible to abolish it.
Question: if one radiates this Light of the heart on a person who is not ready to receive it, is that not likely to nourish, rather, their dark side?
That has no special importance because if it nourishes their sombre side it is because that is their way. Nevertheless, do not forget that you are part of a project much larger than yours which is the project of the whole of this creation. Well liked Archangel Michael has spoken to you about the pressure of the radiation of the ultra-violet. He has supported you with a certain number of vibrations currently appearing on Earth. Those who will not be ready, will not be ready. Nevertheless, that must not interrupt your quality of radiation. On the contrary, there is an accumulation and an exponential side to this quality of the radiation of the heart. With more, you will be numerous to undertake this way, the greater the pressure of the radiation of the ultra-violet will permit the lighting of certain souls, in the time which is given to you.
Question: one can then radiate on somebody or something, in a non-targeted manner?
You will realize that, initially, you have need to target on a living being, whatever it is. Progressively with the quality of your transmission, you will become able to target increasingly important elements of life. But you are obliged to target: that is the principle of the emitter-receiver. It is only in the moment when you will reintegrate your unitary dimension that you will no longer have need to target because that will be done in an automatic manner, authentic, spontaneous and total, but not at first.
Question: from what moment does know one that one is able to radiate this Light?
Two ways: first is to detect, perceive and feel in you the pressure of the radiation of the ultra-violet, this is a real pressure which is exerted at the level of your chest. Second scenario: you are not yet fed by the pressure of the radiation of the ultra-violet relayed by the Archangel Michael, in which case, you have done a work, whatever it is, on the activation of your heart chakra. At that time, it is about a vibration and not a pressure which affects the region of what is called the heart chakra. From the moment when, through unlocking the six keys of the heart or through the action of the pressure of the radiation (and above all if two energies are joined), you will perceive pressure and radiation at the level of the heart, and then you will be able, to transmit the radiation.
Question: if one does not manage to exceed our form of duality, can one pass in spite of everything to the fifth dimension?
The fifth dimension, such as you name it, is neither a punishment, nor a reward. It signs simply that you are able to go beyond your current condition. Once again, it is not a reward but a logical evolution, natural and spontaneous, at the end of what you live. This takes place at the end of each life. Nevertheless, none of you know if you are able to exceed the duality completely. Whatever is the traveled way, whatever is the awakening of your centers of energy, whatever is the constitution of your body of Light, whatever is the awakening of your Kundalini, whatever is your degree of mysticism, whatever is your degree of contact with other realities. This will be able to happen (and you will not have this certainty) only after having lived the abandonment, not before.
Question: can the palpitations in the chest be the beginning of what you describe?
Question: what happens where with a couple the way towards the ascension is parallel. Are they able to ascend at the same time or is it an individual step?
What you have called couple can be perceived at different levels. I would say that, for the whole of humanity presently incarnated, the notion of couple is built on a notion of possession and not on a notion of liberation or of any liberty because you observe in the other, you cherish in the other, what you lack in yourself. Therefore, the weak will cherish the strong because he himself or herself lacks the force. The strong will cherish the weak because he himself or herself lacks the weakness inside of himself. This is a relation of dependence linked to the duality registered in the man and in the woman. This is a fundamental principle.
Very few relations, today, have been realized or are realized still on the co-operation of souls. There exists a second level of couple. The second level of couple is called soul sisters. The third level of couple is called soul twins and the fourth level of couple is called the couple of co-operation. The couple of co-operation has the distinctive nature to be completely free of positive or negative karmic attachments, attachments linked to the common origin of their soul, attachments as to even the future of their soul in the process of the ascension. The ascension is not lived through the other, whoever they are.
The ascension is not lived through a Maitre, whoever he is. Nevertheless, certain of you connect what one calls, and what I have already developed, like the lines. The lines are an indispensable preliminary to a certain form of ascension. Nevertheless, the notion of ascension is an individual process, in the sense of the term most noble and most terrible.
You are helped but no one can make the way in your place, no one can go in your place, into your heart, it is a decision which belongs to you. So the ascension is a process at the same time individual but also collective since it takes place at the time when the whole of the community of human and nonhuman consciences will acquire a different standing. Therefore the ascension must be realized alone, whether you live alone, whether you live in two, whether you live in a group.
But, nevertheless, understand well that 99% of the human relations in a couple, or outside of a couple, are based on the notion of profit, in the same way that you have based this world on the notion of profit. The profit which could be a profit of the soul is transformed over the course of millennia into profit linked to the incarnation, whatever is this profit. You must build free relations, that is in the couple, that is in the group. You must depend on no other if it is not through competences, of information, of knowledge and the contribution of the soul which you bring to the others. You must be together but you must make the way alone. There is not another alternative.
Nevertheless, I conceive that to group together, to belong to a group takes part in the creation of an egregore. But, reflect well: an egregore, whatever it is, is one of confinement. Only the egregore which is not a confinement is what comes towards you because it is relayed by the Archangel Michael and it comes above all from the thought and heart of the Light. This one renders you free. All the other egregores lock you up within what you have created, whatever it is, and what is locking up must disappear at the end of the cycle.
Question: Can to practice a sporting activity help in the integration of these processes?
For certain souls, yes, certainly. For others, no. All that is a very personal question.
We do not have any more questionings, we thank you.
Then, if you want it well, we will breathe calmly, gently, quietly, in order to permit me, in company with your annual Archangel (ndr: Michael) to transmit to you, at the same time, the pressure of the ultra-violet and the radiation of the heart because that is my transmission, mine, for you. Both now will be combined.
… Overflowing of energy…
I give you my Peace. I give you my Blessings and invite you to remain in this state several minutes. As for me, I say to you, see you soon.
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According to one of the Ramala books, our bodies then will be composed mostly of Air, and not of water as they are now
Vision of Ramala, pg 63